Start autofs after login with systemd - linux

I want to mount remote shares into home/user folder with systemd. The problem is that autofs attempts to mount before the above mentioned user's folder gets mounted (because it's encrypted and requires login to mount). Autofs is resistant to not available remotes, but hangs somehow if target isn't available (never again attempts mounting). So I scripted simple service to restart autofs later in process. I tried several approaches which are visible in service's script. The only viable is to have delay. This works, however only if user logs in quickly.
The script:
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "sleep 30;/bin/systemctl restart autofs.service"
How should it be done to accomplish the task?

Replace line ExecStart=/bin/bash '/usr/bin/'
Create with check login in "while" cycle.


Linux systemd service file to start and stop a minecraft server

I am trying to run a minecraft server on a remote linux instance.
I would like the instance to start up the server on a screen named serverscreen which is owned by the user named minecraft once the system boots up, and run a stop command to the serverscreen when the instance shuts down. Then, it needs to wait untill the server has stopped before actually shutting down.
I am quite new to linux but I have managed to come up with a few commands that work, but I have issues trying to start and stop the server automatically.
I have tried quite a few things, like creating a .sh script to run on startup with crontab -e #reboot, or create a file in etc/rc.local with #!/bin/sh sh, but those methods didn't seem to work properly for me. Also, they do not run un shutdown unfortunately. Therefore, I thought it would be best to create a service file named minecraft.service with the following commands:
Description=Minecraft Server
SuccessExitStatus=0 1
InaccessibleDirectories=/root /sys /srv /media -/lost+found
#### Command to start the server.
ExecStart=sudo -u minecraft screen -dmS serverscreen java -Xms6G -Xmx6G -jar /opt/minecraft/server/forgeserver.jar nogui
#### Command to stop the server.
ExecStop=sudo -u minecraft screen -S serverscreen -p 0 -X eval "stuff stop^M"
##### Try to wait untill the server has stopped. I am not sure about this line of code since I haven't been able to test it properly.
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "while ps -p $MAINPID > /dev/null; do /bin/sleep 1; done"
but when running this, it gives me an error saying that I did not provide an absolute path for something.
Could someone help me setup a service file that will boot up the server on a screen named serverscreen for the user minecraft, and run command stop when the instance shuts down after the server has been stopped?
Thanks to #Riz, the service now works as intended by using a bash script in order to run the commands.

how to write a linux service to start a service on computer A after a service in computer B is up and running?(computer A and B are in same network)

in my senario I have an linux service on computer that need to run after a service in computer B(computer A and B are in same network).how can I use system.d to do this job?
There are several solutions to this scenario, the simplest solution is to write a bash script like bellow.
before that you should set ssh-key between 2 linux computer.
at first open a file.
nano /usr/bin/
and Put the following line in it.
ssh root#computerA 'systemctl start YOURServicName'
now you need to run this bash Script as SystemD Service in computer B.
Description=My Shell Script
for more info use this link.
You need to add this line in your B.service file:
I hope my explanation was useful.

Register daemon controllable by start and stop command in Linux

Many system daemon can be started using start/stop command. I was just curious how start/stop works on Linux system. Say I wrote a daemon executable, how should I configure it so that it can be controlled by start/stop in Linux.
I make a daemon in linux (ArchLinux) few years ago, and it works every day perfectly.
There are 2 ways to do this. Short way and long way:
Short Way:
Create a file in /etc/systemd/system/ called for example mydaemon.service :
Description=This is my first daemon! - Fernando Pucci
ExecStart=/bin/echo -e "Daemon started"
ExecStop=/bin/echo -e "Daemon Stopped"
This service does nothing but show Daemon Started or Stopped. You can change echoes by the sentences you need.
If you need to run some script, try the Long way:
Long way
Create a file in some directory, like root folder or /usr/lib/systemd/scripts called for example
start() {
<your start sentences here
and here>
stop() {
<your stop sentences here
and here>
case $1 in
start|stop) "$1" ;;
You must to make it runnable (chmod x)
(And you can execute it with start or stop parameter to test it.)
And as second step, create another file in
Description=Second daemon of Fernando Pucci
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/root/ start'
ExecStart=/bin/echo -e "MyDaemon Started"
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c '/root/ stop'
ExecStop=/bin/echo -e "MyDaemon Stopped"
Starting and Stopping
systemctl start mydaemon
systemctl stop mydaemon
systemctl status mydaemon
systemctl enable mydaemon
systemctl disable mydaemon
You (and someone) can send me a private msg for help about that.

Fedora 20 how to run script at the end of startup

I am using Fedora 20. I have a two lines bash script needs to be run at the end of the startup. I want it to be run automatically each time when machine is startup. How can I do this?
I tried "sudo crontab -e" to insert my executable script but it always gave me error teling me the the time is not right and cannot modify the file.
You can create a Systemd unit file in /usr/lib/systemd/system/<service_name>.service. Here is a template:
ExecStart=/bin/bash <absolute_path_to_script>
Replace anything in the angle brackets with your specific information. The '' is the magic that tells Systemd to run your script on each start.
On the command line, tell Systemd to enable your service:
systemctl enable <service_name>.service
The next time you reboot your script should be run. Logs will be written to /var/log/messages.
Fedora has some basic documentation on unit files: Systemd unit files
You can append /etc/rc.local it runs just after the system starts up.
You may have to create it if doesn't exist:
Check this answer
Charlie's answer is better but you can still use Tiago's answer.
Just don't forget if you want to use /etc/rc.local way, grant execution permission to this file after editing:
chmod +x /etc/rc.local

How to run last and print my script output during boot with systemd?

I’m trying to configure my host during deployment process and to give an output to the screen of what my configuration script is doing.
In RHEL6 it was easy i was echoing what I want to screen or used dialog to display the output, and only when my script was done i got the login prompt.
( I used rc3.d or rc5.d folder with script name
In RHEL7 i can’t mimic this process.
rc.local does not display my output during booting and also its not guaranteed it will run last.
I guess I need to create a systemd service file that will run my script.
But how do I output the result to the screen while booting?
And how do I make sure I will not get the log-in prompt before my script ends?
below service example works like a charm :)
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/bin/bash /tmp/ldt_scripts/postinstall/rc.firstboot.qas | /usr/bin/dialog --clear --backtitle \"Linux Deployment\" --title \"tests\" --progressbox 20 70 > /dev/console 2>&1"
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/echo -e \033%G
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
