Create stripe webhooks using API - stripe-payments

Is it possible to create webhook in stripe account using API if we have client secret key of destination account?

No, webhook endpoints can only be created, edited or removed via the dashboard, not via the API.
EDIT: This is no longer true. Webhook endpoints can now be managed via the API:
If you want to receive events emitted from accounts that are connected to your platform, you need to set up a Connect webhook endpoint on the platform's account, not add endpoints to each connected account. See the documentation here for more information.


Accessing google Calendar API through service account in Flutter | Nodejs

In the Google API docs, it is mentioned that the only way to authorize requests is through OAuth2.0.
However I do not need to access user's calendar, I want to create an event in my calendar and add users as Attendee. I need the invites to go out from
Since this is an account I'd own, I feel there should be a way to access it though a service account.
I understand the best way to do this is to write a backend function that is called by my website front-end.
There is some help here, but it is not clear.
When I am creating an event with Person A and Person B
This is how it is today -
Request Access to event from Person A
Event gets created in Person A's calendar and Person B is added as attendee
This is how I want it to be -
Event gets created in my calendar (owned by a service account)
Person A and Person B are added to it as attendee
If you have a google workspace account, and this is a google workspace calendar you are trying to access. Then you could use a service account.
using service account authorization will not require any user interaction. However service account will need to be configured for domain wide delegation in your google workspace account by a workspace admin. Tip if you check that link swap out the scopes with the scope for google calendar.
Service accounts will not work with standard gmail user google calendar accounts. If this is the case then you should just use Oauth2 and authorize your app once and store the refresh token. your app can then use the refresh token to access your account at a later date.
You can use a service account but it requires exposing your client_is and client_secret in the front end. Using service account is called client_credentials flow. It is typically used on the backend because it is meant for server to server authentication/authorization. It is safe to use client secret on the backend.
In your case you have to use authorization code flow. It is not that taxing. This means that you have to obtain a token for your service account by logging in as yourself, the owner of the service account. Then you can create the event for yourself (you app really) and invite Person A and B.

How to connect existing Stripe accounts to my platform account?

I have created a platform account and I want to connect my other stripe accounts that I own to the platform account as connected accounts.
In order to connect existing Stripe accounts to a given account you would need to do so using OAuth:
The idea is that you build an OAuth link using your account's client_id, which you can find in the dashboard, something like:
Then, you would send that link to the existing accounts you want to connect to. Once they complete the OAuth flow and grant you access to their accounts, they will be redirected to your redirect_uri with an authorization code. To complete the connection you will need to make a request for an access token using the authorization code from the redirect as shown here:

In docusign , i can't see connect option for webhook with live credential

Please, can you suggest me, how I integrate connect for webhook with my live credentials?
I have already integrated a webhook in my sandbox account.
I can't see connect option with login my live credential
If your DocuSign Production account doesn't have the option for Connect, you may need to reach out to your Account Manager to have that enabled.
All DocuSign account plans that include API access include envelope-specific webhook.
An envelope-specific webhook is set using the eventNotification attribute when an envelope is created via the API.
Some DocuSign account plans include account-level webhooks (Custom Connect configurations). Those are set via the admin tool. As Drew says, talk with your account manager if account-level webhooks are not shown on your admin tool.

Can I send auto generated email via Cloud Function and GSuite GMail API?

I have GSuite organisation and Google Cloud Project. I need to send auto-generated email from f.e on google cloud invocation. Is it possible?
There are lots of examples how to send email via gmail from cloud function. But how can I use my organisation email as a sender source.
You can try using a service account.
You'll need to delegate domain-wide authority to a service account that's bound to your GCP project and enable the appropriate scopes to send email via the gmail api.
Once you have your service account properly configured you can then leverage the google api node.js client library with your service account credentials in your cloud function to send emails on behalf of any user within your organization.

DocuSign oauth process and charging for envelope request

I am a developer who is creating DocuSign integration. I want to authenticate other production account using this integration. I have worked with other third party integration(like salesforce, mailchimp, etc.), usually it works fine for other integrations. I just want to confirm that it is the same case here in docusign.
About pricing, If I push my integration to production and authenticate other DocuSign account (if possible) using that integration, then when ever other production account uses this integration to send envelope requests for signing then who will get charged for it? my account or authenticated user's account?
Yes, you can authenticate other DocuSign users' accounts and can send envelopes for signature on behalf of them, DocuSign call this type of Integration a Partner App Integration, where you application will be a Partner App and your users will authenticate your App to call DocuSign API on their behalf. You can check Service Integration of how to accomplish this, you need to check User Consent section in your scenario. Now answer to your 2nd qs, Authenticate User's account will be charged for any envelope sent from the authenticated User's account.
