Split large amount of wav files to small parts - audio

I have large amount of wav files (over 50 000) and I need to split every wav file to 10 second long parts. It's nearly impossible to do it one by one, so my question is: is there any way to do it in ffmpeg or for example in sox? I'm an amateur, so I need exact instructions. Please, if you can, write it like you would for a dummy :)... (I'm a Windows 7 user)
Here is my try with sox
Thank you!

I had exactly the same task few days ago. I prefer to do it on Linux OS machines, but I had to do some demonstration on Windows machines so I have written this batch file using SoX:
rem Author: PetarF, 2017-07-01, v0.1
rem Example of how to do batch processing with SoX on MS-Windows.
rem In this example, for every .wav file in folder the splited .wav file ends up in a folder called as original file without extension
rem In my case, this file has to be run as administrator
rem USAGE:
rem Place this file in the same folder as sox.exe (& rename it as appropriate).
rem Place .wav files that has to be splited in same folder as sox.exe
ECHO Split started
cd %~dp0
for %%A in (*.wav) do (
mkdir %%~nA
sox %%A %%~nA/%%~nA_.wav trim 0 10 : newfile : restart
echo Created folder %%~nA with splited files
echo SoX has splited files...


Change huge amount of data from NIST to RIFF wav file

So, I am writing a speech recognition program. To do that I downloaded 400MB of data from TIMIT. When I inteded to read the wav files (I tried two libraries) as follow:
import scipy.io.wavfile as wavfile
import wave
(fs, x) = wavfile.read('../data/TIMIT/TRAIN/DR1/FCJF0/SA1.WAV')
w = wave.open('../data/TIMIT/TRAIN/DR1/FCJF0/SA1.WAV')
In both cases they have the problem that the wav file format says 'NIST' and it must be in 'RIFF' format. (Something about sph also I readed but the nist file I donwloaded are .wav, not .sph).
I downloaded then SOX from http://sox.sourceforge.net/
I added the path correctly to my enviromental variables so that my cmd recognize sox. But I can't really find how to use it correctly.
What I need now is a script or something to make sox change EVERY wav file format from NIST to RIFF under certain folder and subfolder.
in reading a WAV file from TIMIT database in python I found a response that worked for me...
Running sph2pipe -f wav input.wav output.wav
What I need is a script or something that searches under a folder, all subfolders that contain a .wav file to apply that line of code.
Since forfiles is a Windows command, here is a solution for unix.
Just cd to the upper folder and type:
find . -name '*.WAV' | parallel -P20 sox {} '{.}.wav'
You need to have installed parallel and sox though, but for Mac you can get both via brew install. Hope this helps.
Ok, I got it finally. Go to the upper folder and run this code:
forfiles /s /m *.wav /c "cmd /c sph2pipe -f wav #file #fnameRIFF.wav"
This code searches for every file and make it readble for the python libs. Hope it helps!

Move 300 images from a folder (contains 800 images) to another based on file name list

I need to move 300 images from a folder (contains 800 images) to another folder. The file name list of these 300 images are available in the excel format. Is it possible to move them via programming instead of search the file and move it one by one? Our IT told me he can't separate these files. Do you have any solution? Many thanks in advance!!!
Here's one way of doing this - I am assuming you are on Windows. First, save text file called ListOfImages.txt that contains the names of the images you wish to move - put one image on each line and include the extension. Then, save the following into a file called movefiles.cmd:
#echo off
set Source=C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\moving\MovingFrom
set Target=C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\moving\MovingTo
set FileList=C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\moving\ListOfImages.txt
if not exist "%Source%" echo Source folder "%Source%" not found & goto Exit
if not exist "%FileList%" echo File list "%FileList%" not found & goto Exit
if not exist "%Target%" md "%Target%"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('type "%FileList%"') do move "%Source%\%%a" "%Target%"
echo press the Space Bar to close this window.
pause > nul
You will want to change the variables for Source, Target, and FileList to match where you have those folders and the ListOfImages.txt on your machine. After you have saved this file (make sure it has the .cmd extension, you should be able to double-click it and it will run the commands in your Command Prompt.
For example, say my MovingFrom folder contains the following:
And I only want to move Image1.png and Image2.png -- then my ListOfImages.txt file would like this:
After running moveFiles.cmd (provided I have changed the necessary variables to point to the right folders/places on my machine), my MovingTo folder should contain the following:
Notice that Image2.png was not moved because it was not listed in the ListOfImages.txt text file.

Compress a set of log files in a folder depending on number of files

I would like to know if there is any way to compress a set of .txt files in a folder using scripting when the number of files get more than a set limit.
The txt files are automatically generated by another script.
You can use array size to detect the number of files:
if (( ${#files[#]} > limit )) ; then
zip archive.zip *.txt
It sounds like you want logrotate with a custom (non-/etc) configuration file with rules for compressing/removing by size.

I would like a script to search within text files a certain pattern of strings and move those files to another directory

I need to know how to perform an advanced search on a text file using tools like notepad++, freecommander and windows if possible. A bat script file will be great.
The problem is that i need to search through about 1000 txt files in a directory. I need to know form those 1000 txt files which have a string in the form of for example "SYR_SHA/245/4". I just want it search for the pattern for example *****_******/*****/****** where * are characters that can change in number.
There must be an _ between the first and second set of characters as seen above in the example.
the script should go through the entire txt file and search for the above pattern. The script should then Move all the results in to a seperate directory
Many Thanks
Create this batch file and copy it into your folder where you have all the 1000 .txt files
Change the yourdestinationdirectory directory and run the batch file
#Echo Off
FindStr /M /R "[a-zA-Z]*_[a-zA-Z]*\/[0-9]*\/[0-9]*" *.Txt > findstr.out
For /F "tokens=*" %%a In (FindStr.out) Do call :move_Rtns %%a
del FindStr.out
Exit /B
copy %1 yourdestinationdirectory\*
del /Q %1
Exit /B
Please change the Regex according to your requirement, for eg. If you are expecting number and letter together you can replace [a-zA-z] with [a-zA-Z0-9]
Good luck

How to add files/folders to multiple zip files at once with WinRAR?

Is there any way to add files/folders to multiple zip files at once. For example:
I need to add updates to all archives without opening all of them and pasting updates in there.
Any way to do this?
Or is there another archive program that can do this?
This can be done using a batch file and for example WinRAR.
#echo off
if not exist archive*.zip (
echo There are no archive*.zip files to update in
echo %CD%
goto :EOF
set "ErrorCount=0"
for %%I in (archive*.zip) do (
"%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\WinRar.exe" u -afzip -cfg- -ep1 -ibck -inul -r -y "%%I" folder1 folder2 file1 file2
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error on updating %%I
set /A ErrorCount+=1
if not "%ErrorCount%" == "0" (
set "ErrorCount="
For each archive*.zip file WinRAR is called to update the ZIP file with the two folders and the two files.
The batch processing finishes without printing any message and without pausing if all ZIP files found could be updated successfully. Otherwise the batch file outputs which ZIP file could not be updated for example because of read-only attribute set, and pauses the batch processing before finishing so that the user can read the error message(s).
For details on the WinRAR command u and the used switches open in WinRAR from menu Help the Help topics, open on tab Contents the item Command line mode and read at least the help pages:
Command line syntax
Commands - Alphabetic commands list
Switches - Alphabetic switches list
For understanding the other used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
echo /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
pause /?
set /?
You can do it by using 7zip command line version
7z a archive1.zip dir\ -v10k -v15k -v2m #listfile.txt
this will do archive all files and folder is in that folder named 'dir'
and first volume will be 10kb, second will be 15kb and others will be 2mb each except last
and you can use a file that has list of all files named.
