Hazelcast Jet - Use Cases - hazelcast

What are the use-cases of Hazelcast Jet? Has anyone started using it?
Our project uses Hazelcast for Distributed Map holding Key-Value pair and Distributed computing on those Keys to run the task at the node holding the Key. We use NearCache solution as well.
I was curious to know how different is Hazelcast Jet and what problems does it solve?

As of current version (0.3), Jet's advantage over just submitting a Runnable to each partition is the ability to perform grouping by a key other than the one used in the Hazelcast map. For this to work in a distributed environment you have to send each item to the processing unit responsible for its grouping key, and this is something that is easy to get from Jet.
Further from that, you can build a multistage cascade of groupBy operations, you can have forks in your data stream to reuse the same intermediate result in more than one way, you can build a pipeline where an I/O task distributes the processing of the data it reads across all CPU cores, etc... in short, all the advantages that a full-blown DAG computation engine offers.
By the time it reaches 1.0 Jet will also support fault-tolerant infinite stream processing, event time-based windows, and more.

2021 answer for use cases:
Change data capture streaming - Use Debezium/Hazelcast to detect changes to your database and stream to other microservices (if data is common), stream changes to a data lake, or update a search engine
Real time analytics - Take market data stream and perform technical analysis in realtime or twitter analysis
Async job processing - PDF conversion service


Which tools to use when migrating bounded data?

I recently started working on a content repository migration project between two different content management systems.
We have around 11 petabytes of documents in a source repository. We want to migrate all of them one document at a time by querying with source system API and saving through destination system API.
We will have a single standalone machine for this migration and should be able to manage (start, stop, resume) the whole process.
What platforms and tools would you suggest for such task? Is Flink's Dataset API for bounded data suitable for this job?
Flink's DataStream API is probably a better choice than the DataSet API because the streaming API can be stopped/resumed and can recover from failures. By contrast, the DataSet API reruns failed jobs from the beginning, which isn't a good fit for a job that might run for days (or weeks).
While Flink's streaming API is designed for unbounded data streams, it also works very well for bounded datasets.
If the underlying CMSes can support doing the migration in parallel, Flink would easily accommodate this. The Async I/O feature would be helpful in that context. But if you are going to do the migration serially, then I'm not sure you'll get much benefit from a framework like Flink or Spark.
Basically what David said above. The main challenge I think you'll run into is tracking progress such that checkpointing/savepointing (and thus restarting) works properly.
This assumes you have some reasonably efficient and stable way to enumerate the unique IDs for all 1B documents in the source system. One approach we've used in a previous migration project (though not with Flink) was to use the document creation timestamp as the "event time".

How to write streaming data to Azure data lake from multiple thread?

I am using flink program to write the streaming data which I got from the kafka to Azure Data Lake. When I used synchronisation in getting ADLOutputStream and writing and closing, it works fine but the performance is very poor since only one thread is writing to data lake.When I am using multiple thread without synchronisation it is throwing http 400 illegalargument exception. Is there any way that multiple thread could write to a file in Azure data lake?
Have another think on your design.
One approach would be to write multiple files to the Data Lake - one for each thread. Once in Data Lake, you can use USQL or PolyBase to query over a set of files as if they were one data source. Alternatively, you could then orchestrate a USQL job to merge the files once they are in the lake. This would be local processing and would perform well.
Using AdlOuputStream is not the right mechanism for such parallel writes. AdlOutputStream is designed for a single writer scenario. When ingesting data in parallel from multiple threads there typically are a few characteristics that we commonly observe:
You want to optimize for throughput and not do synchronization across threads
Ordering (across threads) is typically not important
For specifically addressing these types of scenarios, Azure Data Lake Store provides a unique, high-performance API that we call "Concurrent Appends".
Here is the gist that shows you how to use this API: https://gist.github.com/asikaria/0a806091655c6e963eea59e89fdd40a9
The method is available on the Core class in our SDK: https://azure.github.io/azure-data-lake-store-java/javadoc/com/microsoft/azure/datalake/store/Core.html
Some points to note specific to the Azure Data Lake Store implementation of Concurrent Append:
Once a file is used with concurrent appends, you cannot use fixed offset appends with it
It is possible that you may see duplicate data in the file. This is possible side effect of error modes and automatic retries.
Edit: Also the answer from Murray Foxcraft is suitable for long running threads with reasonable file-rotation policy. The only downside to watch in that approach is that you don't end up with a ton of small files.

DB access from a Mapper in MapReduce

I planning the next generation of an analysis system I'm developing and I think of implementing it using one of the MapReduce/Stream-Processing platforms like Flink, Spark Streaming etc.
For the analysis, the mappers must have DB access.
So my greatest concern is when a mapper is paralleled, the connections from the connection pool will all be in use and there might be a mapper that fail to access the DB.
How should I handle that?
Is it something I need to concern about?
As you have pointed out, a pull-style strategy is going to be inefficient and/or complex.
Your strategy for ingesting the meta-data from the DB will be dictated by the amount of meta-data and the frequency that the meta-data changes. Either way, moving away from fetching the meta-data when it's needed, and toward receiving updates when the meta-data is changed, is likely to be a good approach.
Some ideas:
Periodically dump the meta-data to flat file/s into distributed file system
Streaming meta-data updates to your pipeline at write-time to keep an in-memory cache up-to-date
Use a separate mechanism to fetch the meta-data, for instance Akka Actor/s polling for changes
It will depend on the trade-offs you are able to make for your given use-case.
If DB interactivity is unavoidable, I do wonder if map-reduce style frameworks would be the best approach to solve your problem. But any failed tasks should be retried by the framework.

Distributing scheduled tasks across multi-datacenter environment in Node.js with Cassandra

We are attempting to build a system that gets a list of task to execute from a Cassandra database and then through some kind of group consensus creates an execution plan (preferably on one node) which is then agreed on and executed by the entire cluster of servers. We really do not want to add any additional pieces of software such as Redis or a AMPQ system, rather have the consensus built directly into all of the servers running the jobs. So far we have found Skiff, an implementation of the Raft algorithm that looks like it could accomplish the task, but I was wondering if anyone has found an elegant solution to this problem in a pure Node.js way not involving external messaging systems.
Cassandra supports lightweight transactions, which is basically Paxos implementation that offers linearizable consistency and CAS operation (consensus). So you can use Cassandra itself to serialize the execution plan.

Streaming Big Data - where to store intermediate results?

I am working on spark streaming job that requires to store intermediate results in order to reuse them in next window stream. Number of data is extremely large so probably there is no way to store it in spark cache. What is more I need in someway to read data by some 'key'.
I was thinking about Cassandra as intermediate storage but it also has some drawbacks.
Alternatively, maybe Kafka will be do the job but it will require additional work in order to select given portion of data by key.
Could you advise me what I should do?
How such problems are resolved in Storm - is there any internal mechanism or it is preferred to use some external tools?
Solr as Index + Cassandra as NoSQL storage working fine for my use case where I have to process tera bytes of data. But in my case, I am using Cassandra for persistent storage of years of data.
Kafka is working fine as a replacement Jboss/AMQ due to it's simple architecture. Currently I am working Apache Storm + Kafka for real time stream processing in one of the projects.
Since you are storing intermediate data, I think Kafka is best choice by setting right retention period.
Have a look at one more SE Question and other article
As you mention, Kafka has some problems getting items by key. It really only provides APIs for FIFO paradigm. I would advise to use a dedicated storage software, Cassandra, MongoDB, I even seen Solr used to store text. It would be easier to use something designed for key retrieval rather than try to modify Kafka yourself and most likely introduce bugs/issues that could take forever to solve.
As SQL.injection said, you'll have to manage the storage and logic by yourself. Storm doesn't offer such a mechanism.
