Instagram subscription - Unable to reach callback URL - ONGOING - instagram

This issue has been posted many times before but I haven't found a solution yet. I've contacted Instagram Developer support but a week later I've still had no luck or a response form them so hoping someone here can help me out. My app has been approved by Instagram for basic permissions.
Doing a Form POST to with all the relevant data (callback_url, object=user, aspect=media, verify_token, client_secret, client_id) to create a subscription for Instagram User Subscriptions yields the error: APISubscriptionError - Unable to reach callback URL
The callback URL I'm using has logging on it to log all requests which works
when accessed directly via a browser. Using the logs I can see Instagram isn't even reached my callback URL.
The callback URL is accessible publicly over the internet and the domain is being used in production.
The callback URL implements both GET and POST methods (even PUT just in case).
Worked a few weeks ago using a UAT URL.
The callback URL still returns the 'Unable to reach callback URL' with http or https.
I've changed IP addresses, used a VPN and run the post script form different locations.
Tried different parts eg or
-Tried a different sub domain and different URL.
Have deleted all subscriptions using the DELETE request
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Unknown Get calls are received and logged in Azure APIM

I have an instance of APIM which hosts multiple APIs. This include multiple post operations.
I have observed many Get calls being logged for the endpoint which are actually Post. I verified from client who uses it and they are not making any get calls for the same. When I searched IPs logged in app insights it belongs to Microsoft.
Where the actual API is post operation as shown below
May I know why these get calls are made? Is there any possibility these are from APIM?
I raised Microsoft ticket to understand why we are getting unknown Get calls. They analyzed IP address where its coming from then they got to know its coming from Microsoft Teams. If somebody post URL in Teams, then Teams trying to render the url in order to get some information to show in the chat. In this attempt it makes a Get calls

Amadeus API Error : You do not have permission to access this content

I'm new to Amadeus development.
I'm trying to develop an airline booking website. I'm using Amadeus Self service API's to get flights from searched term. Everything used to work fine, but from yesterday, if i call an api, I'm receiving error 403 forbidden, Invalid user. And I had a look into my Self Service workplace, It's throwing an error You do not have permission to access this content.
Any answers much appreciated.
Sample of my website is
Note: This is not the actual website, It's just a sample. For fetching airports i'm using my own data. It's not calling any backend api.
And once you please do reload the page again for good response.

DocuSign Connect Signing Complete Request URL?

In DocuSign connect, I've configured it such that when a user has completed signing the documents that were emailed to them, DocuSign will send an HTTP POST request that includes the signed documents to an endpoint on an app on our servers that I've specified.
For the purpose of managing whitelists and firewalls, members of my team are asking what URL the request is going to come from. I haven't found a straightforward answer in the documentation. What URL does the request come from?
Thanks for reading.
The URL cannot be fixed and more URLs can be added in the future.
If you can use wildcards for something like * * then you should be good.
You can whitelist specific DocuSign IP ranges defined for any of our sites. See the list on this page

Instagram banned my server ip address to use __a=1 api

I have a little application which needs to retrieve some public pages info by calling[username]/__a=1 .
my application was working for about a week and suddenly instagram changed its way and instead of retrieving JSON data, it just redirected me to login page.
I can run my app in local... so I thought my server IP is banned or marked somehow.
I have used multiple proxies but it seems those IP addresses were banned too.
finally I used a valid sessionid and my application is working properly.
is instagram going to ban my account ?
if it is, how should I get public pages ?
I have read about depreciation of instagram api and new instagram graph api, and it appears to me that old api which have capability of satisfying my need, is going to be disabled in 2020, and new api platform is only for Business and Creator accounts. am I wrong ?
if I am right, what should I do then?
I have experienced exactly the same. Right now I managed to circumvent this issue by letting my applications users be the ones who request the JSON data (through a $.getJSON jquery request), as opposed to my server being the one doing the request. Since every user has a unique IP address, instragram lets all their requests go through. I then take the data their request receives and forward it to my server.
Right now, probably due to extensive testing, Instagram even blocked my home IP address, so when I'm on my home WiFi I cannot access the instagram JSON feed but when I switch to my phones 5G internet, I am able to do JSON requests for public profiles.
It is sad that Instagram has to block requests to public profiles this way, but I guess if you don't make too many requests from the same source or use dynamic IP-addresses you should be fine!

Evernote webhook notification

I registered for Evernote webhook successfully with a valid end point recently. But whenever I make any changes to my evernote account, either by creating or updating a note, I am not being notified by the webhook. I am using a page created with as an endpoint but I don't see evernote making any requests to it. I have reached out to Evernote support but haven't received a response yet.
How do you test to see if Evernote Webhook is working as expected?
The easiest way is to check the web logs of the web server you've set up to receive them.
I have a couple of web hooks set up and they seem to work. I've used a node.js app to receive the webhooks.
Double-check that you asked for the right kinds of notifications? What filter did you ask for?
Other than double-checking the URL you gave them, and double-checking the logs, and if using https ensuring you are using a valid certificate, there isn't much else other than waiting for the support response.
In the meantime you can test your code by hitting your webhook server with appropriately formatted URLs.
