Hiding _all_ remote methods in loopback model - node.js

I'm using loopback 3.
I have this lines of codes in my model's js (survey.js):
let enabledRemoteMethods = []
Survey.sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(method) {
console.log(method.name, method.isStatic)
let matchingEnabledRemoteMethod = _.find(enabledRemoteMethods, {name: method.name});
if (!matchingEnabledRemoteMethod) {
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName(method.name, method.isStatic);
It works.... almost. I could still see in the explorer the REST endpoint for "PATCH /surveys/{id}". My expectation is: there shouldn't be any REST endpoints listed in the explorer.
Then I examined the URL corresponding to that operation, it is:
Which, according to the documentation, means that patchAttributes is a static method.
Then I cross checked with the output in the console... there it says: pathAttributes is not static.
I even have tried adding this line:
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("patchAttributes", true);
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("patchAttributes", false);
No luck.
Can someone confirm if it's a bug in loopback 3 (I don't know about loopback 2, haven't checked)? If it's a bug I wouldn't have to spend time on it and just wait until it gets fixed. But if it's not a bug, can someone point out what's missing in my code?
UPDATE: figured out how
With this line I'm able to get rid of it:
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype.patchAttributes", true);
The second parameter doesn't seem to matter (you can put false as well). Not sure why though (I suppose it should've accepted true only).
This is my current solution:
let disabledPrototypesRemoteMethods = ['patchAttributes']
let enabledRemoteMethods = [
"create", "findById", "replaceById", "deleteById",
Survey.sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(method) {
if (enabledRemoteMethods.indexOf(method.name) == -1) {
if (disabledPrototypesRemoteMethods.indexOf(method.name) > -1) {
Survey.disableRemoteMethodByName("prototype." + method.name);
Still, one small detail: this thing still shows up (I suppose it provides the POST alternative for the normal PUT for the replaceById operation..., but I don't want it; I want to force user of my API to go with the PUT only):
I tried adding this line:
No luck.
Anyway... hope this useful for others; loopback doc is kind of sketchy.

You can get the prototype methods as well by looking at the stringName property. That way you can include the prototypes in your list.
The stringName includes the sharedClass name in the value, so you will need to parse that out.
module.exports = BusinessProfileContacted => {
const enabledRemoteMethods = ["create", "findById", "replaceById", "deleteById", "replaceOrCreateQuestion", "prototype.replaceAttributes"];
Survey.sharedClass.methods().forEach(method => {
const methodName = method.stringName.replace(/.*?(?=\.)/, '').substr(1);
if (enabledRemoteMethods.indexOf(methodName) === -1) {


MongoDB update object and remove properties?

I have been searching for hours, but I cannot find anything about this.
Backend, existing of NodeJS + Express + Mongoose (+ MongoDB ofcourse).
Frontend retrieves object from the Backend.
Frontend makes some changes (adds/updates/removes some attributes).
Now I use mongoose: PersonModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedPersonObject);
Result: added properties are added. Updated properties are updated. Removed properties... are still there!
Now I've been searching for an elegant way to solve this, but the best I could come up with is something like:
var properties = Object.keys(PersonModel.schema.paths);
for (var i = 0, len = properties.length; i < len; i++) {
// explicitly remove values that are not in the update
var property = properties[i];
if (typeof(updatedPersonObject[property]) === 'undefined') {
// Mongoose does not like it if I remove the _id property
if (property !== '_id') {
oldPersonDocument[property] = undefined;
oldPersonDocument.save(function() {
PersonModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedPersonObject);
(I did not even include trivial code to fetch the old document).
I have to write this for every Object I want to update. I find it hard to believe that this is the best way to handle this. Any suggestions anyone?
Another workaround I found: to unset a value in MongoDB you have to set it to undefined.
If I set this value in the frontend, it is lost in the REST-call. So I set it to null in the frontend, and then in the backend I convert all null-values to undefined.
Still ugly though. There must be a better way.
You could use replaceOne() if you want to know how many documents matched your filter condition and how many were changed (I believe it only changes one document, so this may not be useful to know). Docs: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/api/model.html#model_Model.replaceOne
Or you could use findOneAndReplace if you want to see the document. I don't know if it is the old doc or the new doc that is passed to the callback; the docs say Finds a matching document, replaces it with the provided doc, and passes the returned doc to the callback., but you could test that on your own. Docs: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#model_Model.findOneAndReplace
So, instead of:
PersonModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedPersonObject);, you could do:
PersonModel.replaceOne({ _id: id }, updatedPersonObject);
As long as you have all the properties you want on the object you will use to replace the old doc, you should be good to go.
Also really struggling with this but I don't think your solution is too bad. Our setup is frontend -> update function backend -> sanitize users input -> save in db. For the sanitization part, we use a helper function where we integrate your approach.
private static patchModel(dbDocToUpdate: IModel, dataFromUser: Record<string, any>): IModel {
const sanitized = {};
const properties = Object.keys(PersonModel.schema.paths);
for (const key of properties) {
if (key in dbDocToUpdate) {
sanitized[key] = data[key];
Object.assign(dbDocToUpdate, sanitized);
return dbDocToUpdate;
That works smoothly and sets the values to undefined. Hence, they get removed from the document in the db.
The only problem that remains for us is that we wanted to allow partial updates. With that solution that's not possible and you always have to send everything to the backend.
Another workaround we found is setting the property to an empty string in the frontend. Mongo then also removes the property in the database

/venues/suggestcompletion endpoint returns empty array

We've been using the /venues/suggestcompletion endpoint for a while for our autocompletion feature for a while now.
It started returning empty arrays for all our queries recently.
Here is a sample set of GET parameters:
limit = 20;
ll = "52.485799,13.437771";
query = ostba;
resulting in this URL:
and corresponding output:
meta = {
code = 200;
response = {
minivenues = (
I know /venues/suggestcompletion is meant as experimental but I couldn't find a notice of an API change. This is breaking the venue search functionality for our app in production. We'd appreciate any pointers.
Thanks a lot…
This was a temporary bug that was introduced yesterday. We believe we've fixed the problem -- sorry for that!

Subclass QueryReadStore or ItemFileWriteStore to include write api and server side paging and sorting.

I am using Struts 2 and want to include an editable server side paging and sorting grid.
I need to sublclass the QueryReadStore to implement the write and notification APIs. I do not want to inlcude server side REST services so i do not want to use JsonRest store. Any idea how this can be done.? What methods do i have to override and exactly how. I have gone through many examples but i am not getting how this can be done exactly.
Also is it possible to just extend the ItemFileWriteStore and just override its methods to include server side pagination? If so then which methods do i need to override. Can i get an example about how this can be done?
Answer is ofc yes :)
But do you really need to subclass ItemFileWriteStore, does it not fit your needs? A short explaination of the .save() follows.
Clientside does modify / new / delete in the store and in turn those items are marked as dirty. While having dirty items, the store will keep references to those in a has, like so:
store._pending = { _deletedItems: [], _modifiedItems: [], _newItems: [] };
On call save() each of these should be looped, sending requests to server BUT, this does not happen if neither _saveEverything or _saveCustom is defined. WriteStore simply resets its client-side revert feature and saves in client-memory.
See source search "save: function"
Here is my implementation of a simple writeAPI, must be modified to use without its inbuilt validation:
In short, follow this boiler, given that you would have a CRUD pattern on server:
new ItemFileWriteStore( {
url: 'path/to/c**R**ud',
_saveCustom: function() {
for(var i in this._pending._newItems) if(this._pending._deletedItems.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
item = this._getItemByIdentity(i);
dxhr.post({ url: 'path/to/**C**rud', contents: { id:i }});
for(i in this._pending._modifiedItems) if(this._pending._deletedItems.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
item = this._getItemByIdentity(i);
dxhr.post({ url: 'path/to/cr**U**d', contents: { id:i }});
for(i in this._pending._deletedItems) if(this._pending._deletedItems.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
item = this._getItemByIdentity(i);
dxhr.post({ url: 'path/to/cru**D**', contents: { id:i }});
Now; as for paging, ItemFileWriteStore has the pagination in it from its superclass mixins.. You just need to call it with two setups, one being directly on store meaning server should only return a subset - or on a model with query capeabilities where server returns a full set.
var pageSize = 5, // lets say 5 items pr request
currentPage = 2; // note, starting on second page (with *one* being offset)
onComplete: function(itemsReceived) { },
query: { foo: 'bar*' }, // optional filtering, server gets json urlencoded
count: pageSize, // server gets &count=pageSize
start: currentPage*pageSize-pageSize // server gets &start=offsetCalculation
quod erat demonstrandum

How do you deal with the fact, that URLs are case sensitive in xPages?

How do you deal with the fact, that URLs are case sensitive in xPages even for parameters? For example URL:
my_page.xsp?folderid=785478 ... is not the same as ...
How to make, for example, a proper check that params contain some key e.g.
param.containsKey("folderid") which desnt work when there is 'FOLDERID' in URL.
I'd suggest defining a couple convenience #Functions:
var #HasParam = function(parameter) {
var result:boolean = false;
for (var eachParam : param.keySet()) {
if (eachParam.toLowerCase() == parameter.toLowerCase()) {
result = true;
return result;
var #GetParam = function(parameter) {
var result = "";
if (#HasParam(parameter)) {
for (var eachParam : param.keySet()) {
if (eachParam.toLowerCase() == parameter.toLowerCase()) {
result = param.get(eachParam);
return result;
Then you can safely query the parameters without caring about case. For bonus points, you could add requestScope caching so that you can skip looping through the keySet if you're examining a parameter that you've previously looked at during the same request.
you may use this function:
then test if it's null or not.
make sure to decide for one,so either upper or lowercase
other than that i'd suggest something like
KeyValuePair<string,string> kvp = null;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string,string> p in param)
if(UPPERCASE(p.Key) == UPPERCASE("folderid"))
kvp = p;
syntax isn't correct and idk the uppercase method in c# right now,but you get the point
The easiest answer is ofcourse the obvious. Be sure that the parameters you are using througout your application are always the same on every url you are generating and know what to expect. A good approach to accomplish this is to create a ssjs function which generates url's for you according to the objects you submit.
In this function you could check which object you are receiving and with the use of keywords and so forth generate the correct url. This way generating twice a url with the same input parameters should always generate the exact same url.
another option would be just to double check with a bit of code like this
var key = "yourkey";
if(param.contains(#uppercase(key)) || param.contains(#lowercase(key)){
// do stuff
But should not be necesarry if the url you are parsing is generated by your own application
Edit after post of topic starter
Another option would be to grap the url directly from from the facescontext and to convert it to a string first. When it is a string you can parse the parameters yourself.
You can combine server side substitution/redirection to get around the issue that David mentioned. So a substitution rule will redirect incoming patern like this:
http://myhost/mypage/param (/mypage/* => which converts to - /dbpath/mypage.xsp?*) - substitution is tricky so please handle with care.
Also I believe I read somewhere that context.getUrlParameter is not case sensitive - can someone please confirm this.
Hope this helps.

MODX - Making multiple snippet calls on a page returning differeny output

I've created a snippet that pulls data from a databse table and displays it in tabular format. The snippet takes an id as parameter, and this is added to the sql query.
My problem is that if I've got more than 1 snippet call (sometimes need the tabular data for different id's displayed on a page) on the same page, all table data is the same as the last database call that's been made by the last snippet.
What do I need to do to kinda not cache the snippet database calls and have them all display their own content?
I've tried setting the page to no cache-able. Also used the [! !] brackets for the snippet calls, and even used the function_exists() method, but none of them helped.
Please can someone help me?
Try this at the end of the snippet:
mysql_connect('host', 'user', 'pass');
You need to specify the connection parameters ofcourse.
It would help to answer if you can post your snippet. I do this with multiple calls on the page without issue, so there is either something wrong inside the snippet, or you need to output to unique placeholder names.
You have encountered a glitch of ModX, and it took me a long time to solve. ModX does a lot of caching by using hashing and apparently, when multiple connections are made from within one page divided over multiple snippets, this erratic behaviour can be seen. This is most likely very unwanted behaviour, it can be solved easily but gives you terrible headache otherways.
One sympton is that $modx->getObject($classname, $id)returns null (often).
The solution is very simple:
either use a static class with a single db instance, or
use $modx->setPlaceholder($instance, $tag);, or a combination.
My solution has been:
class dt__xpdo {
private function __construct() {}
public function __destruct() {
static public function db($modx = null) {
if ($modx->getPlaceholder('dt_xpdo') == '') {
$dt_user = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$dt_pw = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$dt_host = 'localhost';
$dt_dbname = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$dt_port = '3306';
$dt_dsn = "mysql:host=$dt_host;dbname=$dt_dbname;port=$dt_port;charset=utf8";
$dt_xpdo = new xPDO($dt_dsn, $dt_user, $dt_pw);
$dt_xpdo->setPackage('mymodel', MODX_CORE_PATH.'components/mymodel/'.'model/', '');
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'mymodel.config.php');
//$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'Could not addPackage for mymodel!');
$modx->setPlaceholder('dt_xpdo', $dt_xpdo);
return $modx->getPlaceholder('dt_xpdo');
Now you can use in your code:
require_once 'above.php';
and use something like
$xpdo = dt__xpdo::db($modx);
and continue flawlessly!
