Need to execute function when forEach functions ends - node.js

I have this code in node js / firebase :
ref.child("recipts").once("value", function(usersSnap) {
usersSnap.forEach(function(reciptsSnap) {
reciptsSnap.forEach(function(reciptSnap) {
reciptSnap.ref.child("last_recipt").once("value", function(b) {
b.forEach(function(c) { //Here I fill some "product" object
reciptSnap.forEach(function(b) { //Here I fill some "product" object
I need to execute a function just when "reciptSnap" forEachs finished. How can I accomplish this, I try using a variable i++ and i-- but only work for one forEach iteration.
The function I call is for manipulating the product object I created with the filled data from the forEachs loops.

If I have understood correctly, you want to call a function when reciptsSnap.forEach is complete and all async tasks inside it are also complete.
For achieving this, you can use the index parameter and the original array that is passed to the callback function of forEach. (See Documentation)
The code will be like this:
(Note: The following code is without changing the current forEach loop structure used. However, re-writing the code with Promise or async would be a better & cleaner way to do it).
var loop1Done = false;
var loop2Done = false;
ref.child("recipts").once("value", function (usersSnap) {
usersSnap.forEach(function (reciptsSnap) {
reciptsSnap.forEach(function (reciptSnap, index, colA) {
const idx = index;
const col = colA;
reciptSnap.ref.child("last_recipt").once("value", function (b) {
const i = idx;
const c = col;
b.forEach(function (c, j, colB) { //Here I fill some "product" object
// Do what you want here
// Check if all done for this loop
if ((j >= colB.length) && (i >= c.length)) {
loop1Done = true;
// Check if all loops done
if (loop1Done && loop2Done) {
// Call final callback function
// e.g. myFinalCallback();
reciptSnap.forEach(function (b, k, colC) { //Here I fill some "product" object
const i = idx;
const c = col;
// Do what you want here
// Check if all done for this loop
if ((k >= colC.length) && (i >= c.length)) {
loop2Done = true;
// Check if all loops done
if (loop1Done && loop2Done) {
// Call final callback function
// e.g. myFinalCallback();

reciptSnap.child("last_recipt").forEach(function(b) {
b.forEach(function(c) {
//Here I fill some "product" object
This should work since all of your data should already have been fetched when you did "value" on the receipts node.
If this works, your code is no longer asynchronous and right after the last forEach, you can execute the function you wanted to.
reciptSnap.forEach(function(b) {
//Here I fill some "product" object
//Execute your function here


Prevent nested lists in text-editor (froala)

I need to prevent/disable nested lists in text editor implemented in Angular. So far i wrote a hack that undos a nested list when created by the user. But if the user creates a normal list and presses the tab-key the list is shown as nested for a few milliseconds until my hack sets in back to a normal list. I need something like event.preventDefault() or stopPropagation() on tab-event keydown but unfortunately that event is not tracked for some reason. Also the froala settings with tabSpaces: falseis not showing any difference when it comes to nested summary i want is: if the user creates a list and presses the tab-key that nothing happens, not even for a millisecond. Has anyone an idea about that?
Froala’s support told us, there’s no built-in way to suppress nested list creation. They result from TAB key getting hit with the caret on a list item. However we found a way to get around this using MutationObserver
Basically we move the now nested list item to his former sibling and remove the newly created list. Finally we take care of the caret position.
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationObserverCallback);
observer.observe(editorNode, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
var mutationObserverCallback = function (mutationList) {
var setCaret = function (ele) {
if (ele.nextSibling) {
ele = ele.nextSibling;
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
range.setStart(ele, 0);
var handleAddedListNode = function (listNode) {
if (! listNode.parentNode) {
var parentListItem = listNode.parentNode.closest('li');
if (!parentListItem) {
var idx = listNode.children.length - 1;
while (idx >= 0) {
var childNode = listNode.children[idx];
if (parentListItem.nextSibling) {
parentListItem.parentNode.insertBefore(childNode, parentListItem.nextSibling);
} else {
mutationList.forEach(function (mutation) {
var addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
if (!addedNodes.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < addedNodes.length; i++) {
var currentNode = addedNodes[i];
switch (currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case 'ol':
case 'ul':
// more optimizations

How to Create a function in Node.js

I am using Firebase function to create an API and at the same time I Am using the Firebase Firestore as my database.
I am using Node.js to create the program.
I wanted to know how to create a function in Node.js.
I will be calling a code more than once and since I have been use to Java and Java has molecularity will it be possible in Node.js also?
This is my code
exports.new_user = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
var abc=``;
abc=Function_A();//Get the results of Function A
abc=Function_B();//Get the results of Function B
//Then Call Function A
As shown in the code I would be calling the same function two times from different location depending upon the situation and then utilizing the result of it.
Is it possible to declare a function and then call if from different locations and then utilize its result?
Any help would be really appreciated as I am new to Node.js
If you are trying to just get a value back from the function it depends if you are doing synchronous (adding 2 numbers together) or asynchronous (doing an HTTP call)
let abc = 0;
abc = Function_A();//Get the results of Function A
abc = Function_B();//Get the results of Function B
//Then Call Function A
function Function_B() {
return 2+2;
function Function_A() {
return 1+1;
let abc = 0;
Function_A(function(result) {
abc = result;
});//Get the results of Function A
Function_A(function(result) {
abc = result;
});//Get the results of Function A
function Function_B(callback) {
function Function_A(callback) {
Asynchronous with variable:
let abc = 0;
Function_A(2, function(result) {
abc = result; //should by 4
});//Get the results of Function A
function Function_A(myVar, callback) {
callback(myVar * 2);

How to cache outer scope values to be used inside of Async NodeJS calls?

Something like the below code illustrates my intention, if you can imagine how a naive programmer would probably try to write this the first time:
function (redisUpdatesHash) {
var redisKeys = Object.keys(redisUpdatesHash);
for (var i = 0; i < redisKeys.length; i++) {
var key = redisKeys[i];
redisClient.get(key, function (err, value) {
if (value != redisUpdatesHash[key]) {
redisClient.set(key, redisUpdatesHash[key]);
redisClient.publish(key + "/notifications", redisUpdatesHash[key]);
The problem is, predictably, key is the wrong value in the callback scopes of the asynchronous nature of the node_redis callbacks. The method of detection is really primitive because of security restrictions out of my control - so the only option for me was to resort to polling the source for it's state. So the intention above is to store that state in Redis so that I can compare during the next poll to determine if it changed. If it has, I publish an event and store off the new value to update the comparison value for the next polling cycle.
It appears that there's no good way to do this in NodeJS... I'm open to any suggestions - whether it's fixing the above code to somehow be able to perform this check, or to suggest a different method of doing this entirely.
I solved this problem through using function currying to cache the outer values in a closure.
In vanilla Javascript/NodeJS
asyncCallback = function (newValue, redisKey, redisValue) {
if (newValue != redisValue) {
redisClient.set(redisKey, newValue, handleRedisError);
redisClient.publish(redisKey + '/notifier', newValue, handleRedisError);
curriedAsyncCallback = function (newValue) {
return function (redisKey) {
return function (redisValue) {
asyncCallback(newValue, redisKey, redisValue);
var newResults = getNewResults(),
redisKeys = Object.keys(newResults);
for (var i = 0; i < redisKeys.length; i++) {
redisClient.get(redisKeys[i], curriedAsyncCallback(newResults[redisKeys[i]])(redisKeys[i]));
However, I ended up using HighlandJS to help with the currying and iteration.
var _ = require('highland'),
asyncCallback = function (newValue, redisKey, redisValue) {
if (newValue != redisValue) {
redisClient.set(redisKey, newValue, handleRedisError);
redisClient.publish(redisKey + '/notifier', newValue, handleRedisError);
var newResults = getNewResults(),
redisKeys = Object.keys(newResults),
curriedAsyncCallback = _.curry(asyncCallback),
redisGet = _(redisClient.get.bind(redisClient));
redisKeys.each(function (key) {
redisGet(key).each(curriedAsyncCallback(newResults[key], key));

Javascript accessing object and array defined in modular function

This is a bit foreign to me and I'm probably not understanding it correctly. This is what I have:
var imgModule = (function() {
var imgLocations = {};
var images = [];
imgLocations.setImage = function(img, location) {
imgLocations[img] = location;
imgLocations.getImg = function(img) {
return imgLocations[img];
imgLocations.setImageArray = function(img) {
imgLocations.getImageArray = function() {
return images;
return imgLocations;
I want to be able to access the imgLocations Object and images array from outside this function. The setting functions work, but
document.getElementById("but").onclick = function() {
Both return "undefined". How do I access these variables? And how can I improve this function? Please be patient with me and explain what I'm doing wrong :) I'm trying to learn it the right way instead of defining a global variable outside all functions.
The reason why this isn't working, is because your imgModule is returning the imgLocations object. That being the case, imgModule will actually be the imgLocations object. So you would access your methods like so:
And as #gillesc stated. If you are wanting to keep the current syntax of imgModule.imgLocations.getImg() then you could return the imgLocations like so
return {
imgLocations: imgLocations
doing so would allow you to add more functionality to your module
return {
imgLocations: imgLocations,
otherObject: otherObject
The problem is you are returning the object created and are not setting it as a property of an object.
So in your case this is how it would work.
document.getElementById("but").onclick = function() {
What you need to do is return it like this
return {
imgLocations: imgLocations
If you want the API you are attending to create and still have access to the array which you can not do currently.
You don't access imgModule.imgLocations, since what you return is imgLocations, you should access them as:
document.getElementById("but").onclick = function() {
It seems you try to write module pattern.
For deep understanding, I recommend you following article:
The Module Pattern, by Addy Osmani
and pay attention to example with counter:
var testModule = (function () {
var counter = 0;
return {
incrementCounter: function () {
return counter++;
resetCounter: function () {
console.log( "counter value prior to reset: " + counter );
counter = 0;
// Usage:
// Increment our counter
// Check the counter value and reset
// Outputs: counter value prior to reset: 1

Good way to handle Q Promises in Waterline with Sails.js

I have a problem that I'm importing some data and each new row depends on previous row being added (since each row has its order attribute set based on current maximum order from other objects). The flow is that I first try to find object with the same name, if not found I first check maximum order and create new object with order + 1 from that query.
I tried doing this with Q promises which are available under Waterline. I tried using all method as well as combining queries with then from Q docs:
var result = Q(initialVal);
funcs.forEach(function (f) {
result = result.then(f);
return result;
But all objects had the same order, just like they would be executed in parallel, instead of waiting for the first chain to finish.
I finally found a solution with recurrency, but I doubt it's the best way of working with promises. Here's the code that works (+ needs some refactor and cleaning etc.), to show the rough idea:
function findOrCreateGroup(groupsQuery, index, callback) {
var groupName = groupsQuery[index];
Group.findOne({ 'name' : groupName }).then(function(group) {
if (!group) {
return Group.find().limit(1).sort('order DESC').then(function(foundGroups) {
var maxOrder = 0;
if (foundGroups.length > 0) {
maxOrder = foundGroups[0].order;
return Group.create({
'name' : groupName,
'order' : (maxOrder + 1)
}).then(function(g) {
dbGroups[] = g;
if (index + 1 < groupsQuery.length) {
findOrCreateGroup(groupsQuery, index + 1, callback);
} else {
return g;
} else {
dbGroups[] = group;
if (index + 1 < groupsQuery.length) {
findOrCreateGroup(groupsQuery, index + 1, callback);
} else {
return group;
