i am not able to start angularJS2 project in visual studio sitting behind a proxy server. the following steps which i have done are
installed node.js - v6.9.4
npm version is 3.10.10
set the npm config as
npm config set https-proxy=http://username:password#companyAddress:8080
and also tried this
npm config set https-proxy=http://"username:password"#companyAddress:8080 and also
i have a package.json file which was downloaded from here package.json file downloaded link
now when i run the following command in the command prompt, navigating to the folder of my project, intially i get a loader like this
then it returns a error like this
I have even tried this npm config set proxy "http://domainName%5Cusername:password#company.com:8080/" as suggested here but it didnt work
I have tried all the blogs mentioned in stackoverflow as well as github, but nothing goes beyond the following steps and nothing resolved my issue.
I'm going through a basic tutorial on how to create a Node.Js project in Visual Studio. I create the project and there is an "npm" folder with some packages listed such as : body-parser, cookie-parser, etc. They all have "(missing)" next to them. I've gone through this new project setup a few times. Sometimes when I right click on the package the "Install npm Package" is greyed out. Sometimes it isn't. When it isn't and I select "Install npm package", it does absolutely nothing.
This is a new project. There is no Git repository or anything. This is literally just a new Node.js project straight out of the box. Does anyone know why these npm packages are missing or why I can't install them?
I found this, which isn't related to Sisual Studio, but someone trying to install express via the command line:
I found some stuff in the logs about a local cert not found. I had to run npm config set strict-ssl and suddenly it worked.
An alternative answer that was suggested is the following, if you are looking for a better long-term solution:
npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/
I was trying to run npm install inside the project folder but every time there is this error showing npm cb() never called.
I am using node version 10.16.2 and npm version 6.9.0 in windows 10
I have tried npm cache clean --force but that didn't help
E:\contribution\contribute-to-open-source>npm install
npm ERR! cb() never called!
npm ERR! This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:
npm ERR! <https://npm.community>
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\papun\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-08-10T03_51_20_512Z-debug.log
I had the same problems and lost hours trying to solve it :(.
But then i found out that my firm has installed some new kind of firewall with self signed certificate.
Quick solution was:
npm config set strict-ssl=false
After that everything started working without 'npm cb() never called' errors
I had faced the same issue, and i spend days to get a solution for the issue. In the end, i figured it out and it was an issue with my network.
Please verify your network connection and proxy settings.
In my case, I was using corporate proxy using a script. When i opened the pac file and get the proxy from there ( take XXX:XXX from the line return "PROXY XXX:XXX;";) and added to npm config proxy setting (npm config set proxy XXX:XXX), it started working and got resolved.
run this all issue will be solved..
npm install --global windows-build-tools
try to set your proxy using the commands
npm config set proxy http://proxy_host:port
npm config set https-proxy https://proxy_host:port
I have deleted all the node_modules, package-lock.json but still it was not working. For me the reason was, there were some modules that required relogin to install.
So, I deleted my node_modules, build and package-lock.json. and opened command prompt in admin mode.
Then went to the specific project path and logged-in to the components that require credentials.
1. npm login (root path of your react app)
2. type username as "<xxxxx>"
3. type password as "<yyyyy>" (won't be visible on console)
4. type email as "<zzzz>#<aaa>.com"
5. npm i
6. npm run build
It worked for me.
I also faced the same problem I deleted that file from
And problem solved
Double Check file name in terminal where error occured and delete file
i.e C:\Users\Harshk1311\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2019-08-10T03_51_20_512Z-debug.log
Delete 2019-08-10T03_51_20_512Z-debug.log only this file .
Another possible reason that solved the problem in my case:
Missing MS VC Redistributable. For example if you are on a fresh new PC. In this case you could download the e.g. VC_redist.x64.exe and install it. You may need to restart the terminal before e.g. executing npm i again.
The Visual C++ Redistributable installs Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries. These libraries are required by many applications built by using Microsoft C and C++ tools.
I have latest Visual Studio 2017 with node v10.4.1, npm v6.1.0.
I can create ASP.NET Core 2.0 React project and NPM dependencies load OK and I can launch the newly created project in a web browser.
However when I create a new ASP.NET Core 2.1 React project, restore of NPM packages fails with:
NPM: ERR! 418 I'm a teapot: acorn#5.3.0
What could be wrong if NPM clearly works well in 2.0 project, but 2.1 NPM restore fails with that silly foolsday error.
.npmrc looks like this:
A command executed from cmd.exe:
cd %ProgramFiles%\nodejs
npm install npm#latest
ends also with
npm ERR! 418 I'm a teapot: npm#latest
I have also encountered this error for another type of project, on a server that relies on a proxy. I have managed to make it work by using https instead of http for the registry:
Hm, not sure, whether I should delete this post. It is connected with the issue described here, but should have been fixed a month ago. Apparently anything that goes wrong with proxy servers produces the silly 418 I'm a teapot error. I have removed the line with our proxy server
from the .npmrc config file (in the Users folder), so there remained only
Now everything went OK and React project with ASP.NET Core 2.1 launches without error.
I admit that the silly error message does not seem funny any longer.
npm set strict-ssl false
npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
I also got this error in my project and the main reason is change in our proxy settings. So i would like to suggest to check your proxy settings ... few commands which i used to resolve this error...
npm set strict-ssl false
npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
//additional commands if Npm is behind a corporate web proxy
npm config set https-proxy http://...:8080 (add server proxy address and your port number)
npm config set http-proxy http://...:8080 (add server proxy address and your port number)
I am new to nodejs and i am trying to use that with visual studio code editor. I am unable to install any packages. Getting this below error. I think its something to deal with proxy.
I have tried couple of solutions provided (e.g. changes the npm config etc) over the web but nothing seems to working
if you are behind a proxy it wont work you out.use this code
npm config set proxy http://myproxyblabla:myport
I am not able to install packages using npm. I keep getting error shown in below image.
Using link1, link2, link3 I uninstalled nodejs. After installing the nodejs again, when I run npm config ls command, I can still see proxy details which I added earlier.
How can I ensure that when I uninstall nodejs it also removes all the config files.
I was setting proxy as
npm config set http_proxy=http://myproxy address:8080
which is wrong now I use
npm config set proxy http://myproxy address:8080
and I am able to install packages.