Heroku - Application Deploy Error - node.js

Many thanks for any help.
Hi all,
like every beginners, i also created some simple app using NodeJs and Angularjs and trying to deploy it on Heroku. really don't know how, read some heroku docs. understand as much as i can. then tried to deploy it. all went very well but finally gives me Application error.
What i did is.!
i clone my own repo from https://github.com/suriyaJaay/Its_Jaay_profile_With_Mr_Mrs_NodeAngular.git
cmd showed this
any clear guidance?
thanks in advance


How to deploy node.js app onto a production server?

im new to node.js and have struggled to find information about deploying apps.
Say that I have written a small one file node.js app and would like to deploy it onto a prod server. If I deploy the app.js file alone I cant use "node app.js" to run as the app is missing package.json and the node modules. But deploying all these files/folders to the server seems like the wrong way to do it as it would take ages to transfer all the node_modules.
The only resources that I can find online use localhost node server which doesn't really show what I need. I'm using MobaX to deploy to a specific IP if this is useful.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, most of my experience is in front-end so haven't had the opportunity to play around with this and don't have anyone to ask for guidance.
Please don't mark down the question, I will happily edit the question if any feedback on doing so is provided.

How to deploy a React App with SSR on cPanel?

so here is the thing, I have created a react app with server side rendering (with babel and webpack and an express server). I was able to run it locally. So far So good.
Now I want to publish it on the web, and I am clueless about how to do that, there isn't much documentation about that and I wasn't able to get an answer so far.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
If It's an hobby project you can do that with Heroku. It's free. Else you can buy a Heroku premium or Digital ocean or AWS EC2 server

I don't know how to deploy this

I'm relatively new to StackOverflow and deploying. So be patient if this isn't the place to ask about this, any kind of help will be truly appreciated.
The thing is, I have a web app with a Front End made with ReactJS, a Backend with Node and Express, and backed up by MongoDB.
The app is a bit simple, you can login/logout, post photos/gifs, have your own profile etc.
As of now, My React app communicates to the backend with a Proxy, the images are a static folder served by express (so that its easy to fetch the images on react), and so far the tests went good, I set up Mongo Atlas so that I don't have to worry about that in production.
The point is... I don't know exactly where or how should I deploy this, I'm considering using Heroku but since I don't know if it supports local storing, and I'm not sure if it'll work, same for Netlify. I've been thinking of composing up docker images, renting hosting on Linode and deploy the images there.
So far my project tree looks like this
Project -> .git
client->React Stuff
server->Node Stuff + Images folder
//each with their own package.json and configs/env
If you have a document or a video that would help me know about deployment, I'll really appreciate, and also if you think that I should use Heroku/Netlify/etc or just wanna leave a msg , please do so!, tyvm in advance
From what you mentioned it sounds like Heroku should do the trick. Heroku uses git to store files. Here's a guide that should help you set it up

Deploying mono repo to Heroku, Node.JS, Angular 9. Heroku CLI

Having a bit of an issue with Heroku. I've always uploaded in one directory, but this time I wanted my folder structure to be a bit more, well structured. The problem is I can't seem to upload to Heroku like this.
I have a directory containing a folder called "client" which contains my angular 9 application and I have a folder called "middle-tier" containing the node.js server application.
I can't figure out how to push this up and allow it to work. The node application serves the angular application.
Everything works locally I just have no idea how to push this up to Heroku servers.
Please see attached screenshots of the structure.
Below is the error message I'm getting. Which I tried to fix by running git init again in the root of the structure. And then running the command to have a node.js build pack. Which was to no avail this also did not work and produced the same problem.
I have tried to include as much detail as I can but if there is anything else I can provide please let me know. I've spent quite some time building my application and am quite eager to deploy it!
Thanks for your time guys!
In short, with multiple discussions with Heroku support line, at the moment it is impossible to upload a mono repo to a single Heroku instance.

Can I deploy a MERN app whose both frontend folder and backend folder are on the same Github repo?

so its my first time deploying an app, I have googled a lot and tried a lot but was not quite able to find the answer. I have a github repo https://github.com/JokubasTolocka/Movie_app which has both frontend and backend folders. During many tries, I have deployed a github page for frontend and everything works as long as I run the backend locally. Whenever I shut down my VScode the github deployments page returns 404 not found. How can I deploy my backend so that I can use this project in my portfolio? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
I am also a beginner and was in the same situation, I still want to know how to deploy from the same repo.
I did a quick workaround for my case:
I separated both the into different repositories using git subtree command,
Check step-by-step instructions here:
Detach (move) subdirectory into separate Git repository
Any further help on this question will be appreciated.
