Installing NPM Dependencies on Firebase Hosting [duplicate] - node.js

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(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a simple web app made using, Express and Node.js.
Have successfully managed to push it to Heroku via Git, and it works fine. Yay!
However, I am trying to make it work on Firebase. I seem to be having some trouble installing the NPM dependencies. I didn't use Webpack or Browserify, and for Heroku, the various NPM dependencies are installed on their server, and I can leave my node_modules folder on my local computer. The docs don't seem to talk about NPM dependencies. Am I trying to do the impossible at this time? or am I missing a few critical steps?**
I believe Firebase hosting should support the various JS dependencies because if we were just doing static websites might as well use FTP and Wordpress or something. And there's much mention of web apps on their site too..
I have tried using the Firebase CLI, and reading the docs, but it doesn't say anything about specifying my various NPM Dependencies, or even ask for my package.json contents. I am wondering if it even takes notice of the package.json file so that it will install them the way Heroku does.
Am not trying to use any Firebase features at the moment, just their hosting for now, and later on will install their login and auth, which is my final intention.
Cheers guys and thanks for your help! :D

To quote one of the Firebase developers, from this forum thread:
Firebase Hosting is for static files only. As such, you cannot run Node.js scripts on it. You should look into using something like Webtask or just run your own Node.js server on something like Google Compute Engine or Heroku.
We plan to provide a solution for you to run things like you are suggesting in the future. No timeline for it at the moment.


Does the default Reactjs application use node.js?

This may be a dumb question, but is the default react app (created using npm create-react-app my-app) using node.js? I am confused because in my web development class at university, I had to download node.js to create react applications. However, I didn't have to do anything like creating a server or initiating a node.js file, which is described in w3school's node.js tutorial. Because of this, I found out that I don't even really know what node is used for, besides downloading packages like redux and whatnot.
create-react-app uses node.js for all of its dev tooling. Likewise, a lot of the tools you'll use in the React ecosystem (like webpack, prettier, npm), all run on top of node.js as well).
You'll most probably build your react app to a static file, in which case the production output will not require node.js, it will be html and javascript assets that can be served directly to a client.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have other specific questions
Node.js is used for server-side while React.js is for the front-end part. So, no, you don't need Node.js.
Under development mode, yes. Create react app runs NodeJs with Webpack Dev Server to allow you get feedback when modifing files, start or stop the server.

Is Node.js just used for dev-tooling on the front-end?

For my understanding, node.js is a javascript-engine which is running javascript-code without using a browser(window-global). You can use javascript on a server. But I saw now a lot of tutorials(react, angular, vue etc.). In every tutorial, I have to install something with npm. I can follow there are several dev-tools which I can use on my local machine to minimize my javscript-files or compile sass to css. But in the end, when I put my files on a webserver, I just have normal javascript-files, css-files etc. No node.js code in it, right?
My question is: React, angular, vue.js etc. are written in just normal javascript without node.js right? The reason why I use npm ist just to install every dependencies with one command, right?
A question more: Is there an any recommended order to learn all these frontend-development stuff? There are so much words I have to google it: angular.js, react, vue.js, vanilla.js, typescript, backbone.js, bower, grunt, webpack, yarn etc... I dont know where I start, so I look into few tutorials, but everytime I go through these tutorials, there is a new word(technology) I have to research.
I think you're getting your terminology a little muddled.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime, built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. However, that is not to say that Node programs are executed in a browser. They aren’t. Rather, the creator of Node (Ryan Dahl) took the V8 engine and enhanced it with various features (such as a file system API and an HTTP library) to create a program we can use to execute JavaScript on our computers.
Node comes bundled with a package manager called npm which you can use to install packages (such as React and Angular) from the npm registry. These packages are indeed written in normal JavaScript (or a language that compiles to JavaScript, such as TypeScript).
The reason why I use npm is just to install every dependencies with one command, right?
Kinda. You can certainly use npm to install dependencies. However, it does a lot more that that. For example you can use npm scripts to carry out various build tasks, or you can create a package yourself and use npm to publish it to the registry.
A question more: Is there an any recommended order to learn all these frontend-development stuff?
As with everything, it depends. What are you trying to build? It's relatively pointless to learn about Node, npm, React and Angular if you are attempting to build a simple static website. If I were you, I'd define a clear goal and set about learning the technologies you'll need to reach that goal. Saying that, if you are doing anything with front-end development, learning about npm will be a good use of your time.
Here's an article by way of further reading that explains things a little more:

OpenShift Online, NodeJS, Jenkins, and package dependencies - can someone explain?

I'm running a NodeJS app on Openshift using Jenkins for building deployments (and I'm pretty new to both Node and cloud-based servers). My app depends on a package that has a binary component, so I can't just check it into git - it fails when it's executed on the server. I'm wondering what's the best way to deploy these sorts of dependencies. I see that there is an $OPENSHIFT_DEPENDENCIES_DIR (as well as $OPENSHIFT_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES_DIR), but I can't find any information about how (or if) these can be utilized for node modules. It would be great if I could keep all my dependencies on the server and out of my source tree.
Update: I forgot to mention that I need to apply a patch to the package in question, which is why I can't just rely on it being auto-installed via package.json. Plus, it seems awfully redundant/slow to rebuild all your dependencies on every deployment.
I'm also new to nodejs. I've been playing with nodeJs for about 6 months from now. As for my personal experience nodejitsu is the best cloud-hosting service for nodejs. As I said so due to the following reasons.
You can simply install jitsu command line in your terminal
Your app can be deployed with all the dependencies and databases using the package.json file
They support all the types of sockets either
A very good alternative for jitsu is heroku But sometimes heroku fails with Socket.IO and stuff.

How to include Ember into an existing Node/Express.js App

I'm working on including Ember into an already deployed Node/Express/EJS application. I don't want to disrupt any of the existing application behavior, but instead, want build out any additional feature to the app using Ember. The server side code for these new features has already been built, and each endpoint returns the JSON format that Ember Data expects. I've been looking into Ember App Kit and Ember-cli, but I'm not sure how to include these tools into my existing directory structure, and I'm not certain if these are in face the right tools for my use case. Does anyone have any experience with this particular use case?
For example, navigating to /foo returns the existing express route that renders an ejs template, but /bar would be an Ember route that hits the api endpoint of the same name.
Use ember-cli ( It's perfect for this situation as it allows you to rapidly prototype out your ember app. It even comes with an expressJS based testing suite and mocks server.
Once you are ready to incorporate it to your NodeJS, Flask, or whatever other application all static files should be available in the ember-cli dist directory.
Just don't forget to build the ember-cli project before porting via the means of ember build. After that it's just a simple matter of moving the files in the ember projects dist folder into wherever you need in your environment.
Just to embellish a bit: Ember-cli has a great work-flow for use while building your ember app. Try ember serve for a quick example. I mention this because it speaks to your question of how to incorporate this into your existing project (by project, I assume you may mean workflow). I typically will build ember projects purely using ember-cli and consider the back-end (usually a REST-API exposed via either Flask or NodeJS) a separate concern. When importing the app all I have to concern myself with is making sure my server serves the correct static dist files.
I would not recommend using the Ember App Kit (EAK) as it has been deprecated in favor of ember-cli. It really is.. much, much better.
Ok so I'm going to try to be more complete in this answer. Let's start with the isolated question - ember-cli or eak? Definitely Ember-Cli, but why?
EAK is officially heading for deprecation in favor of ember-cli.
Ember-cli produces more structured, cleaner, maintainable ember code.
Ember-cli integrates your entire ember-app workflow.
Managing all types of dependencies and assets is made simple via bower install --save and Brocfile.js edits. (See the ember-cli docus for explanation)
Now the more complicated part of the question. How do I integrate this with an existing workflow? I recently ran into this when building a webrtc-included ember app. It just so happened that this was my first real use of ember as well. So, not yet realizing the full potential of my new hammer I wrote the REST API, Backend ORM layer, the signalling service, the session cache, and built a complete CI workflow first. Then I was ready to build my ember app and ended up in your exact position.
To short circuit a long story - the lesson I learned was that I should treat my ember-cli app like a completely separate concern. What I mean here is - there's my backend (NodeJS, Apache, Nginx... whatever) and what I code here is built, tested and integrated separately. It normally even lives in its own git repository. It's a separate concern to my front end equation which typically would consist of several components itself. My I-Phone Native app would have its own workflow from build-to-test and integrate to my backend via a REST API. My Android native app another. My web app another. For all intents and purposes, in my workflow these are entirely separate workflows that only tie together when we start talking Continuous Integration.
There's a lot of arguments for why you'd want to do this. Most importantly - it scales.
The beauty of ember-cli is that it makes it fairly trivial to get a workflow for your ember app going and trivial to redeploy your app + workflow on a new box/instance. I would certainly recommend referring to the official ember-cli setup instructions but I'm going to include them here in case the URL goes bad one day:
No really, refer to the link my instructions will suck in comparison...
Deploying a new Ember App
Install NodeJS, NPM and Git (ember-cli will as a default load git going for you on new apps) on your system via sudo apt-get install nodejs and sudo apt-get install npm, sudo apt-get install git.
Note: On Ubuntu 14.04 and some other Debian systems use sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy instead. If in doubt, use legacy. If you experience problems using the node command after install, it's definitely that you need to use nodejs-legacy. Don't bother trying to do the linking manually.
Install required node modules globally: sudo npm install -g ember-cli, sudo npm install -g bower, sudo npm install -g phantomjs
Create new ember-cli app: cd <Desired Directory>, ember new my-app-name
Now you can look at ember help to begin learning how to use ember-cli. Hint: The --dry-run flag is your friend. You'll notice that when you installed ember-cli all the scaffolding was taken care of for you. You'll see that you can add things with simple ember generate commands and they will not only create the required objects, but the test files as well. Best of all, using ember serve you can start scaffolding your app and via simple flags you can configure the test server to actually proxy and use your already-existing REST API (if you have one) or the expressJS mocks server to build a psuedo-API.
Integrating it with your larger workflow from here is a simple matter of configuring whatever tools you use (I use Jenkins and Ansible for this kind of stuff) to distribute the dist folder of ember-cli to where it should go to be served as static content (it is just a single page webapp in the end).
If you want to instead play with an existing ember-cli app that operates in an isolated workflow and already makes use of most of the goodies in order to get some familiarity - as I suspect you'll quickly realize how to fit this into whatever your current structure is - feel free to clone and play with this one here.
And so finally - to answer the more specific question of how this might fit into an existing directory structure, I would break this down into two categories. When we're talking src - I would have it in it's own "structure", separated at least by being in a separate sub-directory of its own. When we're talking built and deliverable I would include the contents of the /dist folder in whatever static web server directory you want to serve your ember app from.
EDIT: I Added some more detail - hopefully useful details below the line break. Let me know if you have more questions or if I can explain anything better.
I am facing a similar situation. I am planning to use EAK as a "prototyping tool" in a separate project folder. Then build the distribution directory from EAK using grunt dist and insert that into the assets folder of my main Node.js project.

Can't access

this might be a bit of a silly question but it's something that i've been struggling to find the answer to and for some reason it doesn't seem to be evident from the tutorials and websites i have been reading, so maybe it's something that is assumed that i'm really missing.
So anyway, i installed node.js and then used the command npm install it them proceeds to download and install a bunch of files, i don't see any error with this process in the command line.
So now i've tried to access like this:
<script src="/"></script>
Like it shows on the website, however i get an error saying the file isn't found..... my first guess is that the installation of node.js and are both on the local machine (program files) and not in the htdocs.
I have tested this one two platforms, first was my localhost which is Windows 7 running XAMPP on it, and i installed node.js and globally (Program files). Second was my Windows server that uses IIS still get the error.
So my question is, how do i reference the API and start using it based on the installations i have?
Thanks for your time.
npm isntall installs Socket.IO in a local node_modules folder so that the library is accessible to you in your own Node.js applications. You still need to create (and run) a Node.js application that loads up the module and sets up an HTTP server that uses the module; the examples under How to use in the project readme is a good starting point, although preexisting knowledge of Node.js will be helpful. You might check out Node.js Tutorial with Socket.IO if you're looking for additional information.
