Scanning project directories android studio - android-studio

When I open my Android Studio 2.1.2 it performs Scanning project directories... background task infinitely and I cannot check through my code. This has not happened before as I have been using the studio for quite a while without the prob and I have not changed any files. I have tried restarting the studio severally but it doesn't help and have also checked the internet but it only offers solutions for Scanning files to index... infinite background task. So what might be the prob and how can i fix it??

Not sure how to actually fix but a workaround would be to go to File --> Invalidate Caches / Restart option.
That usually seals the deal for me when Android Studio is stuck Scanning directories or indexing.


Android studio messed up every xml file. How to resolve it? [duplicate]

I have an odd problem with Android Studio.
Here is how my class file looks like on Android Studio
And here is what it looks like on a text editor.
Any ideas why it is happening? I have tried closing then reimporting the project, invalidate caches and restart, clean project, build project, delete .idea folder and .iml files. All of my files are broken when opening in AS but looks fine on text editors.
UPDATE: Quicker solution by the user Hong given below:
Delete the caches folder: C:\Users\my_user_name\.AndroidStudio3.3\system\caches
Here's what worked for me.
Close Android Studio
Go to C:\Users*your username*
Locate the Android Studio settings directory named .AndroidStudioX.X (X.X being the version)
Rename it to something like old.AndroidStudioX.X
Start Android Studio, and when it asks if you want to import settings, choose the old directory
This should fix the issue.
Thanks to the Answer of Asim, I found deleting folder caches fixed the problem for my case (all gradle files in Android Studio show contents that have nothing to do with the actual contents of these files):
This is still happening with Android Studio 4.0, so I have to delete the following folder to fix this problem:
This solution no longer works for Android Studio Arctic Fox. Please see the new answer by Nikunj Paradva. I have used the new solution and it works.
Solution for Android studio Arctic Fox and Higher Versions
Exit Android Studio
Delete caches folder from
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3 // For Arctic Fox
Open Android Studio and your code has being Perfect
Check your Android studio version and Target that version folder at below location
Note : AppData folder is Hidden in Windows
Does this situation warrant a bug report?
Yes! In fact this problem has been reported to the Android Studio team, and anyone willing to help us investigate is welcome to contribute there. Thanks!
You can also try the workaround in Hong's answer.
Close Android studio and then delete the caches folder: C:\Users\user_name\.AndroidStudio3.4\system\caches
Try to delete the Android Studio IDE cache data listed below per your platform:
~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudio[Preview]_X.Y_
Updated my android studio days ago and was faced with the same problem. Solved it by uninstalling android studio and reinstalling the previous version set up I had left the SDK intact so I didn't have to re-download them working perfectly guess I won't be updating again soon.
Thanks to #Henry for confirming, by several similarly observed whacko problems the past two days, that my problem is indeed caused by a bug in AS. Follow his links to become convinced yourself. I'll let Henry file the bug report.
So there's no fixing my problem in situ without great effort--wait for bug fix.... which could take awhile.
So here's what I did to work around it and get back to work (it took less than 10 minutes):
create new project with no activity
(Do the rest inside the IDE, not using Windows or DOS.)
copy all .java files into the java folder in the IDE (it's ...\app\src\main\java\)
copy all res folders into the res folder (...\app\src\main\res\)
copy all asset files into main folder (...\app\src\main\assets\)
copy androidmanifest.xml into main folder (...\app\src\main)
do a global replace of old project name to new project name
I didn't change any of the files in the new project's ...\app\ folder because compilation was normal.
(I'll tell you this: when I saw what I THOUGHT were mangled FILES and looked at the History and saw nothing resembling what should have been there, I got a sick feeling, but I immediately opened Windows Explorer, selected all of the project's java files, and opened them, en masse, with Notepad++. Whew. No problems seen. (I didn't really think AS could actually mangle the files and I doubt it ever could. But it did wake me up at 5am!))
copy your android project to another location then open it from android studio
I changed my projects location and it solved my problem. This happened when my system was accidently shut down due to power failure.

Android Studio shows wrong file contents

I have an odd problem with Android Studio.
Here is how my class file looks like on Android Studio
And here is what it looks like on a text editor.
Any ideas why it is happening? I have tried closing then reimporting the project, invalidate caches and restart, clean project, build project, delete .idea folder and .iml files. All of my files are broken when opening in AS but looks fine on text editors.
UPDATE: Quicker solution by the user Hong given below:
Delete the caches folder: C:\Users\my_user_name\.AndroidStudio3.3\system\caches
Here's what worked for me.
Close Android Studio
Go to C:\Users*your username*
Locate the Android Studio settings directory named .AndroidStudioX.X (X.X being the version)
Rename it to something like old.AndroidStudioX.X
Start Android Studio, and when it asks if you want to import settings, choose the old directory
This should fix the issue.
Thanks to the Answer of Asim, I found deleting folder caches fixed the problem for my case (all gradle files in Android Studio show contents that have nothing to do with the actual contents of these files):
This is still happening with Android Studio 4.0, so I have to delete the following folder to fix this problem:
This solution no longer works for Android Studio Arctic Fox. Please see the new answer by Nikunj Paradva. I have used the new solution and it works.
Solution for Android studio Arctic Fox and Higher Versions
Exit Android Studio
Delete caches folder from
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3 // For Arctic Fox
Open Android Studio and your code has being Perfect
Check your Android studio version and Target that version folder at below location
Note : AppData folder is Hidden in Windows
Does this situation warrant a bug report?
Yes! In fact this problem has been reported to the Android Studio team, and anyone willing to help us investigate is welcome to contribute there. Thanks!
You can also try the workaround in Hong's answer.
Close Android studio and then delete the caches folder: C:\Users\user_name\.AndroidStudio3.4\system\caches
Try to delete the Android Studio IDE cache data listed below per your platform:
~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudio[Preview]_X.Y_
Updated my android studio days ago and was faced with the same problem. Solved it by uninstalling android studio and reinstalling the previous version set up I had left the SDK intact so I didn't have to re-download them working perfectly guess I won't be updating again soon.
Thanks to #Henry for confirming, by several similarly observed whacko problems the past two days, that my problem is indeed caused by a bug in AS. Follow his links to become convinced yourself. I'll let Henry file the bug report.
So there's no fixing my problem in situ without great effort--wait for bug fix.... which could take awhile.
So here's what I did to work around it and get back to work (it took less than 10 minutes):
create new project with no activity
(Do the rest inside the IDE, not using Windows or DOS.)
copy all .java files into the java folder in the IDE (it's ...\app\src\main\java\)
copy all res folders into the res folder (...\app\src\main\res\)
copy all asset files into main folder (...\app\src\main\assets\)
copy androidmanifest.xml into main folder (...\app\src\main)
do a global replace of old project name to new project name
I didn't change any of the files in the new project's ...\app\ folder because compilation was normal.
(I'll tell you this: when I saw what I THOUGHT were mangled FILES and looked at the History and saw nothing resembling what should have been there, I got a sick feeling, but I immediately opened Windows Explorer, selected all of the project's java files, and opened them, en masse, with Notepad++. Whew. No problems seen. (I didn't really think AS could actually mangle the files and I doubt it ever could. But it did wake me up at 5am!))
copy your android project to another location then open it from android studio
I changed my projects location and it solved my problem. This happened when my system was accidently shut down due to power failure.

Android Studio - automatic gradle sync at startup

Yesterday I updated the Android Studio to 2.2 (from 2.1.3). Since that the Android Studio always start gradle sync at startup on every opened projects. I found this question and I tried Mick's suggestion, but unfortunately that did'nt worked for me.
If I open Android Studio, and I wait until load my projects, sync gradle and then I close Android Studio (without any change on my projects), and after that, I open it again, AS also do the same as before (run a gradle sync again senselessly).
I think, this is not a serious problem, but it's pretty weird, because it sync senselessly (otherwise I start gradle sync manually if I need to, but AS start it on every startup senselessly), and I need to wait little more to start coding (a little waste of time and energy).
Maybe this is what you want.
gradle --stop

Auto complete not working in android studio

I am a starter in android development and I started off with eclipse.. But it started giving lot of problems. So I switched to android studio. Got it set up successfully and for couple of weeks it was ok. Now, for some reason, the auto complete feature is not working. It is not giving any choices while typing, so I tried ctrl-enter. It says no suggestions. I browsed through similar queries and tried the following.
Disabling Power Save in File menu.
Checking basic complete and smart type completion in IDE settings (editor)
Invalidate caches and restart.
But non of these seems to work.
Try with CTRL + space and you will get the drop down .
I had the same issue and solved it.
Go File> Invalidate Caches / Restart... > Click at Invalidate and Restart
Then you can also check if Power Save Mode on File menu is disabled.
Source: Android Studio - Auto complete and other features not working
These following steps are working for me:
Close android studio
Go to path/.AndroidStudio3.5/system/ delete caches folder
Start Android Studio
You should Try this way File->Invalidate Caches/Restart or you can find solution by using below link
In my case on Android Studio Artic Fox edition there were strange problems with autocompletion and suggestions because of old version of Gradle plugin. I have updated to
classpath ''
classpath 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.4.21'
and it worked as expected. Hope it will be helpful for new visitors like in my case it would.
In Ubuntu 21 I had tried
$ rm -rf ~/.cache/Google/AndroidStudio2020.3/caches/
I followed all the steps from various answers and sources, still didn't get it to work. Code completion and Syntax Highlighting was not working.
I restarted using Invalidate Caches and did Gradle Sync atleast 10 times.
It was working in main flavor, but not in other flavors! In this project we have multiple flavors.
So finally the solution was found using
Android Studio product flavors only recognized one out of two flavours
Just selecting the correct Build Variant solved my issue.
Delete everything inside caches folder
and restart android studio

Does Android studio need internet connection to build project

I am using Android studio version 0.4.2 and gradle version 1.9. I have successfully installed Studio and have created multiple projects. Today when I launched Studio without internet connection,
I got this error message:
"Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing,
debugging) will not work properly" and the Event Log window shows
"Failed to refresh Gradle project < Project Name >. Connection timed
out: connect. If you are behind an HTTP proxy, please configure the
proxy settings either in IDE or Gradle."
I need to know if internet connection is mandatory for building projects using gradle.
I think gradle checks for latest version on internet and throws Connection time out error. If so, is there any workaround to disable that.
Currently Android Studio's Gradle implementation requires a fast stable network connection. For whatever reason, the developers have decided to force this requirement on users at this time. There is a setting that you should be able to use to utilize a local gradle installation, but it doesn't hold. The developers know about both the network requirement and the broken switch, but are currently prioritizing other functionality. They may remove that requirement in the 1.0 or post 1.0 time frame.
[see: ]
Gradle's offline mode, isn't. It should be properly named cached mode. All that switch does is tell gradle to not try to go online and instead utilize cached copies of the various networked resources. Unfortunately that assumes that you have had (and will have again) a network connection, preferably a fast stable one. Using Android Studio (last version tested 0.5.9) with a slow/unstable network results in watching Android Studio process Gradle ( and Maven ) processes usually for 2-5 minutes, sometimes for 10 minutes or more. Also at seemingly random times when coding the IDE will lock up and the cause usually involves one or more Gradle processes that have spun up.
As a comparison, using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 Community edition (the IDE that Android Studio is based on) I compared a default "Hello Android" IDE generated program using the Android Gradle wizard (substantially similar to the only one in Android Studio) and the Ant based Android wizard. The results were as expected. The gradle based project experienced the same painful lock up and lag that projects in Android Studio exhibited. The ant based Android project was near instantaneous. No appreciable delay once the project was created and opened. Coding caused no random lockups. Testing was done on a Windows 8.1 update1 Pro machine with a dual Athlon x2 processor, 6GB RAM, and a 6Mb/0.75Mb DSL connection. I believe that last part is most likely the issue.
Unfortunately until Android Studio removes the network requirement I feel it will be unusable to a large number of developers. That's a shame because otherwise it looks to be a marked improvement over the existing Eclipse based development environment.
For me, I had to check and then uncheck the box in
Preferences->Gradle->Offline work.
Then I got back online.
You can download the gradle distribution locally and build the project again.
To do this, edit your under gradle-> wrapper in your Android project.
Edit the
So just download the file from here as mentioned in your
There's an offline mode preference in Preferences > Compiler > Gradle. If you already have your dependencies downloaded, this will generally work for you.
In Android studio version 1.5.1 I could solve this error by following steps :
1) Go to file -> Settings -> HTTP Proxy -> & select Auto detect proxy settings.
2) After that you may get Dialog to accept or reject certificate
3) Select Accept.
That's it.
