Deleting a feed using REST API - getstream-io

My requirement is to clear all activities on a notification feed.
Based on this stackoverflow question I understand that there is an undocumented REST API to delete a feed and the dashboard truncate feed functionality uses it.
I tried to replicate the call with the same parameters as dashboard:
DELETE /api/v1.0/feed/notification/f8fa1d12-594a-4b2b-ac58-23c912d1335a/?api_key=...&location=unspecified
Authorization: notificationf8fa1d12-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-23c912d1335a writetoken
stream-auth-type: simple
X-Stream-Client: stream-javascript-client-browser-unknown
Cache-Control: no-cache
Tried to use the same but am getting this error message:
"code": null,
"detail": "url signature missing or invalid",
"duration": "6ms",
"exception": "AuthenticationFailed",
"status_code": 403
Is this the right way to use this API?
I am using this from Java code and believe that the Java client doesn't have this functionality built in.

There's two ways to do this. You can do it manually from the explorer on the dashboard. Search for the feed, select an activity and press the truncate feed button. This is the easiest way to do this if manually doing this is sufficient.
It's also possible like you found to use the delete API endpoint to do it programmatically. This endpoint is not built in to most clients, including the Java client. The URL and HTTP verb that you used should indeed work.
From what I can tell from your headers and the response it seems like you are having an issue with supplying a correct signature. The easiest way to do this correctly is to use the built in methods in the library you're using to generate them. I'm not an expert in the Java library, but it seems like these methods are inside the StreamRepoUtils class.


How to get file comments using Sharepoint rest api

I'm using the following api to successfully get file data:'xxx')/files('yyy')
This is a docx file on which I've posted comments using the web console.
How can I fetch these comments using the rest api? I tried appending /comments to the url, but I'm getting the following 404 error:
"error": {
"code": "-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "Cannot find resource for the request Comments."
The Comments() endpoint currently exists only under the Items() endpoint and not under the Files() endpoint.
Basically, you can access the Comments() functionality only under the below endpoint:
GET https://{site_url}/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle({list_title})/items({item_id})/Comments
You can easily test the above in a PowerAutomate scenario with a Send Http Request to SharePoint actions.
In the below example I attempt to target the file in the document library:
On the other hand, if I attempt to target the file based on the List Item Id that it got in the document library I will get the below response:
As you can see from the above, I am also able to target a specific comment that I left.
Please take note of the below
The Comments() endpoint is not available for MS resources, meaning docx, excels and such files. It is only available for non-MS resource files like pdfs, txts and so on. I am not sure why this rule is in effect but, my best guess would be because there is a "commenting" functionality provided within a Word Document, for example.
You could find a bit more info about the above here.

Azure Build Pipeline - Pause and Enable DefinitionQueueStatus change REST API

We have many dozens of build pipelines and we want to pause and resume (re-enable) build pipelines from a simple webapp interface as we are making config changes frequently. Here is the MS doc explaining this API:
From this documentation, it appears I need to hit the REST API and change/toggle the DefinitionQueueStatus -- however, this documentation only shows a sample for a build specific operation, whereas I want to pause then re-enable the entire build pipeline. What is the proper way to make this call?
I'm using fetch - and I've tried many dozen formats in the call - the 'ourorg' and 'ourproject' are correct (we use this call structure for many other calls), but all fails for this call below. I grabbed the 'definitionID' from the URL I can visibly see when in the Azure devops portal on the specific build pipeline page, and I'm using it for the {buildID} as I don't know what else to put there. Any guidance to help here is appreciated - I don't need to use fetch btw - any working sample will help here:
fetch( {
method: 'PATCH ',
credentials: 'same-origin',
body: 'DefinitionQueueStatus: "Enabled"'
}).then(function(response) {
It seems that the body is incorrect in your post. Here is sample about how to use POSTMAN to access Azure DevOps Services REST APIs.
Generate the PAT, and then record the token, it is important to use to authorization, please see this document.
Create a new request in POSTMAN, it is recommended to put the request in a collection for Azure DevOps Services REST API;
Select the authorization as Basic Auth, you can input the username as any value, and the password as the token which is generated in step1.
Basic Auth
Set the REST API which you want to use,and select the request method type(GET,POST,FETCH ....), here you use{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/builds/{buildId}?api-version=5.0.
In the Body tab, you can set the request body as raw in json format, and input the value as following:
Everthing is ready now, you can send the request, if sccuess, you will get the response from the REST API.
In your post, the body content is incorrect, the Request Body should meet the format in the REST API document. The DefinitionQueueStatus is a type in definitions. In addition, if you send the request with parameter retry, you will get the message The request body must be empty when the retry parameter is specified..

How to filter SmartCollections via Shopify API?

I need to get only those SmartCollections that are imitating some kind of category of products e.g. Pants, Shirts, Shoes. But there is also collections like "All Products" or "Available on local store". What I need to get via API are only those spesific categories and nothing else.
So is there any way to set some kind of metafield or alternative to SmartCollections so I could filter via API only collections I need?
Of course one(and really bad) way to do this is to hard code list of not wanted collections, but this solution isn't very dynamic :/
I am using this package froatsnook:shopify from
Here is Shopify's API documentation about SmartCollections: SmartCollection
Okay, I managed to do this eventhough API disagrees with me. With this Chrome extension you can use metafields also with SmartCollections:
And then you just have to create new function for this new endpoint via build in functionality provided by froatsnook:shopify like this:
"name": "getSmartCollectionMetafieldsById",
"method": "GET",
"path": "/admin/smart_collections/#{collection_id}/metafields.json",
"returns": "metafields",
"description": "Get a single smart_collection metafields by its ID"
And voilá! Now you can include/exclude SmartCollections via API by using metafields!

Updating a wiki page with the REST API

How do you update a SharePoint 2013 wiki page using the REST API?
Three permutations:
Reading an existing page (content only)
Updating an existing page
Creating a new page
For reading an existing page, of course I can just to a "GET" of the correct URL, but this also brings down all the various decorations around the actual data on the wiki page-- rather than fish that out myself, it would be better if there was a way to just get the content if that is possible.
Are there special endpoints is the REST API that allow for any of these three operations on wiki pages?
As stated in GMasucci's post, there does not appear to be a clean or obvious way of instantiating pages through the REST API.
You can call the AddWikiPage method from the SOAP service at http://[site]/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx. This is an out of the box service that will be accessible unless it has been specifically locked down for whatever reason.
To read the content of a wiki page through the REST API, you can use the following endpoint:
The content is contained within the WikiContent field. You may want to add a select to that URL and return it as JSON to reduce the amount of data getting passed over if that is a concern.
As for updating the content of an existing wiki page, it is not something I have tried but I would imagine it's just like populating another field through the REST API. This is how I would expect to do it:
Do a HTTP POST to the same endpoint as above
Use the following HTTP headers:
Cookie = "yourauthcookie"
Content-Type = "application/json;odata=verbose"
X-RequestDigest = "yourformdigest"
X-HTTP-Method, "MERGE"
If-Match = "etag value from entry node, returned from a GET to the above endpoint"
Post the following JSON body
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.SitePagesItem" },
"WikiField" : "HTML entity coded wiki content goes here"
The interim answer I have found is to not utilise REST, as it appears to not be
fully documented
fully featured
supported across Sharepoint 2013 and On-line in the same way
So my current recommendation would be to utilise the SOAP services to achieve the same, as these are more documented and easily accessible.

Windows Azure - Set Blob Service Properties REST API Call Authentication parameter

I am trying to make a simple REST call to the Set Blob Properties API ( to just turn off/on logging. I have gotten the REST API call to successfully work for retrieving Blob Properties, so I know my hashing algorithms, headers-setting, and Authentication signature creation works, but I can't seem to get it working on the Set Properties side of things. I keep getting an error on the Authentication Header, so I know I'm not doing something right there.
I have copied below what is being created and eventually hashed and put into the auth header string. The online documentation ( does not really help in determining which of these fields are absolutely required for this particular type of Blob request, so I've tried filling most of them in, but I don't seem to get a difference response regardless of what I fill in. I've also tried the Shared Key Lite authentication, which would be preferred since it's much more lightweight, but that doesn't seem to work either when I fill in all 5 of those fields.
Shared Key Authentication for Blob Services:
x-ms-date:Tue, 19 Jun 2012 19:53:58 GMT\n
Is there anything obvious I'm missing here? The values (MD5_CONTENT_HASH) and (MY_ACCOUNT) are of course filled in when I make the request call, and the similar request call to "GET" the properties works fine when I send it. The only difference between that one and this is that I'm sending the MD5_content, along with the content-length. I may be missing something obvious here, though.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Programming Language I'm using: Objective-C (iOS iPhone)
I'm also using ASIHTTPRequest to make the request. I simply define the request, setRequestMethod:#"PUT", then I create the request body and convert it to NSData to calculate the length. I attach the request-body data via the appendPostData method to the request. I then build the auth string above, hash the whole thing, and attach it to the request as a header called "Authorization".
Request Body String I'm using:
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><StorageServiceProperties><Logging><Version>1</Version></Logging></StorageServiceProperties>
I know this is an incomplete request body, but I was planning on waiting for it to give a failure on "missing request body element" or something similar, until I proceeded on creating the full XML there. (could that be my issue?)
Error I get from the server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>AuthenticationFailed</Code><Message>Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
Time:2012-06-20T14:36:50.5313236Z</Message><AuthenticationErrorDetail>The MAC signature found in the HTTP request '(MY_HASH)' is not the same as any computed signature. Server used following string to sign: 'POST
x-ms-date:Wed, 20 Jun 2012 14:36:50 GMT
What's odd is that the error I get back from the server seems to look like that, no matter how many parameters I pass into the Authentication signature.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Comparing your signed string and the error message indicates that you're sending a POST request but signing as though you're sending a PUT.
