puppet couldn't retrieve information from source - puppet

My Puppet manifest looks like this
$abrt_config = [ 'abrt.conf','abrt-action-save-package-data.conf' ]
file { $abrt_config:
ensure => present,
path => "/etc/abrt/${abrt_config}",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => "puppet:///modules/abrt/${abrt_config}",
My config files are located in the following path.
I'm getting the following error when executing puppet on client nodes.
Error: /Stage[main]/Abrt/File[/etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment development source(s) puppet:///modules/abrt//etc/abrt/abrt.conf/etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf
Error: /Stage[main]/Abrt/File[/etc/abrt/abrt.conf]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment development source(s) puppet:///modules/abrt//etc/abrt/abrt.conf/etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf

You cannot implicitly convert an array to a string in the source attribute like that and expect desired behavior.
If you are using a non-obsolete version of Puppet, then you can use a lambda iterator to solve this problem in the following way:
['abrt.conf', 'abrt-action-save-package-data.conf'].each |$abrt_config| {
file { $abrt_config:
ensure => present,
path => "/etc/abrt/${abrt_config}",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
source => "puppet:///modules/abrt/${abrt_config}",
Check the documentation here for more details: https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/4.8/function.html#each


Creating master and slaves DNS with puppet module camptocamp bind

Trying to create a master and slave (redundancy) DNS with puppet module camptocamp bind. In slave profile, I've set transfer_source => '' to masters ip: It should then synchronize and copy dns records from master to the slave.
But I got complaints about that it could only be set to slave zones. I've followed the README from puppet forge for the module: https://forge.puppet.com/camptocamp/bind/readme
class profile::dnsbind::server {
include 'bind'
bind::zone {'example.com':
ensure => 'present',
zone_contact => 'contact.example.com',
zone_ns => ['ns0.example.com'],
zone_serial => '2012112901',
zone_ttl => '604800',
zone_origin => 'example.com',
bind::a { 'example.com':
ensure => 'present',
zone => 'example.com',
ptr => false,
hash_data => {
'host1' => { owner => '', },
'host2' => { owner => '', },
class profile::dnsbind::server_slave {
include 'bind'
bind::zone {'example.com':
ensure => 'present',
zone_contact => 'contact.example.com',
zone_ns => ['ns0.example.com'],
zone_serial => '2012112901',
zone_ttl => '604800',
zone_origin => 'example.com',
transfer_source => '',
The error message:
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Zone 'example.com': transfer_source can be set only for slave zones! at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/bind/manifests/zone.pp:80:5 at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/profile_dns2.pp:5 on node centos7-3
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
It should then synchronize and copy dns records from master to the
But I got complaints about that it could only be set to slave zones.
Evidently, the module does not recognize that you're trying to configure a slave zone. How do you suppose it would know? Well, apparently not from the presence of a transfer_source property.
I've followed the README from puppet forge for the module:
I'll believe that you started by pulling the example zone definition (for a master zone) from the readme, and I grant you that this module's docs are kinda shoddy. But do nevertheless consider actually reading the docs thoroughly, not just skimming them. If you had done, you would have found documentation for the zone_type parameter immediately following the the documentation for the transfer_source parameter:
$zone_type = master
Specify if the zone is master/slave/forward.
Use this to specify that you're configuring a slave zone.

Puppet can't find class firewall

I have a basic puppet install using this tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-puppet-4-on-ubuntu-16-04
When I run /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test on my node I get
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement. Could not find declared class firewall at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp:7:1 on node mark-inspiron.
On my node:
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet module list
----- puppetlabs-firewall (v1.9.0)
On my puppet master at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp:
file {'/tmp/it_works.txt': # resource type file and filename
ensure => present, # make sure it exists
mode => '0644', # file permissions
content => "It works on ${ipaddress_eth0}!\n", # Print the eth0 IP fact
class { 'firewall': }
resources { 'firewall':
purge => true,
firewall { "051 asterisk-set-rate-limit-register":
string => "REGISTER sip:",
string_algo => "bm",
dport => '5060',
proto => 'udp',
recent => 'set',
rname => 'VOIPREGISTER',
rsource => 'true';
firewall { "052 asterisk-drop-rate-limit-register":
string => "REGISTER sip:",
string_algo => "bm",
dport => '5060',
proto => 'udp',
action => 'drop',
recent => 'update',
rseconds => '600',
rhitcount => '5',
rname => 'VOIPREGISTER',
rsource => true,
rttl => true;
The file part works but not firewall.
You need to install the modules on your master in a master setup with Puppet. They need to be somewhere in your modulepath. You can either place it in the modules directory within your $codedir (normally /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules) or in your directory environment modules directory (likely /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules in your case since your cited site.pp is there). If you defined additional module paths in your environment.conf, then you can also place the modules there.
You can install/deploy them with a variety of methods, such as librarian-puppet, r10k, or code-manager (in Enterprise). However, the easiest method for you would be puppet module install puppetlabs-firewall on the master. Your Puppet catalog will then find the firewall class during compilation.
On a side note, that:
resources { 'firewall':
purge => true,
will remove any changes to associated firewall configurations (as defined by Puppet's knowledge of the system firewall configuration according to the module's definition of what the resource manages) that are not managed by Puppet. This is nice for eliminating local changes that people make, but it can also have interesting side effects, so be careful.

puppet not able to run shell script from master to client

I am new to puppet. I want to run a shell script call crfs.sh located under /myscripts on a RHEL linux puppet master server.
How do I execute this script on a client or target server?
What you want can be solved using the file and the exec modules of puppet.
class mymodule::myclass {
file { 'my_bash_script':
ensure => 'file',
source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/my_bash_script.sh',
path => '/usr/local/bin/my_bash_script.sh',
owner => 'root'
group => 'root'
mode => '0744', # Use 0700 if it is sensitive
notify => Exec['run_my_script'],
exec { 'run_my_script':
command => '/usr/local/bin/my_bash_script.sh',
refreshonly => true,

Puppet and composer project

A small puppet question
I am creating a composer project like so.
composer::project { 'project-test':
ensure => 'latest', #or installed?
target => '/home/test/www',
dev => false,
require => Package ['php', 'apache']
And then from an exec I want to require it as a resource. How can I?
Example of exec:
exec { 'generate-tests' :
command => 'php tests.php',
path => '/usr/bin/',
cwd => "/home/test/www/bin",
logoutput => 'true',
#require => composer::project['project-test']
Since what you're requiring is a resource, it should be capitalized as follows:
require => Composer::Project['project-test']

enabling fastcgi mod in lighttpd through puppet

Hi guys am new to puppet and I want to execute the following command on client using puppet so that the fast cgi mod is enabled on the puppet client.
lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi
Both puppet server and client are ubuntu machines and my lighttpd module's init.pp file is as follows:
class lighttpd::install {
package { "lighttpd":
ensure => present,
class lighttpd::conf {
file { "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0600,
source => "puppet:///modules/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf",
require => Class["lighttpd::install"],
class lighttpd::fastcgi {
file { "/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-fastcgi.conf":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0600,
source => "puppet:///modules/lighttpd/10-fastcgi.conf",
require => Class["lighttpd::install"],
class lighttpd {
include lighttpd::install, lighttpd::conf, lighttpd::fastcgi
Please help me execute this command on the puppet client.
So if you modify your lighttpd::fastcgi class to be something like:
class lighttpd::fastcgi {
file { "/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-fastcgi.conf":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0600,
source => "puppet:///modules/lighttpd/10-fastcgi.conf",
require => Class["lighttpd::install"],
notify => Exec["enable-mod-fastcgi"],
exec { "enable-mod-fastcgi":
command => "/usr/bin/lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi",
refreshonly => true,
(sorry - the path may be wrong to lighttpd-enable-mod - I don't have lighttpd here).
This should notify the 'exec' correctly. The exec will only get called when notified because of the 'refreshonly' parameter being true.
