Visual Studio 2013 Team Explorer window displaying inaccurate TFS status / capabilities, difficulty changing collections - visual-studio-2012

After upgrading from Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Update 4 to Update 5, I am experiencing some odd behavior between Visual Studio and TFS (also 2013.5).
* Team Explorer claims its disconnected from TFS, even though Source Control Explorer works as expected.
* The number of buttons in Team Explorer for projects has been reduced down to 3.
* Changing projects between TFS collections (on the same TFS app tier server) isn't working correctly. The change doesn't happen. Instead, I have to go out and open the solution in the other collection from disk. Then the active collection is "noted" by Visual Studio.
What I've tried
Running devenv.exe /ResetSettings and multiple other switches
Repairing the installation using both the 2013.5.exe download and the ISO download from MSDN
None of the above has changed the Team Explorer behavior issues.

According to your description Team Explorer for projects has been reduced down to 3 seems related to source control bindings or workspace mappings. You could double check this to narrow down the issue.
As a simple way you could try :
Delete your old workspace. Need to check in local pending changes
first and back up your local files.
Create a new clean workspace and mapping it to server. Then get
down the latest version from server to local.
Clear TFS and VS cache. Reload VS to open the project or solution
Also take a look at the Event View to see if there are some related info of the issue.


Q: Creation of Azure Resource Group Project in Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to create a new Azure Resource Group Project for Creating a Logic Apps Solution in Visual Studio 2015 however I am facing the below error mentioned in the Screenshot.
It seems a issue caused by visual studio instead of azure. You may have a corrupt install and depending on the order that dlls are loaded determines whether you see the error or not.
This is a workaround in the similar issue that you could refer to.
The workaround - which does not always work right away - is to Sign out of Visual Studio (This takes 2 attempts to sign out and remove the credentials). Then reboot the PC. Once logged into WIndows, launch Visual Studio - DO NOT SIGN IN. Open the solution, right click on the Deployment project; which may or may not trigger the same dialog error. If the deployment dialog is display, then i can add account and deploy. Otherwise, i must turn off the PC and try again, and again, and again, until it starts working.
I recommend you can try the workaround if necessary.Then you could report the problem and ask the Microsoft visual studio support for help.

TFS Issue: Projects missing in the Source Control Explorer's left pane

i am having an issue in the TFS. I am able to login to my TFS account but i am not able to access any project and its files in my visual studio 2012. Also, the Folder pane on the left hand side in source control explorer is not loading any projects. Its blank.
What am i supposed to do?
Several things need to be checked:
Make sure your VS has the latest update installed (Requires latest Visual Studio 2012 update. Supports Git with Visual Studio Tools for Git extension.).
Make sure there are team projects under the Collection you connect.
Contact the administrator to see whether you have the permission to read the project.

How to get latest or commit with TFS server from Windows Explorer?

My need
Currently I have to open Visual Studio to make a get latest or a commit pending changes.
I want to do that the same way with TortoiseSVN right in Windows Explorer.
What I have tried
I made google research and comes down to using the tool called TFS 2012 Power Tools
Someone also mentioned about this issue here
Though after installed, I got nothing working as espected. Wondering did I do wrong then...
I'm using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2012 Web Express.
How should I do to install it properly and get it work after all then?
Assuming that when you installed the power tools you enabled shell integration and then logged out/back in to active them, then you need to do a few things:
Do an initial 'get' from TFS using Visual Studio Team Explorer and make a note of your workspace folder.
In Windows Explorer, right click that workspace folder. You should see the context menu items appear.
Most people having trouble with the context menu appearing have forgotten that to log out and log back in, as Windows Explorer needs to be restarted to pick up the new shell extension.

Publishing projects without VS Publish

Our team has been having quite a lot of trouble with Visual Studio's publish feature. We use TFS and are all running VS 2012 ultimate. It works fine when only one person is involved in a project, but when we get many people inside one project, the publish profiles get off and Visual Studio reports a successful publish even when all files haven't been copied up. I've read all the SO questions about why this happens and I understand that TFS adds the publish profiles to the source control automatically. If we create a new publish profile and republish, everything works. But this is not sustainable. I can't prevent VS from automatically adding the publish profiles to TFS (if we could, I think this would solve the problem) so I'm now looking for better ways to publish an application to a web server. Is there a better tool out there to publish web applications or do I need to write my own VS extension?
Per this question (
The temporary answer seems to be to change your settings from release to debug, save, then switch it back. This causes the pubxml.user file to be rebuilt, which is actually the problem.

Is it possible to download source tree from TFS Azure without using Visual Studio?

I'm looking around and I can view individual files, but I couldnt find a download all or get solution option.
So if a colleague doesnt have Visual Studio 2010 available and they wish to download a solution from TFS Azure preview what are the available options?
You should be able to use the command line client in the Microsoft Team Explorer Everywhere 11 Beta. It's not a big download (11MB), but I don't think there is a way to download a source tree directly from tfspreview without a client unless a zip has been added. Other source control services work this way (github, jira etc)
You don't need visual studio, but you need Team Explore which is add-on for Visual Studio or can be stand alone, it exists on the TFS media (DVD) or ISO, once you install Team Explore, you can access TFS Preview using GUI or Command line, you can also install TFS Power Tool 11 Beta, that will give you windows shell integration, so the context menu of the windows (when right click) it will has command to interact with TFS, as #Simon said, you can install Team Explorer Everywhere 11 Beta, but this for none windows OS or for add-on for other IDEs
Visual Studio Online has provided a means to do this (partly). On the website, navigate to your project's 'CODE/Explorer' tab. Right-click on whatever source directory/branch you wish and click the Download as ZIP menu item.
This will download a snapshot of whatever it is you selected. While extracting this won't "magically" link the files back to Visual Studio Online (ie, changes made will not be able to be committed directly from Windows Explorer, etc) or give you direct access to history; it will retain any source control bindings in any Visual Studio projects. This may be a good or a bad thing, depending on your circumstances.
