Enter values in selected cells using Selection.Cells - excel

I select 3 isolated cells such as a1, f6 and g13, then run this code:
Selection.Cells(1) = 3
Selection.Cells(2) = 4
Selection.Cells(3) = 6
I expect the 3 selected cells to be filled, instead a1, a2 and a3 are filled.
Why? How can I fill the 3 cells of my selection?

If you really need to do this, then I'd still suggest moving away from Selection but the code you provide needs just a small tweak to work:
Selection.Cells.Areas(1) = 3
Selection.Cells.Areas(2) = 4
Selection.Cells.Areas(3) = 6


Input data into a 2nd cell, based on the value of a 3rd cell? (Like "conditional formatting")

B1 is a checkbox. If checked B1=1. A1 can range from 0 to 10. If B1 is checked I want A1 to automatically = 10. Exactly like conditional formatting would turn it green. I cant put the formula =IF(B1=1,10,"") into A1 though because I need to be able to input other values in A1 without erasing the formula. I need to be able to reuse the sheet multiple times.
1 10 x
2 9
3 10 x
4 4
As Scott commented, you'd need to use VBA to do exactly what you're asking. A work-around, though, would be to add a third column with:
In this case, Column A would be the user-inputted number, Column B would be your "x", and Column C would give the final output: 10 if B has "x", and the number from A otherwise.

copy cell contents E1 to E2 if C1=C2 Excel vba

I have a monster spreadsheet that has codevalues in column C and display values in column E. Each display value is only shown once per code value and i need it in every row.
is it possible using VBA to copy the cell contents of E2 to E3 if C2 = C3 as in to update the blank to the correct value?
so if C2=C3 then copy B2 to B3???
heres a subset of the 32000 rows i need to cross check against another domain
C (code value) E(display)
2 83732063 Red Cell Ferritin-SCH
3 83732063
4 83732067 Plasma Volume-SCH
5 83732071 Acylcarnitine Level-SCH
6 83732071
7 83732075 Carnitine Total Level-SCH
8 83732075
9 83732079 Creatine Level-SCH
10 83732083 Gamma Aminobutyrate Lvl (CSF/Urine)-SCH
on error resume next
with worksheets("sheet1").columns("E")
with .specialcells(xlcelltypeblanks)
.formular1c1 = "=if(rc[-2]=r[-1]c[-2], r[-1]c, text(,))"
end with
.value = .value
end with
on error goto 0

Dragging formulas across - Increment columns by more than 1

I can't seem to find anything similar that's already been asked (they all relate to incrementing row numbers rather than columns)
I'm looking to drag a formula across horizontally and have the columns increment by 2
E.g. B1-A1, D1-C1, F1-E1...
You'll need to have a value in cell A1 and B1 for the following to work.
For my testing I put the number 1 in A1 and B1.
Try this in Cell C1:
Here's what you should see when you drag that formula across:
1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
And this is what the formula does:
The MOD(COUNT() part of the formula counts the cells to the left of it, and if they are a multiple of 2, the value changes.
I've left the value to change to (the 'new' value) as the COLUMN() number for the cell before, just for example's sake. but you can change this part.
The last IF statement at the end checks if the cell before is equal to the cell before that, (eg. Is CELL C1 equal to CELL B1) and if they are not equal, it will give the cell before as a value (the 'copy' value).

How do I link the content of a cell to another worksheet as opposed to the value?

I realize my title doesn't really explain what I'm asking as I don't know the correct terminology but bear with me and I'll explain my question.
I know how to link two cells so that if one changes, the other does as well (i.e. cell C3 is linked to cell E5 by selecting cell C3 and entering "=E5"). But how do I link the information in the cell to another cell?
If my worksheet looks like this:
cell B1 - Grapes, cell C1 - 50
cell B2 - Apples, cell C2 - 60
and I link cell F1 to cell C2 with "=C2". If I change the order of cell B1 and cell B2 to become alphabetical then cell F1 is no longer linked to the value in cell C2 (50) but changes to the value that now becomes cell C2 (60). How do I link cell F1 to the actual value (50) in cell C2 even if the order changes.
Help... Thank you!
Not sure if this is an efficient method; if i correctly understood your question then you can use = to link two cells For example:
Sheet one can look like this
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 5 4 3 2 1
3 1 2 3 4 5
Total 7 8 9 10 11
Sheet two requires cell links so you do:
TotalForA =Sheet1!A4 //output will be 7
TotalForB =Sheet1!B4 //output will be 8
In a simple word you can use = sign and click on whatever cell you're like to get.

Microsoft Excel 2010: Help making a Formula to up Values by a repeating pattern

I have a Spreadsheet, and inside this sheet contains a column with numbers, I want to make a formula that will go down that Column and do basically this.. Values: 1 will be 9.50. 2 will be 9.75. 3 will be 10.00. Ect going up to Value of 100? Is that possible for a Formula? I keep playing with it but can't really seem to get it down. Any help would be appreciated.
Column A: 1
There is not a set amount to how many values are in there.
this should do it supposing that column A has these values 1, 2 ...etc that your computing will be based on
In A2, enter the formula
=A1 + (9.5-A1)
then in the cell just below it (A3), enter
Assuming A1 is the top left. Copy the formula in A3, select the next 399 cells and paste. Then select A2 - A364 and copy. Then select B2 -xx364 and paste. xx is the last column with data. If you want, set the height of your first column to 0 to hide it.
=(A1-1)*0.25+9.5 where A1 contains any number you want
