RxJava chainging observables on multiple threads - multithreading

I am working on application that utilizes RxJava, realm and retrofit.
I need to create very specific data processing chain. I need to perform Retrofit calls on the io scheduler, then process provided data on my custom single-thread realm scheduler, and then push results out to my ui on mainThread scheduler. I tried to do this by using multiple combinations of observeOn and subscribeOn but I can't get the middle part to execute on realm sheduler.
my goal is something like this
scheduler: io ---------------> realm -----------------> mainthread
action : retrofit call-----> database update -------> ui update
How can I create such chain of observables, where each observable work is done on specific thread ?
Thank you

Look into the Observable.observeOn(...) method. This method will make sure all operations that happen after occur on the provided Scheduler.
To support your custom "realm" scheduler you will need to provide some way for RxJava to schedule work. If you're using a standard Executor (like Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() to support Realm's single-thread policy) then you can use Schedulers.from(Executor) to create a scheduler that will execute on that specific Executor.
ExecutorService realm = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Scheduler realmScheduler = Schedulers.from(realm);
Retrofit source;


Use Task.Factory.StartNew in MVC 4 async ApiController?

I'm using MVC4 ApiController to upload data to Azure Blob. Here is the sample code:
public Task PostAsync(int id)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// CloudBlob.UploadFromStream(stream);
Does this code even make sense? I think ASP.NET is already processing the request in a worker thread, so running UploadFromStream in another thread doesn't seem to make sense since it now uses two threads to run this method (I assume the original worker thread is waiting for this UploadFromStream to finish?)
So my understanding is that async ApiController only makes sense if we are using some built-in async methods such as HttpClient.GetAsync or SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync. Those methods probably use I/O Completion Ports internally so it can free up the thread while doing the actual work. So I should change the code to this?
public Task PostAsync(int id)
// only to show it's using the proper async version of the method.
return TaskFactory.FromAsync(BeginUploadFromStream, EndUploadFromStream...)
On the other hand, if all the work in the Post method is CPU/memory intensive, then the async version PostAsync will not help throughput of requests. It might be better to just use the regular "public void Post(int id)" method, right?
I know it's a lot questions. Hopefully it will clarify my understanding of async usage in the ASP.NET MVC. Thanks.
Yes, most of what you say is correct. Even down to the details with completion ports and such.
Here is a tiny error:
I assume the original worker thread is waiting for this UploadFromStream to finish?
Only your task thread is running. You're using the async pipeline after all. It does not wait for the task to finish, it just hooks up a continuation. (Just like with HttpClient.GetAsync).

Multithreading in WCF

I am trying solve this problem. I have WCF service. Client can call web method from this service which only "fire" another method (this method only write data to database) in another thread.
Code is here:
//this method will write data to database
public void WriteToDb()
//this web method will call only mehod WriteToDb() in another thread
public void SomeWebMethod()
new Task(WriteToDb).Start();
Problem is that in same time can web method call 5 clients. This cause that method WriteToDb is called 5 times in 5 thread.
In all 5 cases method WriteToDb will use same data.
My aim is achieve this behavior. 5 clients called web method SomeWebMethod. Method WriteToDb will run in 5 thread.
But I would like execute first thread, then second thread ....etc and on the end 5th thread.
I don’t want run method WriteToDb in same time in 5 thread.
So maybe I can use lock.
private object locker = new object();
//this method will write data to database
public void WriteToDb()
//write to DB
I am not sure because .net assembly is host on app domain a app domain is host on win process. I woud like to avoid deadlocks.
What happens if I have a machine with 6 CPU? Use mutex instead lock ?
Thank you for help...
I'm not particulary sure what you are writing to DB, but your question is loosely coupled with WCF to be frank, try to read CLR via C# on multithreading etc.
Also regarding WCF, you can setup how your service object is created upon requests, ie per call, per session or singleton, and for later use specify if it's methods will stuck in queue or will be called on object concurrently.
So depending on choosing architecture you can either relay on WCF ability to host single object which will have logic you described or you can go the way tried.
A lock is fine here, but you should make your locker object static so the same object instance is used in the lock every time.
It does not matter how many cores you have - if you hold the lock on an object then any other threads that attempt to acquire the lock will wait until the lock is released.
A deadlock can only occur if you are acquiring multiple locks in different orders in different threads.
I suggest you read Joe Albahari's excellent free ebook

What's the best way to invoke Observable method at a specific time?

I am using RX to create an Asynchronous Web request. Is there a good scheduler to invoke a Web Request at a predefined time? I am confused which one to use: Task Scheduler or RX Scheduler.
If you're using Rx I'd stick with Rx.
Try using this to schedule your web request:
() => { /* Do web request */ });
The Rx Scheduler and Task scheduler are different things. Rx Scheduler is used to helps an IObservable "schedule" it's subscription appropriately (refer this SO question). Where as Task scheduler are how a Task (which is a abstract concept) will be executed i.e on same thread OR in thread pool etc. You want to generate a Async Web request at a specified time, for that you can use any of the Timer objects from BCL.

http listeners inside threads

I am writing a web service which has to be able to reply to multiple http requests.
From what I understand, I will need to deal with HttpListener.
What is the best method to receive a http request(or better, multiple http requests), translate it and send the results back to the caller? How safe is to use HttpListeners on threads?
You typically set up a main thread that accepts connections and passes the request to be handled by either a new thread or a free thread in a thread pool. I'd say you're on the right track though.
You're looking for something similar to:
while (boolProcessRequests)
HttpListenerContext context = null;
// this line blocks until a new request arrives
context = listener.GetContext();
Thread T = new Thread((new YourRequestProcessorClass(context)).ExecuteRequest);
Edit Detailed Description If you don't have access to a web-server and need to roll your own web-service, you would use the following structure:
One main thread that accepts connections/requests and as soon as they arrive, it passes the connection to a free threat to process. Sort of like the Hostess at a restaurant that passes you to a Waiter/Waitress who will process your request.
In this case, the Hostess (main thread) has a loop:
- Wait at the door for new arrivals
- Find a free table and seat the patrons there and call the waiter to process the request.
- Go back to the door and wait.
In the code above, the requests are packaged inside the HttpListernContext object. Once they arrive, the main thread creates a new thread and a new RequestProcessor class that is initialized with the request data (context). The RequsetProcessor then uses the Response object inside the context object to respond to the request. Obviously you need to create the YourRequestProcessorClass and function like ExecuteRequest to be run by the thread.
I'm not sure what platform you're on, but you can see a .Net example for threading here and for httplistener here.

Whether to use Task or Parallel class methods

I am developing a Asp.Net Core component which has some interface for getting requests for some process execution.This request would be sync one where the request is accepted and submission token is returned to caller. The requests are added to a queue and processed asynchronously. Each request execution involves making some rest calls for fetching some data , executing process, etc.
How to process multiple requests from the queue in parallel whether to use Task or Parallel class
What you are describing is a series of I/O bound REST calls. What you should do is loop over those calls, awaiting each. Something like
public async Task X()
// add requests to queue
foreach (var request in queue)
await ExecuteRequest(request);
Parallelism in the classic sense is about threads and CPU bound work, and so isn't suitable for your scenario.
