How to use assembly code you get online? - linux

I have some C code I would like to optimize. It turns out the Intel C Compiler (ICC) does a much better job at this than GCC but I don't have a copy of that compiler and it is very expensive. However, I can compile it using ICC and get the assembly online at
If I copy and paste this assembly into a text file, how can I then convert it into a functioning executable?

You will need to begin by making sure that the runtime environment for which compiles is similar enough to your runtime environment, (good luck with that,) because for example you may be using windows, and may be using linux, (or the other way around,) so when you bring the assembly to your system you might be able to convert it to object code, but it will still not link and it will not run.
Then you will need to find an assembler for your platform which is compatible with the syntax of assembly produced by the intel C compiler of so as to produce object files from the assembly files. (Good luck with that.)
Then you will need to find any and all runtime libraries (redistributables) required by code produced by the intel C compiler. (Good luck with that.)
Finally you will need to obtain a linker to link your resulting object files with the runtime libraries to produce an executable. (Good luck with that.)
Sometimes we need honest answers to our questions just so that we can realize how impossible our ideas are.


Customising Cabal libraries (I think?)

Perhaps it's just better to describe my problem.
I'm developing a Haskell library. But part of the library is written in C, and another part actually in raw LLVM. To actually get GHC to spit out the code I want I have to follow this process:
Run ghc -emit-llvm on both the code that uses the Haskell module and the "Main" module.
Run clang -emit-llvm on the C file
Now I've got three .ll files from above. I add the part of the library I've handwritten in raw LLVM and llvm-link these into one .ll file.
I then run LLVM's opt on the linked file.
Lastly, I feed the LLVM bitcode fileback into GHC (which pleasantly accepts it) and produces an executable.
This process (with appropriate optimisation settings of course) seems to be the only way I can inline code from C, removing the function call overhead. Since many of these C functions are very small this is significant.
Anyway, I want to be able to distribute the library and for users to be able to use it as painlessly as possible, whilst still gaining the optimisations from the process above. I understand it's going to be a bit more of a pain than an ordinary library (for example, you're forced to compile via LLVM) but as painlessly as possible is what I'm looking for advice for.
Any guidance will be appreciated, I don't expect a step by step answer because I think it will be complex, but just some ideas would be helpful.

AVR Assembler in Linux

I'm trying to learn AVR development in C and Assembly for the Arduino Uno (Atmel 328p microprocessor) in Linux.
I've found many good guides on how to install and setup the AVR plugin for Eclipse, and I've no problem building and uploading C code. However there doesn't seem to be any menu options for creating an assembler project, nor can I seem to find the correct syntax for using the cli avr-as for assembling my programs into a .hex file.
You have a couple choices. I don't know about eclipse, (I just use vim and make directly) but the compilation procedure should be the same.
You can:
Write a mostly C project, in-lining whatever assembly you want. This is usually the easiest method. Check out the AVR-GCC Inline Assembler Cookbook.
Write a purely ASM application that doesn't use the linker at all. e.g. a one-file application (or one file that directly includes the rest of the project explicitly). You'll have to tell your build tool what to do to process the file, but it can be as simple as one invocation of avra or avr-as. You must be sure to carefully do all the low-level initialization and build a complete interrupt vector table for the MCU you're using, or you may get unexpected behavior.
Write a mixed C and ASM application linking between object files from both languages. To do that you do the same thing you would for a pure C project, except some (maybe all) of your source files will need to be assembly. You'll have to tell your build tool how to assemble them in to object files. In a Makefile this would be writing the correct rule (or more likely setting up the ${AS} macro to use the correct assembler). In eclipse there is probably a project setting for it, but with any IDE YMMV. This is probably the hardest option, as you'll have to know the calling convention and ABI of your compiler to successfully execute your pure ASM code.

How to compile and run assembly code in linux

I am quite new to assembly and Linux as a whole. I found on gitHub a space invader program written in Assembly. But I tried compiling and running it, but have no clue how.
I first thought I could use gcc -o name name.s and that didnt work.
Like I said I am completely new to usuing linux and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain to me how to compile this and get it running.
Here's the link :
Under linux the standard assembler is as. If you want to use assembler sources inside a c or c++ environment you can give the compiler e.g. gcc a hint with -xassembler or xassembler-with-cpp if you want to use the C-preprocessor. Normally gcc also accepts assembler sources if the name of the file ends with standard file name like *.s or *.S.
There is already another question here which handles dos assembler:
Taking an Assembly Course, Stuck in DOS!
And maybe you find some other discussions helpful:
But I have no idea why someone wants to start with assembler on x86 at all if you are not a os programmer or kernel hacker. :-)

Compile linux gcc in windows - nvcc in windows

here is an interesting question that, if answered positively, would make cross compiling a whole lot easier.
Since gcc is written in C++, would it be possible to recompile the Linux gcc compiler on Windows MinGW G++ or VSC++ compiler, so that the resulting Windows executable would be able to compile c code to linux programs?
If so, what would be needed to do that?
So to simplify, here is what I want to do.
mingw32-g++ gcc.cpp -o gcc.exe
The command will probably not work because it would probably have been done before if it were that easy. What I ask is if this concept would be even possible.
Edit: thanks and expanding the question to NVCC
fvu was able to answer the question for the gcc compiler (please use the answer button next time), so if you had the same question you can thank him (or her) .
As an extention to the question, would it be possible to edit or recompile nvcc or the things it uses so that nvcc.exe can create a linux program from CUDA C code? I read that the windows variant of nvcc can only use the Visual Studio cl.exe and not MinGW or CygWin.
Is it possible to create linux programs with cl.exe? And if so, could that be used to generate linux programs with nvcc.exe?
Read the chapter on cross compiling in the gcc manual, gcc's architecture makes it quite easy to set up a toolchain where the target is different from the development machine.
I never went the exact route you describe, but I have built toolchains under Windows that target ARM9 embedded Linux machines, works like a charm - using cygwin btw. Look here for a gentle introduction. Also very useful info here.
I am not going to comment on what can be done with respect to nvcc, CUDA is somewhere on my (long) list of stuff to tinker with...
Now, can cl generate Linux binaries? The answer to this question is "sort of" : as long as the target processor is from a processor family that's supported by cl, the object files generated by it should probably not contain anything that would inhibit its execution on Linux, as they'll just contain machine code. That's the theory. However:
as Linux uses another executable format, you will need a Windows-hosted linker that understands Windows style object files (afaik, COFF), and links them together to a Linux style (ELF) executable. I never heard of such a beast, although in theory it could exist
the startup code (a tiny program that wraps around your main function) will also be different and needs to be written
and some more, eg library related issues
So, the practical answer is no, although it might be a nice summer project for a bored student :)

Compile dodgy Fortran 77 code in a modern compiler

I am trying to compile a piece of software written in Fortran 77. I should point out that I don't know much at all about Fortran, and would really rather not start modifying the code for this software - particularly as I'm not sure what the licensing of the software is, and I don't know if I would be able to redistribute my modified version.
The code compiles fine on OS X and Windows using the g77 compiler that is (fairly easily) available for these systems. However, I cannot get it to work on my Ubuntu distribution, as I can't seem to get hold of g77 for Ubuntu anymore, and if I try and install an old version of it, it seems to muck up my entire GCC installation. I have tried compiling the code with both gfortran and g95, but it doesn't work with either as:
The code uses real variables as loop indices (yes, I know, bad idea). g95 supports this with the -freal-loops option, but gfortran doesn't.
The code uses real variables to index into arrays, which gfortran will support (with a warning), but g95 won't support.
Can anyone suggest a way to compile this code with those two 'dodgy' features using a modern and easily-available compiler such as g95 or gfortran?
Pass the argument -std=legacy to gfortran. Features removed in F95, like real loop and array indices, should compile (perhaps with a warning) in legacy mode.
