Create new mongoose document without copying entire schema - node.js

I have a mongoose question that I'll try to form into something that makes sense. So, I have a User schema with a LOT of stuff in it.
Is there a way to create a new user without copying the entire schema in another file? So, just reference the schema and pass through values that are changed?
In past projects, everything in my schema also needed to be updated when creating users so that wasn't an issue.

User error on my part, I thought there was something wrong with everything except my forgetfulness. Long story short, I added a new partial template to my project and was getting the email via input[type=email]. The partial added a second one so the email parameter was never received by the backend.


Creating new tables on the fly using sequelize

This is actually the first time I'm posting something here. The problem I have is driving me crazy since I know such functionality exists elsewhere.
I'm trying to find a way to create new tables on the fly on node js using sequelize without having to restart the database (a DB implemented with SQL).
Moreover, I also need to create new associations between those new table and existing ones.
Why do I need this:
I'm creating a crm and one of the functionalities I want to add is to let users create new types of objects that could have fields referencing to other preexisting ones.
And I can't just restart the whole database everytime a user is creating a new object or fields.
If you guys know how to achieve that or maybe advising me to build the database with another language I'll go for it.

Saving a form part way through mongodb

I'm pretty new to MongoDB and best practices. I'm using Node full stack JS.
I created a form which spans multiple screens. This saves to a mongoose.model Schema and creates a document when the user submits the form.
I've been given the requirement to allow the user to save the form when part way through. The problem with trying to save to the existing Schema is I get a duplicate id reference error as I'm saving multiple fields as null which already exist in the Collection. Plus I'm thinking this is a waste of memory.
The answer is very simple it just took me some circular thinking to get to it. I check to see if properties are undefined before setting them. If they are undefined they are an empty value rather than null i.e. {} for an Object. Mongoose is ok with that, it just doesn't like null values (makes sense).

How can I make mongoose to validate an entire 'outdated' MongoDB collection?

during the development of my app, i very often add custom and new fields to an existing schema, making the 'old' content in my mongodb 'incompelete' and missing the new fields. this leads sometimes to null content where it's required and it's in my use case very bad.
my question is what command/utility do i need to use to make mongoose validate my old documents, and in potential add those missing fields with pre-defined defaults to the old documents?
i remember reading something about that kind of functionality when i started learning how to use mongoose, but i just can't find it anywhere anymore..
thanks in advance :)

MongoDB: Copy a collection of referenced documents as subdocuments

I made the mistake of designing a scheme so that I have two collections where one has documents which contain a manual reference to the other. I realized now that I should have created it so that the parent collection contained the other collection as sub-documents instead.
The problem is, I've already put this scheme out into a production environment where hundreds of entries have already been created. What I'd like to do is somehow scan over all of the existing data, and copy the items to their referenced parent_id as a sub-document.
Here is an example of my schema:
Collection 1 - User
Collection 2 - Photos
Is there a quick way to change the existing documents to be one collection like this:
Collection - User
Photos: [...]
Once I have the database setup correctly, I can easily modify my code to use the new one, but the problem I'm having is figuring out how to quickly/procedural copy the documents to their parent.
Additional detail - I'm using to host my MongoDB.
Thank You.
I don't know the specifics of your environment, but this sort of change usually involves the following kinds of steps:
Ensure that your old code doesn't complain if there is a Photos array in the User object.
"Freeze" the application so that new User and Photo documents are not created
Run a migration script that copies the Photo documents into the User documents. This should be pretty easy to create either in javaScript or through app code using the driver (see example below)
Deploy the new version of the application that expects Photos to be embedded in the array
"Unfreeze" the application to start creating new documents
If you cannot "Freeze/Unfreeze" you will need to run a delta script after step 4 that will migrate newly created Photo documents after the new application is deployed.
The script will look something like this (untested):
db.User.find().forEach(function (u) {
u.Photos = new Array();
db.Photo.find({user_id : u._id}).forEach(function (p) {

Delete document with an empty ID

I have a CouchDB database in production. One of the documents has been edited (in Futon by an other developer).
And it's lost it's ID (don't ask me how he did it).
So now the document's id is an empty string, which makes it impossible to edit or delete via Futon.
Is there a way I could hack into CouchDB to delete that document anyway ?
I couldn't delete the document. But the database itself could be deleted.
And I couldn't reproduce the bug in locale. The other developer says he just removed the _id param and saved. I don't know what happened in CouchDB when he did it. But when I do so, it only recreates a new document (as we'd expect it to do).
So I've been using couch_docs to retrieve the datas locally.
As the id is empty, couch_docs doesn't imports it. So you don't even need to delete it manually.
Then I reimport all the records in an other database. I change the references to the database name in my config and everything works fine.
Destroying the database is not a problem even though there's an empty id.
Technically, a document ID is immutable so actually changing the _id field is not directly possible. Perhaps another document was created as a copy of the first?
A bug in CouchDB 1.1.0 allowed update functions to create empty string IDs.
A similar question asks about this and I gave a walkthrough of deleting empty ids there.
I haven't tried it but LoveSeat is supposed to be able to open and edit couchedb files...
This can be caused (and fixed!) by some error checking CouchDB was missing for _update handlers, as explained in How do you delete a couchdb document with an empty "" document id?
