If I have a function, for example
f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f x y = x + y
and I want to have different functionality based on the parameters, I use pattern matching.
I have only found the syntax of how to match against concrete values, e.g.
f 0 y = y
Is it possible to match against something more general?
I would like to have different functionality in the case that the first parameter is less than 0. A second case could be if the second parameter exceeds a certain value.
You can use guards:
f x y | x < 0 = ...
f x y | y > someValue = ...
f x y | otherwise = ...
Sure, there is a mechanism called guards for that:
f x y | x < 0 = y
I got the task to count the number of occurrences of each (lower case) character in a string. I am not allowed to use any function of the library, I came up with the following, working solution.
occur :: String -> [(Char,Int)]
occur y = [ (x,count x y) | x<-['a'..'z'], count x y > 0]
I was trying at first:
occur2 :: String -> [(Char,Int)]
occur2 y = [ (x,z) | x<-['a'..'z'], z<- count x y, count x y > 0]
I defined the helper function count like this:
count :: Char -> String -> Int
count k str = length [n | n <- str, n == k]
Two questions:
Why is occur2 not working?
Is there any way to define occur without my aux function count?
occur2 isn't working because count x y is not a list, so it can't be used for a generator expression like in z <- count x y. Instead, use a let expression.
You can remove the count definition by inlining it.
occur :: String -> [(Char,Int)]
occur y = [ (x,z) | x <- ['a'..'z'], let z = length [n | n <- y, n == x], z > 0]
If you were to use libraries, a simple and efficient implementation would be to use a MultiSet.
import qualified Data.MultiSet as MS
occur :: String -> [(Char,Int)]
occur = MS.toAscOccurList . MS.fromList . filter (\c -> c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
Is there a way to compactly write multiple definitions in haskell via case, without having to repeat, other than the input parameters, the exact same syntax? The only possible solution I can imagine so far is a macro.
Below is an example of defining binary max and min functions. Can we compress
max' x y
| x > y = x
| otherwise = y
min' x y
| x < y = x
| otherwise = y
into something like
(max',min') x y
| x (>,<) y = x
| otherwise = y
I know this allows us to parametrize over the "grumpy face", but it seems like there still could be a more succinct form.
maxmin x y f
| f x y = x
| otherwise = y
max' x y = maxmin x y (>)
min' x y = maxmin x y (<)
Well, you can always do this:
select op x y
| x `op` y = x
| otherwise = y
max' = select (>)
min' = select (<)
I.e. extract the common parts into a function and turn the differences into parameters.
count_instances :: (Int)->([Int])->Int
count_instances x [] = 0
count_instances x (t:ts)
| x==t = 1+(count_instances x ts)
| otherwise = count_instances x ts
i just want to know whats so good about using guards in this Question ?
A guard can be a way to write only one half of an if-then-else expression; you can omit the else and have a partial function.
-- Leave the function undefined for x /= y
foo x y | x == y = ...
You can do the same with a case statement, but it's more verbose
foo x y = case x == y of
True -> ...
It's also easier to list several unrelated conditions as a set of alternatives than it is with a nested if-then-else or case expressions.
foo x y | p1 x y = ...
foo x y | p2 x y = ...
foo x y | p3 x y = ...
foo x y = ...
foo x y = if p1 x y then ...
else (if p2 x y then ...
else (if p3 x y then ... else ...))
Patterns with guards are probably the most concise way to write code that otherwise would require nested case/if expressions.
Not the least advantage is that a where clause applies to all the guards right hand sides. This is why your example could be even more concise:
count_instances :: (Int)->([Int])->Int
count_instances x [] = 0
count_instances x (t:ts)
| x==t = 1+rest
| otherwise = rest
where rest = count_instances x ts
A guard is haskell's most general conditional statement, like if/then/else in other languages.
Your code shows a straight forward implementation of counting contents of a list equal to a given parameter. This is a good example to learn how haskell's recursion works.
An alternative implementation would be
count_instances :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
count_instances i = length . filter (==i)
that reuses already existing functions from the Prelude module. This is shorter and probably more readable.
This code either returns the first factor of an Integer starting from 2 or returns nothing if it's a prime.
Example: firstFactorOf 24 returns "Just 2"
Example: firstFactorOf 11 returns "Nothing"
My question is, how would I return the value 2 rather than "Just 2" if there is a factor or return the value x if there is no factor.
firstFactorOf x
| m == Nothing = m
| otherwise = m
where m =(find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
ghci> firstFactorOf 24
Just 2
ghci> firstFactorOf 11
Haskell is statically typed, meaning that you can define a function Maybe a -> a, but the question is what to do with the Nothing case.
Haskell has two functions that can be helpful here: fromMaybe and fromJust:
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust simply assumes that you will always provide it a Just x, and return x, in the other case, it will throw an exception.
fromMaybe on the other hand expects two parameters, the first - an a is the "default case" the value that should be returned in case of Nothing. Next it is given a Maybe a and in case it is a Just x, x is returned. In the other case (Nothing) as said before the default is returned.
In your comment you say x should be returned in case no such factor exists. So I propose you define a new function:
firstFactorOfJust :: Integral a => a -> a
firstFactorOfJust x = fromMaybe x $ firstFactorOf x
So this function firstFactorOfJust calls your firstFactorOf function and if the result is Nothing, x will be returned. In the other case, the outcome of firstFactorOf will be returned (but only the Integral part, not the Just ... part).
EDIT (simplified)
Based on your own answer that had the intend to simplify things a bit, I had the idea that you can simplify it a bit more:
firstFactorOf x | Just z <- find ((0 ==) . mod x) [2..x-1] = z
| otherwise = x
and since we are all fan of optimization, you can already stop after sqrt(x) iterations (a well known optimization in prime checking):
isqrt :: Int -> Int
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
firstFactorOf x | Just z <- find ((0 ==) . mod x) [2..isqrt x] = z
| otherwise = x
Simplified question
For some reason there was some peculiarly complicated aspect in your question:
firstFactorOf x
| m == Nothing = m
| otherwise = m
where m =(find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
Why do you use guards to make a distinction between two cases that generate the exact same output? You can fold this into:
firstFactorOf x = m
where m = (find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
and even further:
firstFactorOf x = find p [2..x-1]
where p y = mod x y == 0
If you want it to return the first factor of x, or x, then this should work:
firstFactorOf x =
p y = mod x y == 0
m = (find p [2..x-1])
fromMaybe x m
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
firstFactorOf x
| m == Nothing = x
| otherwise = fromJust m
where m =(find p [2..x-1])
p y = mod x y == 0
This was what I was after. Not sure why you guys made this so complicated.
I want to write a Haskell program that calculates the sum of numbers between 2 given numbers.
I have the following code:
sumInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
sumInt x y
| x > y = 0
| otherwise = x + sumInt x+1 y
But when I compile it I get the following error:
SumInt is applied to too few arguments.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
You need parentheses around x+1:
| otherwise = x + sumInt (x + 1) y
The reason is that function application binds more tightly than operators, so whenever you see
f x <> y
This is always parsed as
(f x) <> y
and never as
f (x <> y)