Add html to menu title in Drupal - menu

I must have missed something. I can't figure out how to add some HTML into the title of the menu.
According to the menu api, I can't add options because I am using MENU_LOCAL_TASK, but then how? There is no say.
For example: if I try to make the title bold:
$items['whatever/tab2'] = array(
'title' => '<b>Tab 2</b>',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
This is not working.

You can use 'title callback' => 'example_title_callback',
Function to generate the title; defaults to t(). If you require only the raw string to be output, set this to FALSE.

You could use the Menu HTML module.


WPBakery multiple WYSIWYG editors

so I am building fairly complex WP site based on WPBakery editor with tons of custom components.
I just found out that some of them need to have multiple textarea_html (WYSIWYG) fields and judging by documentation only one of those fields is allowed per component:
Text area with default WordPress WYSIWYG Editor. Important: only one html textarea is permitted per shortcode and it should have “content” as a param_name
They are defined like this:
'type' => 'textarea_html',
'heading' => __( 'This is WYSIWYG editor', 'text-domain' ),
'param_name' => 'content',
'value' => __( '', 'text-domain' )
Adding more with the same type (textarea_html) just converts them (of course, per documentation) to basic textarea field like this:
'type' => 'textarea',
'heading' => __( 'This is basic textarea block', 'text-domain' ),
'param_name' => 'someparamname',
'value' => __( '', 'text-domain' )
Any ideas how this could be done differently? Thought about using ACF but didnt had much luck there...

Show some navigation pages just in breadcrumbs not in top menu in zf2

I have a navigation and use it for breadcrumbs. I want to use it for top menu too , but I don't want to show my products in top menu.
How Can I achieve that ?
Add a custom attribute while defining the array in the module.config.php -
'label' => 'Product List',
'route' => 'product',
'action' => 'index',
'resource' => 'Product\Controller\Product:index',
'top_menu' => '0',
For the rest of the arrays set the top_menu attribute to 1.
In the partial file of top-menu, check -
<?php foreach ($this->container as $page) {
if($page->get('top_menu') == '1') {
//Code to display the menu.
} ?>
I hope it gives some idea.

show some widgets from view in the left column under menue

I am working on framework yii ,I am using 2-column layout , all content from view are shown in the right column.
I want to show some widgets from view in the left column under menu. how can do it ?
Put in the widgets in the layout. Your view does not stand alone on a page, it usually stays in a layout. In the view (well not really but for the sake of the argument) I do
$this->breadcrumbs = array(
array('name' => 'Home', 'url' => array('/')),
array('name' => ($this->model->isNewRecord ? 'Create ' : 'Update ') . 'Contact',
I can then do in the layout
<?php $this->widget('MyBreadCrumbs', array(
'crumbs' => $this->breadcrumbs,
)); ?>
Read more about the rendering process here:

Drupal 6 textfield form element with ahah attribute

I have a form with a textfield element which when a user starts typing into I want to pre-populate a different element.
I've been using the #ahah attribute which works fine with the event property set to 'keyup' however I lose focus on the textfield element because the moment the 'keyup' event is fired the whole form is rebuilt due to ahah's behaviour.
I tried setting the event property to 'change' and that works nicely however in order for the 'change' event to fire I need to click away from the textfield - so from UI point of view I cannot expect users to click away from field just to get the results to display.
I'm not sure if it's possible to achieve what I want with AHAH which is fine but I'd like to stick with it if possible.
Happy to provide code if required and sorry if it's not clear, quite difficult to explain.
The whole form shouldn't be re-rendered by the browser. That's precisely the idea AHAH, that you can update just part of a form. Make sure to set the "wrapper" attribute (of the #ahah attribute) to the ID (as in: the HTML attribute) of the DOM element that you want Drupal's JS functionality to update asynchronously.
For example:
function MYMODULE_some_ahah_enabled_form(&$form_state) {
$initial_markup = '<div>' . t('This content will be replaced') . '</div>';
$form['dynamic_thing'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#prefix' => '<div id="dynamic-thing">', // Set Drupal's AHAH wrapper to this ID
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#value' => $initial_markup,
$form['field_which_will_trigger_ahah_behavior'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#ahah' => array(
'path' => 'MYMODULE/path/to/ahah/callback',
'wrapper' => 'dynamic-thing',
'event' => 'keyup',
'#default_value' => 'Change me',
return $form;
* Your menu callback (which is declared in your hook_menu()) which returns only the HTML that will replace the existing markup in $form['dynamic_thing'].
function MYMODULE_ahah_callback() {
$output = '<div>New content for the dynamic thing</div>';
drupal_json(array('status' => TRUE, 'data' => $output));
Your "field_which_will_trigger_ahah_behavior" DOM element in the browser shouldn't lose focus, or be re-rendered in any way, unless there's something else causing some bug.

Drupal 6- 404 is not showing for menu item URL pattern implemented using hook_menu

I have a hook menu
$items['mypage'] = array(
'title' => t('My Page title'),
'description' => '',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'page callback'=> 'my_home_page',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
Now when I access a page which is not existing like "mypage/blahblah" it will show my home page(ie is rendering content of Instead of this I need to show a 404 page.
Can anybody give comment on this ?
You can try to paste the following code in your page call back function "my_home_page"
if ('' != arg(1)){
