Access Facter hash key in Puppet - puppet

I am creating a manifest to get an Agent's partition name.
The fact $partitions shows the detail of the partition info.
{"xvda1"=>{"uuid"=>"d1697425-49d0-4c9f-9901-5f9260be8196", "size"=>"83859300", "mount"=>"/", "label"=>"cloudimg-rootfs", "filesystem"=>"ext4"}}
But, I just want to get the name part (xvda1) and use it as a variable for a configuration file.
Is there any way to filter the output in Puppet?

The fastest way to solve this would be to use the keys function from puppetlabs/stdlib:
Returns the keys of a hash as an array. Type: rvalue.
With that function, we can transform the output hash from Facter into an array of the keys and access its elements normally. Assuming that xvda1 is the 0th element,
Facter 2:
$variable = keys($::partitions)[0]
Facter 3:
$variable = keys($facts['partitions'])[0]


Write an ini key with name of variable value

I am trying to create an ini-database for every user that typed /boot (something).
But the problem is that I cannot write to ini. I need to do that:
Write into an ini section "boots" a key with a name of value of variable bootuserid. This is what I tried:
All the scripts failed. So how do I make an ini key name of a value of variable?
You can use bracket notation to access a variable name with another variable:
a[myvar] //returns 1

Is there a way to input variable values from outside to terraform main file?

Is there a way I can input variable values from outside to terraform main file. It can be a excel sheet or sql db. Is it possible to do so ?
What you can't currently do is point you cmdline at a db i.e. to replace a tfvars file, but what you can set up in Terraform is to use a number of different key value stores:
aws parameter store (using a resource or data)
There are quite a number of other key/value stores to choose from but there's no zero code solution and you will end up with lots of these statements:
Setup a key in Consul to provide inputs
data "consul_keys" "input" {
key {
name = "size"
path = "tf_test/size"
default = "m1.small"
There are many ways to do that;
You can use a tfvars file with all your inputs and you can use one file customer, user, environment
You can pass the variables to terraform executable on the command line
You can define environment files prefixed wit TF_VAR_[variable]
You can use as suggested above
You can even store variables in DynamoDB or any other database
You can use Consult+Vault as well

Use value from hiera hash in Yaml

In Hiera (Puppet 4.10), I have a YAML entry that looks like this:
xyz::some_name: "%{hiera('abc::query')}"
where the result of hiera('abc::query') is a single-element array containing a hash with one value in it:
[{data => some_value}]
What I want to do is set some_name to some_value.
I have tried
xyz::some_name: "%{hiera('')}"
xyz::some_name: "%{hiera('abc::query')[0][data]}"
(I can use the latter form, as ${hiera('abc::query')[0][data]} in a Puppet manifest just fine)
What's the correct way to index into a hiera lookup in a YAML file ?

use a variable as part of another variables name

Bash question!
so I have n arguments, and for each argument I'd like to to do a for loop and assign variables to hold characteristics of each argument. for example I have a script that runs in a continuous while loop and looks at user activity in my network... this is a simple outline of what my problems are:
while true
for argument
# build an array to hold times
"$user"_times =()
# set a boolean value
if [ ""$user"_boolean" = true ]
echo $user logged on
"$user"_times+=( timestamp )
exit 0
the real script will look at user activity, update the boolean based on certain user behavior, and log some user activity info in the array- but I'm trying to get this to work so I can add the easy meat. what should the syntax be? I'm having a hard time making the variables work.
Since bash doesn't support hash/maps, I'd consider perl/python to store user activity against their hash id. You also have access to vectors for variable sized activity details, eg a hash of userid's containing a vector of activities.
Python script to list users and groups

Puppet: hiera hash keys based on hostname never retrieves value

I am using a Hiera hash to hold some token values which are host-specific. the keys within the hash correspond to the hostname/certname of the node(s) that'll be classified with the profile module that calls the hash value. However, when I apply the module, the value which corresponds to the hash key for the host is always null. Here's the code I'm working with.
in hiera-file.yaml
host-name1: 'abcdef123'
host-name2: 'abbcde456'
and in profile.pp
$_tokens = hiera_hash('token_lookup', undef, 'hiera-file')
$_specific_token = $_tokens["${::hostname}"] <== never gets a value
I'm certain that the hostname matches the key in the hash. The question is, what's the right syntax here for getting the value from the hiera-file to populate properly? Thank you in advance for the advice.
edit: I believe I have discovered an issue when the hash key has a literal '-' character in it, as many hostnames do. I updated the hash to show keys with dashes in it, and should now ask a more specific question: I see dozens of articles about how to escape characters in the values of hashes by using double quotes, but I don't see anything - even on - about how to escape the character if it appears as part of the key. Any tips on this issue? A YAML parser shows that this is valid syntactically, but I believe it is treating the '-' as a collection marker instead of a literal character.
Your code is correct, I test it as below, seems it didn't target the right yaml file in your environment. Check the hierarchy setting, and put the token key-value in the right place.
If I put the yaml file to global.yaml(If hiera can't find the key, it will always go to the last one in my hiera.yaml setting)
I rebuilt it with simplest setting:
$ cat /etc/hiera.yaml:
- yaml
- defaults
- "%{clientcert}"
- "%{environment}"
- global
# datadir is empty here, so hiera uses its defaults:
# - /var/lib/hiera on *nix
# - %CommonAppData%\PuppetLabs\hiera\var on Windows
# When specifying a datadir, make sure the directory exists.
$ cat /var/lib/hiera/global.yaml
host-name1: 'abcdef123'
host-name2: 'abbcde456'
$ cat profile.pp
$_tokens = hiera_hash('token_lookup', undef, 'hiera-file')
notice ("tokens is $_tokens")
$_specific_token = $_tokens["${::hostname}"]
notice ("token is $_specific_token ")
Then I run puppet apply, I can see the result
$ FACTER_hostname='host-name1' puppet apply profile.pp --hiera_config /etc/hiera.yaml
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): tokens is host-name1abcdef123host-name2abbcde456
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): token is abcdef123
Notice: Compiled catalog for host-name1 in environment production in 0.04 seconds
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds
$ FACTER_hostname='host-name2' puppet apply profile.pp --hiera_config /etc/hiera.yaml
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): tokens is host-name1abcdef123host-name2abbcde456
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): token is abbcde456
Notice: Compiled catalog for host-name2 in environment production in 0.04 seconds
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
I think hiera_hash is not what you want.
Uses a hash merge lookup. Expects every value in the hierarchy for a given key to be a hash, and merges the top-level keys in each hash into a single hash. Note that this does not do a deep-merge in the case of nested structures.
$_tokens = hiera_hash('token_lookup', undef, 'hiera-file')
$_tokens = hiera('token_lookup', {}) #it will create empty hash if it couldn't find 'token_lookup' variable.
Please also check the following example:
# /etc/puppet/hieradata/appservers.yaml
- hostname:
- hostname:
# Get the structured data:
$proxies = hiera('proxies')
# Index into the structure:
$use_ip = $proxies[1]['ipaddress'] # will be
