Excel lookup 2 Values - excel

I'm sorry if this is an obvious question, but I've been searching and can't seem to figure this out..
Cost TableCost Table
Employee Date Hours
2 03/16/16 8
2 03/17/16 8
2 03/20/16 8
3 03/21/16 8
3 03/22/16 8
5 03/23/16 10
6 03/24/16 4
6 03/28/16 5
Time Clock Table
Employee Date Hours
2 03/16/16 1
2 03/17/16 3
2 03/20/16 2
3 03/21/16 5
3 03/22/16 4
5 03/23/16 7
6 03/24/16 7
6 03/28/16 7
I just want to lookup on this table to see how many hours each employee worked on a certain date. They are cheating the system and we need to find out who's short.

You can use a formula like this
It concatenates the name and the date and uses Index/Match to look up the same combination and returns the hours. The formula uses structured references with the column names and header names. It will also work if you use sheet names and cell references, but don't use it with whole columns, because that will be very slow.

You need a SUMIFS rather than a VLOOKUP, in this case
=sumifs(Paytable!C:C, Paytable!A:A,2,Paytable!B:B,date(2016,3,17))

You can solve this through a SUMIFS formula, such as:
=SUMIFS(C:C, A:A, 2, B:B, "03/07/16")
What this is doing is summing all values in column C where column A is equal to 2 (for the employee) where column B is equal to 03/07/16.


Subtotals in a column based on ranges in another column

Consider a table like the following:
1 2
1 4 6
2 3
2 5
2 1 9
3 6 6
... ... ...
I am searching for a formula to use in the WEEKTOTAL column that sums those entries in the HOURS column that share the same weeknumber. I would like the actual subtotal entry to be added in the row that contains the last occurrence of each weeknumber (the entries are likely sorted by weeknumber). The other cells in this column can be empty.
I'm hoping this is possible using an ARRAYFORMULA, but I am not sure how to.
Thank you in advance!
Assuming "WEEKTOTAL" cell is C1.
in C2 :
and drag downwards.
Idea : use countif() to 'drive' offset() range. Which in turn will be the range for sum(). All only happens if the next column a value is different (IF(A2<>A3, .. ) ).
Pls share if it works/not/understandable.

How to SELECT N values ABOVE and BELOW from specific value

If I have a table:
Column A
Column B
Column C
I would like to SELECT 3 rows above and below WHERE Column B = someValue .
IF query SELECT * WHERE Column B = "Andrew" result should look like:
Column A
Column B
Column C
I know how to select one row, but cant understand how to select such range.
Thanks for ideas!
You can limit and offset inside your QUERY():
=QUERY(A1:C,"limit "&2+MIN(5,MATCH(D1,B:B,0))&" offset "&MAX(0,MATCH(D1,B:B,0)-5))
Well, this was fun...
If 3 above or below are not available then blank... rolling data around is a different proposition.
Below the image is the list of formulae used.
So, per cell not including the data validation that is based on cells B2:B11
A14 and dragged down:
C14 and dragged down:
Cells B14 through B20:
In Excel 365, you could try:
In Google sheets, on the other hand, the formula would be:
(spot the difference).
Google Sheets
This should produce what you want in all cases:
Of course, you can replace the two instances of "Andrew" with a cell reference (one where you type a changeable name).
This just looks up the row in a curly-bracket array formed from the names and row numbers and uses FILTER to keep results to rows between +/-3 rows of where the target name is found. If you choose the first name (or any other name), you won't get an error; because even if the target name were on Row 1 and the formula goes looking for anything "greater than or equal to 1 minus 3, all rows will be greater than a negative number. Same on the high end. You just won't get a full seven names if there aren't at least three other rows prior to or after the target row.
this not the best solution but it will work , you can use a helper column 'D' that contains the following formula =if(countif(INDIRECT("B"&ROW()+3&":"&"B"&ROW()-3),"Andrew")>0,TRUE,FASLE)
and u can query from here like this SELECT * WHERE Column D = TRUE

How to create two columns that match all values from a third in excel or OpenOffice?

I have one column with 10 cells, every cell have a different value in it. How can I create two columns that have every cell matching with the other 9.
Example :
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 1
2 3
2 4
2 5
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
10 5
10 6
10 7
10 8
10 9
I am not sure I read the same question as others did. I think your example was merely that, an example, and that these first 10 cells could contain anything and you wanted every permutation that could result. While I think that the other answers might work for the specific situation you describe, they may not work if you had other data in those cells. Hence I am offering a variation which uses a similar technique to reference the cells indirectly. The permutations of 2 objects from a set of 10 unique objects would result in 90 objects (which is why the above technique from Tom Sharpe references 90).
Assuming that you have your 10 items in A1 through A10, I would put the following formula in B1 and copy it down through B90:
Also, I would use this formula in C1 and copy it down through C90:
The result should give you something like what is shown in the attached matching your example.
Likewise, it would show the permutations of any values you had in A1 through A10 as shown in the second attached picture with words instead of the numbers 1 through 10.
In Excel (without VBA or such like), one way:
In A1 and copied down to A100: =INT((ROW()+9)/10).
In B1 and copied down with Ctr to B10: 1.
Select B1:B10 and copy down with Ctrl to B100.
In C1 and copied down to C100: =A1=B1.
Select ColumnsA:B, Copy, Paste Special, Values.
Filter A:C ,select TRUE in ColumnC and delete all blue indexed (visible content) rows.
Delete ColumnC.
Or in A1:
copied down to A90 just to be different.
Then in B1:
copied down to B90.

Sum across columns based on 3 criteria

I'm trying to get a Sumif working across multiple rows.
For example, say my data source is below:
1 1 10 11
2 2 9 12
3 3 8 13
4 4 7 14
5 5 6 58
I want to sum from Columns A to C, in row 3. Output would be 24.
Ideally my criteria for the Horizontal Start, Horizontal End and Vertical would all be referenced in different cells which can be updated to get a new result depending on the criteria.
Is this possible so that the criteria cells can be updated and the formula will update accordingly?
Use a SUMIF, and betweem the logical criteria, simply use 3 criterias by seperating each with "&"'. This says that excel will sum if a happens, and b and c.

Summing a set of values based on cell content and row position

In the below table rows 2,3 and 4 have some details of a sporting event.
Range A2:C4 has a set of squad numbers and range D2:F4 has the details of who scored goals.
1 Squad # Scorers
2 1 3 6 2 8 3
3 3 6 7 6 1
4 1 5 6 7 2 4
As an example squad # 6 has scored 8 goals based on the values equivalent position in the Squad section and relative to the Scorers range.
What formula will give me this total value and the equivalent total values for all squad numbers like the table below?
Some cells will be empty like F3.
1 9
3 14
5 2
6 8
7 0
A simple SUMPRODUCT function should take care of this.
=SUMPRODUCT($D$2:$F$4, --($A$2:$C$4=H2))
Fill down as necessary.
With only 3 games, the simplest way that I can see to do this would be to use 4 SUMIFS statements, as follows [assumes that your results data is in columns A & B, starting at row 5 and moving down; A5:A12 would hold the IDs for the different squads, and this formula would go in B5 and be copied down]:
What it does is sum columns D:F, for row 1, row 2, and row 3, based on the fact that columns A:C for those rows match the appropriate squad ID.
This would be possible with an arguably shorter but more complex Array Formula, but with the data as you've presented it, I feel this is the clearest method.
