CVE Security Issues JBoss7 - security

im looking for a way to solve the following security issues for JBoss7:
When i'm trying to download those packages i always get the same error:
"You do not have access to the requested software." --Redhat Downloadpage
Does anybody know where i can find those packages/fixes?
Thank you very much!


error type: ‘JOIN_MEETING_FAILED’, reason: ‘Fail to join the meeting.’, errorCode: 200

Can someone help me, I can’t start/join the meeting, it throws
error type: ‘JOIN_MEETING_FAILED’, reason: ‘Fail to join the meeting.’, errorCode: 200
I am using the view component to display the meeting
I have searched everywhere but have no correct answer to help me solve
Here is my code screenshothere is the my code image
here is the my error image
As per my knowledge and research, my JWT token is correct with the correct parameter here are the decoded values please see
here is the my backend signature image
Please guys help me I don’t know how to solve this and it’s very important for me to find the solution
If you need anything Please let me know I will provide that
Also, one thing to note I have tried to join this meeting with chrome as well as with firefox.
I am tryting to integrate Zoom sdk component view in my react application with node as a backend

OData service can be called in Browsers but in Excel 2016

I got a sample servlet using Olingo lib: It works fine in Chrome/IE/FF or in Postman. But when I query in Excel 2016/OS Windows 10 with the steps like:
New Query
From Other Sources
From OData Feed
Got the error like: "We encountered an error while trying to connect. Details: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed"
Any ideas are appreciated.
#RodolfoOliveira: yes, I resolved this issue. the reason is that when I deployed it to Cloud, the uri in metadata is still http. What I did is implement a CustomProcessor and correct the url.
More detail is here:
just need to do the custom Processor. Do the same as the original source but change a bit about the url. Detail in here:
Register it with the Handler at first, then the issue should be solved.
ODataHttpHandler handler = odata.createHandler(edm);
handler.register(new CustomDefaultProcessor());
Hope this help. is not a function

I have used google custom search in my site and it works well in chrome but I am facing problem in firefox It gives error like this.
TypeError: is not a function.
Please friends help me to resolve this.

Transmission 2.52 - 409: Conflict

I'm using Transmission 2.52 on a Debian server. The only thing I changed in settings.json is username and password. When I try to connect, it ask me my login details but after this, it says:
409: Conflict
Your request had an invalid session-id header.
I looked over the internet but I didn't find anything good. I tried different url like:
Always the same error.
I am using Debian 4.7.2-5 and transmission 2.52
Any solution?
Thank you
I've just experienced this problem myself, and found a solution here:
Basically, remember to add the trailing '/' on the end of your transmission url, for example:
This works:
But this gives the 409: Conflict message:

WebForm_DoCallBack is not a function

For my sharepoint 2010 When I am going to create a sitecollection I want to choose username
at that time i got this error "window.WebForm_DoCallBack is not a function" in firefox and in IE I got error that "WebForm_DoCallBack function is not defined". I got same error when I try to add list item.
I can solve that error by reinstalling the sharepoint server but error occurs again after 2/3 days.
This function is in init.js file.
I am searching for the solution on internet but no solution yet got.So please help me to find out the solution. Thanks in advance.
