SparkPost sending with PHPmailer - how do I disable open and click tracking? - phpmailer

I know that sending emails with SparkPost via the API, I can disable open and click tracking with:
options.open_tracking set to false
options.click_tracking set to false
However, I'm sending with PHPmailer. I can't have my email links be converted to gibberish. I need the actual links, not the SparkPost converted links. From what I understand, this will be achieved by not tracking opens and clicks with SparkPost email.
Thanks in advance

You need to use X-MSYS-API custom header.
$x_msys_api = array(
'options' => array (
'open_tracking' => false,
'click_tracking' => false
$phpmailer->addCustomHeader('X-MSYS-API', json_encode($x_msys_api));
I assumed you've $phpmailer object (instance of PHPMailer class), replace it accordingly.
Here is official documentation. Here is an example use.


Hide content only for Gmail users

I'm writing email templates and I need to HIDE a piece of content for Gmail users.
There exists [an easy way to SHOW content only to Gmail users] but as you will notice, this isn't reversible as it uses the fact that Gmail ignores display:none;.
There's also a way to show/hide content for Outlook + IE users (using conditional HTML statements like <!–[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]–>), but the same method doesn't seem to exist for Gmail or Yahoo or anything else.
Anybody have any ideas? will strip all of your CSS located in the header. The only options to hide something is inline styling like display:none !important, but then it will be gone for email client.
So the answer to your question is: No, its not possible.

Hyperlink in response in

I am exploring now a days for one assignment to develop chat bot. Is there a way to add hyperlinks as a part of default response? I do not want to use Google Assistant, Facebook Messanger, KIK,Slack etc but I want to include hyperlink as a part of Default Response. I explored various blogs but could not find desired answer.
Practically you can't, but there is a hack:
Choose the response to be card.
Choose a custom image.
Embed link in the "next".
No, ideally you can not add a hyperlink in default response of but there is a workaround that I used in my code. In my case, I have developed my own chat window where before printing, I'm running a check on the response that is coming from using following function & get that link converted into the clickable format.
if(!String.linkify) {
String.prototype.linkify = function() {
// http://, https://, ftp://
var urlPattern = /\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[a-z0-9-+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[a-z0-9-+&##\/%=~_|]/gim;
// www. sans http:// or https://
var pseudoUrlPattern = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim;
// Email addresses
var emailAddressPattern = /[\w.]+#[a-zA-Z_-]+?(?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})+/gim;
return this
.replace(urlPattern, '<a target="_blank" href="$&">$&</a>')
.replace(pseudoUrlPattern, '$1<a target="_blank" href="http://$2">$2</a>')
.replace(emailAddressPattern, '$&');

IE automation through Excel vba

The problem that I'm having is quite simple. I'm opening a webpage, looking for the input box where I type some text and then hit a Search button. Once the new webpage is uploaded I gather all the info I need. My problem is in the time spent uploading the webpage. My gathering code doesn't work because the new webpage is still not loaded. I have the following code to wait for that:
Do While ie.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
where ie was set like this
Set ie = New InternetExplorer
Is there another code except the application.wait that I can use to fix this?
I've run into similar issues when attempting the same. The issue is that the ready state on the IE object can't always be trusted, or at the very least, it's not signaling what you think. For example it will let you know when each frame is ready, not the whole page. So if you don't actually need to see the web browser control, and you only care about sending and receiving data. My suggestion is to not bother rending the page in a web browser object, instead just send and receive data using a WinHttpRequest.
Tools>References>Microsoft WinHTTP Services
Using this, you can send and receive the HTML data directly. If your page uses URL parameters, you send a "GET" then parse the reply. Otherwise you will have to send a "PUT" and send the edited HTML (Basically take the blank form page you begin with and set all the values). When first using, it can be a bit tricky to get the formatting correct depending on the complexity of the page you are trying to automate. Find a good web dugging tool (such as Fiddler) so that you can see the HTML being sent to your target page.

base64 images not displaying in Outlook when using ejs + emailjs

I'm using a mix of ejs and emailjs to send out emails in my node.js app when various events happen. I'd like to embed a base64 image (a small logo) into the email when it sends, but both Outlook and Gmail (plus Inbox by Google) fail to render the image.
I'm using this bit of code to find the mime type of the image and put together the base64 string:
MyApp.prototype.ImageToBase64 = function(image) {
var mime = require("mime")
file = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/images/" + image, { encoding: 'base64'})
return 'data:' + mime.lookup(image) + ';base64,' + file;
That works great, because I'm able to copy and paste that resulting string right into my browser and see the image. But when I send the email via emailjs, Outlook converts the +s to +. When I "View Original" in Gmail, the base64 is split up into 'chunks'. Each chunk is on a newline and each line ends with a =. If I take Gmail's version and remove the = and newline then paste it into my browser, the whole picture loads perfectly, but it just refuses to load anywhere else, regardless of whether the user is in my contact list or not.
Here's the code I'm using to send the email:
// Host, username, password and SSL (false) all set above here
text: myTemplate,
from: "",
to: "",
subject: "Testing",
attachment: [
{data:myTemplate, alternative:true}
And the template looks like this (truncated, as the other bits aren't important):
<p><img src="<%- ImageToBase64("logo.png") %>"></p>
<h1><%= Name %> has been triggered</h1>
<p><%= Name %> has been triggered. It was triggered on <%= TheDate %></p>
Any hints?
EDIT: I tried setting the headers in the "attachment" property, but with no luck
Outlook uses Word to render the images, and Word does not support embedded (src="data:image") images.
You need to attach the image as a file and set the Content-ID MIME header to the value matching the cid attribute on the image (<img src="cid:xyz">) in the HTML body.
Okay, so even though this answer is from 2013, it seems like the wisdom still holds true, in that base64 image support sucks in email clients.
Basically the only mail clients that still support inline images are either older ones (e.g. Office 2007), or Apple / Android's default mail apps.
While that's a bit disappointing, it's not the end of the world, as the email will only be seen by people on the same network as my app, so I can just point to the image hosted on the web portion of the app.
But for anyone else trying this, host your image on an image sharing site like Imgur or on your own server and use a regular ol' <image> tag to display it.
So much for self-contained emails, right?

xpages forward o reply email

I need a solution, that when you press a button from a inbox xpages mail message, the new xpages is composed with the body and image and attachment of original inbox message (ckeditor control)
I nave found a Solution for passing HTML to ckeditor but not for attachment and inline image.
Have you any suggest?
P.S. the solution will need work in on-fly mode (without savind document that when you foward an email with a classic webmail)
See my answer below on how to copy contents and images to a CKEditor on the fly:
