Vertical Line in Android Studio - android-studio

I don't know why but sometime in Android Studio Editor, it shows vertical line as shown in screenshot below.
Don't know about other editor but it happens in Android Studio.
So why it is showing and how to hide it?

That line historically represents the margin of A4 paper, which is useful only if you need to print the code.
Old school says that you should keep your code inside that margin, to guarantee much portability.
But.. nowadays in the real life, it makes no sense to me! Because we always use advanced editors, bigger displays, and I never needed to print any single line of code.
So, if you want to do it:
Newer versions
Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap guide
Older versions
Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show right margin
Editor -> Appearance -> Show right margin
For Mac
To remove line go to:- Preference-> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap and visual guides. Uncheck it to remove.

It is as follows in the newer version of Android Studio:
Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap guide

im Mac
Open Android Studio and Click
cmd + ,
and follow this step:

Android Studio has changed layout again, so you can find this option at:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap and visual guides
As it is mentioned earlier, if your code is of that length, it is pretty obvious that it is not that readable, i.e. clean. Being old school, I keep it at 80 characters and spill occasionally.


How to increase the width of the code line in Android studio?

I am using Android studio to develop a flutter app, when I click reformat code with dart format it breaks in unpleasing format.
Even though there is lot of space it breaks the line, how can i increase the line width?
I solved this issue by changing Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Dart -> Line length to 150
Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Dart -> Line length: int
Go to settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Dart, you can change line length to what ever value you want, but based on Effective dart style, it's better to avoid lines longer than 80 characters. see this docs
I'm not sure how to change the settings, maybe with an Android Studio plugin, but as described in the Dart docs you should avoid lines with more than 80 characters of code. Try to structure your code a bit then you have more overview instead of squeezing everything in one method, widget or whatever together
Link to Dart docs
For VS Code:
File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Dart&Flutter: Dart: Line Length

How to set max line length in Android Studio code editor?

How can I set a maximum length for Android Studio's code editor, or may be set a word wrap?
In my Android Studio, no matter how long a statement I type on a single line, it never automatically goes to the next line, but rather a horizontal scroll bar appears.
When I autoformat using the Ctrl+Alt+L (reference), nothing happens.
My SO or Google search found a lot of material on this for Eclipse, but not for Android Studio.
If you need not a soft wrap,
but actually, brake one long line onto several lines you need:
Go to Preferences(mac) or Settings(windows) -> Editor -> Code style -> Java/Kotlin -> Wrapping and braces (tab) -> Check "Ensure that right margin is not exceeded"
Now try to reformat your code:
OPTION (ALT) + CMD + L on your Mac
(or CTRL + ALT + L on PC)
Edit 13.02.19
As noted in comments this option seems not available in settings for Kotlin.
However, there is a workaround to manually add it.
Here is what it takes to make it work:
Export the settings scheme.
Open saved xml file.
Find <codeStyleSettings language="kotlin"> tag (or create)
Add the WRAP_LONG_LINES setting manually:
<codeStyleSettings language="kotlin">
<option name="WRAP_LONG_LINES" value="true" />
Save edits and and import back the scheme.
Here you go!
Click on Android Studio ( left top corner )
Click Preferences
Type Code Style in search
Click on Code Style
There is a filed right to the 'Hard wrap at' - you can enter needed about of symbols you need
In File | Settings, select "Editor", then "Code Style". There is an option "Wrap when typing reaches right margin".
Edit: Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to work. Anyway, maybe the option "Use soft wrap" in the "General" group is more what you want.
#Solace, actually #Fahim Faysal's answer is quite close to what you need, but since you want to solve the problem no matter how long a statement I type on a single line, it never automatically goes to the next line, 2 more steps you need to follow:
[Step 9] type the max length you prefer at `"Hard wrap at" ()
[Step 10] change "Wrap on typing" from Default: No or No to Yes
With version 4.1.2 and with Dart language you need to go to "File/Settings/Editor/Code Style/Dart" and modify the "Line length" to the preferred number.
In Android Studio:
Editor->code Style->java->Wrapping and braces(tab:right side)->keep when reformatting->Line break(make unchecked)
You can change the max column width from:
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Right Margin (columns)
Android Studio 3.5:
Mac -
Android Studio > Preferences > Editor > CodeStyle > HardWrap at: ____
The existing answers already answer the question in straight forward way. As a different approach you could set the style guide to kotlin style guide code style. Then if you do alt + ctrl + l as you did, you'll see auto wrap as you expected.
Just open the settings, search for kotlin and look for kotlin under code style.
On the top right hand side of the settings window you'll see Set from..., click on it.
Then on predifined style > kotlin style guide
If you'd like to follow the kotlin formatting style this could reduce more effort. For more information:
My Environment:
Ubuntu 18.04
AndroidStudio 3.3.2
My operate:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style
Scheme -> select Project
Hard wrap at '120'
To move the grey vertical line, that tells Android Studio where to wrap your code, go to
Settings- Editor- Code Style- Java or Kotlin- Wrapping and Braces- Hard wrap at
and enter the number of characters, where the line should be.
For dart
settings => code style => Dart => Line length
In settings/code style/kotlin/wrapping and braces replace the "do not wrap" values with "wrap if long"
You can change the Hard wrap at param

Android studio automatically open's documentation view

I don't know if it is bug or kind of setting, but it is very annoying while typing value i.e. android:layout_gravity="", it opens hints with dropdown, and after a while the documentation view gets opened and hides the dropdown with hints.
I checked that no button is suspended or anything like that. I use Ubuntu 14.04.
Strange, because I've not changed anything with AS from months and there was no such behavior before. There's solution:
Follow the simple steps to remove open Documentation by cursor move :
Android Studio -> File -> Setting -> Editor -> General
Right side of the screen go to Others :
Uncheck checkBox show quick documentation of mouse move & Apply.
Preferences > Editor > General > CodeCompletion > uncheck Auto popup feature
I found out that I don't want to disable the documentation.
Instead, I set the window to be 'Opened as Popup',
This displays the documentation aside to the cursor and autocloses it automatically.
Surely I've set it before as a 'Tool Window' to see the full content and then I forgot to set it back.
Note that this functionality has been moved recently. It's now in:
Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Other.
Uncheck "quick documentation on mouse move".
Studio 3.4.2, somehow had setting checked, uncheck it.
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion.
This the only correct answer as far i know because i sorted out this way only. Just click on Help>find Action>auto(in the search box)> and uncheck the checkbox in the image shown
For Android Studio 4.x ~ Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1
Preferences > Editor > Code Editing > Quick Documentation > Show quick documentation on mouse move: unchecked

Android Studio 0.8.2: Remove Vertical Line Break

Been searching through the editor settings for quite a while but I can't figure out how to turn off the vertical line break in Android Studios 0.8.2. Driving me crazy!!!
It was driving me crazy as well. For older versions (like 0.8.2), Open the Options and uncheck:
Editor -> Appearance -> Show right margin
More recent versions use:
Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show right margin
AS 3.x:
Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap guide
With Android Studio 1.2.2
File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance
Or you can just write in the search box of Settings: "right margin"
In Android Studio 1.1.0:
File > Settings > Editor > Appearance > Show right margin (uncheck)
AS 3.x:
Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap guide
In Android Studio 3.1.2, Show right margin is replaced by Show hard wrap guide. (I don't know in which release, this change rolled-out)
Uncheck highlighted option and save. The vertical code line indents will be gone.
File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance > Code Style > Hard Warp at
Even I'm afraid of down votes but I don't understand why you guys want to hide this line, don't you think it's really useful ?
It helps us know when we should make a new line to match coding convention (code-line width). And the short code-lines (max 80-120 characters) make your code:
Easier to review code before committing it to the repository (without horizontal scrolling).
Easier to track changes of the committed-history (without horizontal scrolling).
Work with two files at a time (Split vertically in Android Studio) (without horizontal scrolling).
This unbelievably annoying line is the default in various editors. Netbeans, Eclipse, LiClipse, VS Code, and now Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 1 for Linux 64-bit.
I had to click on File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance and remove the checkbox on Show hard wrap and visual guides (configured in Code Style options).
I remember this used to be called a print margin or something in Netbeans. This vertical 80 character limit line is a tad hard to find in the IDE settings and often difficult to search the internet for the correct settings to disable it too. The variety of answers on this page shows how much the Android SDK team has changed the IDE too.
People have discussed the relevance of such a vertical line here, here and on various other websites. Since the percentage of people who hate it are lesser than the percentage of people who like/tolerate it, I guess IDE's are going to continue keeping it as a default.I wouldn't mind it if that line's colour was at least a lot more subtle.
This very annoying vertical line that you will find with the android studio chipmunk release by default. There is no easy way to disable it as it is difficult to find.
It is under
Uncheck []show hard wrap and visual guide(Configure in Code Style option)
That works on chipmunk release.

Android Studio Tab Spacing

How can I change spacing in Android Studio to use tabs instead of spaces? I tried Preference -> Editor but I don't see the option there. I'm using Android Studio for Mac
Type in 'spac' in the search panel of the settings view.
You will find Editor -> Code Style->Java->Tabs and Indents->Use tab character.
This is a little weird, but others may have the same issue I did.
Yes, follow the above directions, and do the normal changes in the config file. And guess what? it looks like it's still making spaces instead of tabs, even though the settings say TABS, not spaces!
Turn on "show whitespaces" (Editor -> General -> Appearance). And then turn it off. Looks like this is enough to reset the editor so that it is now following the rules you set in the preferences.
