Which cloud to use for RabbitMQ? [closed] - azure

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We are looking for a cloud based solution for messaging queue. We have chosen RabbitMQ and we already have few app that are using this. RabbitMQ is hosted locally. For testing purposes it was ok, but right now when business is growing and we are looking into centralised RabbitMQ with HA we are looking into cloud solution.
My question is: which service would you recommend for RabbitMQ,
the options that we've found are:
https://bitnami.com and use Azure
host it in Azure and manage by ourself - but we would like to avoid this as much as possible - not enough human resources to look after that.
What would you recommend?

my suggestion is http://cloudamqp.com - i use them for just about of all my RabbitMQ hosting needs, for production web apps.
it's a fully managed RabbitMQ hosting service. you don't have to worry about much, and you can get as large / scalable as you need. From very small and cheap, to enterprise level hosting with clustering, etc.


Azure service bus and strongly typed messages. Is it ok to share code between microservices? [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I am developing a number of microservices. They will communicate through azure service bus. I would like the messages to be sent and received as strongly typed objects.
Am I violating the microservice principles by creating a bunch of classes to represent the messages?
I would probably put these classes in a nuget package, that I use in each of the microservices. Any examples or best practice you can point me to on this?
I wouldn't call this 'violation' but rather a design choice. For example, when using wear abstraction such as NServiceBus or MassTransit, you're by design using strongly typed messages. Those are contracts and are expected to be shared between services.

using serverless for large scale cloud database [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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What guidelines have been useful for folks who are looking to have a very large (100TB - PB) cloud database with multiple readers/writers (IoT) sources?
We expect to have a REDIS cache backed by either DynamoDB, Azure CosmosDB, or other (Not yet decided).
But is it a problem to have purely lambda and serverless to service the read/write requests? There are some guidelines from AWS about this:
and one case study:
Your best bet for information like this is Azure Architecture Center that has articles on best practices and architectural guidance.
Regarding using Dynamo or Cosmos DB to back Redis, I can't offer any guidance on the efficacy for doing such a thing. What I can say is that I do see customers opt-out of using Redis altogether and use Dynamo or Cosmos as a key/value cache-layer because the latency is good enough.

Migrating from firebase [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I will start developing my e-commerce website soon however, I don't have experience in backend. So I'm considering to use firebase. But my real concern is, , is firebase good option on long term? Is it easy to migrate to mongodb and node js or is it better to write my own backend from the beginning?
You should consider using firebase if the features are useful to you:
noSQL database
in-app messaging
It is a good option long-term if don't hit the upper limits of the free plan for a long time. This is almost always the case for new unknown projects.
Because of the noSQL nature, switching to mongoDB is straight-forward. The real question is if you are already experienced with setting up and using node.js with mongoDB. You are better served with what you already know.
Use Firebase if you have no significant experience with the alternatives.

Benefits of Azure PluralSight [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am a beginner in the IT world.
I would like to know what are the advantages of doing the Microsoft Azure PluralSight courses? What kind of It jobs could I Apply having this certificate?
Doing the Azure course on Pluralsight will give you knowledge of the Azure Cloud Computing platform from Microsoft. Azure is typically used for storing databases in the cloud or for deploying applications to a cloud environment or similar tasks.
While many companies look for developers who have experience with cloud platforms like Azure and AWS most often the person who performs Deployments, a task that brings an application from the Development stage to the stage where it is publicly available and usable, specifically specializes in that skill and those tools.
The position where a person is responsible for the deployment, integration, and maintenance of the application is typically called "Dev Ops".

Multiple deployments of virtual machines/instances [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Which one is better to go with.. Juju or Puppet/Chef? Why?
I want to start multiple deployments at the same time, to avoid making the corresponding the server setup again and again.
It depends on what you need, every software has its own strengths and weaknesses:
Juju encapsulates services - a charm defines all the ways the service needs to expose or consume config data to/from other services. How a charm does that is the charm's business. It can use any tool from shell scripts to Chef in solo mode, to do that.
Juju orchestrates provisioning - juju keeps track of the resources it has available to it, and can add or remove them as needed.
Juju makes sharing easy - anyone can contribute a charm to the Juju Charm Store; these charms are vetted and peer reviewed by the Juju community.
My recommendation is to go with none of them.. it is Docker's age, a simple tool that manages all of your resources in an easy, fast and reliable way. It is also supported by all cloud providers, so you can simply go and launch your Docker VM on Azure and play with it the way you want.
