Inject meta tag dynamically to HTML with Express - node.js

I'm currently migrating a website on Apache + PHP stack over to Node + Express, and would like to know what is the best way/best practice (if there is one) for dynamically injecting meta tags under the new stack.
Under the existing stack, meta tags are injected dynamically by adding PHP codes into the HTML file directly. As rendering is done on server side, the tags are properly interpreted by Facebook/Google+/whatever web crawlers.
Under the new stack, after doing some research, I've come across two options:
Use template engine like Pug (Jade) to render the HTML with locals. (It seems to be an overkill to rewrite the existing HTML with Pug's syntax though? Can Pug deal with HTML, or I've to consider other template engine like EJS? What template engine do you advise me to explore?)
Use DOM manipulation plugin like Cheerio to inject the meta tags first, before rendering begins.
Between these two options, which one will have a better performance or there is no material difference? Are there any other ways that you'd otherwise recommend? Thanks!

EJS would probably be the simplest one for that and very similar to PHP.
You can also take a look at Mustache and Handlebars for other options with minimal changes to your existing HTML.
with EJS: <html><head><%= yourMetaTags %> ...
with Mustache: <html><head>{{ yourMetaTags }} ...
with Handlebars: <html><head>{{ yourMetaTags }} ...
Also doT.js is very fast.
Parsing the HTML and manipulating it with a DOM API just to insert meta tags would be an overkill in my opinion.
On the other hand if all you need is to insert meta tags then you could make a simple regex substitution, using something like yourHTML.replace('<head>', '<head>'+yourMetaTags); but it could potentially get more complex over time when you need more functionality. After all, everyone has made a templating engine at some point in life.


How can I use Express to render dynamic files?

I'm looking to use Express to render raw strings as HTML, with the ability to reference static files in a specified directory (CSS, images, and other resources).
I've done a lot of research, but I haven't seen anything that approaches what I'm trying to do. For example, I thought perhaps writing a custom templating engine that only pretended to load a file would cut it, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
What's the best way to approach this?
There are many ways to do it.
It can done in any other templating engine as well but here i am guiding you to implement same using EJS(Embedded Javascript).
Use Express Generator to create an ExpressJS app with EJS templating Engine.
command :
express --ejs AppName
For more information about express Generator refer to doc here
Now EJS has tags such as :
1. <% code %> - Code that is evaulated without "echo" it is not printed out.
2. <%= code %> - Code that is evaluated and printed out and escaped!
3. <%- Code %> - Code that is evaluated printed out and not escaped!
So in your case you can use 3rd the third tag that i have mentioned above.
Render EJS views in the usual way from your route config:
res.render('index.ejs', {
// data you want to pass ..
Code sample
Some time ago i was playing around with EJS, i developed a very small blogApp for practice.
You can look into this view, line number 33, for more practical way of implementing same.

Why does React.js' API warn against inserting raw HTML?

From the tutorial
But there's a problem! Our rendered comments look like this in the
browser: "<p>This is <em>another</em> comment</p>". We want those tags
to actually render as HTML.
That's React protecting you from an XSS attack. There's a way to get
around it but the framework warns you not to use it:
<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: rawMarkup}} />
This is a special API that intentionally makes it difficult to insert raw HTML, but for Showdown we'll take advantage of this backdoor.
Remember: by using this feature you're relying on Showdown to be secure.
So there exists an API for inserting raw HTML, but the method name and the docs all warn against it. Is it safe to use this? For example, I have a chat app that takes Markdown comments and converts them to HTML strings. The HTML snippets are generated on the server by a Markdown converter. I trust the converter, but I'm not sure if there's any way for a user to carefully craft Markdown to exploit XSS. Is there anything else I should be doing to make sure this is safe?
Most Markdown processors (and I believe Showdown as well) allow the writer to use inline HTML. For example a user might enter:
This is _markdown_ with a <marquee>ghost from the past</marquee>. Or even **worse**:
As such, you should have a whitelist of tags and strip all the other tags after converting from markdown to html. Only then use the aptly named dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
Note that this also what Stackoverflow does. The above Markdown renders as follows (without you getting an alert thrown in your face):
This is markdown with a ghost from the past. Or
even worse:
There are three reasons it's best to avoid html:
security risks (xss, etc)
event listeners
The security risks are largely mitigated by markdown, but you still have to decide what you consider valid, and ensure it's disallowed (maybe you don't allow images, for example).
The performance issue is only relevant when something will change in the markup. For example if you generated html with this: "Time: <b>" + new Date() + "</b>". React would normally decide to only update the textContent of the <b/> element, but instead replaces everything, and the browser must reparse the html. In larger chunks of html, this is more of a problem.
If you did want to know when someone clicks a link in the results, you've lost the ability to do so simply. You'd need to add an onClick listener to the closest react node, and figure out which element was clicked, delegating actions from there.
If you would like to use Markdown in React, I recommend a pure react renderer, e.g. vjeux/markdown-react.

Custom tag or custom attributes

I would like to know the possibility to develop custom html tags or custom html attributes to node.js , rather in jade, html or another html template enginer. I was looking at PhantomJS and I don't realize any example that accomplish it, either Cheerio as well. My goal is to make some components to easily usage in any kind of popular html engines. Any direction will be very helpful. Thanks!
Node.js is just a webserver, You need something to parse the custom tags, so its either the template engine that will convert it to valid html, or client side with JavaScript (aka AngularJS directives)
You can write your own filter similar to the example
Woah! jade _and_ markdown, very **cool**
we can even link to [stuff](
That would give you
<p>Woah! jade <em>and</em> markdown, very <strong>cool</strong> we can even
link to stuff

How to use Ember.js {{action}} in Handlebars.js templates on top of Jade

I'm using Ember.js and Handlebars.js for a project I'm working on at the moment. Server-side is Node.js + express and I make use of the Jade templating engine.
Now, whenever I want to tie actions to DOM elements, I use the {{action}} attribute of Ember.js. Currently, this is how my code looks in Jade:
script(type='text/x-handlebars', data-template-name='frontpage')
div.logo(''='{{action goToFrontpage}}')
The above does work, however, the ''='{{action goToFrontpage}}' part seems somewhat hackish.
Is there any other way of doing this? Perhaps a best-practice when combining Ember.js, Handlebars.js, and Jade?
Sometimes it's better to just use html in Jade.
<div {{action GoToFrontpage}} class="logo"></div>
An other example I see a lot is the strong tag.
| This is an
strong important
| message.
You can write this
.stuff This is an <strong>important</strong> message.
I find the second a lot more readable and concise.

How to provide the current route or view to the layout in ExpressJS?

I want to be able to dynamically reference JavaScript and Stylesheets depending on which page a user is on in Express. I thinking the best way to do so (though I'm open to suggestions) is to pass the current view to the layout page.
For example;
Given the url
I would want to have some logic in layout.jade that said something to the effect of:
Which would get rendered as:
<script src="/javascripts/trees.js"></script>
Any suggestions or best practices for doing this?
req.route is the matched route, so things like req.route.path etc are available, or of course req.url which may be parsed. With express 2x you can expose these values to views automatically using "dynamic helpers" or res.local()
There are no best practices for doing this, since Express doesn't provide Rails like url helpers, so I think you're approach is fine.
The easy answer is to just put ALL your javascript into a single file and be done with it. Ditto for CSS. See the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline for details. You are probably making your life more complicated than necessary and also less efficient by having different javascripts on different pages.
However, since you asked, the answer for javascripts is easy. Just put the extra <script> tags in the view, not the layout. Problem solved. CSS doesn't work as cleanly because the <link> tags need to be inside the <head>. In this case, I define the styles I need as an array of strings and loop over that in my layout template. So in my route I set up a local variable such as
locals.css = ['/css/one.css', '/css/two.css']
Then just loop over that in your template and generate one <link> tag for each.
