nosql separate data by client - cassandra

I have to develop a project using a NoSql base, either couchbase or cassandra.
I would like to know if it is recommended to partition the data of each customer in a bucket?
In my case, there will never be requests between the different clients.
The data can be completely separated.
For couchbase, I saw that for each bucket a memory capacity, was reserved for him.
Where does the separation have to be done at another place document or super column for cassandra.
Thank you

Where does the separation have to be done at another place document or super column for cassandra.
Tip #1, when working with Cassandra, completely erase the word "super column" from your vocabulary.
I would like to know if it is recommended to partition the data of each customer in a bucket?
That depends. It sounds like your queries would be mostly based on a customer id, so it makes sense to have it as a part of your partition key. However, if each customer partition has millions of rows and/or columns underneath it, that's going to get very big.
Tip #2, proper Cassandra modeling is done based on what your required queries look like. So without actually seeing the kinds of queries you need to serve, it's going to be difficult to be any more specific than that.
If you have customer data relating to accounts and addresses, etc, then building a customers table with a PRIMARY KEY of only customer_id might make sense. But if you find that you need to query your customers (for example) by email_address, then you'll want to create a customers_by_email table, duplicate your data into that, and create a PRIMARY KEY that supports that.
Additionally, if you find yourself storing data on customer activity, you may want to consider a customer_activity table with a PRIMARY KEY of PRIMARY KEY ((customer_id,month),activity_time). That will use both customer_id and month as a partition key, storing the customer's activity clustered by activity_time. In this case, if we didn't use month as an additional partition key, each customer_id partition would be continually written to, until it became too ungainly to write to or query (unbound row growth).
If anyone tells you to use a super column in Cassandra, slap them.
You need to know your queries before you design your tables.
Yes, customer_id would be a good way to keep your data separate and ensure that each query is restricted to a single node.
-Build your partition keys to account for unbound row growth, to save you from writing too much data into the same partition.


Are client side joins permissable in Cassandra if client drills down on datapoint?

I have this structure with about 1000 data points in a list on the website:
With each datapoint containing 6 fields of information.
Each datapoint can be opened to reveal an additional 2-3x of information in sublist.
Would making a new request upon the user clicking on one of my datapoints be considered bad practice in Cassandra? Should I just go ahead and get it all in one go?
Should I just go ahead and get it all in one go?
Definitely not.
Would making a new request upon the user clicking on one of my datapoints be considered bad practice in Cassandra?
That's absolutely the way you should do it. Cassandra is great at writing large amounts of data, but not so great a returning large amounts of data. More, small key-based queries are definitely the way to go.
It is possible to do the JOINs on the client side but as a general proposition, queries which require joins indicate that you possibly didn't design the data model correctly.
You need to model your data such that (a) each application query (b) maps to a single table. If you need to do a client-side JOIN then you need to query the database multiple times to get the data required by your app. It will work but it's not efficient so affects the performance of the app and the database.
To illustrate with an example, let's say you app needs to display a customer's list of orders. The table design would need to be partitioned by customer with (clustered) multiple rows of orders:
CREATE TABLE orders_by_customerid (
customerid text,
orderid text,
orderdate timestamp,
ordertotal decimal,
PRIMARY KEY (customerid, orderid)
You would retrieve the list of orders for a customer with:
SELECT ... FROM orders_by_customerid WHERE customerid = ?
By default, the driver or Stargate API your app is using would page the results so only the first 100 rows (for example) will be returned instead of retrieving thousands of rows in a single pass. Note that the page size is configurable. Cheers!

Best way of querying table without providing the primary key

I am designing the data model of our Scylla database. For example, I created a table, intraday_history, with fields:
CREATE TABLE intraday_history (id bigint,timestamp_seconds bigint,timestamp timestamp,sec_code text,open float,high float,low float,close float,volume float,trade int, PRIMARY KEY ((id,sec_code),timestamp_seconds,timestamp));
My id is a twitter_snowflake generated 64-bit integers.. My problem is how can I use WHERE without providing always the id (most of the time I will use the timestamp with bigint). I also encounter this problem in other tables. Because the id is unique then I cannot query a batch of timestamp.
Is it okay if lets say for a bunch of tables for my 1 node, I will use an ID like cluster1 so that when I query the id I will just id=cluster1 ? But it loss the uniqueness feature
Allow filtering comes as an option here. But I keep reading that it is a bad practice, especially when dealing with millions of query.
I'm using the ScyllaDB, a compatible c++ version of Apache Cassandra.
In Cassandra, as you've probably already read, the queries derive the tables, not the other way around. So your situation where you want to query by a different filter would ideally entail you creating another Cassandra table. That's the optimal way. Partition keys are required in filters unless you provide the "allow filtering" "switch", but it isn't recommended as it will perform a DC (possibly cluster)-wide search, and you're still subjected to timeouts. You could consider using indexes or materialized views, which are basically cassandra maintained tables populated by the base table's changes. That would save you the troubles of having the application populate multiple tables (Cassandra would do it for you). We've had some luck with materialized views, but with either of these components, there can be side effects like any other cassandra table (inconsistencies, latencies, additional rules, etc.). I would say do a bit of research to determine the best approach, but most likely providing "allow filtering" isn't the best choice (especially for high volume and frequent queries or with tables containing high volumes of data). You could also investigate SOLR if that's an option, depending on what you're filtering.
Hope that helps.

Data modeling : Data without uniqueness

I have a use case where data needs to be dumped into DB, that is not having any uniqueness. Say some random data, that can have repeated values, generated at very high speed.
Now Cassandra has constraint of having partition key per table mandatory.
Even though I can introduce a TimeUUID column, but again problem comes while retrieving. That again can be handled using ALLOW FILTER in Select clause.
I am looking for some better approach. Anyone can suggest some other approach. Only constraint is I can only dump data in Cassandra DB, File system not available.
It seems like you just want to store your data without knowing yet how to query it. With Cassandra, you typically need to know how to query it before you design your data model. If you want to retrieve the full data set, you will have poor performance. You might want to consider hdfs instead.
If you really need to store in Cassandra, try to think of a way to store it that makes sense. For example, you could store your data in timebucket. Try to size your bucket to store about 1MB worth of data. If you produce 1MB of data per minute, then a minute bucket is appropriate. You would have a partition key as the minute of the date, then a clustering column as timeUUID, then the rest of your data to store.

Partition key for Azure Cosmos DB collection

I am bit new to Azure Cosmos DB and trying to understand the concepts.
I want help to decide the the best possible partition key for DocumentDB collection. Please refer image below which have possible partitions using different partition keys.
As mentioned in the blog post here,
An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in
your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is
From above line, I think, in my case, UserId can be used as partition key.
Can someone please suggest me which key is the best possible candidate for partition key?
From the 10 things to know about DocumentDB Partitioned Collections and micro official document , you could find lots of very good advice about choice of partitioning key, so I'm not going to repeat here.
The selection of partitioning keys depends on the data stored in the database and the frequent query filtering criteria.
It is often advised to partition on something like userid which is good if you have. Suppose your business logic has many queries for a given userid and want to look up no more than a few hundred entries. In such cases the data can be quickly extracted from a single partition without the overhead of having to collate data across partitions.
However, if you have millions of records for the user then partitioning on userid is perhaps the worst option as extracting large volumes of data from a single partition will soon exceed the overhead of collation. In such cases you want to distribute user data as evenly as possible over all partitions. You may need to find another column to be the partition key.
So , if the data volume is very large, I suggest that you do some simple tests based on your business logic and choose the best partitioning key for your performance. After all, the partitioning key cannot be changed once it is set up.
Hope it helps you.
It depends, but here are few things to consider:
The blog post you mentioned say:
Additionally, the storage size for documents belonging to the same partition key is limited to 10GB. An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is scalable.
Also, I really recommend to check this post and video,,
The choice of the partition key is an important decision that you have to make at design time. You must pick a property name that has a wide range of values and has even access patterns.
So make sure to choose a partition Key that has many values and meets those requirements.

Azure Storage - Handle cross partition updates

I have a question about a best-practice when working with the Azure Table service.
Imagine a table called Customers. Imagine several other tables, split into a vast amount of partitions. In these tables, there are CustomerName fields.
In the case that a Customer changes his name... Then I update the corresponding record in the Customers table. In contrast to a relational database, all the other columns in the other table are (obviously) not updated.
What is the best way to make sure that all the other tables are also updated? It seems extremely inefficient to me to query all tables on the CustomerName, and subsequently update all these records.
If you are storing the CustomerName multiple times across tables there is no magic about it, you will need to find those records and update the CustomerName field on them as well.
Since it is quite an inefficient operation, you can (and should) do this "off-transaction". Meaning, when you perform your initial "Name Change" operation, push an item onto a queue and have a worker perform the "Name Change". Since there is no web response / user waiting anxiously for the worker to complete the fact that it is ridiculously inefficient is inconsequential.
This is a primary design pattern for implementing eventual consistency within distributed systems.
