Should I use Azure Service (such as Scheduler) for sending rest messages to my bot, or use a separate thread for notifications? - azure

I am creating a bot using Microsoft Bot Framework (BotBuilder) and want it to message the user when an appointment is about to begin.
I currently use Microsoft Graph api to access the user's Office 365 calendar and store the appointments. A background thread then keeps track of time and then messages the user when an appointment is about to start.
The current idea is to use Graph webhooks to notify my bot about new appointments.
My question is, would it be smarter to use an Azure service (such as Scheduler) to keep track of the appointments, and send rest messages to my bot, which will then send a message to the user?
My worry is, that as the amount of users rise, the amount of appointments and time checks will become too large, and that maybe Azure services would be able to handle it better.

This is a perfect fit for Azure Functions with a HTTP Trigger.
This article explains how to configure and work with HTTP triggers and bindings in Azure Functions. With these, you can use Azure Functions to build serverless APIs and respond to webhooks.
Azure Functions provides the following bindings:
An HTTP trigger lets you invoke a function with an HTTP request. This can be customized to respond to webhooks.
An HTTP output binding allows you to respond to the request.


Google IAP In App Purchase auto-renewing subscriptions Webhook for Subscription update / cancellation in NodeJS

Is there any way to implement a Webhook for automatic update of subscriptions on server side, in nodejs for example, for situations such as: the user renewed or canceled his subscription?
Currently I save the subscription data in my Database after purchase and use the Google Developers API to verify that it has been renewed or canceled when necessary.
However, for some Administrator routines I need to check all subscriptions at once and this includes calling the Google API for each one. This process is slow and can take a long time.
I could create a method that checks and updates all subscriptions according to the Google API response, and leave this process running through a Cronjob every day at night. I believe it will work, but a server-side Webhook would be the ideal solution.
Something which automatically notifies my server as soon as there is a change to a subscription so that I can update it in my DB immediately.
Found the answer. We can use Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to subscribe to topics and receive real-time notifications when a subscription change.
All steps are described in detail in their documentation:

configure Gmail accounts to send notifications for mailbox updates to a topic

I am new to gsuite application.
I am trying to push any new email that comes to Gmail I want to push to a topic.
Here is the link i am following:
To configure Gmail accounts to send notifications to your Cloud Pub/Sub topic, simply use your Gmail API client to call watch() on the Gmail user mailbox similar to any other Gmail API call.
I was not sure how it can be achieved? any sample running code will be we need to write python scipt or do we need to write cloudfunction to configure, please advise?
This tutorial may be a good place to start: it walks you through the steps of enabling the Gmail API, authorizing access, and setting up Cloud Functions for watching for messages and processing incoming messages. The tutorial is in JavaScript, not Python, but it should give you a good idea of an architecture that can accomplish what you're interested in.
As for Python-specific resources: the Gmail API Python quickstart is a good place to get started making Gmail API calls. Once you have that working, you can try switching it to call watch().
Note that if you want to continue to get notifications on your Cloud Pub/Sub topic, you will need to call watch() at least every 7 days. One way to achieve this could be to use Cloud Scheduler to periodically trigger a Cloud Pub/Sub topic that in turn triggers a Cloud Function, which calls watch().

Accessing ms teams activity feed

Is there any way to send activities that are happening in external application to ms teams activity feed through any api.Now I have designed a blog where other users can like comment and follow my post in the blog.So I want to get all the activities that are happening in my blog to ms teams.
The Microsoft Graph REST API uses a webhook mechanism to deliver change notifications to clients. A client is a web service that configures its own URL to receive notifications. Client apps use notifications to update their state upon changes.
subscription operations require read permission to the resource. For example, to get notifications for messages, your app needs the Mail.Read permission.
Please look at change notification API

Peek and Complete Message using different Receiver Instances - Azure Service Bus

When business transactions are performed, we're supposed to make that data available to end clients.
Current Design
Our web app publishes transaction messages are added to a topic on the Azure Service Bus.
We expose APIs to clients through which they can consume the data from those transactions.
Upon calling these APIs, we read the messages from the Subscription and return it to the client.
We want a guaranteed delivery - we want to make sure the client acknowledges the delivery of the data. So we don't want to remove the message from the subscription immediately. We want to keep it until the client acknowledges it.
So we only want to do a "Peek" instead of "Receive".
So the client calls the first API, to get the data, where we do a Peek.
And once the client has received the packets, the client would call a second API, to acknowledge.
At this point, we want to remove the message from the Subscription, making it Complete.
The current design of the Service Bus Message Receiver is that, a Complete can be performed only using the same Receiver instance that performed the Peek, as per the documentation, and we also observed the same when we tried it out.
Both the APIs, are two separate APIs and we cannot do the Peek and Complete using the same instance of the Receiver.
Thinking about options to somehow make the Receiver as a Singleton, across APIs within that App Service.
However this will be a problem when the App Service scales out.
Is there a different way to achieve what we're trying to do here ?
There is an option available in Azure Service Bus to defer messages. Once a message is deferred, it can be received with the help of it's sequence number.
The first client should receive the message and instead of completing it, it should defer it and return it.
The second client (which has sequence number) can receive the message from the Subscription. Refer here for more details.
Another option would be to not use a Service Bus Client on your backend and instead your clients could directly work with Service Bus using its Service REST API (assuming they can't use the AMQP client if I am understanding your scenario correctly).
There are APIs to
Renew Lock
Delete (Complete)
You could also proxy these requests if you'd like using your backend itself or a service like APIM if you are already using it.
PS: Cross posting the answer for the same query on the MSDN forum

How to make an Approval step in Azure Logic app calling my own APIs similar to office365 approval connector?

I wanna build a small workflow using Azure Logic Apps that contains an "Approval" step, which is simply an API call in my own system, similar to office 365 approval connector.
However, from what I found on the internet, the only way to make a long running task in Azure Logic Apps is to use Webhooks.
In Webhooks, I could not set a value to the parameter I created "Bool-Approved".. so, How can I check it later in a condition step?
The other possible solution maybe is to use Swagger to have an "Bool-Approved" parameter. However, it does not support long running action!
What's the possible solution for me?
As you mentioned, the way to do it is to use the Webhook action, and for that you need to implement the Subscribe/Unsubscribe pattern described here. The webhook action will allow you to get any payload (via an HTTP Post) from the instance-based webhook you are subscribing to.
The points below are a summary of this blog post:
To implement the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Webhook pattern you need to consider:
Subscription store: A database to store the unique message Id and the
instance-based callback URL provided by the webhook action.
Subscribe and Start Request Processing API: this is a RESTful API that is in charge of starting the processing of the request and storing the
Unsubscribe and Stop Request Processing API: this is another RESTful API that is only going to be called if the webhook action on the main workflow times out. This API is in charge of stopping the processing and deleting the subscription from the store.
Instance-based webhook: this webhook is to be triggered by your own custom approval event. Once triggered, your webhook is in charge of getting the instance-based callback URL from the store and invoking it. After making the call back to the main workflow instance, the subscription is to be deleted. This is the webhook that is in charge of sending the payload you require to the waiting webhook action in your Logic App.
The subsequent actions will be able to use that response body, so you can implement your conditions, etc.
You can follow the blog post mentioned above to see a detailed example and get more details on how to implement it.
make you api return HTTP code 200 if the response if "ok" and 400 if the response is "not ok". This way you can force logic app to behave the way you need it to behave..
