Replace character with page break in Google Docs - google-docs

In Google Docs I need to string replace a pattern ($$$newpage) with a page break. Is this possible with standard page search? Or do I need to do it programmatically?


is it possible to find which page and/or line number a given text was found using full text search and filestream?

I just started using the filestream and full text search technologies available on Microsoft Sql Server, I can index and search txt and pdf files, however, when I get the results I can't see the text, nor which page and/or line number that text was found inside the pdf for example, is it possible to at least retrieve the text from the document when a search is made? I believe it's not possible to return a "region" of text but maybe something I can use to look for in the file afterwards?
I'm trying to figure out the advantages of doing a search like this if I can't see the text that was found.
After doing a lot of research I concluded it isn't possible to search for a given page on an indexed pdf, so I decided to use solr instead and index the information the way I need to search later

How to disable query of a keyword in Google?

Let's say that I have a set of keywords that I don't want to see in my future Google search results page: {"Naruto","Toriko","One Piece","Conan"} (these are names of anime that I want to quit). Is there a way I can write a lightweight script or something so that whenever I use Google, it filters out pages containing those words? Even if I explicitly search for "Naruto", to Google the query is actually "Naruto -Naruto" so Google won't return anything. It's easy to ignore certain keywords for a single query using advanced search, but how do I ignore a set of keywords for all my queries in the future?
What is the best way to do this? A Chrome extension? A perl script? A javascript? How can I implement this feature for myself? What tools/languages should I use?
This is probably done best in your browser. For example, you could write a Firefox extension to do this. (It would probably even be worth publishing -- others may want this functionality (like parents).)

Lucene, Change Search on one file

Question about Lucene,
I have a file that I would like to index and search by different analyzers. My goal is to be able to change how I search.
In one case I would like to search exact phrase with punctuation IE. for "one,two" and only return exact matchings w/ punctuation.
I would also like to be able to search the exact phrase without punctuation. IE. for "one two." As in the StandardAnalyzer
Essentially I need to change the search functionality on one field.
How can I change the search on the same file. Ive tried using two analyzers (standard and whitespace) however this makes the indexing time very long.
My second thought is to use just a WhitespaceAnalyzer and when searching pass a query that further tokenizes each string if needed? However I am not sure which API has this if any do.
Also is there a good reading on how analyzers and tokens work and are implemented.
What do you mean you tried two analyzers? Duplicate the content to 2 seperate fields with different analyzers? That would be my suggestion.

mediawiki not searching the word wonder?

i have a page with the word wonder in the title (in the namespace mainpage), and another file, that has in his text the wonder word, yet they arent found by the search engine (default one), why would this be happening?
The default search engine sucks rather hard :)
If it's not sufficient for you, I suggest having a look at getting one of the extensions that make use of a fulltext search engine, see

Does Google offer the ability to ban results systematically from certain sources without the -site string?

I know the topic of removing has been beaten to death but having to type is tedious. Even the ability to auto add strings to a query would solve this problem. I can probably wrap this into some wget mess but this seems like basic functionality many users would base their search engine of choice on. If you have discovered some easy method to do this for yourself please let me know.
I imagine there is a really slick toolbar that feeds google your text plus the additional strings you choose. There is some internal limit to the number of words and or operators Google searches process (with good reason I suppose).
The Google Custom Search API allows you to include or exclude sites from your search. You can add a custom search engine to your iGoogle home page.
Google custom search:
2 easy ways in Firefox:
Write a Grease Monkey script.
Use a search keyword. You type the keyword plus a string in the address bar to trigger a search. In this case the URL is To search on the site your tab is currently in, use javascript:location=''%20+%20escape(location.hostname)%20+%20'%20%S'%20;%20void%200
As an alternative to excluding results, I have a greasemonkey script that highlights google search results by domain. I configure subtle colors for a few sites of interest to me, like wikipedia & stackoverflow. But I use red for expertsexchange, which allows me to visually skip right over it.
I can publish my script if there is interest...
If you want to whip up your own script, you need to operate on two kinds of elements. Here are the two XPath expressions that I use:
//cite[contains(., '" + domain + "')]/ancestor::li[1]
//span[#class='a'][contains(., '" + domain + "')]/ancestor::div[#class='g']
Then I just apply background-color styles to matching elements. Pretty straight forward.
