How to extend a feature's require conditions in Eiffel? - contract

I have a class, which redefines the copy feature from ANY. I would like to add a new require condition, but I get this error:
Assertion in redeclaration uses just 'require' or 'ensure'. invalid precondition feature 'copy'
copy ( other : like Current )
size_is_enough: Current.max_size >= other.count
-- ...
This class contains an array, and I would like to check before copying, if the object has enough space for them

Preconditions in feature redeclarations can be weakened in Eiffel by using require else instead of require (for postconditions it would be ensure then instead of ensure). The new effective precondition will be a combination of the original one and the new one. For example, if there is a feature
that is redeclared as
require else
then the effective precondition will be A or else B. In other words, a precondition of a redeclaration is always weaker than of the original feature.
The same applies to the precondition of the feature copy: it can only become weaker. It means that you cannot check that the array size of the current object is larger than of the other one. The precondition of the redeclaration will only be checked when the original precondition is not satisfied, i.e. when the type of the other object is different from the type of the current one. In other words, you are trying to strengthen the precondition and this is impossible.
One option is to use a different feature instead of copy, another is to resize storage of the current object if required. In both cases the precondition of the feature copy remains unchanged.


How can I implement it using DiffSuppressFunc()?

Context: I'm developing a TF Provider.
There's an attribute foo of type string in one of my resources. Different representations of values of foo can map to the same normalized version but only backend can return a normalized version of value of foo.
When implementing the resources, I was thinking I could store any user value for foo (i.e., it's not necessarily normalized). And then I could leverage DiffSuppressFunc to detect any potential differences. For example, stores any user input (by definition), TF state could store either normalized version return from a backend or user input version (don't matter a lot). And then, the biggest challenge is to differentiate between structural update (requires an update) and syntactic update (doesn't require update since it can be converted to the same normalized version).
In order to implement this I could use
"foo": {
DiffSuppressFunc: func(k, old, new string, d *schema.ResourceData) bool {
// Option #1
normalizedOld := network.GetNormalized(old)
normalizedNew := network.GetNormalized(new)
return normalizedOld == normalizedNew
// Option #2
// Backend also supports a check whether such a value exists already
// and returns such a object
if obj, ok := network.Exists(new); ok { return obj.Id == d.GetObjId(); }
However it seems like I can't send network requests in DiffSuppressFunc since it doesn't accept meta interface{} from:
func resourceCreate(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{})
So I can't access my specific http client (even though I could send some generic network request).
Is there a smart way to avoid this limitation to pass meta interface{} to DiffSuppressFunc:
// The interface{} parameter is the result of the Provider type
// ConfigureFunc field execution. If the Provider does not define
// a ConfigureFunc, this will be nil. This parameter is conventionally
// used to store API clients and other provider instance specific data.
// The diagnostics return parameter, if not nil, can contain any
// combination and multiple of warning and/or error diagnostics.
ReadContext ReadContextFunc
The intention for DiffSuppressFunc is that it be only syntactic normalization that doesn't rely on information from outside of the provider. A DiffSuppressFunc should not typically interact with anything outside of the provider because the SDK can call it at various steps and expects it to return a consistent result each time, rather than varying based on the state of the remote system.
If you need to rely on information from the remote system then you'll need to implement the logic you're discussing in the CustomizeDiff function instead. That function is the lowest level of abstraction for diff customization in the SDK but in return for the low level of abstraction it also allows more flexibility than the higher-level built-in behaviors in the SDK.
In the CustomizeDiff function you will have access to meta and so you can make API requests if you need to.
Inside your CustomizeDiff function you can use d.GetChange to obtain both the previous value and the new value from the configuration to use in the same way as the old and new arguments to DiffSuppressFunc.
You can then use d.SetNew to change the planned value for a particular attribute based on what you learned. To approximate what DiffSuppressFunc would do you would call d.SetNew with the value from the prior state -- the "old" value.
When implementing CustomizeDiff you must respect the consistency rules that apply to all Terraform providers, which include:
When planning initial creation of an object, if the module author provided a specific value in the configuration then you must preserve exactly that value, without normalization.
When planning an update to an existing object, if the module author has provided a specific value in the configuration then you must return either the exact value they wrote without normalization or return exactly the value from the prior state to indicate that the new configuration value is functionally equivalent to the previous value.
When implementing Read there is also a similar consistency rule:
If the value you read from the remote system is not equal to what was in the prior state but the new value is functionally equivalent to the prior state then you must return the value from the prior state to preserve the way the author originally wrote it, rather than the way the remote system normalized it.
All of these rules exist to help ensure that a particular Terraform configuration can converge, which is to say that after running terraform apply it should be possible to immediately run terraform plan and see it report "No changes". If you don't stick to these rules then Terraform may return an explicit error (for problems it's able to detect) or it may just behave strangely due to the provider producing confusing information that doesn't match the assumptions of the protocol.

why can't a structure have more than one property of type "text"

This doesn't seem right. Why can't a structure have more than one property per type?
The IDE error message is valid.
Due to the design of Bixby platform (modeling and action planing requires unique concept type), a structure can have at most 1 concept of each type. (The concept could be max(Many) for an array)
One general rule is to name each of your concept and not directly use any core base type. It might seems unnecessary at the beginning, but soon it will start making sense and making things easier for complex capsules.
To fix above error, create a Text type BixbyUserId, and replace with:
property (bixbyuserid) {
type (BixbyUserId)
min (Optional) max (One)

Is using util/ordering exactly the same as axiomatizing a total order in the usual way?

The util/ordering module contains a comment at the top of the file about the fact that the bound of the module parameter is constrained to have exactly the bound permitted by the scope for the said signature.
I have read a few times (here for instance) that it is an optimization that allows to generate a nice symmetry-breaking predicate, which I can grasp. (BTW, with respect to the said post, am I right to infer that the exactly keyword in the module parameter specification is here to enforce explictly this exact bound (while it was implicit in pre-4.x Alloy versions)?)
However, the comment also contains a part that does not seem to refer to optimization but really to an issue that has a semantic flavour:
* Technical comment:
* An important constraint: elem must contain all atoms permitted by the scope.
* This is to let the analyzer optimize the analysis by setting all fields of each
* instantiation of Ord to predefined values: e.g. by setting 'last' to the highest
* atom of elem and by setting 'next' to {<T0,T1>,<T1,T2>,...<Tn-1,Tn>}, where n is
* the scope of elem. Without this constraint, it might not be true that Ord.last is
* a subset of elem, and that the domain and range of lie inside elem.
So, I do not understand this, in particular the last sentence about Ord.last and Suppose I model a totally-ordered signature S in the classical way (i.e. specifying a total, reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive relation in S -> S, all this being possible using plain first-order logic) and that I take care to specify an exact bound for S: will it be equivalent to stating open util/ordering[S] (ignoring efficiency and confusing atom-naming issues)?
Sorry for the slow response to this. This isn't very clear, is it? All it means is that because of the symmetry breaking, the values of last, prev and next are hardwired. If that were done, and independently elem were to be bound to a set that is smaller than the set of all possible atoms for elem, then you'd have strange violations of the declarations such as Ord.last not being in the set elem. So there's nothing to understand beyond: (1) that the exactly keyword forces elem to contain all the atoms in the given scope, and (2) the ordering relation is hardwired so that the atoms appear in the "natural" order.

How do I access Core Data Attribute validation information from code?

I have a string attribute in a Core Data entity whose Max Length value is 40. I'd like to use this value in code and not have to re-type the value "40." Is this possible?
As #K.Steff says in the comments above, you are better off validating in your code and not setting a max length in your core data model. To add on to that comment, I would also advise you to look at using a custom NSManagedObject subclass for this entity type, and within that subclass overriding the validateValue:forKey:error: or implementing a key-specific validation method for this property.
The value of this approach is that you can do things like "coerce" the validation by truncating strings at validation time. From the NSManagedObject documentation:
This method is responsible for two things: coercing the value into an appropriate
type for the object, and validating it according to the object’s rules.
The default implementation provided by NSManagedObject consults the object’s entity
description to coerce the value and to check for basic errors, such as a null value when
that isn’t allowed and the length of strings when a field width is specified for the
attribute. It then searches for a method of the form validate< Key >:error: and invokes it
if it exists.
You can implement methods of the form validate< Key >:error: to perform validation that is
not possible using the constraints available in the property description. If it finds an
unacceptable value, your validation method should return NO and in error an NSError object
that describes the problem. For more details, see “Model Object Validation”. For
inter-property validation (to check for combinations of values that are invalid), see
validateForUpdate: and related methods.
So you can implement this method to both validate that the string is not too long and, if necessary, truncate it when it is too long.
From NSManagedObject you can access the NSEntityDescription via entity. In there you can grab the array properties and a dictionary propertiesByName, either of which will get you to NSPropertyDescriptions. Each property description has a property, validationPredicates that will return an array of NSPredicates. One of those will be the condition that your string length must be at most 40.
Sadly predicates are a lot of hassle to reverse engineer — and doing so can even be impossible, given that you can create one by supplying a block. Hopefully though you'll just have an NSComparisonPredicate or be able to get to one by tree walking downward from an NSCompoundPredicate or an NSExpression.
From the comparison predicate you'll be able to spot from the left and right expressions that one is string length and the other is a constant value.
So, in summary:
Core Data exposes validation criteria only via the very general means of predicates;
you can usually, but not always, rebuild an expression (in the natural language sense rather than the NSExpression sense) from a predicate; and
if you know specifically you're just looking for a length comparison somewhere then you can simplify that further into a tree walk for comparison predicates that involve the length.
It's definitely not going to be pretty because of the mismatch of the specific and the general but it is possible.

What is typestate?

What does TypeState refer to in respect to language design? I saw it mentioned in some discussions regarding a new language by mozilla called Rust.
Note: Typestate was dropped from Rust, only a limited version (tracking uninitialized and moved from variables) is left. See my note at the end.
The motivation behind TypeState is that types are immutable, however some of their properties are dynamic, on a per variable basis.
The idea is therefore to create simple predicates about a type, and use the Control-Flow analysis that the compiler execute for many other reasons to statically decorate the type with those predicates.
Those predicates are not actually checked by the compiler itself, it could be too onerous, instead the compiler will simply reasons in terms of graph.
As a simple example, you create a predicate even, which returns true if a number is even.
Now, you create two functions:
halve, which only acts on even numbers
double, which take any number, and return an even number.
Note that the type number is not changed, you do not create a evennumber type and duplicate all those functions that previously acted on number. You just compose number with a predicate called even.
Now, let's build some graphs:
a: number -> halve(a) #! error: `a` is not `even`
a: number, even -> halve(a) # ok
a: number -> b = double(a) -> b: number, even
Simple, isn't it ?
Of course it gets a bit more complicated when you have several possible paths:
a: number -> a = double(a) -> a: number, even -> halve(a) #! error: `a` is not `even`
This shows that you reason in terms of sets of predicates:
when joining two paths, the new set of predicates is the intersection of the sets of predicates given by those two paths
This can be augmented by the generic rule of a function:
to call a function, the set of predicates it requires must be satisfied
after a function is called, only the set of predicates it established is satisfied (note: arguments taken by value are not affected)
And thus the building block of TypeState in Rust:
check: checks that the predicate holds, if it does not fail, otherwise adds the predicate to set of predicates
Note that since Rust requires that predicates are pure functions, it can eliminate redundant check calls if it can prove that the predicate already holds at this point.
What Typestate lack is simple: composability.
If you read the description carefully, you will note this:
after a function is called, only the set of predicates it established is satisfied (note: arguments taken by value are not affected)
This means that predicates for a types are useless in themselves, the utility comes from annotating functions. Therefore, introducing a new predicate in an existing codebase is a bore, as the existing functions need be reviewed and tweaked to cater to explain whether or not they need/preserve the invariant.
And this may lead to duplicating functions at an exponential rate when new predicates pop up: predicates are not, unfortunately, composable. The very design issue they were meant to address (proliferation of types, thus functions), does not seem to be addressed.
It's basically an extension of types, where you don't just check whether some operation is allowed in general, but in this specific context. All that at compile time.
The original paper is actually quite readable.
There's a typestate checker written for Java, and Adam Warski's explanatory page gives some useful information. I'm only just figuring this material out myself, but if you are familiar with QuickCheck for Haskell, the application of QuickCheck to monadic state seems similar: categorise the states and explain how they change when they are mutated through the interface.
Typestate is explained as:
leverage type system to encode state changes
Implemented by creating a type for each state
Use move semantics to invalidate a state
Return the next state from the previous state
Optionally drop the state(close file, connections,...)
Compile time enforcement of logic
struct Data;
struct Signed;
impl Data {
fn sign(self) -> Signed {
let data = Data;
let singed = data.sign();
data.sign() // Compile error
