How to add .so file in tizen - samsung-mobile

I'm new to tizen platform. I have a .so file. Is it possible to use .so file's in tizen native, web or hybrid app? If yes, can you please guide me how to use, it would be helpful for me to complete my task.

After research so much of time, I found solution
If we want to use .so file in Tizen, then you have to compile source code with an appropriate hardware architecture. You can add .so file directly to your main project.
Lets assume you have two applications:
TestLibrary (shared library)
TestApplication (which wants to use a .so file)
Copy the header files of shared library (in the example : TestLibrary/inc)to TestApplication's inc folder.
keep the .so file (in our example: in TestApplication's lib folder
Show library path as following:
a. Open TestApplication's properties window
b. C/C++ Build -> Settings
c. C++ Linker -> Libraries
d. In "Libraries(-l)" section click add and put the .so file's name excluding .so and lib (in my example: org.example.testlibrary)
Now use the .so files' functions by including the header files in your TestApplication.

for 1. I would suggest to add usr/include dir and add it to compiler path,
you'll find an example at:


how can I link a dll to fortran (visual studio)?

I have some DLLs that I want to use in a FORTRAN Project in VISUAL STUDIO but I can't find how.
Here is a simple code I'm using to find out how.
Using visual studio I created a DLL from this
subroutine printing
print*,"dll naimi created"
end subroutine printing
I added the link of the DLL to project>properties>Linker>General>Additional Library directories
Main program:
program Console11
implicit none
call printing
end program Console11
ERROR : Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _PRINTING referenced in function _MAIN__.
other solutions related to this suggest using the .lib created while generating the DLL, but in my real case I only have the DLLs without their .lib.
So how to use a DLL ... ?
You appear to be trying to use a DLL as an input file to the linker.
(You also appear to be trying to specify a file for a linker option that takes a directory. To specify an additional input file for the linker, either add the file to the project just like you would attach a source file, or use the "Linker > Input > Additional dependencies" project property. The property you mention in your post then tells the linker where (which directories) to search for those additional dependencies.)
Unlike the unix convention, you do not link against DLLs when building executables and other DLLs on Windows. The DLL typically does not contain the necessary information for the linker - instead that information is contained in an import library (which is just a variation of a typical .lib static library) or equivalent.
If you were able to successfully build a DLL, then you will probably find the import library for that DLL in the same directory as the DLL. Supply that import library as an additional dependency for projects that require the DLL.
When you link an EXE or other DLL using an import library on Windows, the target DLL is automatically loaded by the operating system when your executable code is loaded. This is called load time dynamic linking.
If you do not have the import library for a DLL, then your choices are:
Ask the person who built the DLL for the import library.
Reference the DLL using run time dynamic linking, rather than load time. This means that you use the Windows API functions LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress and friends in your program to explicitly tell the operating system to load a particular DLL and to obtain the address of a function pointer. If you are using Intel Fortran, then complete examples of this are installed with the compiler - see in the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\samples_2016\en\compiler_f\psxe\" or similar.
Generate an import library from the minimum information in the DLL, plus other information about the DLL that you may have. One approach to this is to write a module definition file (.def) for the DLL, and then use the LIB utility to turn that def file into an import library. See How to make a .lib file when have a .dll file and a header file for an example.

Compiling STK (Synthesis Toolkit) for use in Code::Blocks

I realise this is a newb question but I've been racking my brains for hours.
So I want to use the STK (Synthesis Toolkit) to generate sine waves etc. I've downloaded the source files from
I unzipped the tar.gz using 7zip.
I opened up the demo.cpp project file (under /projects/demo/demo.cpp) and whenever I try to compile it, I receive lots of errors, all starting with "undefined reference to"
I have set the compiler search directory to include the root folder of the stk kit (unzipped as "stk-4.5.0"). My understanding is that I also have to find file for the linker, that is of the type .lib? Is that correct? I haven't been able to find a .lib file to link to.
I feel like this is a simple fix - what am I missing?
You've downloaded a source , not the compiled library which might be used by linker (.lib file) There are three solutions:
1. Compile whole src folder of your download ( see instructions on their website). Frankly, I've tried to do that recently but failed, especially under Windows although I don't have any experience in this so you can try yourself.
2. Use precompiled library available in some Linux repositories. I had success with Slacko Puppy linux. Package simply adds libstk.a (linux static library) to /usr/lib and stk headers to /usr/include/stk (notice you have to add exactly that path to compiler, since /usr/lib is not enough). This gave me best results.
3. If you use only several classes, you can copy their .cpp files directly to your project source folder. Remember to add parent classes, too (see STK site -> Classes). Again I recommend that you give the compiler path to include folder you've unzipped, but copying only selected headers should also work.
I've found this article helpful (see also A1):
Hope I've helped

How to generate a .so file

I am writing an extension for the Scratch text editor application on Elementary OS Luna. But the documentation is practically non-existent for extension creation and I have no idea how to proceed after writing my main code for the extension.
I've already written the extension. I cannot use or test it yet as it needs to be "installed". I spent hours looking for docs but they do not exist. I did however, find a comment on the scratch launchpad page that says
Generally you have to generate a file and put it in
lib/scratch/plugins/pluginname with a pluginname.plugin file
Great. This seems like the last part of creating an extension for Scratch. What is a .so file, and how do I generate one? I've already created the other necessary files like the .plugin file and the .vala file.
Yes, I have searched for .so files but all I found were random things about it like using it with C, or C++ headers but obviously that won't work for me, since I'm using Vala?
How do I generate a .so file? What do I generate it from?
I think the The Vala tutorial could be helpful on creating the actual Shared library or Shared Object.
You can use the autotools, cmake or you can compile and link a shared library directly from the command line, quoted from the Vala tutorial:
Compilation and linking using Command Line
Vala is not yet capable of directly creating dynamic or static
libraries. To create a library, proceed with the -c (compile only)
switch and link the object files with your favourite linker, i.e.
libtool or ar.
$ valac -c ...(source files)
$ ar cx ...(object files)
or by compiling the intermediate C code with gcc
$ valac -C ...(source files)
$ gcc -o --shared -fPIC ...(compiled C code files)...
From the Scratch Wiki
Due to browser security restrictions, Scratch 2.0 cannot interact with
hardware devices directly. Instead, hardware extensions come with a
helper app, a separate application that the user must install and run
on their computer. Scratch communicates with the helper app via HTTP
requests, and the helper app talks to the hardware. In the future,
some extensions may package their helper apps as browser plugins.
Here are the steps for creating and testing a Scratch extension:
Create an extension description file
Create your helper app and start it
Open the Scratch 2 Offline Editor
Import the extension description (shift-click on "File" and select "Import Experimental Extension" from the menu)
The new extension blocks will appear in the More Blocks palette
Test your extension and iterate!
Helper apps can be written in any language that supports server sockets, such as Python, Node.js, Java, C, etc.
Like you I've chased around the wiki but I cannot find an example with source. So all I can do is to address your question generally.
If you look at Build .so file from .c file using gcc command line you'll see how a simple .so can be created. However what code goes into a Scratch extension I don't know. Sorry.
Edit: More googling and I've found a sample from Nathan Dinsmore on GitHub that doesn't use C rather it uses JavaScript, and though it doesn't create a .so extension, it does have what appears to be a full description of creating an extension. He also provides a couple of tutorials.
Edit++ : And here is another sample written in Java.

C++ Creating a standalone library in linux and using it in another program

I'm trying to create a shared library for Linux such that:
other programs can use its functions and its objects
the code is not visible to final user
What i did is create a shared library with Eclipse. This library uses pthreads.
I generated .so and .lib. The .lib is in LIBRARY/Lib while the .so is in LIBRARY/Release.
Then i created another project which should use this library and i gave the path of the .lib file and the path of the .h file which only contains the inclusions of all the necessary .h of the library.
All seems working but when i run the program it crashes. When debugging it I receive the following message:
Can't find a source file at "pthread_mutex_lock.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
What's wrong? Can someone help me please?
EDIT: I changed nothing and now I have a different error, some lines before the previous:
Can't find a source file at "random.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
other programs can use its functions and its objects
the code is not visible to final user
These two goals directly contradict each other, and achieving both at the same time is impossible on Linux.
If some program can use your library, then I can write a new program that can do so as well.

Visual Studio 2008 c++ linker refuses to link?

I am banging my head against a wall here.
All i want is to link a static .lib file in a cpp windows forms application! So, i have an include folder in my project folder that holds header files for that .lib (lib is Yaml-cpp if someone wonders). And i have a lib folder that has the .lib files for that library.
I tested it on a blank project
1.I make a new windows forms project in VS2008, in C++.
2.I go to project properties - c/c++ general and additional include directories that have yaml-cpp header files
3.I go to linker and add path to my lib directory
4.I go to linker - input and add my .lib file
5.I check linker command line and it contains my .lib file so it must be all set.
6.Then i write the sample code in an onbutton function body (which appears in form1.h fie).
Sample code is from here and its just as simple as:
#include <fstream>
#include "yaml.h"
and then:
std::ifstream fin("test.yaml");
YAML::Parser parser(fin);
YAML::Node doc;
while(parser.GetNextDocument(doc)) {
//do nothing yet
7.And then i compile and have 10 "unresolved externals".
I have looked into another project that uses same library, and it has exactly same directory structure, same name of .lib added in linker - input - additional dependencies, same .lib and .h files. And it works for that project- but it doesnt work for me.
What in the world is wrong?
EDIT: I tried making new windows 32 console application and it worked correctly. I then tried to make another fresh windows forms application and it failed.
It is confirmed now. Same steps for linking a library work in console application and fail in windows forms application. WHY?
What you've done seems correct from your explanation, let's do some blind troubleshooting.
Try giving full path instead of relative path for library path and additional include directories. (but as u said that the file is getting read, that should be the problem.)
If you are using a copy of original libyaml-cppmdd.lib and its include file, check whether the header file that gets included is of the same version as the lib.
Check whether there are any functions in any part of the code that is having a declaration but no definition.
Check whether you're accessing any private functions from the library.
Please read this Microsoft article on Troubleshooting UnResolved External Symbol error.
Hope it helps!
