Haskell: 'tell ["abc"]' evaluation throwing "non-type variable argument" error - haskell

When I attempt to evaluate tell ["abc"] in GHCI, it spits out this error:
Non type-variable argument
in the constraint: MonadWriter [[Char]] m
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
If I do tell ["abc"] :: Writer [String] (), it evalutes without a problem, but why is that necessary?

tell's return type is more general than Writer: it uses the MonadWriter type class to abstract over all monads with a writerly spirit.
tell :: MonadWriter w m => w -> m ()
So when you write tell ["abc"] with no type annotation, the type-checker unifies w with [String] but it doesn't have any information with which to refine m. So you get
tell ["abc"] :: MonadWriter [String] m => m ()
Haskell 98 doesn't support constraints like MonadWriter applied to concrete type arguments like [String], so the above is not valid Haskell 98. Turning on the FlexibleContexts language extension enables support for this sort of type.
Since Writer w is an instance of MonadWriter w (when w is an instance of Monoid), tell's principal type can be specialised to Writer. That's why it worked when you gave it the Writer type annotation.
tell :: w -> Writer w ()


'Referencing' typeclass functions

I'm a beginner and I'm trying to use Hoed to trace Haskell evaluations, because maybe it will further help my learning process.
I saw in their examples code like this
isEven :: Int -> Bool
isEven = observe "isEven" isEven'
isEven' n = mod2 n == 0
I was thinking how could I observe in order to trace an instance defined function like >>= for example.
I wrote something like
bind' = observe "bind'" (>>=)
and of course I've got an error
* Ambiguous type variable 'm0' arising from a use of '>>='
prevents the constraint '(Monad m0)' from being solved.
Relevant bindings include
bind' :: m0 a0 -> (a0 -> m0 b0) -> m0 b0 (bound at my.hs:46:1)
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what 'm0' should be.
These potential instances exist:
Should I / How could I use a type annotation in order to specify which Monad instance's (e.g. Reader, State etc.) >>= function
It looks like you have found the infamous MonomorphismRestriction. More info. The links do a great job of explaining what the MonomorphismRestriction is and how it works.
You're not wrong to expect that writing bind' with no signature should "just work". However, sometimes the compiler needs a bit of help. In short, due to the MonomorphismRestriction, GHC tries to take the nominally polymorphic signature of bind' :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b, and make it less polymorphic by instantiating some of the type variables.
In your case, it looks like the compiler wants to make bind' only work for one specific Monad m. Without your real code, I can't say for sure, but consider this example:
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = (>>=) (return "hello") print
bind' = trace "bind" (>>=)
The compiler produces an error similar to yours: Ambiguous type variable m0
However, if you use bind':
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = bind' (return "hello") print
bind' = trace "bind" (>>=)
no error! That's because GHC is inferring that m should be IO since bind' is used in the IO monad.
Alternatively, you can tell GHC to turn off the MonomorphismRestriction:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = (>>=) (return "hello") print
bind' = trace "bind" (>>=)
and it compiles just fine!

Non type-variable argument for MonadWriter

I just tried to use writer:
writer (5, "Hello, World")
But I noticed I get an error:
Non type-variable argument in the constraint MonadWriter [Char] m
But I wonder what constraint I don't fulfill? [a] after all is a Monoid...
It’s just a check to keep type checking “simple”
writer (5, "Hello world") :: (MonadWriter String m, Num n) => m n
which is a perfectly sensible type. However, by default, it is not allowed, because the constraint MonadWriter String m contains a type argument String, which isn’t a variable. This was done with the intent that it would stop the delaying of type errors:
class C c where c :: c -> c
-- no instance C Int
x :: C Int => Int
x = c (5 :: Int)
-- illegal with above restriction
-- missing instance error (maybe) delayed to user without
Simply set -XFlexibleContexts to disable the check.
As for other monads, I’m pretty sure Reader, State, and Free will do this too.

Haskell: function signature

This program compiles without problems:
bar :: MonadIO m
=> m String
bar = undefined
run2IO :: MonadIO m
=> m String
-> m String
run2IO foo = liftIO bar
When I change bar to foo (argument name),
run2IO :: MonadIO m
=> m String
-> m String
run2IO foo = liftIO foo
I get:
Couldn't match type ‘m’ with ‘IO’
‘m’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for run2IO :: MonadIO m => m String -> m String
Expected type: IO String
Actual type: m String ...
Why are the 2 cases are not equivalent?
Remember the type of liftIO:
liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
Importantly, the first argument must be a concrete IO value. That means when you have an expression liftIO x, then x must be of type IO a.
When a Haskell function is universally quantified (using an implicit or explicit forall), then that means the function caller chooses what the type variable is replaced by. As an example, consider the id function: it has type a -> a, but when you evaluate the expression id True, then id takes the type Bool -> Bool because a is instantiated as the Bool type.
Now, consider your first example again:
run2IO :: MonadIO m => m Integer -> m Integer
run2IO foo = liftIO bar
The foo argument is completely irrelevant here, so all that actually matters is the liftIO bar expression. Since liftIO requires its first argument to be of type IO a, then bar must be of type IO a. However, bar is polymorphic: it actually has type MonadIO m => m Integer.
Fortunately, IO has a MonadIO instance, so the bar value is instantiated using IO to become IO Integer, which is okay, because bar is universally quantified, so its instantiation is chosen by its use.
Now, consider the other situation, in which liftIO foo is used, instead. This seems like it’s the same, but it actually isn’t at all: this time, the MonadIO m => m Integer value is an argument to the function, not a separate value. The quantification is over the entire function, not the individual value. To understand this more intuitively, it might be helpful to consider id again, but this time, consider its definition:
id :: a -> a
id x = x
In this case, x cannot be instantiated to be Bool within its definition, since that would mean id could only work on Bool values, which is obviously wrong. Effectively, within the implementation of id, x must be used completely generically—it cannot be instantiated to a specific type because that would violate the parametricity guarantees.
Therefore, in your run2IO function, foo must be used completely generically as an arbitrary MonadIO value, not a specific MonadIO instance. The liftIO call attempts to use the specific IO instance, which is disallowed, since the caller might not provide an IO value.
It is possible, of course, that you might want the argument to the function to be quantified in the same way as bar is; that is, you might want its instantiation to be chosen by the implementation, not the caller. In that case, you can use the RankNTypes language extension to specify a different type using an explicit forall:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
run3IO :: MonadIO m => (forall m1. MonadIO m1 => m1 Integer) -> m Integer
run3IO foo = liftIO foo
This will typecheck, but it’s not a very useful function.
In the first, you're using liftIO on bar. That actually requires bar :: IO String. Now, IO happens to be (trivially) an instance on MonadIO, so this works – the compiler simply throws away the polymorphism of bar.
In the second case, the compiler doesn't get to decide what particular monad to use as the type of foo: it's fixed by the environment, i.e. the caller can decide what MonadIO instance it should be. To again get the freedom to choose IO as the monad, you'd need the following signature:
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, UnicodeSyntax #-}
run2IO' :: MonadIO m
=> (∀ m' . MonadIO m' => m' String)
-> m String
run2IO' foo = liftIO foo
... however I don't think you really want that: you might then as well write
run2IO' :: MonadIO m => IO String -> m String
run2IO' foo = liftIO foo
or simply run2IO = liftIO.

GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving fails for PersistFieldSql

I'm trying to define a Markdown newtype, and using GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving to automatically define new instances:
import Text.Markdown
import Yesod.Text.Markdown
import Database.Persist.Sql
newtype MarkdownNewT = MarkdownNewT { getMarkdown :: Markdown }
deriving (Eq, IsString, Monoid, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
This fails for the PersistFieldSql with the following message:
Could not coerce from ‘m Markdown’ to ‘m MarkdownNewT’
because ‘m Markdown’ and ‘m MarkdownNewT’ are different types.
arising from the coercion of the method ‘sqlType’ from type
‘forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => m Markdown -> SqlType’ to type
‘forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => m MarkdownNewT -> SqlType’
Is this due to the new roles features of GHC 7.8.2? In that particular case I don't know what to do, since Markdown is itself a newtype over Text...
Or is this related with the forall on sqlType? What is the reason for this error when all other instances are successfully automatically derived?
This looks very similar to some of the examples (in particular the Vector one) in the GHC wiki Roles2 page of things that don't work with the current role system, alas.
Basically the problem is that in
class PersistField a => PersistFieldSql a where
sqlType :: Monad m => m a -> SqlType
the monad m might be instantiated with a type constructor whose argument has nominal role, so that m Markdown and m MarkdownNewT aren't identically represented even if Markdown and MarkdownNewT themselves are - and the current role system has no way of restricting m to disallow such type constructors.

Type Constraints in Typeclass

For fun I'm building a parser library. In this library I have a Parser data type:
data Parser e a = Parser (String -> Either e (a, String))
I'm able to define Functor and Applicative instances of Parser, but I don't think I can make an Alternative instance without constraining the "error" type or the "value" type the parser could return. Originally, this made me create an Applicative instance for when the error types are String messages, but I realized that I should be able to release this constraint to any message data type that has an Alternative (or maybe Monoid instead?) instance as well. With that in mind I wrote this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
instance Alternative e => Alternative (Parser e)
empty = Parser $ \s -> Left empty
(<|>) (Parser p1) (Parser p2) = Parser $ \s -> tryParser s p2 $ p1 s
tryParser s p2 (Left _ ) = p2 s
tryParser _ _ x = x
Unfortunately, this fails to compile. When I load it into ghci I get this error message:
Expecting one more argument to `e'
In the instance declaration for `Alternative (Parser e)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
When I search online, this seems to be the solution, but it doesn't work for me. What am I missing?
The problem is that Alternative is for type constructors of kind * -> *, so if you say
instance Alternative e => ....
then e has to be a type constructor, not a type. So e could be [] or Maybe or something, but not Int.
Alternative's operator is <|> which has type Alternative e => e a -> e a -> e a. This forces e to take an argument to make a type, like Maybe has to take an argument, eg Maybe Int.
Use Monoid instead of Alternative, because it's a type class instead of a constructor class. It's operator mappend has type Monoid e => e -> e -> e which is what you want for combining errors.
