Can't log in to new Azure B2C directory - azure-ad-b2c

I've been following this guide to get a B2C AD up and running
Create the B2C directory in the old portal ( ensuring "This is a B2C Directory" is checked.
Register an application in the new portal ( under the B2C blade
Create the sign in policy.
When I try and test the sign in policy with the "Run now" and try and log in with my local account (the same one which has created the B2C AD -- the global administrator for this new AD) all I am met with is "We don't recognize this user ID or password".
What have I missed here?

I am able to reproduce this issue too. If you want to manage the users for the Azure B2C tenant, you can login the classic Azure Portal from here. However, currently there are a couple of known issues with user management (the Users tab) on the Azure classic portal:
Refer here about the Azure Active Directory B2C: Limitations and restrictions.
And if you want Azure AD to enable to login with the default global admin account, you can submit the feedback from here.


Customising Azure API Management Developer Portal's user management

I am trying to customize the Developer Portal in the APIM.
One thing that is important to me is user management. I want to use Azure AD B2C to handle all of my user Authentication/Authorization and remove DevPortal's own sign-in/signup section.
I could get rid of those widgets but the User profile is the issue now. My problem is not about widgets.
I don't see anywhere to update the user profile.
User info is so limited (user_name, last_name)
I want to update users from AD B2C and see that extra info in the portal. Is there any way to update user dto in the portal?
I want to update users from AD B2C and see that extra info in the
portal. Is there any way to update user dto in the portal?
One of the workaround you can follow to achieve the above requirement,
To customize the APIM developer portal by adding authentication method as Azure AD B2c we need the following perquisite first;
Create AzureAD B2c tenant.
Add user flow (Signin-signup policy)
Register an application in that tenant .
Add secret and copy the value to use in next .
So, To remove the identity as username and password you can delete them as shown below;
After creating all the aforementioned perquisite now click on Add and select the identity as Azure AD B2C and provide the required details.
For e.g;-
Select the identity as Azure AD B2C and provide the required details;
After done with the above steps Navigate to Developer portal and click on sign to check if the Azure AD B2C authentication is added or not.
For more information please refer this Tech-community blog |How to integrate Azure Active Directory B2C into Azure API Management Developer Portal.
And this ;
MICROSOFT DOCUMENTATOIN| How to authorize developer accounts by using Azure Active Directory B2C in Azure API Management .
Similarly, If want to authenticate with Azure AD we can do in the same way by selecting identity provider as Azure Active directory.

I get the message "This is not an Azure AD B2C directory..." for my Azure AD B2C tenant

I have an Azure AD B2C tenant and when I go to the 'Overview' tab, I see the following message:
This is not an Azure AD B2C directory. To create a new B2C directory & manage your consumer identities in the cloud, click the articles below.
I don't understand why this is being displayed, and what the implications would be.
I thought that it was impossible to have a tenant without a directory.
How do I fix this issue?
I think what you see should be this prompt:
The reason is that you are currently logged in to the directory of the Azure AD tenant and not the directory of the Azure B2C tenant. When you click the Azure AD B2C tab in the Azure AD tenant directory, you will receive this prompt.
So, make sure you have a B2C tenant, and then select Directory + Subscription filter in the top menu of the Azure portal, and then select the directory that contains Azure AD B2C tenants.
In my case Azure Portals incapability to update (and show) the newly created (B2C) directory was the problem. A logout / login solved this.
I am unaware how much time needs to pass though ;).

How to migrate Microsoft Authenticator App with Azure AD B2C account to new phone?

With Multi-Factor Authentication enabled Azure portal, it requires users to approve every login in users’ Authenticator App.
When I changed my phone, Authenticator app must be migrated to my new phone. I used Back and Recover function of Authenticator app. I backed up and recovered account details to new phone. As work or school accounts, the migration process requires Additional Security Verification, which requires to rescan all QR codes of all accounts in Authenticator app. I have rescanned all QR codes of work or school accounts that I created.
Now my issue for this migration is Azure AD B2C account. It was created by Azure when I created Azure AD B2C directory. The name of the account in Authenticator app is It is not a work or school account. From the name, it may relate to my Azure login account ( a work or school account). I have spent many hours for it. But I still don’t know where this special account details stored. So I can’t get the QR code of the account for Authenticator app. I can’t finish my Authenticator app migration.
This account authentication is required when I switch from Azure primary directory to Azure AD B2C directory in Azure portal.
Please help me with this issue. Thanks.
[UPDATE] I just realized that what worked for me, ist the the solution Alfredo R already posted! So I can confirm that this works.
While I'm still struggeling to revalidate my [username]#[custom-domain] account, I think I found a solution for the AAD B2C problem:
Login to
Main menu "Securityinformation" will show you registered devices for your current organization
Main menu "Organizations": You should at least see the other organization of the B2C tenant
In the top right menu, click your avatar, and switch organizations, and swtich to the B2C tenant
The UI should be the same, but now your're logged in through the B2C tenant
Go back to "Securityinformation" and add your new device
I was lucky that my old device is still working, so I could switch easily organizations. If you can't switch because of MFA and no access to your old device, I think you still need to disable MFA in the B2C tenant as described the other solution and then turn it back on?
But I think thats the way to get the QR code for a B2C tenant, login to your account and switch to the B2C tenant by switching organizations. is the UPN (user principal name) for the user hosted in the Azure B2C tenant for your work account Scan QR as with others but switching first to the B2C tenant.
There are a few steps need to fix this issue.
Need a global admin account of Azure AD B2C active directory. But You can’t use the one that you are going to migrate. Please create one if there is no other global admin account available.
Go to Azure Active Directory of Azure AD B2C directory. Please click on the Properties in the left main menu. Then go to the bottom of the Properties page. Click on the link: Manage security defaults. Disable security defaults and save on the popup window.
Run local PowerShell as local admin. Run following cmdlet to connect to Azure AD B2C active directory.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Connect-MsolService
MAF login will ask for user name and password. Please use the credential of the global
admin account mentioned above. If there is no error appear, run the following cmdlet:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -StrongAuthenticationMethods #()
Go back to Azure Active Directory of Azure AD B2C tenant > Properties of the left main menu > the bottom of the Properties page > click the link: Manage security defaults. Enable security defaults and save.
Login to Azure portal with, then switch to Azure AD B2C directory. You will see a popup security setting wizard. That is same wizard as we first set up the directory. Please follow the wizard. You will see the QR code for You can scan the QR code to finish the MS Authenticator migration.

Identity Provider menu in Azure AD B2C not showing

I have been trying for hours to show to Identity Providers menu in Azure AD B2C to no avail as I need to add FB as Identity Provider. May I know if there is a role I need to assign myself. I have assigned all roles to myself including the global administrator role.
Based on your screenshot, It shows:
This is not an Azure AD B2C directory. To create a new B2C directory &
manage your consumer identities in the cloud, click the articles
Make sure you follow the steps to create the B2C tenant.
If you have created it, you need to switch to the B2C tenant.

Azure AD B2C authentication

I created an Azure AD B2C tenant, added applications to it and configured Postman according to this article:
My problem is I can't log in with user accounts which I added to my tenant.
I created two users the user type of them is member ansd source is Azure Active Directory.
But when I try to log in I get back the following error message:
"Invalid username or password."
What should I set up yet?
The users created through the portal cannot be used by Azure AD B2C. Azure AD B2C uses the 'signin names' property of the user to sign in. The users created through the portal can be used for sign in using AAD (enterprise scenario).
As Chris mentioned, one needs to use a Signup policy or Azure AD Graph flow to create a user for b2c to be able to sign in.
Please see this answer
Adding users to Azure B2C without using a sign-up policy
