why the result isn't what I expected in Nodejs promise? - node.js

I wrote test code for bluebird in Node.js like this:
var Promise = require(‘bluebird’)
var obj = {
func1: function () {
return ‘foo’
func2: function () {
return ‘bar’
obj.func1Async().then(function (result) {
what i expected is to print the "foo", but actually nothing output.
is there something wrong?

After looking around for a while, it seems that Bluebird promisify works on node-style functions, which are as follows:
may accept 0..N parameters first
last parameter is always a callback
callback needs to be called with (error, data) params in that order.
So in your case, code should be:
var obj = {
func1: function (cb) { // note if you add params they need to be before cb and always passed when invoking the func1Async version
cb(null, 'foo'); // null => no error
func2: function (cb) {
cb(null, 'bar'); // null => no error
Then it works. Ugly - but it's how it should be.


nodejs promisify a callback function with one parameter /callback

util.promisify appears to always expect 2 parameters from a callback function, however the existing functions do not have a seperate callback for err and data, but only a single callback.
How can I handle this ???
const {promisify} = require('util');
function y(text,cb){
async function test(text) {
const z = promisify(y)
return await z(text);
} catch(e) {return {error:true,msg:e}}
What I am looking for is to return the value from function y syncronously and not getting a promise i.e.
var x = test('xxx');
Given the information in your comment, you can wrap the function with a compatible signature to be passed directly to promisify():
const { promisify } = require('util')
function y (query, callback) {
function yCompatible (query, callback) {
y(query, ({ error, data }) => {
callback(error && data, error || data)
const yAsync = promisify(yCompatible)
async function test (query) {
try {
return yAsync(query)
} catch (error) {
return error
data => { console.log(data) },
error => { console.error(error) }
Also try not to get in the habit of using single letter variables like a mathematician ;) I realize this is just example code, but even then it's helpful to be a bit more explicit about your intent.

return value from nodejs function

Please, help me
I have a script
export function GetKey(inn, res) {
try {
const body = {
7709798583: {
name: 'someName',
key: '123'
7718266352: {
name: 'otherName',
key: '123'
} catch (err) {
In other file I try to use this function
GetKey(param, (name) => {
It's ok. but I need to return callback to the parametr. How?
var param = GetKey(param, (name) => {
return name;
is not correct and return undefined
That's not how callbacks work; although, you can fake that behavior using Promise and async-await syntax.
If you want to write your code like you have it, you'll want to put the rest of your logic in a function and pass it directly to your callback:
var param = ''
var allYourLogic = name => {
param = name
GetKey(param, allYourLogic);
Or you can simply inline your logic:
GetKey(param, (name) => {
param = name
Using the Promise syntax, this is how it looks:
new Promise(resolve => {
GetKey(param, resolve)
.then(name => {
param = name
Lastly, using the async-await methodology:
var param = (
await new Promise(resolve => {
GetKey(param, resolve)
Really though, it seems like you're doing something wonky which is why you're running into this issue in the first place.
Your entire application will act like it's asynchronous as soon as you use a callback because the callback doesn't execute immediately in Node.js's event loop. Instead, the current function you're in will finish executing before the GetKey function calls the callback method.

Callback is not working it is printing as undefined

I had a previous question Object [object Object] has no method 'test' Now the issue with object is gone but the call back is not working the console.log prints undefined
this.test = function(callback) {
callback('i am test');
var self = this;
module.exports.config = function (settings, callback) {
Please ignore as i am new to nodejs
this.test() expects a callback that will be passed a string as the first argument. You are giving it a callback function that uses the second argument, not the first argument. Since no second argument is passed to the callback, you get undefined for it.
Change your call from this:
to this:
Or, alternatively change the implementation of this.test() to pass a second argument to its callback.
this.test = function(callback) {
// pass two arguments to the callback
callback('i am test', 'this is me');
var self = this;
module.exports.config = function (settings, callback) {
// now both arguments err and res are available here

async and Q promises in nodejs

I'm using the Q library and async library in nodejs.
Here's an example of my code:
async.each(items, cb, function(item) {
saveItem.then(function(doc) {
}, function() {
saveItem is a promise. When I run this, I always get cb is undefined, I guess then() doesn't have access. Any ideas how to work around this?
Your issue doesn't lie with promises, it lies with your usage of async.
async.each(items, handler, finalCallback) applies handler to every item of the items array. The handler function is asynchronous, i.e. it is handed a callback, that it must call when it has finished its work. When all handlers are done, the final callback is called.
Here's how you'd fix your current issue:
var handler = function (item, cb) {
function () { // all is well!
function (err) { // something bad happened!
var finalCallback = function (err, results) {
// ...
async.each(items, handler, finalCallback);
However, you don't need to use async for this particular piece of code: promises alone fill this job quite nicely, especially with Q.all():
// Create an array of promises
var promises = items.map(saveItem);
// Wait for all promises to be resolved
function () { // all is well!
function (err) { // something bad happened!

Promise with q framework and the callback pattern in Node.js?

Even if well documented q framework is quite hard to understand if you are programming with Node.js for a few days. But I like to learn about it!
var Q = require('q');
var fs = require('fs');
// Make the promise manually (returns a value or throws an error)
var read1 = fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (err, data) {
if(err) throw err;
return data;
// Convenient helper for node, equivalent to read1?
var read2 = Q.nfbind(fs.readFile);
// Uh?!
var read3 = function (fname, enc) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (error, text) {
if (error) {
deferred.reject(new Error(error));
} else {
return deferred.promise;
// Execute
Q.fncall(read1).then(function (data) {}, function (err) {}).done();
Are read1, read2 and read3 equivalent? Can I use Q.nfbind every time the last parameter of a function accept a callback in the style of function (err, value)?
You have a few errors in your examples.
This is not 'make a promise manually', this is just making a normal asynchronous call. In your code, you call readFile immediately, so read1 would be the return value of readFile which is undefined. To get a behavior similar to read2 and read3 you would need to do something like this:
var read1 = function(fname, env, success, error){
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (err, data) {
// Throwing here would just crash your application.
if(err) error(err);
// Returning from inside 'readFile' does nothing, instead you use a callback.
else success(data);
// Not equivalent to read1 because of the notes above,
// Equivalent to read3, with the fixes I mention below.
var read2 = Q.nfbind(fs.readFile);
var read3 = function (fname, enc) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (error, text) {
if (error) {
// 'error' is already an error object, you don't need 'new Error()'.
} else {
// HERE: Again returning a value from 'readFile' does not make sense.
return deferred.promise;
// INSTEAD: Return here, so you can access the promise when you call 'read3'.
return deferred.promise.
You can indeed use nfbind on anything that takes a callback as the last parameter.
With my comments, read2 and read3 accomplish the same goal, which is to create a function that will take a filename and encoding, and return a promise object.
For those, you can do this:
read2('file.txt', 'utf8').then(function (data) {}, function (err) {}).done();
read3('file.txt', 'utf8').then(function (data) {}, function (err) {}).done();
For read1, you would call it like this:
read1('file.txt', 'utf8', function (data) {}, function (err) {});
Standard promises have evolved a bit since this was answered, and if you are leaning toward read3, I'd recommend doing the following:
var read4 = function (fname, enc) {
return Q.promise(function(resolve, reject){
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (error, text) {
if (error) {
// 'error' is already an error object, you don't need 'new Error()'.
} else {
This is more in line with standard ES6 promises, and with bluebird, so you'll have an easier time with the code moving forward. Using the method mentioned in read3 also introduces the possibility of synchronously throwing exceptions instead of capturing them in the promise chain, which is usually undesirable. See the deferred antipattern.
