Remove question mark from URL query - .htaccess

Is there any way I can remove the question mark from URL using Mod_Rewrite like this?:
to change question mark after controller-name to slash
I want to add this to htaccess in PrestaShop, where I send query like this: parameter/parameter/parameter to controller.
Normal Presta URL is and I set on SEO settings friendly URL to this controller to rewrite to only controller-name so SEO friendly URL is .
To send some parameters to this controller I can use URL like this: parameters)
In my controller I grab parameters after question mark ? and show content according to this parameters. The parameters are separated by a slash. So I want to get rid of question mark and replace it by slash to get: parameters) with parameters I want to look like this
When I use URL shows error 404 and Presta don't see that I want content from controller-name.
I think it is achievable by mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess, but I don't know how to write rule according to this problem.
OR maybe there is a way to add something to controller or SEO configuration in Presta to work with / instead ? in query... that would be great solution...

You can use the history.pushState and history.popState to change the URL in the browser which won't cause a page reload. But the problem is that old browsers don't support this.
Alternatively, you can set the window.location.hash property to a value that contains whatever state information you need, then either use the window.onhashchange event, or for older browsers that don't support onhashchange (IE < 8, Firefox < 3.6), periodically check to see if the hash has changed (using setInterval for example) and update the page. You will also need to check the hash value on page load to set up the initial content.
If you're using jQuery there's a hashchange plugin that will use whichever method the browser supports. I'm sure there are plugins for other libraries as well.
One thing to be careful of is colliding with ids on the page, because the browser will scroll to any element with a matching id.


Alias custom symbol allow to URL MODX

I would like to change my home page url. to
Want to allow custom symbol # to pattern settings MODX.
This is my current default pattern in MODX Settings. When i Try to apply to alias #index, it's rewrite to index..... Probably not allow add custom symbols to alias!
Hashes are special in URLs. When you send a request to /ua/#index, the server only sees the /ua/ part. That means that while you may be able of convincing MODX to accept it in the alias, MODX will not be able of routing your requests properly because it doesn't see index.
Remove the hash tag from the regex should be enough.
Change this:
Into this:
This allows # to be in the URL alias.

How match any * in Orchard CMS auto route

I want to have stack overflow like url pattern in orchard blog. How to achieve it with Auto route pattern.
For example I want to have a pattern like
Here, regardless of the trailing page name (what-ever-title) I want to always point to the item 4453. I have tried following pattern but failed.
The reason I want this is that I can then change the page final url without affecting the links already being built in SEO efforts.
for instance for this question stack overflow url is
Regardsless of what I use for trailing part as long as the number 24145078 is there the url works fine.
This is not how autoroute works. Autoroute is not routing, it's generating unique paths for content items, based on token-driven rules. I you want a wildcard route, write a wildcard route.
But for this specific appliation, I'm afraid that's still not what you should do. The standard way of dealing with resources that move to a new address is to establish a permanent redirect from the old URL to the new. This is most efficiently done using the URL rewriting feature of IIS.

Notes 9, rewriting URLs

How do you rewrite a URL in Notes 9 XPages.
Let's say I have:
How do I get rid of that .nsf part:
I don't want to do lots of manual re-direct because my pages are dynamically formed like wordpress.
I've read this:
It does not address the issue.
If you use substitution rules like the following, you can get rid of the db.nsf part and call your XPages directly as
Rule (substitution): /db.nsf/* -> /db.nsf/*
Rule (substitution): /* -> /db.nsf/*
However, you have to "manually" generate your URLs without the db.nsf part in e.g. menus because the XPages runtime will include the db.nsf part in the URLs if you use for instance the openPage simple action.
To completely control what is going in and out put your Domino behind an Apache HTTP and use mod_rewrite. On Domino 9.0 Windows you can use mod_domino
You can do it with a mix of subsitutions, "URL-pattern" and paritial refresh.
I had the same problem, my customers wants clean URLs for SEO.
My URLs now looks like these:
First i used one subsitution to cover the folder, database and xpage part of the URL.
My substitution: "/products" -> "/web/techdemo.nsf/product.xsp"
Problem with these is, any update on this site (with in redirect mode) and the user gets back the "dirty" URL.
I solved this with the use of paritial refreshes only.
Last but not least, i uses my own slash pattern at the end of the xpage call (.xsp)
In my case thats the "/financesoftware/anyproduct/" part.
I used facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestPathInfo() to resolve that URL part.
Currently i used good old RegExp to get the slash separated parameters back out of the url, but i am investigating a REST solution at the moment.
I haven't actually done this, but just saw the option yesterday while looking for something else. In your Xpage, go to All Properties, and look at 'navigationRules' and 'pageBaseUrl'. I think you will find what you are looking for there.

CakePHP nice urls - how to prevent normal urls from working

I have a website that's written using CakePHP. I've added some rewrite rules in the .htacces file to change the default urls to different ones (instead of /controller1/action1/parameter I have /some-string-about-controller-and-action/parameter, for example).
The problem is that now both the normal url and the nice one are available, and google seems to be indexing both, which is a problem. I'd like to only keep the nice one, which is the proper way to handle this so that it affects the google results as little as possible?
I don't know why you don't want to use cakes own routing (if you are having trouble doing what you want, you can accomplish what you want with a custom route class), then make sure that you redirect all relevant URL's in your .htaccess file to the desired URL using a MOVED PERMANENTLY redirect.
This way google will index the target url instead of the one that is undesirable. You are right to take offense to this, double indexing is a great way to harm your SEO rankings.

Existing movable type plugin that does URL shortening and redirection?

We send out a newsletter that has URLs in it. Rather than having foreign URLs directly, they all come to our website and then redirect to the outside world.
Right now the redirects are all done with HTML files. My goal is to have them all done with redirects in the .htaccess file. So I want to have the person who is entering all of this data enter it all through the movable type GUI.
My questions:
Is there is plug-in for movable type that already does this?
If not, is there a good template for creating a movable type that allows one to records in the MySQL database?
This could be done in the standard Entry interface in MT. Just dedicate a blog for these redirects. You could make the EntryTitle the redirect and have the EntryBody be the full URL (or use Custom Fields). Then just create an .htaccess template that loops through all the entries.
<mt:Entries lastn="0">
Redirect /<mt:EntryTitle dirify="-"> <mt:EntryBody>
The way I would do this is to create a custom field for the outside URL.
Then I would populate the .htaccess file with something like:
Redirect /
In the above coding, I'm looping through the latest 999 entries and I'm checking if the custom field with the tag 'EntryDataMyCustomField' is filled out.
If it is filled out, then I redirect / to the URL from that custom template.
This is like redirecting say:
/234 to whatever URL you may think of, like say:
