Issue in pm2 - It stops responding - node.js

Am facing issue in my application servers. Assume that - there are two nodes in the Load-balancer.
Suddenly one of the node from them becomes unhealthy.
When I logged in that instance. There were no logs coming in pm2.
then I check its CPU it was very high.
So please guide me how can I fix this issue. Or any way to debug it.

Check out flame graphs to see where your Node app is CPU bound.
You can also use the new debugging system in Node 6.3 (--inspect) to debug with the full power of Chrome DevTools.
PM2 has some limited protection for runaway issues like this via the max-memory-restart option. Typically, high CPU will also correlate with high memory usage and this option can be used to restart your app when it begins consuming large amounts of memory (which in your case may or may not be the correct moment but it should help).
--max-memory-restart <memory> specify max memory amount used to autorestart (in octet or use syntax like 100M)


100% Memory usage on Azure App Service Plan with two Apps - working set used 10gb+

I've got an app service plan with 14gb of memory - it should be plenty for my application's needs. There are two application services running on it, each identical - the private memory consumption of these hovers around 1gb but can spike to 4gb during periods of high usage. One app has a heavier usage pattern than the other.
Lately, during periods of high usage, I've noticed that the heavily used service can become unresponsive, and memory usage stays at 100% in the App Service Plan.
The high traffic service is using 4gb of private memory and starting to massively slow down. When I head over to the /scm.../ProcessExplorer/ page, I can see that the low traffic service has 1gb private memory used and 10gb of 'Working Set'.
As I understand it, on a single machine at least, the working set should be freed up when that memory is needed on another process. Does this happen naturally when two App Services share a single Plan?
It looks to me like the working set on the low-traffic instance is not being freed up to supply the needs of the high-traffic App Service.
If this is indeed the case, the simple fix is to move them to separate App Service Plans, each with 7gb of memory. However this seems like it might potentially be just shifting the problem around - has anyone else noticed similar issues with multiple Apps on a single App Service Plan? As far as I understand it, these shouldn't interfere with one another to the extent that they all need to be separated. Or have I got the wrong diagnosis?
In some high memory-consumption scenarios, your app might truly require more computing resources. In that case, consider scaling to a higher service tier so the application gets all the resources it needs. Other times, a bug in the code might cause a memory leak. A coding practice also might increase memory consumption. Getting insight into what's triggering high memory consumption is a two-part process. First, create a process dump, and then analyze the process dump. Crash Diagnoser from the Azure Site Extension Gallery can efficiently perform both these steps. For more information.
refer Capture and analyze a dump file for intermittent high memory for Web Apps.
In the end we solved this one via mitigation, rather than getting to the root cause.
We found a mitigation strategy to our previous memory issues several months ago, which was just to restart the server each night using a powershell script. This seems to prevent the memory just building up over time, and only costs us a few seconds of downtime. Our system doesn't have much overnight traffic as our users are all based in the same geographic location.
However we recently found that the overnight restart was reporting 'success' but actually failing each night due to expired credentials. Which meant that the memory issues we were having in the question I posted were actually exacerbated by server uptimes of several weeks. Restoring the overnight restart resolved the memory issues we were seeing, and we certainly don't see our system ever using 10gb+ again.
We'll investigate the memory issues if they rear their heads again. KetanChawda-MSFT's suggestion of using memory dumps to analyse the memory usage will be employed for this investigation when it's needed.

Debug high CPU usage in Azure WebApp (Linux)

I have set up an Azure WebApp (Linux) to run a WordPress and an other handmade PHP app on it. All works fine but I get this weird CPU usage graph (see below).
Both apps are PHP7.0 containers.
SSHing in to the two containers and using top I see no unusual CPU hogging processes.
When I reset both apps the CPU goes back to normal and then starts to raise slowly as shown below.
The amount of HTTP requests to the apps has not relation to the CPU usage at all.
I tried to use apache2ctl to see if there are any pending requests but that seems not possible to do inside a docker container.
Anybody got an idea how to track down the cause of this?
This is the top output. The instance has 2 cores. Lots of idle time but still over 100% load and none of the processes use the CPU ...
After handling with MS Support on that issue it seems to have boiled down to the WordPress theme being to slow or inefficient. Each request took very long and hogged CPU resources. All following requests started queuing up and thus increasing the CPU load.
Why that would not show as %CPU in top I was not explained.
They proposed to use a different theme or upscale to a multi core instance.
I am unsatisfied with that solution and will monitor further and try to find the real culprit.
I had almost exactly the same CPU Percentage graph as you did, although a Node.JS app instead of PHP. Disabling Diagnostic Logs > Docker Container Logging seems to have solved the problem for me.
I do not need those logs because I am logging to application insights.
But, in your case you might need more of those logs. I have no solution for that, but I am guessing that heavier log rotation or reducing the sizes of the logs by other means might help

Node.JS V8 heap growing quickly even though usage remains the same

I'm running a Node.JS web application that works fine for a few hours and then at some random point in time, the V8 heap suddenly starts growing very quickly without a reason and about 40 minutes later, this growth usually stops and the process continues running normally.
I'm monitoring this with nodetime:
What could be the cause of this? Is it a memory leak in my program or perhaps a bug in V8?
There is no way of knowing what the issue by what you provided, but there's a 99.99% chance the problem is inside / fixable in your code.
The best tools I've found for debugging memory issues with Node.js is, you can set it up to dump a certain intervals, or by default it listens to USR2 signal, so you can send kill -s USR2 to the pid of your process and get the snapshot.
Then you can use Chrome Inspector to load the heap into it's profiling tool and start inspecting.
I've generally found the issues to be around holding on to external requests too long.

iis Cpu is on 95% usage with very little users - on production

I have a web site and I am using iis as my web server. I noticed that on production server, the cpu reaches 95% usage pretty fast with very little users. this behaviour I don't see on my developement server. I am using visual studio to develop and iis as my local web server as well.
How much big traffic you have on production comparing to development server? How their parameters compare? Before starting a deep analysis of the application itself, I would identify all the infrastructure and environmental differences. Sometime such problems happens because of some other software, like antivirus software running in the background...
Nevertheless, because it sounds rather as a application problem, I would first check Event Viewer for errors. Then I would start from monitoring a few Performance Counters to correlate % Processor Time counter with Current Connections, Available Memory, # of Exceps Thrown / sec, % Time in GC and so on. This kind of behavior usually has a reason from the list:
excessive loops usage due to some logic error, like calling the same service again and again, trying to load or parse malfunctioned file etc. This can be analyzed with dump analysis (look below).
high CPU usage due to Garbage Collector - when memory usage is extensive (or there is a memory leak even) GC may start to consume more and more CPU fighting with the memory shortage. You will see this with memory-related performance counters.
a considerable amount of exceptions thrown (for example due to some environmental problems like network unavailability, production data difference) can also consume a lot of CPU. Event Viewer and exception-related performance counters (as they can be handled silently by your application) should be a indicator here.
To further analyze your application, I suggest to make a full memory dump during high CPU usage. You can do that with Debug Diag tool. Please refer this IIS troubleshooting guide for details.

What is the minimum system requirement to run nodejs app with pm2?

I am new to pm2 concept,I am facing problem where my cpu usage increases and reaches upto 100% memory and my server goes down resulting to crashing of website,so can anyone please consult me on this.Do I need to change the configuration of my production(live) server such as increasing memory?My code is also neccessary and sufficient.I am ec2 user.
The system requirements will mostly depend on your application which you told nothing about. If CPU reaches 100% then you likely have some tight loop that is actively adding delays by burning cycles synchronously or something like that. The 100% memory usage can mean memory leaks and in that case no RAM will be sufficient because leaking memory will use up all your RAM eventually, no matter how large it is.
You need to profile your application with real usage patterns on a system where that app works and only then you will know how much resources it needs. This is true for every kind of application.
Additionally if you notice that resources usage grown over time then it may be a sign of some resource leaking, like memory leaking, spawning processes that don't exit but use CPU and RAM, etc.
first of all i would like to suggest you to follow these guideline for production envoiremnt.
1) disable morgon if you enable it as a dev envoiremnt.
2) use nginx or pm2 for load balancing.
or you can easily handle load balancing by using this command
pm2 start server.js -i 10
3)handle uncaugh exception. ie:
process.on("uncaughtException".function (err){
//do error handling
