Instagram API Business Information - instagram

Does anyone know if there is an endpoint for business information in the Instagram API. Their docs do not display this but it's a relatively new feature and we all know how documentation gets left behind sometimes.

Instagram just released a new api that utilizes the old Facebook Graph API. It allows you to read insights and receive more business stats. The only downside is that the api is in beta and only available to 'select partners'.


Is there a linkedin and Instagram API to fetch my contacts and send messages to them?

Is there an API service to fetch my linkedin and Instagram contacts and to send direct messages to them? I need the API to integrate the above mentioned functionality in an application. Are there any restrictions to it?
This is for a mobile application to be developed. I am using react-native and Instagram v1 and linkedin v2 APIs. I was able to get my basic information and create posts in LinkedIn (not Instagram)
I found out that there have been restrictions imposed in v2. I need to know if my requirement is possible.
No it is not possible to send direct messages after the v2 release of LinkedIn APIs and Instagram graph API.
For LinkedIn:
If you have created a LinkedIn app after Jan 2018 you can by default use only v2 API to fetch basic Profile data and share posts.
The connections of the user can be fetched using the connections API in compliance solutions, but it is not for daily use and has restrictions.
More details on connections API check
For Instagram:
It is clear from Instagram graph API docs that it is meant for Instagram business and creator accounts. For non business accounts you can use v1 APIs but only get access to users basic details and follower counts. This too shall be deprecated by early 2020.
APIs for fetching followers details, commenting on posts etc have been disabled already by December 2018.
Check the changelogs of Instagram v1 APIs.

DocuSign API - I want API for Reports

I am using DocuSign Open API'S to generate a report. Can anyone suggest which API I should use, if any?
I have tried to execute the API from DocuSign but a report API is not available.
Thanks in advance.
DocuSign does not have an API that allows you to access the web console's Reporting function.
Depending on what you're looking for, you can pull data from the Envelopes API.
DocuSign is developing a Data Feed API that will allow much more in-depth access to information. Data Feed is currently in limited, early access - I would recommend reaching out to your Account Manager or the Sales team if that is of interest to you.
Tirnuagari, these APIs are not yet public, but we hope to make them public soon. I can't promise an exact time frame, but I'll update this thread when I hear something from the team working on this. Thanks for your patience!

Instagram Graph API Webhook

I'm trying to set up a service for Instagram which is triggered by a new post of a subscribed user (want to setup a webhook for this). It will then put some comment underneath that new post.
But is it even possible to configure such a webhook? It looks like you can only subscribe to a users mention or story expiration. I'm not sure if this is possible or that i should user the previous Instagram API instead.
I'm clueless.
Thanks in advance
I wouldn't advise using the old Instagram API as it will be fully deprecated next year. As you said, Instagram Graph API webhooks don't provide this functionality (yet)? One possible solution may be to periodically call the media endpoint for an Instagram business account. This call includes the timestamp:
Then, when you see a new post, you can act accordingly.

Process of going live of an Instagram App

I'm just working on a Node.js project which uses Instagram API to boost up users likes/comments & follower numbers by focusing on user specific tags and automatically create organic bonds between users with liking and commenting. Or you can call this shortly as a Instagram bot.
However, the rate and user limits of the Instagram API made me curios about some stuff.
Firstly, the process for going live in Instagram looks so complex and toilsome so how the well-known Instagram BOTs (Archie, Instagress etc.) can made this ? Because I thought Instagram never accepted a usage for their API for this purpose and their Platform Policy is so strict that one can not hide their main purpose.
Secondly, even though app goes to live , the rate limit for endpoints used to publish (POST or DELETE) so limited that how these bots can work fluently without exceeding these limits even they have a lot of users ?
It would be best if anyone is experienced about Instagram API and the Instagram bots can answer there questions.
they develop it without official instagram API, they used private API that uses instagram mobile application. I developed instagram bot, I have it on my local server.

How to Get Historical Data from Instagram API

I'm making an Instagram analytics web app. I've carefully read all of the Instagram API endpoints and I can't find any way to get historical data (ie, followers over time). All I would need would be something like a date followed, attached to each follower object.
However, there are Instagram analytics sites that offer this, for example,
From link above: " provides full historical data on Instagram accounts and hashtags except for:
Accounts – List of Lost Followers
Hashtags – Reach and Exposure
In these reports the data will only be available from the date the report is first generated."
An example of this historical data, from report on my account:
At this point, I think that either:
Minter has some special arrangement with Instagram to get additional data that otherwise isn't provided through API.
I'm missing something..
I understand how this could be done by comparing user data to previous reports (like this SO question asked) but clearly Minter is doing it some other way, because that report was generated from the very first time I created a trial account with them.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Now Facebook graph API has released the Instagram Insights API which returns detailed insights of Instagram Business accounts.
Above is for user insights, which has follower count. there are many media insights as well now available under graph API.
Details on how to consume this API is captured in the answer at: How to access Instagram feed of any user with new Graph API?
