How to fetch a website as unicode? - haskell

I want to fetch a website looking like this¹: naked unicode between tags
I'm currently using
openURL :: String -> IO String
openURL x = getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP (getRequest x)
But when inspecting the string 한국어 is displayed as \237\149\156\234\181\173\236\150\180, 9 characters.
And what I want would be 3 escaped characters like \u???\u???\u???
I tried Text.pack on page where page <- openURL "url" but it's already to late then.
¹ If I let firefox show me the source, and page info says UTF-8

You need to decode the text, for example with Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 from text or Codec.Binary.UTF8.String.decodeString from utf8-string.


Problem parsing adjcent block of tags with scalpel

I have problem using scalpel to capture block of tags.
Given following HTML snippet store in testS :: String
<p>I Like Apple</p>
<p>Do you like Apple?</p>
<p>I Like Banana</p>
<p>Do you like Banana?</p>
<p>I Like Carrot</p>
<p>Do you like Carrot?</p>
I want to parse block of h2 and two p as a single record Block.
{-#LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad
import Text.HTML.Scalpel
data Block = B String String String
deriving Show
block :: Scraper String Block
block = do
h <- text $ "h2"
pa <- text $ "p"
pb <- text $ "p"
return $ B h pa pb
blocks :: Scraper String [Block]
blocks = chroot "body" $ replicateM 3 block
But the result of scraping is not what I want, look like it keep repeat capturing the first block and never consume it.
λ> traverse (mapM_ print) $ scrapeStringLike testS blocks
B "Apple" "I Like Apple" "I Like Apple"
B "Apple" "I Like Apple" "I Like Apple"
B "Apple" "I Like Apple" "I Like Apple"
Expected output:
B "Apple" "I Like Apple" "Do you like Apple?"
B "Banana" "I Like Banana" "Do you like Banana?"
B "Carrot" "I Like Carrot" "Do you like Carrot?"
How to make it work?
First, I apologize for proposing a solution without testing or knowing anything about scalpel (such arrogance). Let me make it up to you; here's my totally rewritten attempt.
First, this monstrosity works.
blocks :: Scraper String [Block]
blocks = chroot "body" $ do
hs <- texts "h2"
ps <- texts "p"
return $ combine hs ps
combine (h:hs) (p:p':ps) = B h p p' : combine hs ps
combine _ _ = []
I call it a monstrosity because it erases the structure of the document with the two texts calls and then recreates it in the assumed order via combine. This probably isn't such a big deal in practice though, since most pages will be structured by combining tags via <div>.
So, if we were to have a different page:
testS' :: String
testS'= unlines [ "<body>",
" <h2>Apple</h2>",
" <p>I Like Apple</p>",
" <p>Do you like Apple?</p>",
" <h2>Banana</h2>",
" <p>I Like Banana</p>",
" <p>Do you like Banana?</p>",
" <h2>Carrot</h2>",
" <p>I Like Carrot</p>",
" <p>Do you like Carrot?</p>",
Then we can parse via:
block' :: Scraper String Block
block' = do
h <- text $ "h2"
[pa,pb] <- texts $ "p"
return $ B h pa pb
blocks' :: Scraper String [Block]
blocks' = chroots ("body" // "div") $ block'
B "Apple" "I Like Apple" "Do you like Apple?"
B "Banana" "I Like Banana" "Do you like Banana?"
B "Carrot" "I Like Carrot" "Do you like Carrot?"
Edit: re >>= and combine
My combine, above, is a local where definition. What you see there is what you get. Its unrelated to the function used in >>=, which incidentally is also a locally defined function with a slightly different name—combined. Even if they had the same name, however, it wouldn’t matter since each is only in scope within their respective functions.
As for the >>=, and just going by the observed behavior, each scrape starts from the beginning of the currently selected tags. So in your block definition, chroot “body” returns all tags in the body, text “h2” matches the first <h2>, and the next two text “p” both match the first <p>. So the bind is acting like an “and”: given the scalpel context of a bunch of tags match an <h2> and a <p> and (redundantly) a <p>. Notice that in my <div> based parse i could use texts (note the “s”) to get the two <p> i was expecting.
Finally, this behavior clicked for me when i saw it was based on tag soup. (Simultaneously with why they named it tag soup). Each of these scrapes are like dipping a spoon into an unordered soup of tags. The selector makes the soup, the scraper is your spoon. Hope that helps.
This is now supported in version 0.6.0 of scalpel through the use of SerialScrapers. SerialScrapers allow you to focus on one child of the current root at a time and expose APIs to move the focus and execute Scrapers on the currently focused node.
Adapting the example code in the documentation to your HTML gives:
-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- Chroot to the body tag and start a SerialScraper context with inSerial.
-- This will allow for focusing each child of body.
-- Many applies the subsequent logic repeatedly until it no longer matches
-- and returns the results as a list.
chroot "body" $ inSerial $ many $ do
-- Move the focus forward until text can be extracted from an h2 tag.
title <- seekNext $ text "h2"
-- Create a new SerialScraper context that contains just the tags between
-- the current focus and the next h2 tag. Then until the end of this new
-- context, move the focus forward to the next p tag and extract its text.
ps <- untilNext (matches "h2") (many $ seekNext $ text "p")
return (title, ps)
Which would return:
("Apple", ["I like Apple", "Do you like Apple?"]),
("Banana", ["I like Banana", "Do you like Banana?"]),
("Carrot", ["I like Carrot", "Do you like Carrot?"])

run whamlet in pure code?

In a yesod application, I want to create URL attributes for a graph that will be rendered by graphviz , and I want to use interpolation. Ideally,
graphToDot nonClusteredParams { fmtNode = \ (n,l) ->
[ URL [whamlet| #{MyRoute ...} |]
} g
Of course, the types don't match:
attribute of URL is pure Text, but whamlet is monadic (widget)
when I replace by shamlet, type is fine, but it cannot interpolate: URL interpolation used, but no URL renderer provided
Is there an easy way to solve this?
This works: get the render function (in the monad), and apply (in pure code)
render <- getUrlRender
let d = graphToDot ...
[ URL $ render $ MyRoute ... ]
I found this here, where a similar problem is solved:

Xml-conduit parsing for text inside links

I would like to extract the text contents from the below Html page. All the paragraphs from the <div>.
I use the xml-conduit package for html parsing and came up with the following code:
getWebPageContents :: Url -> IO [T.Text]
getWebPageContents u = do
cursor <- cursorFor u
return $ cursor $// filter &/ content
filter = element "div" >=> attributeIs "id" "article-body-blocks" &// element "p"
This will return most of the text but not the ones from the links("front page of today's Daily Mirror")
Could anyone help?
You need to filter to all the descendants of the p tags, not just the children. You probably just need to replace &/ content with &// content.

Writing Yesod test case for handler with an id parameter, where id is a key to an Entity

I have been following the yesod tutorial and I am stuck on how to build a unit test involving parameters in a view that also hit a database. Backtracking a little, I followed the Echo.hs example:
getEchoR :: Text -> Handler Html
getEchoR theText = do
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "echo")
The corresponding test, note I have to cast the parameter into Text using Data.Text.pack
yit "Echo some text" $ do
get $ EchoR $ pack "Hello"
statusIs 200
Now I have the model defined like so:
name Text
type Text
With a handler that can render that that obviously take a TagId as the parameter
getTagR :: TagId -> Handler Html
getTagR tagId = do
tag <- runDB $ get404 tagId
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle $ toHtml $ tagName tag
$(widgetFile "tag")
This is where the test fails.
yit "Get a tag" $ do
-- tagId is undefined
get $ TagR tagId
statusIs 200
I am not sure how to define the tagId. It wouldn't work with a String or Text or Num, and I can't seem to figure out how to generate one as I can't find any example code in various Data.Persist tutorials. Or better yet, some other way to call the get method.
You want to use the Key data constructor to construct an ID value, which takes a PersistValue as a parameter. A simple example of creating one is:
Key $ PersistInt64 5
Another option is to call get with a textual URL, e.g. get ("/tag/5" :: Text).
Since times have changed, I'll leave this note here to say that these days one would use something like:
fromBackendKey 5
See the docs for fromBackendKey.

Why is Happstack (toResponse) using text/plain per default?

I'm using HStringTemplate to render a very simple template using a data structure to fill in the "holes". The result of the template rendering is just a String I fed toResponse with.
Even though this rendered template is valid html happstack uses text/plain for Content-Type.
What is the reason for this? Shouldn't text/html be default since it is a webserver?
Do I really need to use toResponseBS and set text/html by myself?
Here is the code that creates the ServerPart Response
data Person = Person
{ name :: String
, age ::Int
} deriving (Data, Typeable)
buildTemplate :: Person -> String -> FilePath -> ServerPart Response
buildTemplate fields name template = do
unrendered <- liftIO $ readFile template
ok $ toResponse $ renderTemplate name fields unrendered
renderTemplate :: String -> Person -> String -> String
renderTemplate name fields unrendered = toString rendered
where rendered = setAttribute name fields $ newSTMP unrendered
And here is the output from the webserver:
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Date:Wed, 09 Jan 2013 14:51:27 GMT
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<h1>Hello, Richard!<h1>
<p>Do you have 25 for me?</p>
If you pass Text.Html to toResponse the content type will be text/html. You are passing a string, which toResponse takes to mean that the content type is plain text.
The happstack-hstringtemplate package provides an instance for ToMessage StringTemplate which means if you import it and then use toResponse on the template without rendering it, it will do the right thing.
