this is my code for connect four so far, the error is coming up
NameError: name 'CheckWinVt' is not defined
i'm not sure how to fix this can anyone help?
class ConnectFourBoard:
def __init__(self, cols = 7, rows = 6, requiredToWin = 4):
self.__space = ''
self.__board = []
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
self.Win = requiredToWin
self.__board = [[''] * cols for i in range(rows)]
def MakeMove(self, row, col, element):
global __board
self.__board[row][col] = element
def CheckWin(board):
print("Check Winner")
def CheckWinVt(board):
for x in range(rows):
for y in range(columns):
if (board[(x,y)] == "X" and board[(x+1,y)] == "X" and board[(x+2,y)] == "X" and board[(x+3,y)] == "X"):
print ("Winner == HumanPlayer")
elif (board[(x,y)] == "O" and board[(x+1,y)] == "O" and board[(x+2,y)] == "O" and board[(x+3,y)] == "O"):
print ("Winner == ComputerPlayer")
def CheckWinHz(board):
for x in range(rows):
for y in range(columns):
if (board[(x,y)] == "X" and board[(x,y+1)] == "X" and board[(x,y+2)] == "X" and board[(x,y+3)] == "X"):
print ("Winner == HumanPlayer")
elif (board[(x,y)] == "O" and board[(x,y+1)] == "O" and board[(x,y+2)] == "O" and board[(x,y+3)] == "O"):
print ("Winner == ComputerPlayer")
def CheckWinDiag(board):
for x in range(rows):
for y in range(columns):
if (board[x,y] == "X" and board[(x+1,y+1)] == "X" and board[(x+2,y+2)] == "X" and board[(x+3,y+3)] =="X"):
print ("Winner == HumanPlayer")
elif (board[x,y] == "O" and board[(x+1,y+1)] == "O" and board[(x+2,y+2)] == "O" and board[(x+3,y+3)] =="O"):
print ("Winner == ComputerPlayer")
elif (board[x,y] == "X" and board[(x-1,y-1)] == "X" and board[(x-2,y+2)] == "X" and board[(x-3,y+3)] =="X"):
print ("Winner == HumanPlayer")
elif (board[x,y] == "O" and board[(x-1,y-1)] == "O" and board[(x-2,y+2)] == "O" and board[(x-3,y+3)] =="O"):
print ("Winner == ComputerPlayer")
def FullBoard(self):
row = ""
for x in range (6):
for y in range (7):
row += self.__board[x][y]
if "" in row:
return False
row = ""
return True
def FreeSpace(self, row, col):
if self.__board[row][col] == "":
return True
return False
def show_board_dynamic(self):
for i in range(len(self.__board)):
for j in range(len(self.__board[0])):
print("|", end = "")
print(self.__board[i][j], end = ""),
in my main class:
winner = gboard.CheckWin()
all your functions of the form
def CheckWin(board):
should probably implemented this way (and access the board in this manner):
def CheckWin(self):
board = self.__board # if you need to do stuff with board
# or just access self.__board directly
So as the title states I'm simply looking for general feedback on the overall structure of the script, where I could do better (don't have to tell me how, where would be plenty) and things like that. Any feedback, advice, tips or help in general is always greatly appreciated as I'm real keen to learn deeper!
As for the errors...
It doesn't seem to save any of the contacts after closing, if the only method of saving it, to save it to a file?
Updating claims to be out of range, which if I'm correct it shouldn't be, unless I'm just not seeing something?
Not exactly an issue but something I've been playing with, with no good it possible to have a for loop w/if statement in a comprehension format without being in a print statement?
My code so far:
This is project that lets the user pretty much create and edit a contact book by giving them options and using their
input to complete the data needed for the contact book.
import sys
contacts = []
lst = []
def ContactBook():
rows, cols = int(input("Please enter the amount of people you want in the contact book: ")), 5
for i in range(rows):
print(f"All mandatory fields will include *")
for a in range(cols):
if a == 0:
lst.append(input("Enter a name*: "))
if lst[a] == '' or lst[a] == "": sys.exit(f"Failed to provide a name...Exiting the contact book!")
if a == 1: lst.append(input("Enter a number*: "))
if a == 2:
lst.append(input("Enter an email: "))
if lst[a] == '' or lst[a] == "": lst[a] = None
if a == 3:
lst.append(input("Enter a D.O.B (mm/dd/yy): "))
if lst[a] == '' or lst[a] == "": lst[a] = None
if a == 4:
lst.append(input("What category (Family/Friends/Work/Others): "))
if lst[a] == '' or lst[a] == "": lst[a] = None
print(f"Your contacts are:\n{contacts}")
return contacts
def Menu():
print(f"\t\t\t{'Contact Book':*^70}", flush=False)
print(f"Your options are:\n1. Add a Contact\n2. Searching Contacts\n3. Edit Contacts\n4. Delete Contacts\n"
f"5. View Contacts\n6. Delete Everything\n7. Exit the book")
choice = int(input("Please select an option: "))
return choice
def AddingContacts(cb):
for i in range(len(cb[0])):
if i == 0: contacts.append(input("Enter a name: "))
elif i == 1: contacts.append(int(input("Enter a number: ")))
elif i == 2: contacts.append(input("Enter a email: "))
elif i == 3: contacts.append(input("Enter a d.o.b (mm/dd/yy): "))
elif i == 4: contacts.append(input("Enter a category: "))
return cb
def SearchContacts(cb):
s = int(input("Select an option:\n1. Name\n2. Number\n3. Email\n4. D.O.B\n5. Category"))
t, c = [], -1
if s == 1:
q = input("Enter who you want to search: ")
for i in range(len(cb)):
if q == cb[i][0]: c = i, t.append(cb[i])
elif s == 2:
q = int(input("Enter the number you want to find: "))
for i in range(len(cb)):
if q == cb[i][1]: c = i, t.append(cb[i])
elif s == 3:
q = input("Enter the email you want to search: ")
for i in range(len(cb)):
if q == cb[i][2]: c = i, t.append(cb[i])
elif s == 4:
q = input("Enter the date you want to search in mm/dd/yy format: ")
for i in range(len(cb)):
if q == cb[i][3]: c = i, t.append(cb[i])
elif s == 5:
q = input("Enter a category you want to search: ")
for i in range(len(cb)):
if q == cb[i][4]: c = i, t.append(cb[i])
print(f"Invalid search inquiry...")
return -1
if c == -1: return -1
elif c != -1:
return c
def ShowContent(cb):
if not cb: print(f"List has nothing in it...: []")
else: print(f"{[cb[i] for i in range(len(cb))]}")
return cb
def UpdateContacts(cb):
for i in range(len(cb[0])):
if i == 0: contacts[0] = (input("Enter a name: "))
elif i == 1: contacts[1] = (int(input("Enter a number: ")))
elif i == 2: contacts[2] = (input("Enter a email: "))
elif i == 3: contacts[3] = (input("Enter a d.o.b: "))
elif i == 4: contacts[4] = (input("Enter a category: "))
return cb
def RemovingContacts(cb):
q = input("Enter the person you want to remove: ")
x = 0
for i in range(len(cb)):
if q == cb[i][0]: x += 1, print(f"This contact has now been removed: {cb.pop(i)}")
return cb
if x == 0: print(f"Person doesn't exist. Please check the name and try again....")
return cb
def DeleteBook(cb):
return cb.clear()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Welcome to your new Contact Book! Hope you find it easy to navigate!")
ch = 1
cb = ContactBook()
while ch in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):
ch = Menu()
if ch == 1: cb = AddingContacts(cb)
elif ch == 2: cb = SearchContacts(cb)
elif ch == 3: cb = UpdateContacts(cb)
elif ch == 4: cb = RemovingContacts(cb)
elif ch == 5: cb = ShowContent(cb)
elif ch == 6: cb = DeleteBook(cb)
else: sys.exit(f"Thank you for using this contact book! Have a great day!")
I plan on using the Pandas module to display the data in table format, is it possible without mySQL?
I have some trouble about project euler problem 60.
The primes 3, 7, 109, and 673, are quite remarkable. By taking any two primes and concatenating them in any order the result will always be prime. For example, taking 7 and 109, both 7109 and 1097 are prime. The sum of these four primes, 792, represents the lowest sum for a set of four primes with this property.
Find the lowest sum for a set of five primes for which any two primes concatenate to produce another prime.
The code that I created is too slow to see the correct answer. And I don't even see that is it work correctly or not. The code is:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 27 21:18:10 2022
#author: burak
def is_prime(n, check_list_for_primes): #checks if value is prime
if check_list_for_primes.count(n) > 0: #checks if valu calculated before. if it were, it avoid loop.
return True
if n == 1:
return False
if n == 2 or n == 3:
return True
i = 2
while i * i <= n:
if n % i == 0:
return False
i += 1
check_list_for_primes.append(n) # if it never calculated, stores the value to avoid loop at the beginning of function.
return True
def check_1(i, j): # checks the concanated calues if they are primes.
if is_prime(int(str(i)+str(j)), check_list_for_primes) == True and is_prime(int(str(j)+str(i)), check_list_for_primes) == True:
return True
return False
def check_2(temp_list, n): # checks the final list that obtain the minimum summation.
if temp_list.count(n) == 0:
for i in temp_list:
for j in temp_list:
if len(temp_list) == 1:
return check_1(i, j)
elif i == j:
elif len(temp_list) == 1:
return True
elif check_1(i, j) == False:
return False
return True
def func_(prime_list): # creates a dictionary summation of the five prime numbers in order to problem.
temp_list = []
result_dic = {}
k = 0
t = 0
for i in prime_list:
if i == 5:
while k == 0:
t = k
for j in prime_list:
if i == j or j == 5:
elif j < i:
if check_2(temp_list, i) == True:
if t > 0 and len(temp_list) > 1:
t -= 1
if len(temp_list) == 5:
result_dic[sum(temp_list)] = temp_list
elif len(temp_list) < 5:
k +=1
temp_list = []
return result_dic
if __name__ == "__main__":
dic_ = {}
prime_list = []
check_list_for_primes = []
for i in range(3, 9000, 1): #creates prime list between given range
if is_prime(i, check_list_for_primes) == True:
check_list_for_primes = prime_list.copy() #pseudo prime list to avoid calculating if the number is prime.
dic_ = func_(prime_list) #final dictionary to obtain minimum summation of five prime numbers.
x = min(list(dic_.keys()))
print(str(x) + " : " + str(dic_[x]))
I tried to type the examination of calculating order.
The main problem is at "func_" function. The for loop of "j" must be manipulated if the code not to get required list lenght. The "j" loop must be restart again after remove second element of "temp_list" and it must be start after shift to removed element of "prime_list".
Could you help me to see where I made mistakes and how can I improve calculation speed. Thanks so much.
I solved it. while loop changed and the "j" for loop determined by a list. The final code is;
def is_prime(n, check_list_for_primes): #checks if value is prime
if check_list_for_primes.count(n) > 0: #checks if valu calculated before. if it were, it avoid loop.
return True
if n == 1:
return False
if n == 2 or n == 3:
return True
i = 2
while i * i <= n:
if n % i == 0:
return False
i += 1
check_list_for_primes.append(n) # if it never calculated, stores the value to avoid loop at the beginning of function.
return True
def check_1(i, j): # checks the concanated values if they are primes.
if is_prime(int(str(i)+str(j)), check_list_for_primes) == True and is_prime(int(str(j)+str(i)), check_list_for_primes) == True:
return True
return False
def check_2(temp_list): # checks the final list that obtain the minimum summation.
for i in temp_list:
for j in temp_list:
if len(temp_list) == 1:
return check_1(i, j)
elif i == j:
elif len(temp_list) == 1:
return True
elif check_1(i, j) == False:
return False
return True
def func_(prime_list): # creates a dictionary summation of the five prime numbers in order to problem.
temp_list = []
result_dic = {}
# k = 0
copy_primes = prime_list.copy()
for i in prime_list:
for z in prime_list:
if z <= i:
if i == max(prime_list):
elif i == 5:
# for z in range(len(prime_list) - 1, 0, -1):
# if check_1(i,prime_list[z]) == True:
# max_prime_of_i = prime_list[z]
# break
while len(temp_list) < 5:
# if temp_list[1] == max_prime_of_i:
# break
if len(temp_list) == 1:
if len(copy_primes) == 0 and len(temp_list) > 1:
copy_primes = prime_list.copy()
for z in prime_list:
if z <= temp_list[1]:
temp_list = []
for j in prime_list:
if len(copy_primes) > 0:
j = copy_primes[0]
if temp_list.count(i) == 0:
if check_2(temp_list) == True and len(temp_list) > 1:
elif check_2(temp_list) == False and len(temp_list) > 1:
if len(temp_list) < 5 and len(copy_primes) == 0:
elif len(temp_list) == 5:
copy_primes = prime_list.copy()
if len(temp_list) == 5:
result_dic[sum(temp_list)] = temp_list
print(str(min(list(result_dic.keys()))) + " : " + str(result_dic[min(list(result_dic.keys()))]))
weight_ = 0
check_weight = 0
for p in temp_list:
weight_ = weight_ + len(str(p))
if weight_ < check_weight or check_weight == 0:
check_weight = weight_
elif check_weight < weight_ and len(temp_list) == 5:
return result_dic
temp_list = []
return result_dic
if __name__ == "__main__":
dic_ = {}
prime_list = []
check_list_for_primes = []
for i in range(3, 9000, 1): #creates prime list between given range
if is_prime(i, check_list_for_primes) == True:
check_list_for_primes = prime_list.copy() #pseudo prime list to avoid calculating if the number is prime.
dic_ = func_(prime_list) #final dictionary to obtain minimum summation of five prime numbers.
x = min(list(dic_.keys()))
print(str(x) + " : " + str(dic_[x]))
from typing import List
# You are given an integer n, denoting the no of people who needs to be seated, and a list of m integer seats, where 0 represents a vacant seat. Find whether all people can be seated, provided that no two people can sit together
When I run this code in geeks for geeks for submission I get a error that List index is out of range.
but seems to work fine when I run it as a script.
class Solution:
def is_possible_to_get_seats(self, n: int, m: int, seats: List[int]) -> bool:
vacant_seats = 0
if len(seats) == 2:
if seats[0] or seats[1] == 1:
return False
return True
for x in range(len(seats)):
if x == 0:
if seats[x] == 0 and seats[x+1] == 0:
seats[x] = 1
vacant_seats += 1
elif x == len(seats)-1:
if seats[x] == 0 and seats[x-1] == 0:
seats[x] = 1
vacant_seats += 1
if seats[x] == 0:
if seats[x+1] == 0 and seats[x-1] == 0:
seats[x] = 1
vacant_seats += 1
if vacant_seats < n:
return False
return True
# {
# Driver Code Starts
class IntArray:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def Input(self, n):
arr = [int(i) for i in input().strip().split()] # array input
return arr
def Print(self, arr):
for i in arr:
print(i, end=" ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
t = int(input())
for _ in range(t):
n = int(input())
m = int(input())
seats = IntArray().Input(m)
obj = Solution()
res = obj.is_possible_to_get_seats(n, m, seats)
result_val = "Yes" if res else "No"
# } Driver Code Ends
I am trying to create a Tic-Tac-Toe AI that will never lose. My code works sometimes but it does not work other times. Sometimes it will find the best move and print it out correctly but other times it will just fail. For example, once the AI takes the center if you press nine and take the top right corner then the AI will take a top left corner. Then if you take the bottom right corner the AI takes the middle left tile and then if you take the middle right tile then you will win. I wanted the AI to take the middle right to stop you from winning. I am a beginner programmer so please excuse me if the code is not written in the most optimal way. Why is that? Also can you please elaborate your explanation so I can understand what is wrong? Here is the code:
the_board = {'7': ' ', '8': ' ', '9': ' ',
'4': ' ', '5': ' ', '6': ' ',
'1': ' ', '2': ' ', '3': ' '}
def print_board(board):
print(board['7'] + '|' + board['8'] + '|' + board['9'])
print(board['4'] + '|' + board['5'] + '|' + board['6'])
print(board['1'] + '|' + board['2'] + '|' + board['3'])
def check_for_win(current_state_of_the_board, player_sign):
if current_state_of_the_board["7"] == current_state_of_the_board["8"] == current_state_of_the_board["9"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["4"] == current_state_of_the_board["5"] == current_state_of_the_board["6"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["1"] == current_state_of_the_board["2"] == current_state_of_the_board["3"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["1"] == current_state_of_the_board["4"] == current_state_of_the_board["7"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["2"] == current_state_of_the_board["5"] == current_state_of_the_board["8"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["3"] == current_state_of_the_board["6"] == current_state_of_the_board["9"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["7"] == current_state_of_the_board["5"] == current_state_of_the_board["3"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
elif current_state_of_the_board["9"] == current_state_of_the_board["5"] == current_state_of_the_board["1"] == player_sign:
return "Victory"
return "No Victory"
def get_copy_of_the_board(current_board, move, player_sign):
copy_of_the_board = current_board
if copy_of_the_board[str(move)] == " ":
copy_of_the_board[str(move)] = player_sign
return copy_of_the_board
return copy_of_the_board
def check_for_computer_win():
for number in range(1, 10):
print( check_for_win(get_copy_of_the_board(the_board, number, "X"), "X"))
if check_for_win(get_copy_of_the_board(the_board, number, "X"), "X") == "Victory":
return str(number)
return "Check next condition"
def check_for_player_win():
for number in range(1, 10):
print(check_for_win(get_copy_of_the_board(the_board, number, "O"), "O"))
if check_for_win(get_copy_of_the_board(the_board, number, "O"), "O") == "Victory":
return str(number)
return "Check next condition"
def check_for_computer_forks():
for number in range(1, 10):
first_copy = get_copy_of_the_board(the_board, number, "X")
for second_number in range(1, 10):
if check_for_win(get_copy_of_the_board(first_copy, second_number, "X"), "X") == "Victory":
return str(number)
return "Check next condition"
def check_for_player_forks():
for number in range(1, 10):
first_copy = get_copy_of_the_board(the_board, number, "O")
for second_number in range(1, 10):
if check_for_win(get_copy_of_the_board(first_copy, second_number, "O"), "O") == "Victory":
return str(number)
return "Check next condition"
def get_computer_move():
if check_for_computer_win() != "Check next condition":
comp_move = check_for_computer_win()
return comp_move
if check_for_player_win() != "Check next condition":
comp_move = check_for_player_win()
return comp_move
if check_for_computer_forks() != "Check next condition":
comp_move = check_for_computer_forks()
return comp_move
if check_for_player_forks() != "Check next condition":
comp_move = check_for_player_forks()
return comp_move
for move in ["5"]:
if the_board[move] == " ":
comp_move = "5"
return comp_move
for move in ["7", "9", "1", "3"]:
if the_board[str(move)] == " ":
return move
for move in ["4", "8", "6", "2"]:
if the_board[str(move)] == " ":
return move
def game():
count = 0
turn = "computer"
while count < 9:
if turn == "computer":
print("The computer move is: ")
final_computer_move = get_computer_move()
if the_board["1"] == "O":
if final_computer_move == "1":
the_board["1"] = " "
the_board[final_computer_move] = "X"
if check_for_win(the_board, "X") == "Victory":
print("The computer has won!")
turn = "player"
count += 1
player_move = input("Where would you like to move?")
the_board[player_move] = "O"
if check_for_win(the_board, "O") == "Victory":
print("You have won!")
turn = "computer"
count += 1
Thanks in advance!!
import random
dict = {0:'rock',1:'Spock',2:'paper',3:'lizard',4:'scissors'}
def name_to_number(name):
if name == "rock":
return 0
elif name == "spock":
return 1
elif name == "paper":
return 2
elif name == "lizard":
return 3
elif name == "csissors":
return 4
print("error:wrong name!")
def number_to_name(number):
if number == 0:
return "rock"
elif number == 1:
return "spock"
elif number == 2:
return "paper"
elif number == 3:
return "lizard"
elif number == 4:
return "scissors"
print("error: wrong number!")
def rpsls(palyer_choice):
print(" ")
print("players chooses %s",'player_choice')
player_number = name_to_number(player_choice)
comp_number = random.randrange(0, 5)
print ("Computer chooses %s",' comp_number')
difference = player_number - comp_number
if difference == 0:
print("Player and computer tie!")
elif difference == 3 or difference ==3 or difference == -1 or difference == -2:
print ("computer wins!")
print("Players wins!")
you have to call rpsls function
so add this code in the last of your code