How do you transition tab bar controller programmatically, i need to switch the selected index with code and not by swiping - cosmicmind

AppPageTabBarController(viewControllers: [Controller1, Controller2, Controller3], selectedIndex: 0)


Codename One - customize Dialog style not working

I would like to have a customized Dialog styling, having another background color and a rounded border, as it looks nicer than the gray rectangle that comes by default.
This is partially possible, by styling the Contentpane of the Dialog. The problem is, that the underlying Dialog Style is still there, in which the contentpane is shown. And it seems the Dialog UDID itself cannot be changed, nor can the "Dialog" style be overwritten in the designer nor by code.
Form hi = new Form();
Button but = new Button("open dialog");
but.addActionListener(e -> {
Dialog d = new Dialog(BoxLayout.y());
d.setUIID("Container"); // this line has no effect, the outside dialog component is still visible
Style s = d.getContentPane().getUnselectedStyle();
s.setMargin(5, 5, 5, 5); // adding some margin between contentpane and Dailog container, to be more obvious
// title
Label title = new Label();
// body field with spanlabel info text
SpanLabel bodyLabel = new SpanLabel("Body Text");
// delete button
Button okButton = new Button("Ok");
okButton.addActionListener(e2 -> {
// exit button
Button exitButton = new Button("Cancel");
exitButton.addActionListener(e3 -> {
d.add(GridLayout.encloseIn(2, okButton, exitButton));;
In above image, the outermost dark gray is the tinted area outside the dialog. The green is the content pane with the intended rounded border. the light grey in between comes from the Dialog style that I would like to get rid off.
Can this be done?
Short answer: setDialogUIID("Container");
However dialogs are a bit problematic to customize via code, I would strongly recommend styling them via the designer/css as we just didn't design them for hand styling and so you're relying on internal implementation details that might break.
When you invoke getContentPane() on the Dialog you're styling the content pane of the Dialog. Not the Dialog itself so the dialog styling still has the non-transparent background. You can use getDialogStyle() to style the Dialog itself. I'm not sure how well that will work.

Change text color of a portion of navigation drawer item

In Android Studio, I want to change the color of a portion of a item in the Navigation Drawer. In the image attached Navigation Drawer, I want the word "PRO" to appear red.
Use a spannable string:
MenuItem item = (MenuItem) navigation.getMenu().findItem(;
String str = item.getTitle().toString();
SpannableString span = new SpannableString(str);
span.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), str.length() - 3, str.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
navigation with your NavigationView variable
miItem with the corresponding MenuItem's id

Android: Custom bottom sheet dialog

How can I implement following design functionality with android standard component bottom sheet:
Image when Bottom sheet dialog fragment will appear:
Image when user scrolled to up to view bottom of content:
I will use ViewPager to scrolling header images and RecyclerView to showing descriptions and other informations. And parallax effect to ImageView(which are placed in ViewPager) when scrolling content vertically. Have a minimum height of the ImageView(and ViewPager), user can't collapse fully it (Look to second screenshot, which is user scrolled until the end of content).
I want stop scrolling ImageView when it will reach to minimum height(look to second one Screenshot), but the content of below ImageView should be continue scrolling
This can be done with an if statement in an on scroll view such as shown below:
ScrollView scrollView = findViewById(; //Adjust for your code
ImageView imageView = findViewById(; //Adjust for your code
boolean imageIsHidden = false;
int threshold = 250;
scrollView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnScrollChangedListener(new OnScrollChangedListener() {
public void onScrollChanged() {
int scrollY = rootScrollView.getScrollY();
if(scrollY >= threshold){
imageIsHidden = true;
//Move image outside of scroll view so it doesn't scroll
else if(scrollY < threshold && imageIsHidden){
imageIsHidden = false;
//Move image inside of scroll view so it does scroll
What this does is has a boolean called imageIsHidden and an integer called threshold. Threshold is where you want it to make it disappear. You will need to play around with this value to find a sweet spot.
You will also need to implement moving the image inside and outside of the scroll view as well in the if and if else statement.

MFC ComboBox dropdown list too short

I have dropped ComboBox on dialog form. Also I have added some text to it:
BOOL CMyAppDlg::OnInitDialog()
CComboBox *combo= (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_TT);
return TRUE;
When I drop down ComboBox it shows only one selection line and adds arrows to select other items. How to increase dropdown size?
Click the combo button in dialog editor. You can now drag down to set the open size.

Display UIMenuController in UIBarButton Click

I am trying to display a UIMenuController in a Toolbar button. I have the code below but I am unsure as to what should be in the "SetTargetRect" method.
What should I put in the SetTargetRect method to display the Menu?
Is there anything else that is missing from this code?
ToolbarItems = new UIBarButtonItem[] {
new UIBarButtonItem ("Sort", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered, (sender, e) => {
var menu = UIMenuController.SharedMenuController;
menu.MenuItems = new UIMenuItem[] {
new UIMenuItem ("Current", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants")),
new UIMenuItem ("Movers", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants")),
new UIMenuItem ("Opening", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants")),
new UIMenuItem ("Number", new Selector ("SortRaceEntrants"))
//menu.SetTargetRect ();
menu.SetMenuVisible (true, true);
UIBarButtonItem inherits from UIBarItem and NSObject, so finding a frame for them is not easy if not impossible. UINavigationBar inherits from UIView and thus is a view (go figure) and has a frame, etc.
What I do is point to a rect inside that view where the UIBarButtonItem should be.
For example:
[myMenu setTargetRect:CGRectMake(10, 10, 20, 25)
This will make the UIMenuController 'point' at the leftBarButtonItem.
The same technique can be used for the toolbar.
In your case something like:
[menu setTargetRect:CGRectMake(0,0,40,40)
would point to the center of the toolBar and thus the center button in the toolBar
According to the API docs, the target rect defines the area that you want to display the menu relative to - iOS will either show the menu above or below the area defined by TargetRect.
When you make this menu visible, UIMenuController positions it
relative to a target rectangle on the screen; this rectangle usually
defines a selection. The menu appears above the target rectangle or,
if there is not enough space for it, below it. The menu’s pointer is
placed at the center of the top or bottom of the target rectangle, as
appropriate. Be sure to set the tracking rectangle before you make the
menu visible. You are also responsible for detecting, tracking, and
displaying selections.
This target rectangle (targetRect) is usually the bounding rectangle
of a selection. UIMenuController positions the editing menu above this
rectangle; if there is not enough space for the menu there, it
positions it below the rectangle. The menu’s pointer is placed at the
center of the top or bottom of the target rectangle as appropriate.
Note that if you make the width or height of the target rectangle
zero, UIMenuController treats the target area as a line or point for
positioning (for example, an insertion caret or a single point).
Once it is set, the target rectangle does not track the view; if the
view moves (such as would happen in a scroll view), you must update
the target rectangle accordingly.
