What is the Cache memory limit in spark by default? - apache-spark

What is the maximum limit of cache in spark. How much data can it hold at once?

See this. It is 0.6 x (JVM heap space - 300MB) by default.

I may be wrong but to my understanding here is calculation
What is executer memory. Lets say it is 1 GB.
Then heap size is 0.6 of it which 600 MB
Then 50% of heap size is cache. i.,e 300 MB.
http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/tuning.html#memory-management-overview in this, they must have assumed executor memory is 500 MB. In fact, for local executor memory default size is 500 MB. If it executer memory is 500 MB then only 150 MB is allocated to cache

Its Actually totally depends on executor memory. Spark will take as much as large part of the RDD in memory and the rest will be fetched and recomputed on the fly each time they're needed. It is totally configurable and you can check it here


Can spark manage partitions larger than the executor size?

Spark seems to be able to manage partitions that are bigger than the executor size. How does it do that?
What I have tried so far:
I picked up a CSV with: Size on disk - 12.3 GB, Size in memory deserialized - 3.6 GB, Size in memory serialized - 1964.9 MB. I got these sizes from caching the data in memory deserialized and serialized both and 12.3 GB is the size of the file on the disk.
To check if spark can handle partitions larger than the executor size, I created a cluster with just one executor with spark.executor.memory equal to 500mb. Also, I set executor cores (spark.executor.cores) to 2 and, increased spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes to 13 GB. I also switched off Dynamic allocation and adaptive for good measure. The entire session configuration is:
spark = SparkSession.builder.\
config("spark.sql.adaptive.enabled", False).\
I read the CSV and checked the number of partitions that it is being read in by df.rdd.getNumPartitions(). Output = 2. This would be confirmed later on as well in the number of tasks
Then I run df.persist(storagelevel.StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY); df.count()
Following are the observations I made:
No caching happens till the data for one batch of tasks (equal to number of cpu cores in case you have set 1 cpu core per task) is read in completely. I conclude this since there is no entry that shows up in the storage tab of the web UI.
Each partition here ends up being around 6 GB on disk. Which should, at a minimum, be around 1964.9 MB/2 (=Size in memory serializez/2) in memory. Which is around 880 MB. There is no spill. Below is the relevant snapshot of the web UI from when around 11 GB of the data has been read in. You can see that Input has been almost 11GB and at this time there was nothing in the storage tab.
Since the memory per executor is 300 MB (Execution + Storage) + 200 MB (User memory). How is spark able to manage ~880 MB partitions that too 2 of them in parallel (one by each core)?
The data read in does not show up in the Storage, is not (and, can not be) in the executor and, there is no spill as well. where exactly is that read in data?
Attaching a SS of the web UI post that job completion in case that might be useful
Attaching a SS of the Executors tab in case that might be useful:

Compaction cause OutOfMemoryError

I'm getting OutOfMemoryError when run compaction on some big sstables in production, table size is around 800 GB, compaction on small sstables is working properly though.
$ noodtool compact keyspace1 users
error: Direct buffer memory
-- StackTrace --
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
at java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(Bits.java:693)
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.<init>(DirectByteBuffer.java:123)
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(ByteBuffer.java:311)
at org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.BufferType$2.allocate(BufferType.java:35)
Java heap memory(Xms and Xmx) have been set to 8 GB, wondering if I should increase Java heap memory to 12 or 16 GB?
It's not the Heap size, but it's instead so-called "direct memory" - you need to check what amount you have (it's could be specified by something like this -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512m, or it will take the same max size as heap). You can increase it indirectly by increasing the heap size, or you can control it explicitly via -XX flag. Here is the good article about non-heap memory in Java.

If I give row_cache_size_in_mb =5Gb in cassandra.yaml file, does cassandra reserves 5GB from Heap Memory?

I am running my cassandra cluster having memory 32 GB on each node,
And row cache capacity (row_cache_size_in_mb) 5GB,
Just want to know, does 5gb memory ram is reserved for row caching from my heap??
It will let it grow to that size over time. Can use nodetool info to see the current size and limit and nodetool setcachecapacity to change it at runtime. Note that its kinda an estimate though and heap can grow a bit larger. I would be sure to test that the row_cache is actually improving things though since in a lot of cases having no row cache can be faster.

Right Spark executor memory size given certain data size

A lot of the discussions I found on the internet on resource allocation was about the max memory config for --executor-memory, taking into account a few memory overheads.
But I would imagine that for simple job like reading in a 100MB file and then count # of rows, with a cluster of a total 500GB memory available across nodes, I shouldn't ask for # of executors and memory allocation that, with all memory overheads accounted for, could take all 500GB memory, right? Even 1 executor of 3GB or 5GB memory seems to be an overkill. How should I think about the right memory size for a job?
Thank you!

Need For Large Executor Memory If Block size is 128 MB

I have a question regarding spark. I am using spark 2.2 and as per my knowledge each executor spins up taks and executes the task. Each task corresponds to a partition. Default number of partition is based on default parallelism and the file size/Default Block Size. So considering a file size of 1 GB and a cluster of 4 executors each of which can spin up 2 tasks (2 core). As per calculation the executor memory should be about 256 MB (2 tasks each task operating on 128 MB block)+ 384 MB overhead. However If I run the code with this size as executor memory the performance is slow. If I give executor memory of 1.5 GB (considering some calculations on rdd) still the performance is slow. Only when I increase the executor memory to 3GB the performance is Good.
Can someone explain
1. why do we need so much executor memory when we work on only 128 MB of data at a time.
2. How do we calculate the optimum executor memory needed for the job
Thanks for your help
