Function Hooking with C++ - hook

If I understand correctly, with this, functions within a program can be tracked down and modified.
Let's just say I had a .exe in c++ that just does the following in a loop:
void func()
What tools would I need to intercept the function within that .exe and instead change the function to do something like printf("B") instead?


Call piece of c++ code once in multiprocess environment

I am currently developing some piece of code which should execute once in multiprocess environment.
//foo.cpp --> Shared library linked by both process1 and process2
void foo() { std::cout << "foo : Makesure I call only once in multiprocess environment \n"; }
int main() { foo(); }
int main() { foo(); }
I need to call foo() function only once either by process1/process2 in C++ environment.
Only Alternative solution I can think off is to creating dummy_file inside foo at firsttime and print message, If file already exist should not print message.
any suggestion would be appreciated
Only Alternative solution I can think of is to creating dummy_file inside foo at firsttime and print message, If file already exist should not print message.
Yes. This is a viable alternative. If you were on Windows I'd say it would be better to have a Registry entry instead so the file can't easily/accidentally be deleted, but I see you've tagged the question for linux.
See this article on IPC for Linux for other solutions than using a file.

How to import platform-specific struct?

I've got a struct in a file that begins with this line:
// +build windows
Therefore it will only be built on Windows. However, the part of the application that initializes everything needs to check if it is running on Windows and if so, create an instance of the struct. I have no idea how to do this without breaking things on other platforms.
For example, if the file contains a function newWindowsSpecificThing() and I compile on Linux, the function won't exist because it is defined in a file that isn't being compiled. (And, of course, this will produce an error.)
How do I work around this dilemma?
I think your solution would be to have some method on your struct which is used on all platforms. Look at how the dir_*.go files work for the os package. The func (file *File) readdirnames(n int) (names []string, err error) is available on all platforms by providing it in dir_plan9.go, dir_unix.go and dir_windows.go.
For your problem, I'd take the same approach but with some generic method that does internal work. In your application logic you'd call that function and in your file_unix.go file you'd define that function to do nothing (empty body).
Somewhere you clearly have a function that calls newWindowsSpecificThing(). That should be in a Windows-specific file. If it were, then it wouldn't matter that it isn't available. The fact that you have something "check if it is running on Windows" suggests a if runtime.GOOS == "windows" statement somewhere. Rather than have that, move the entire if into a function that is defined in a Windows-specific file. You'll also need to define that function in a !windows file, which is fine.
As an example from my code, I have a function:
func Setup() *config {
var cfg *config
// setup portable parts of cfg
return PlatformSpecificSetup(cfg)
I then have a file marked // +build windows that defines PlatformSpecificSetup() one way, and another marked // +build !windows that defines it another. I never have to check runtime.GOOS and I never have to deal with undefined data types. The config struct itself is defined in those files, so it can have different fields for each platform (as long as they agree enough for Setup()). If I were being more careful, I could create a struct like:
type config struct {
// independent stuff
plat *platformConfig
And then just define platformConfig in each platform file, but in practice I've found that more trouble than it's worth.

dllmain function and exported function runs as threads or as a separate processes?

this is more of conceptual question and it may be rather basic , i am not really finding good resources to learn about dll ,
i need to create dll(Load-time dynamic linking) which requires function1 to start on loading of dll and run at background
for whole time ,
while function2 needs to exported which is going to be invoked several times by application,
function1 provides object which needs to be used in function2,
i am planning to use function1 as entry-point function(dllmain) while export function2.
as dllmain function called by system while exported function invoked by application ,do they run as two threads or as two separate processes?
also is it right to use dllmain and export as explained above to accomplish what i need?
"Advanced Windows" by Jeffrey Richter is one good place to learn about DLLs.
In your case something like this will do the job.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason,LPVOID lpvReserved)
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
//start thread with function1()
begin_thread_ex(..., &function1, ....)
__declspec(dllexport) function2()

Starting a method in another thread C++

I'm having trouble finding out how to run a method in a seperate thread in C++ (using Visual C++ 2008), I've tried a number of ways to do this but none of them so far have been successful.
I'm very new to C++ but a fairly experienced programmer in Java, but have been given a task to fix some bugs in an old C++ application. The program uses an object called 'Mpeg' to control packetising and depackitising an Mpeg file. After setting up an Mpeg object properly, mpeg.Depacketise needs to be called, which then runs the method DepacketiseInputFile().
I've tried to make DepacketiseInputFile() run in a seperate thread by both using _beginthread and the System::Threading::Thread object using
Thread^ th = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(DepacketiseInputFile));
however this returns the errors
using &Mpeg::Depacketise gives the error
when using _beginthread the code I tried was
However with this I constantly had trouble getting the arguments correct, with errors like
cropping up.
Is there any simple way to do this that anyone can reccomend? I've spent a few days playing around with this but seem to be getting nowhere :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What kind of type is Mpeg? What kind of method is DepacketiseInputFile?
If it's a regular unmanaged, C++ class, then use _beginthread, but you have to make DepacketiseInputFile a static. It cannot take a member function.
Also, don't call DepacketiseInputFile with DepacketiseInputFile(), pass it in with
You should use the void* you get to pass it to pass in a pointer to the Mpeg object (and then cast it back).
If you want to use ThreadStart, then Mpeg needs to be a managed class.
EDIT: If you want to make DepacketiseInputFile, but it needs to access the object, then you use the void* argument to pass in a pointer.
So in the .h:
void DepacketiseInputFileMember();
static void DepacketiseInputFile(void *thisObj);
Your code goes in DepacketiseInputFileMember(), and write DepacketiseInputFile like this:
void Mpeg::DepacketiseInputFile(void *thisObj)
Mpeg* mpeg = reinterpret_cast<Mpeg*>(thisObj);
When you call _beginthread, use this
_beginnthread(&Mpeg::DepacketiseInputFile, (unsigned)0, anMpegObjectPointer);
where anMpegObjectPointer is a pointer to an object of type Mpeg. You have to make sure the lifetime of the object is longer than it would be needed in the thread.
Forgive my syntax, I am writing this in a textarea, not Visual Studio
_beginthread(DepacketiseInputFile(), (unsigned)0, (void *)NULL);
_beginthread(DepacketiseInputFile, (unsigned)0, (void *)NULL);
You wanna pass the address of the function to run (DepacketiseInputFile) and not its return value of that function (which is what you get from DepacketiseInputFile()).
I'm assuming DepacketiseInputFile is declared as void DepacketiseInputFile(void*), and is not a non-static member function of some class. Otherwise, the types won't match even when you do remove the brackets.

Stack issues when calling a DLL compiled with Visual C++ in GCC

I'm trying to call some functions in a DLL compiled with (I believe) Visual C++ from my program, which is compiled using GCC.
To call the functions in the DLL, I do a LoadLibrary() on the DLL, and then a GetProcAddress() to get the address of a particular function, which I then call. This function returns a list of pointers to the functions in the DLL I'm to call.
Well, when I try to call those functions, they don't work properly. I ran my program through a debugger, and it looks like the DLL library function is looking for one of the passed arguments at ebp+8, even though GCC has put it at ebp-24.
It looks definitely like a stack issue. What's more, when the GCC program function which calls the DLL function returns, my program crashes -- so something screwey is going on with the stack. Does anyone know what I need to do in order to fix this? I'm not able to access the DLL code.
Also: I tried putting __cdecl and __stdcall before the DLL function definition in my program's source file, but this changes nothing.
Looks like a calling convention problem. Make sure you're putting the calling convention tag in the right place. With GCC, it should look like this:
typedef int (__stdcall *MyFunctionType)(int arg1, const char *arg2);
MyFunctionType myFunction = (MyFunctionType)GetProcAddress(myModule, "MyFunction");
// check for errors...
int x = myFunction(3, "hello, world!");
Looks like your problem has nothing to do with calling conventions (although getting them right is important). You're misusing BSTRs -- a BSTR is not a simple char* pointer. It's a pointer to a Unicode string (wchar_t*), and furthermore, there is a 4-byte length prefix hidden before the first characters of the string. See MSDN for full details. So, the call to SetLicense() should look like this:
BSTR User = SysAllocString(L""); // Not sure if you can use the same object here,
BSTR Key = SysAllocString(L""); // that depends on if SetLicense() modifies its
// arguments; using separate objects to be safe
// check for errors, although it's pretty unlikely
(textCapLib.sdk)->lpVtbl->SetLicense((textCapLib.sdk), User, Key);
SysFreeString(User); // Hopefully the SDK doesn't hang on to pointers to these
SysFreeString(Key); // strings; if it does, you may have to wait until later to
// free them
