ELF, Build-ID, is there a utility to recompute it? - linux

I came across this useful feature in ELF binaries -- Build ID. "It ... is (normally) the SHA1 hash over all code sections in the ELF image." One can read it with GNU utility:
$ readelf -n /bin/bash
Displaying notes found at file offset 0x00000274 with length 0x00000024:
Owner Data size Description
GNU 0x00000014 NT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)
Build ID: 54967822da027467f21e65a1eac7576dec7dd821
And I wonder if there is an easy way to recompute Build ID yourself? To check if it isn't corrupted etc.

So, I've got an answer from Mark. Since it is an up to date info, I post it here. But basically you guys are right. Indeed there is no tool for computing Build-ID, and the intentions of Build-ID are not (1) identification of the file contents, and not even (2) identification of the executable (code) part of it, but it is for (3) capturing "semantic meaning" of a build, which is the hard bit for formalization. (Numbers are for self-reference.)
Quote from the email:
-- "Is there a user tool recomputing the build-id from the file itself, to
check if it's not corrupted/compromised somehow etc?"
If you have time, maybe you could post an answer there?
Sorry, I don't have a stackoverflow account.
But the answer is: No, there is no such tool because the precise way a
build-id is calculated isn't specified. It just has to be universally
unique. Even the precise length of the build-id isn't specified. There
are various ways using different hashing algorithms a build-id could be
calculated to get a universally unique value. And not all data might
(still be) in the ELF file to recalculate it even if you knew how it was
created originally.
Apparently, the intentions of Build-ID changed
since the Fedora Feature page was written about
And people's opinions diverge on what it is now.
Maybe in your answer you could include status of Build-ID and what it is
now as well?
I think things weren't very precisely formulated. If a tool changes the
build that creates the ELF file so that it isn't a "semantically
identical" binary anymore then it should get a new (recalculated)
build-id. But if a tool changes something about the file that still
results in a "semantically identical" binary then the build-id stays the
What isn't precisely defined is what "semantically identical binary"
means. The intention is that it captures everything that a build was
made from. So if the source files used to generate a binary are
different then you expect different build-ids, even if the binary code
produced might happen to be the same.
This is why when calculating the build-id of a file through a hash
algorithm you use not just the (allocated) code sections, but also the
debuginfo sections (which will contain references to the source file
But if you then for example strip the debuginfo out (and put it into a
separate file) then that doesn't change the build-id (the file was still
created from the same build).
This is also why, even if you knew the precise hashing algorithm used to
calculate the build-id, you might not be able to recalculate the
build-id. Because you might be missing some of the original data used in
the hashing algorithm to calculate the build-id.
Feel free to share this answer with others.
Also, for people interested in debuginfo (linux performance & tracing, anyone?), he mentioned a couple projects for managing them on Fedora:

The build ID is not a hash of the program, but rather a unique identifier for the build, and is to be considered just a "unique blob" — at least at some point it used to be defined as a hash of timestamp and absolute file path, but that's not a guarantee of stability either.

I wonder if there is an easy way to recompute Build ID yourself?
No, there isn't, by design.
The page you linked to itself links to the original description of what build-id is and what it's usable for. That pages says:
But I'd like to specify it explicitly as being a unique identifier good
only for matching, not any kind of checksum that can be verified against
the contents.
(There are external general means for content verification, and I don't
think debuginfo association needs to do that.)
Additional complications are: the linker can take any of:
So the build id is not necessarily an sha1 sum to begin with.


Removing assembly instructions from ELF

I am working on an obfuscated binary as a part of a crackme challenge. It has got a sequence of push, pop and nop instructions (which repeats for thousands of times). Functionally, these chunks do not have any effect on the program. But, they make generation of CFGs and the process of reversing, very hard.
There are solutions on how to change the instructions to nop so that I can remove them. But in my case, I would like to completely strip off those instructions, so that I can get a better view of the CFG. If instructions are stripped off, I understand that the memory offsets must be modified too. As far as I could see, there were no tools available to achieve this directly.
I am using IDA Pro evaluation version. I am open to solutions using other reverse engineering frameworks too. It is preferable, if it is scriptable.
I went through a similar question but, the proposed solution is not applicable in my case.
I would like to completely strip off those instructions ... I understand that the memory offsets must be modified too ...
In general, this is practically impossible:
If the binary exports any dynamic symbols, you would have to update the .dynsym (these are probably the offsets you are thinking of).
You would have to find every statically-assigned function pointer, and update it with the new address, but there is no effective way to find such pointers.
Computed GOTOs and switch statements create function pointer tables even when none are present in the program source.
As Peter Cordes pointed out, it's possible to write programs that use delta between two assembly labels, and use such deltas (small immediate values directly encoded into instructions) to control program flow.
It's possible that your target program is free from all of the above complications, but spending much effort on a technique that only works for that one program seems wasteful.

How to modify an ELF file in a way that changes data length of parts of the file?

I'm trying to modify the executable contents of my own ELF files to see if this is possible. I have written a program that reads and parses ELF files, searches for the code that it should update, changes it, then writes it back after updating the sh_size field in the section header.
However, this doesn't work. If I simply exchange some bytes, with other bytes, it works. However, if I change the size, it fails. I'm aware of that some sh_offsets are immediately adjacent to each other; however this shouldn't matter when I'm reducing the size of the executable code.
Of course, there might be a bug in my program (or more than one), but I've already painstakingly gone through it.
Instead of asking for help with debugging my program I'm just wondering, is there anything else than the sh_size field I need to update in order to make this work (when reducing the size)? Is there anything that would make changing the length fail other than that field?
It seems that Andy Ross was perfectly correct. Even in this very simple program I have come across some indirect addressing in __libc_start_main that I cannot trivially modify to update the offset it will reach.
I was curious though, what would be the best approach to still trying to get as far as possible with this problem? I know I cannot solve this in every case, but for some simple programs, it should be possible to update what is required to make it run? Should I try writing my own virtual machine or try developing a "debugger" that would replace each suspected problem instruction with INT 3? Any ideas?
The text segment is likely internally linked with relative offsets. So one function might be trying to jump to, say, "current address plus 194 bytes". If you move things around such that the jump target is now 190 bytes, you will obviously break things. The same is true of constant data on some architectures (e.g. x86-64 but not i686). There is no simple way short of a complete disassembly to know where the internal references are, and in fact it's computationally undecidable to find them all (i.e. trying to figure out all possible jump targets of a runtime-computed branch is the Halting Problem).
Basically, this isn't solvable in the general case, so if you have an ELF binary from someone else you're trying to patch, you'll need to try other techniques. But with (great!) care it's possible to produce a library where all internal references go through the GOT/PLT which can be sliced up and relinked like this. What are you trying to accomplish?
is there anything else than the sh_size field I need to update in order to make this work
It sounds like you are patching a fully-linked binary (ET_EXEC or ET_DYN). Please note that .sh_size is not used for anything after the static link is done. You can strip the entire section table, and the binary will continue to work fine. What matters at runtime are the segments in the ELF, not sections.
ELF stands for executable and linking format, and the executable and linking form "dual nature" of the ELF. Sections are used at (static) link time to combine into segments; which are used at execution time (aka runtime, aka dynamic linking time).
Of course you haven't told us exactly what your patching strategy is when you are shrinking your binary, and in what way the result is broken. It is very likely that Andy Ross's answer is the real cause of your breakage.

Does appending arbitrary data to an ELF file violate the ELF spec?

I would like to add some information to an ELF file, but it ideally needs to be done in a way that a program can easily read this information without understanding ELF or using tools outside a normal standard language library. I was thinking of simply appending this data to the end of the ELF file (with some sort of sentinel to indicate the start of the data so the reading program can just seek backward to the sentinel), but I wanted to make sure this doesn't violate the ELF spec first. I'm not interested in whether a particular loader works fine with such appended data; I want to know if the ELF spec itself guarantees anything so that I can know different ELF-compliant loaders will be happy with it.
I see that questions like this have been asked before, but either assuming that this appending is ok or with no direct responses:
Accessing data appended to an ELF binary
Add source code to elf file
As far as I can tell, the ELF spec is here:
I couldn't determine with a few searches whether the property I want is unambiguously allowed by that spec.
The specification does not really say anything about it, so one could argue for "it's undefined behavior to have trailing data". On the other hand, the ELF specification is rather clear about its expectations: “sections and segments have no specified order. Only the ELF header has a fixed position in the file.”, which gives sufficient room to embed data one way or another, using a section, or doing without one [this is then unreferenced data!].
This "data freedom" has been exploited since at least the end of the 1980s; consider "self-extracting archives" where a generic unpacking code stub is let loose on a trailing data portion.
In fact, you can find such implicit feature even in non-executable data formats, such as RIFF and PNG. Not all formats allow this of course; in particular those where data is defined to runs until EOF rather than for a fixed length stored in some header. (Consider ZIP: appending data is not possible, but prepending is, which is what leads to EXE-ZIPs being readable by both (unmodified) unzip programs and operating systems.)
There is just one drawback to using unreferenced data like this: when reading and saving a file, you can lose this data.
It might be ok to add extra data into ELF files (since you can add new segments and new sections to ELF), but you should have (or improve) the tools to work on your "improved" ELFs, and that may be a significant burden. And don't forget to document very well (if possible, in a freely accessible document) what you are doing.

How are the Haddock module fields Portability, Stability and Maintainer used?

In lots of Haddock-generated module documentation (e.g. Prelude), a small box in the top-right can be seen, containing portability, stability and maintainer information:
From looking at the source code to such modules and experimentation, I confirmed that this information is generated from lines like the following in the module description:
-- Maintainer : libraries#haskell.org
-- Stability : stable
-- Portability : portable
There are several strange things about this:
The fields only seem to work in this order — any fields put out of order are simply treat as part of the module description itself. This is despite the fact that the order in the source file is the opposite of the order in the generated documentation!
I have been unable to find any official documentation of these fields. There is a Cabal package property named stability, the example values of which match the values I've seen in the equivalent Haddock fields, but beyond that, I've found nothing.
So: How are these fields intended to be used, and are they documented anywhere?
In particular, I'd like to know:
The full list of commonly-used values for Portability and Stability. This HaskellWiki page has a list, but I'd like to know where this list originated from.
The criteria for deciding whether a module is portable or non-portable. In particular, the package I would like the answers to these questions for, acme-strfry, is an FFI binding to strfry, a function only available in glibc. Is the package non-portable, because it only works on glibc systems, or portable, because it does not use any Haskell language extensions? The common usage seems to imply the latter.
Why a specific order of fields is required in the source file, and why it's the opposite of the ordering in the generated documentation.
Oh, I thought those fields were from the cabal package description. They don't seem to be documented at all on Haddock's docs. I've found this, which doesn't really answer your question but:
So if it's freeform anyway, why not just write "non-portable (depends on glibc)"? I've seen even "portable (depends on ghc)", which is odd. I also wonder what happens with modules that were non-portable due to non-Haskell98 extension Foo, after Foo was added to Haskell 2010.
Note that the Cabal documenation you link to also says stability is freeform. Of course, even if haddock or cabal were to define what are the acceptable values, it'd still be up to the maintainer to subjectively select one.
About the specific order, you should probably just ask at the haddock mailing list, or check the source and file a bug.
PS: strfry is an invaluable contribution to the Haskell community, but it should be pure and portable, don't you think?
Ah yes, one of the more obscure and crufty features of Haddock.
As best as I can tell, it's just an undocumented hack. There's no sane reason why the order of the fields should matter, but it does. The specific choice of formatting (i.e., as a special form inside the module comment rather than as a separate block of some kind) isn't the best either. My guess is that somebody wanted to quickly add this feature one day, so they hacked up something minimal but functioning, and left it at that. (Without bothering to document it.)
Personally, I just don't bother with these fields at all. The information is available from Cabal, so I don't bother duplicating it in Haddock as well. Perhaps some day Cabal will pass this information to Haddock automatically...

Verifying two different build architectures (one a re-write of the other) are functionally equivalent

I'm re-writing a build that produces a number of things (shared/static libraries, jars, executables, etc). The question came up whether there's a way to verify that the results are functionally equivalent without doing a full top-to-bottom test of the resulting software.
However, that is proving to be more difficult to do than I anticipated.
As an example, I expected that the md5 of two objects produced from the same source (sun studio C++ compiler) and command-line parameters would have the same md5 hash, but that isn't the case. I can build the file, rename it, build again, and they have different hashes.
With that said ... is there a way do a quick check to verify that two files produced from separate build architectures of the same source tree (eg, two shared objects) are functionally equivalent?
edit I am sorry, I neglected to mention this is for a debug build ... when debugging flags aren't used the binaries are identical, but they've been using debugging flags by default for so many years their stuff breaks when you remove the debugging flags (part of the reason I'm re-writing the build is to take that particular 'feature' out of the build so we can get some proper testing going)
Windows DLLs have a link timestamp (TimeDateStamp) as part of PE image.
Looking at linker options, I don't see an option to suppress that. So re-linking a DLL (or an EXE) will always produce a different binary.
You could write a tool to zero out these timestamps (always at a fixed offset from file start), and compare MD5s afterwards. But you'll likely discover lots of other differences as well. In particular, any program that uses __DATE__ or __TIME__ builtins will give you trouble.
We've had to work quite hard to achieve bit-identical rebuilds (using GNU toolchain). It's possible (at least for open-source tools, on Linux), but not easy (as you've discovered).
I forgot about this question; I'm revisiting so I can give the answer I came up with.
objcopy can be used to produce a new binary file in different formats. It's been a few years since I worked on this, so the specifics escape me, but here's what I recall:
objcopy can strip various things out (debug info, symbol information, etc), but even after stripping stuff out I was still seeing different hashes between objects.
In the end I found I could convert it from ELF to other formats. I ended up dumping it to another format (I think I chose SREC) that consistently provided the same MD5 for objects built at different times with identical source/flags.
I'm betting I could have done this a better way with objcopy (or perhaps another binutils tool), but it was good enough to satisfy our concerns.
