Could not access local Parse server dashboard with Mongodb - node.js

I am trying to install mongodb and parse server on my windows 10 pc, after completing everything without error, I'm still unable to access the dashboard, the browser show This site can't be reach. Below shows the step on how I did it, please help me to identify the problem, thanks.
At Node.js command prompt
cd C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin
mongod --authOUTPUT: waiting for connections on port 27017
Launch another Node.js command prompt
cd C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin
use db_parsetestOUTPUT: switched to db db_parsetest
Launch another Node.js command prompt
cd C:\
parse-server --appId com.test.parsetest --masterKey parsetestkey --databaseURI mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD#localhost:27017/db_parsetestOUTPUT: [1116] parse-server running on http://localhost:1337/parse
Launch another Node.js command prompt
cd C:\
parse-dashboard --appId com.test.parsetest --masterKey parsetestkey --serverURL "http://localhost:1337/parse" --appName ParseTestOUTPUT: The dashboard is now available at
At the browser, I try to browse, but it couldn't reach.


Node app crashes after closing the terminal, even using pm2

I'm doing web automation by using Puppeteer with NodeJS. It works fine when I'm logged in to the terminal. I'm using ec2 instance Ubuntu 22 server.
But when I'm exit out of the terminal and then try to perform the task it just loads and loads and do nothing. But when I log in to check the pm2 logs then it starts working again with the terminal open.
When I check pm2 logs I get this error every time.
Error in pm2 logs:
I suppose there is problem with the command you are trying to run the app. Use the following command to run the app via pm2.
npx pm2 start app
For Cpanel Users having this issue
Login to your WHM account, click on the terminal, cd into the directory where your node js application is, then pm2 start .This was how i solved my issue.

Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?

I am working on a Django project as a Front-End developer. I am getting " django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060)
Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?"
many times when I try to run the server using the command python runserver on VS Code
Because of this, I have to restart the server, and sometimes luckily server works.
I did the following things to resolve the problem:
NOTE: I am using windows 11.
1) deleted temporary files using the command %temp%
2) reinstalled psycopg 2.9.2
3) I reset the TCP/IP settings in services on my PC.
but the problem did not solve.
I am attaching the screenshots of the complete error log. Please help me to resolve the issue, I will be grateful to you
Is your Postgres running on the port you specified if not?
Go inside the bin folder in the C drive where Postgres is installed. run the following command in git bash or Command prompt:
pg_ctl.exe restart -D "<path upto data>"
pg_ctl.exe restart -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data"

how to restart mongodb in terminal?

I installed mongodb in VS code by npm install mongodb. And again I downloaded mongodb from official website and installed it as a windows service since I don't know if installing in vscode with npm is enough. It worked for a while.
and now it doesn't work as my database connection with mongoose fails and nothing is running in 27017 port in localhost. Seems like server stopped.
how to restart mongodb server? what's the CLI/terminal command etc for that?
On debian/ubuntu
sudo service mongod restart
Go to services via start button and check for the MongoDB services shown in below pic. And rest steps you can follow which #apoorva has mentioned.
Open a mongo shell and execute,
use admin
You may start again with mongod.
Learn more here,
If You Installed MongoDB as a Windows Service
The MongoDB service is started upon successful installation.(please check on the below path)
To begin using MongoDB, connect a mongo.exe shell to the running MongoDB instance. Either:
From Windows Explorer/File Explorer, go to
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\ directory and double-click on mongo.exe.
Or, open a Command Interpreter with Administrative privileges and run:
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\mongo.exe"
for more details check. :
Also, you first need to start the mongodb daemon for your connections to listen then you should connect using mongoose.

Is there any way to manage node.js server from web interface?

I am in need to manage my node server without entering into server console. I have tried using forever, nodemon and pm2 npms. Whenever, I need to start or stop the node application, I need to connect the server via terminal. I want to avoid that and willing to see the possibility if that can be managed through any web interface or any browser plugin/extension.
Already tried forever, nodemon and pm2
You can use npm pm2-gui install it by this command npm i pm2-gui
See the docs and guides from here
I started looking for some GUI and Web interface of PM2. Tried several npms but "mc-pm2-web" worked really good for me.
I am using Node via NVM and my node version was v10.15.3. Installed this and it was straight forward what I was actually looking for.
Here's are the step if anybody wants to install and configure "mc-pm2-web" in AWS EC2.
I am using Amazon Linux
I am using NVM and running v10.15.3
Already had NGINX & PHP-FPM running on server using port 9000
pm2 already installed
Visit this link:
npm install -g pm2-web
If you encountered any error then you may check your config.json file. In my case the config file path was:
I made following changes in config file to make it working:
Port from 9000 to 9010 because 9000 was being used by PHP-FPM
Changed the host name from "localhost" to "my-domain" which was already hosted in NGINX
Enabled authentication and set the Username and Password for making it secure
Allowed 9010 port from AWS EC2 firewall / security group of that instance
Added pm2-web in pm2 by executing "pm2 start pm2-web" command

How to run `OpenFin Process Manager`

Refer to
Based on the, I have done the following steps:
npm install
node server
I am able to see the following message from terminal(windows 7)
$ node server
Express server listening on port 5040
How do I launch the application?
I have tried to point to the localhost:5040 through chrome browser and ONLY see three tabs 'Processes', 'Cache', 'Logs' without any information.
How can I fix the issues?
npm i -g openfin-cli
openfin -l -c http://localhost:5040/app_local.json
The server script is running a local express server that hosts an OpenFin enriched web app so all you need to do it launch it on OpenFin, which in the case above we are doing with the CLI.
You can also use a node module to launch i.e. here
