Cassandra aggregation - cassandra

The Cassandra database is not very good for aggregation and that is why I decided to do the aggregation before write. I am storing some data (eg. transaction) for each user which I am aggregating by hour. That means for one user there will be only one row for each our.
Whenever I receive new data, I read the row for current hour, aggregate it with received data and write it back.I use this data to generate hourly reports.
This works fine with low velocity data but I observed considerably high data loss when velocity is very high (eg 100 records for 1 user in a min). This is because reads and writes are happening very fast and because of "delayed write", I am not getting updated data.
I think my approach "aggregate before write" itself is wrong. I was thinking about UDF but I am not sure how will it impact on performance.
What is the best way to store aggregated data in Cassandra ?

My idea would be:
Model data in Cassandra on hour-by-hour buckets.
Store plain data into Cassandra immediately when they arrive.
Process at X all the data of the X-1 hour and store the aggregate result on another table
This would allow you to have very fast incoming rates, process data only once, store the aggregates into another table to have fast reads.

I use Cassandra to pre-aggregate also. I have different tables for hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly. I think you are probably getting data loss as you are selecting the data before your last inserts have replicated to other nodes.
Look into the counter data type to get around this.
You may also be able to specify a higher consistency level in either the inserts or selects to ensure you're getting the most recent data.


Provisioned write capacity in Cassandra

I need to capture time-series sensor data in Cassandra. The best practices for handling time-series data in DynamoDB is as follow:
Create one table per time period, provisioned with write capacity less than 1,000 write capacity units (WCUs).
Before the end of each time period, prebuild the table for the next period.
As soon as a table is no longer being written to, reduce its provisioned write capacity. Also reduce the provisioned read capacity of earlier tables as they age, and archive or delete the ones whose contents will rarely or never be needed.
Now I am wondering how I can implement the same concept in Cassandra! Is there any way to manually configure write/read capacity in Cassandra as well?
This really depends on your own requirements that you need to discuss with development, etc.
There are several ways to handle time-series data in Cassandra:
Have one table for everything. As Chris mentioned, just include the time component into partition key, like a day, and store data per sensor/day. If the data won't be updated, and you know in advance how long they will be kept, so you can set TTL to data, then you can use TimeWindowCompactionStrategy. Advantage of this approach is that you have only one table and don't need to maintain multiple tables - that's make easier for development and maintenance.
The same approach as you described - create a separate table for period of time, like a month, and write data into them. In this case you can effectively drop the whole table when data "expires". Using this approach you can update data if necessary, and don't require to set TTL on data. But this requires more work for development and ops teams as you need to reach multiple tables. Also, take into account that there are some limits on the number of tables in the cluster - it's recommended not to have more than 200 tables as every table requires a memory to keep metadata, etc. Although, some things, like, a bloom filter, could be tuned to occupy less memory for tables that are rarely read.
For cassandra just make a single table but include some time period in the partition key (so the partitions do not grow indefinitely and get too large). No table maintenance and read/write capacity is really more dependent on workload and schema, size of cluster etc but shouldn't really need to be worried about except for sizing the cluster.

Cassandra data model too many table

I have a single structured row as input with write rate of 10K per seconds. Each row has 20 columns. Some queries should be answered on these inputs. Because most of the queries needs different WHERE, GROUP BY or ORDER BY, The final data model ended up like this:
primary key for table of query1 : ((column1,column2),column3,column4)
primary key for table of query2 : ((column3,column4),column2,column1)
and so on
I am aware of the limit in number of tables in Cassandra data model (200 is warning and 500 would fail)
Because for every input row I should do an insert in every table, the final write per seconds became big * big data!:
writes per seconds = 10K (input)
* number of tables (queries)
* replication factor
The main question: am I on the right path? Is it normal to have a table for every query even when the input rate is already so high?
Shouldn't I use something like spark or hadoop instead of relying on bare datamodel? Or event Hbase instead of Cassandra?
It could be that Elassandra would resolve your problem.
The query system is quite different from CQL, but the duplication for indexing would automatically be managed by Elassandra on the backend. All the columns of one table will be indexed so the Elasticsearch part of Elassandra can be used with the REST API to query anything you'd like.
In one of my tests, I pushed a huge amount of data to an Elassandra database (8Gb) going non-stop and I never timed out. Also the search engine remained ready pretty much the whole time. More or less what you are talking about. The docs says that it takes 5 to 10 seconds for newly added data to become available in the Elassandra indexes. I guess it will somewhat depend on your installation, but I think that's more than enough speed for most applications.
The use of Elassandra may sound a bit hairy at first, but once in place, it's incredible how fast you can find results. It includes incredible (powerful) WHERE for sure. The GROUP BY is a bit difficult to put in place. The ORDER BY is simple enough, however, when (re-)ordering you lose on speed... Something to keep in mind. On my tests, though, even the ORDER BY equivalents was very fast.

Is it okay to directly read from Cassandra to surface information from a web application?

I'm using Cassandra as my primary data store for a time series logging application. I receive a high-volume number of writes to this database, so Cassandra was a natural choice.
However, when I try showing statistics about the data on a web application, I make costly reads to this database and things start to slow down.
My initial idea is to run periodic cron jobs that pre-compute these statistics every hour. This would ensure no slow reads. I'm wondering if there's another way to read from a Cassandra database and what is the best solution?
You are on the right track with what your initial thinking.
How you store data in C*, and specifically how you select you Primary Key fields have a direct influence on how you can read data out. If you are hitting a single partition on a table reading data out of a C* cluster is very efficient and is an excellent choice for showing data on a website.
In your case if you want to show some level of aggregated data (e.g. by hour) I would suggest that you create your partition key in such as way as to make it so all the data you want to aggregate is contained in the same partition. Here is an example schema for what I mean:
CREATE TABLE data_by_hour (
day text,
hour int,
minute int,
data float,
PRIMARY KEY((day, hour), minute)
You can then use a cron job or some other mechanism to run a query and aggregate the data into another table to show on the website.

What is the best data model for timeseries in Cassandra when *fast sequential reads* are required

I want to store streaming financial data into Cassandra and read it back fast. I will have up to 20000 instruments ("tickers") each containing up to 3 million 1-minute data points. I have to be able to read large ranges of each of these series as speedily as possible (indeed it is the reason I have moved to a columnar-type database as MongoDB was suffocating on this use case). Sometimes I'll have to read the whole series. Sometimes I'll need less but typically the most recent data first. I also want to keep things really simple.
Is this model, which I picked up in a Datastax tutorial, the most effective? Not everyone seems to agree.
CREATE TABLE minutedata (
ticker text,
time timestamp,
value float,
PRIMARY KEY (ticker, time))
I like this because there are up to 20 000 tickers so the partitioning should be efficient, and there are only up to 3 million minutes in a row, and Cassandra can handle up to 2 billion. Also with the time descending order I get most recent data when using a limit on the query.
However, the book Cassandra High Availability by Robbie Strickland mentions the above as an anti-pattern (using sensor-data analogy), and I quote the problems he cites from page 144:
Data will be collected for a given sensor indefinitely, and in many
cases at a very high frequency
With sensorID as the partition key, the row will grow by two
columns for every reading (one marker and one reading).
I understand point one would be a problem but it's not in my case due to the 3 million data point limit. But point 2 is interesting. What are these "markers" between each reading? I clearly want to avoid anything that breaks contiguous data storage.
If point 2 is a problem, what is a better way to model timeseries so that they can efficiently be read in large ranges, fast? I'm not particularly keen to break the timeseries into smaller sub-periods.
If your query pattern was to find a few rows for a ticker using a range query, then I would say having all the data for a ticker in one partition would be a good approach since Cassandra is optimized to access partitions efficiently.
But if everything is in one one partition, then that means the query is happening on only one node. Since you say you often want to read large ranges of rows, then you may want more parallelism.
If you split that same data across many nodes and read it in parallel, you may be able to get better performance. For example, if you partitioned your data by ticker and by year, and you had ten nodes, you could theoretically issue ten async queries and have each year queried in parallel.
Now 3 million rows is a lot, but not really that big, so you'd probably have to run some tests to see which approach was actually faster for your situation.
If you're doing more than just retrieving all these rows and are doing some kind of analytics on them, then parallelism will become more attractive and you might want to look into pairing Cassandra with Spark so that the data and be read and processed in parallel on many nodes.

HIVE/HDFS for realtime storage of sensor data on a massive scale?

I am evaluating sensor data collection systems with the following requirements,
1 million endpoints sending in 100 bytes of data every minute (as a time series).
Basically millions of small writes to the storage.
This data is write-once, so basically it never gets updated.
Access requirements
a. Full data for a user needs to be accessed periodically (less frequent)
b. Partial data for a user needs to be access periodically (more frequent). For e.g I need sensor data collected over the last hour/day/week/month for analysis/reporting.
Have started looking at Hive/HDFS as an option. Can someone comments on the applicability of Hive in such a use case? I am concerned that while the distributed storage needs would work, it seems more suited to data warehousing applications than real time data collection/storage.
Do HBase/Cassandra make more sense in this scenario?
I think HBase can be a good option for you. In fact there's already an open/source implementation in HBase which solves similar problem that you might want to use. Take a look at openTSB which is an open source implementation for solving similar problems. Here's a short excerpt from their blurb:
OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB)
written on top of HBase. OpenTSDB was written to address a common
need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems
(network gear, operating systems, applications) at a large scale, and
make this data easily accessible and graphable. Thanks to HBase's
scalability, OpenTSDB allows you to collect many thousands of metrics
from thousands of hosts and applications, at a high rate (every few
seconds). OpenTSDB will never delete or downsample data and can easily
store billions of data points. As a matter of fact, StumbleUpon uses
it to keep track of hundred of thousands of time series and collects
over 600 million data points per day in their main production
There are actually quite a few people collecting sensor data in a time-series fashion with Cassandra. It's a very good fit. I recommend you read this article on basic time series in Cassandra for an idea of what your data model would be like.
Writes in Cassandra are extremely cheap, so even a moderately sized cluster could easily handle one million writes per minute.
Both of your read queries could be answered very efficiently. For the second type of query, where you're reading data for a slice of time for a single sensor, you would end up reading a contiguous slice from a single row; this should take about 10ms for a completely cold read. For the first type of query, you would simply be running several of the per-sensor queries in parallel. Assuming you store a basic map of users to sensor IDs, you would lookup all of the sensor IDs for a user with one query, and then your second query would fetch the data for all of those sensors (although you might break up this query if the number of sensors is high).
Hive and HDFS don't really make sense when you're talking about real-time queries, as they're more suited for long-running batch jobs.
