Send GPO to non-domain Windows 10 - windows-10

I need to have the same base Group Policy settings on multiple non-domain Windows 10 systems. If the computer is joined to a domain, I would like those settings to form the base policy over which the Domain GPOs are placed. I can create a GPO in Server 2016, but how do I get the non-domain system to use it?
Alternatively, is there a better way to do this?
For reference, this needs to be done to many computers, each of which will be delivered to a different customer. The customer will have the ability to join it to their Domain if they wish.

I've been digging some more, and I believe I have found a solution. It will require additional testing to verify that this will work for me, but it looks good so far.
V2.0 Prerelease
While these tools can't work from a Server GPO, they allow a local policy on a computer to be exported, then imported into another system.
These tools are the replacement for the unmaintained LocalGPO tool that ships (shipped?) with SCCM.


How to offer a C++ Windows software as a service

We (ISV) are currently planning to offer our software on a rental/subscription basis as a service.
It's a native Windows (C++ / .NET) B2B application.
Our software needs access to the file system (drives) on the customers computer and it also needs access to the network (e.g. be able to find other computers in the network).
We want to offer our customers a service where they do not have to bother themselves with setup/updates and always work with the newest version of our software. So we need a single point of maintenance.
In the first phase we do not expect a lot of our customers (let's say 20) to change to this model, so it would not be a problem to have to set them up and manage them manually, but in the long run a solution that allows an automated set/sign up process would be required.
What I found most promising was Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp with VM hosted Apps and personal vDisks, but it seems that the Citrix solution is not able to get access to the network on the client PC (I tried it with the trial in the Azure Marketplace). Also it seems to be high priced.
What would be other possible ways to meet these requirements?
Unless you can make some significant architectural changes to eliminate the need to access the local filesystem and and eliminate the need to do local network browsing, I would recommend focusing on optimizing your local installation and update process. And skip the virtualization/service idea "for now".
You can still go to subscription model with a locally installed application. Just require your application to "phone home" to check its licensing/subscription status on startup.

bitrock installBuilder issues

I have recently been tasked with finding a suitable installShield replacement and I am leaning towards InstallBuilder over Install4J and InstallAnywhere. Has anyone come across any issues with creating installers that installBuilder has been unable to handle? For example very strict security on the client machine.
*Comment added for additional clarity
For instance a system that has all accounts disabled sans the admin account with a very unique domain policy for instance, the inability to write files to the temp directory. Also how extensible is your product, from playing around with it I notice it is purely xml so is there anyway to write some extensions to the core?
this is Daniel from BitRock. Our installers do not need admin privileges in any platform (unless you explicitly require them) and can install as regular users. If you need to check permissions in the filesystem, registry, etc. from within the installer to see what is available, there is code to do that as well. I am not sure if the above answered your question. Can you provide more details about what you mean with restricted security in the client side? We take great pride in our level of support, and we encourage you to contact our support team with any questions or suggestions you may have, just to see by yourself.
You should also take a look at InstallJammer just for comparison. It's a lot more open than most of the ones you mention and gives you the ability do practically anything from within your installer.

Secure version control

I would like to have your opinion about the subject "version control",
but focusing on security.
Some common features:
allowing to access to source code using clients only
(no way to access the source code on the server directly)
granting permission to access only the
source code which I am allowed to modify (i.e.: a developer should be able
to access the source code related to his project only).
So it should be possible to create user groups and granting different
levels of access.
tracking modifications, check-ins, and check-outs and the
developers who made them...
...and, surely, I am forgetting something.
Which are the most "paranoid" version control systems that you know?
Which features do they implement?
My aim is creating an enviroment for developing applications managing sensible data: credit cards, passwords, and so on...
A malicious developer may insert backdoor or intentionally alter some security features. So the access to the source code should be controlled strictly.
I must confess that my knowledge of version control systems is poor, so, I fear, customizing SVN could be a hard task for me.
Perforce is widely used in the Finance Industry where security of code is sometimes an issue.
You can setup gatekeepers and access controls to restrict visibility of code and produce audit trails for various activities for SOX compliance.
I know that the ones you want are not the ones you want. For example, Clearcase or Serena Dimensions can do all the above... but you'd be bonkers to want to use them. (ah, I hear you say, I'm the admin so I don;t have to take that pain. Well, these also require lots of care and attention - we had 8 Clearcase admins at the last company I worked for. You don't want the nightmare of continually helping users with them).
So. You can have the horrible ones, or you could just use the friendly, easy-to-use SVN and implement your own checkout-tracking (using http transport and Apache logs), and slap access control permissions on every directory. You'd also have to secure the end-repository on disc, but you have to do this with every SCM, even something like Dimensions stores its database in Oracle - if you had access to Oracle instance, you could fiddle with the saved bits, so you have to secure that anyway.
Perforce has those features and is a really good product imho.
Use a well-known, industry standard system like subversion. It can control access to individual projects very simply, and using the web server authz configuration can control individual access to specific files in each project.
The only non-stanard issue is logging check-outs. But the web server can easily log this information for you.
Your users will thank you.
github is a wrapper for git which provides these features for git server. Compared to raw git servers, it notably includes access control, and it also has useful web interfaces to the code for authorised users.

What kinds of authentication options are there for websites and web applications?

Even though there are many good CMS tools out there, I've decided to roll my own tools for my website to get some hands on experience. The only thing that is currently eluding me is how to add authentication to secure the administrative tools.
I'm the only one who will be using the administrative tools, so I don't need something as complex as a full-blown log-in and registration system. However, I also don't want to rely on security-through-obscurity and use random page names and such to hide the tools.
What are my options?
OpenID is probably your best bet.
To utilize it for one person as you suggest, just check the username that is authenticated. Yeah, that would amount to hardcoding, but if we're creating a system with only one valid login name, there's no need for anything more complicated.
But creating the alternative shouldn't be that bad. You could also just create a table of roles, and do a query against that table to see if the currently logged in user is an admin. If you want to be fancier later, you can later add different users and roles.
How the users and roles get into the table is up to you.
1) Simply use "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" see Wikipedia for an idea and the related RFC for details.
2) Enable SSL to ensure your cleartext password is encrypted.
SSL is quite standard on web servers. You can even self-sign your certificate.
This will depend in part on what platform will be used by you and your web host. A given platform will likely offer one set of choices that will be easier to access than others.
For instance, ASP.NET running inside of IIS offers Forms, Basic and Windows (NTLM) authentication, as well as certificate-based authentication with the ability to map client certificates to Windows users.
You could certainly implement another authorization schema in an ASP.NET application, and many do. But there happen to be this set of out of the box authentication schemes that you would not have to implement if this were your platform. I expect this is true of any other platform, including the Linux-based platforms.
Be sure to find out what's available out of the box, and what can easily be added, before writing your own.

How does your company do "Enterprise" Password Management?

We've talked about personal password management here but how do you guys manage your passwords at a company wide level?
I thought I'd report back after my week of searching...
I've settled on PassPack I've been using it for a few days now for my personal passwords and I'm a total fanboy.
They use the Host-Proof Hosting pattern so the only one that can access your stuff is you and if you forget your password they can't help you.
They have some nice Offline apps written with Adobe AIR and Google Gears.
But, best of all, they fit my "enterprise" requirement because an upcoming release will support sharing within a trusted group.
Plus, I learned about The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks in their forum.
We have managed to plan our company applications so they are mainly web based and open source or in-house developed. This then allowed us to use LDAP to hook into active directory for logging into our intranet. From there we modified the logins into various products we use (MediaWiki, Wordpress, SugarCRM etc.) so that if the user is authenticated in the intranet, they are automatically logged into these other products as well.
This has taken some time setting up the process and creating a script to set all the appropriate user details in each system when someone joins the company, however now we have a situation where everyone only has to remember one password, removing the need for managing a growing list of passwords.
Obviously this may not be viable in many companies, but now that we have it setup it was worth the effort.
We use Password Agent:
It stores everything from PC admin logins to website logins and product keys for products we all use.
We use Active Directory to store user credentials, and developed custom library for Desktop and Web
We are using KeePass application with success.
We create file per project and/or per business domain.
We share the password to appropriate KeePass file between people who should have access.
It's not the best solution. We also have Cyber-Ark software installed corporate-wide, but due to some strange configuration rules it does not work for us as good as the previous solution. It might be also related to the fact that we have an old version.
We maintain an in-house Lotus Notes database that stores absolutely everything from passwords to server change records. It is big, cumbersome, takes an age to load, and is generally not, uh, nice.
No, this is not a sane way to do it. :-|
Obviously I'm biased because I work there, but we use Enterprise Random Password Manager from Lieberman Software. Yes, we do actually dogfood our own tool in our own network. It has some nice features, like web accessibility with delegation, scheduled operation with retry, propagation to other things using accounts (services, COM+ apps, etc.), system/account discovery, Linux/Unix account management, etc.
I'm sure a salesperson could give a better pitch, but that I am not. I'd encourage you to check it out. :)
For passwords related to my work, I store them in a plain unencrypted passwords.txt file in my user storage area on the main company file server. Normally, other people in the company can't read files in my user storage area, so there is little risk of exposure. However, if something were to happen to me, then all my passwords for company related activities would be trivially available to others inside the company - just ask MIS.
This is a very different security model than what I use for my personal passwords, of course.
Just a heads up: Microsoft have a product managing credentials/passwords/identity across varied systems: Identity Lifecycle Manager
Secret Server is something that grew from an internal need (within our software company) to a viable product that is now used all over the world. It is web-based and allows you to store passwords and then securely share them with other users and groups (even AD users and groups). It is also able to actively reach out and change passwords on automatic schedules, even handling associated dependencies such as Windows Services for service accounts.
Enterprise Password Management (free 30 day trial).
Use Apache Directory Server, which is an LDAP-standard implementation.
You can manage the directory database using Apache Directory Studio so it's quite user friendly (or at least, admin-friendly).
Then you can hook the directory programmatically to any application that requires access to the credentials, LDAP client libraries are widely available on popular programming platforms such as Java, C++, PHP, Ruby, etc.
My business friend adviced me to check out Passwork ( They use self-hosted version on own servers, i found out that Passwork also has SaaS.
So i and my colleagues store our company passwords in Passwork.
We had tried another enterprise pw managers before but weren't able to trust them.
We had a look at a product that had these features:
Can give access privleges to password using roles.
Handles delegation.
Logs access to passwords.
Can Randomize passwords.
Can automatically re-randomize a password X days after access to it.
Unfortunately, I can't couldn't it's name when I posted this... It was "Secret Server"
