Computed verilog parameter in Yosys - verilog

I am learning Verilog at the moment by using Yosys to synthesize code to an iCE40 development board. I am stuck at using parameters in verilog. I have the following code:
module tst;
parameter clkspd=12000000;
parameter baudrate=115200;
localparam bitperiod=$floor(clkspd/baudrate-0.5);
localparam bittmrwidth=$clog2(bitperiod);
//localparam bittmrwidth=$clog2(103);
initial begin
$display("Hello World!");
When I compile the code with :
yosys -p 'synth_ice40 -top tst -blif tst.blif' tst.v
I get an error:
ERROR: Failed to evaluate system function `\$clog2' with non-constant value at tst.v:5.
However if I use the commented out line, everything work as expected.
How can I calculate "bittmrwidth" with the given parameters ?

I don't have yosys installed, but when I run your code on another simulator, I get this error:
System function call $clog2 must have an integral argument.
This is consistent with the IEEE Std 1800-2012, section 20.8.1 Integer math functions, which states for $clog2:
The argument can be an integer or an arbitrary sized vector value.
The $floor function returns a real result type, according to section 20.8.2 Real math functions. Simply cast the $floor output to an integer type with $rtoi. The following code runs without errors for me:
module tst;
parameter clkspd=12000000;
parameter baudrate=115200;
localparam bitperiod = $rtoi($floor(clkspd/baudrate-0.5));
localparam bittmrwidth=$clog2(bitperiod);
initial begin
$display("Hello World!");
Hello World!
width= 7
My original code used a cast operator, but apparently yosys does not yet support it, according to the Comment below. Here was my original line:
localparam bitperiod = int'($floor(clkspd/baudrate-0.5));


Passing parameters to a Verilog function

I want to pass a parameter to a function and use it as a parameter (e.g. to select bits) but I don't know how to tell the function that this input is a constant.
For example, if I wanted to do this:
assign foo = bar[MY_PARAM:0];
I want to write my_function so that I could do this:
assign foo = my_function(bar, MY_PARAM);
In my case I need to do a little more that just select bits but not too much, and I'll want it to work for inputs of different bit widths.
If I just wanted to select a bit I could use the function below and I'd hope for a solution of similar form but I can't work out the syntax:
function my_function;
input [3:0] data, my_bit;
my_function = data[my_bit];
As per Silicon1602's answer, the code I'd need for this would be:
virtual class myClass#(parameter LOCAL_PARAM);
static function [LOCAL_PARAM:0] my_function;
input [LOCAL_PARAM:0] data;
my_function = data[LOCAL_PARAM:0];
assign foo = myClass#(MY_PARAM)::my_function(bar);
At first I forgot about the [LOCAL_PARAM] part and was just getting 1-bit back.
The SystemVerilog LRM has a section on your particular case: 13.8 Parameterized tasks and functions. It says:
SystemVerilog provides a way to create parameterized tasks and functions, also known as parameterized subroutines. [...] The way to implement parameterized subroutines is through the use of static methods in parameterized classes (see 8.10 and 8.25).
In your case, you should declare your function like this:
virtual class myClass#(parameter MY_PARAM);
static function my_function;
input [MY_PARAM-1:0] data, my_bit;
my_function = data[my_bit];
You could then call your function like this:
assign my_function_output = myClass#(MY_PARAM)::my_function(data, my_bit);
Please note that you may declare multiple functions in your abstract class. So, if you have a whole bunch of functions which all depend on a parameter in the same way, you could all declare them in the same class.
Some additional information on the virtual and static keyword in the aforementioned context:
Section 8.10 of the LRM talks about static methods.
A static method is subject to all the class scoping and access rules, but behaves like a regular subroutine that can be called outside the class, even with no class instantiation. A static method has no access to non-static members (class properties or methods), but it can directly access static class properties or call static methods of the same class.
By using the virtual keyword for the class declaration, you show the compiler that this is an abstract class (see Section 8.21 in the LRM). Creating an object of a virtual class causes a compilation error. This enforces strict static usage of the method.
Since the question was also tagged as 'verilog', a similar trick could be played in a simple verilog. You can use parameterized modules to achieve the same effect. For example:
module util#(
parameter int W = 10)();
function funct;
input [W-1:0] inp;
funct = inp;
module top(out, in);
parameter W = 8;
output wire [W-1:0] out;
input wire [W-1:0] in;
util#(W) u1(); // inst util module with a parameter
assign out = u1.funct(in); // call the function
initial #1 $finish;
By default, all functions declared within a module are static.
You can use macro expansion to achieve this. I wanted a function that would check different test stimulus. The simulation arrays of 'bus' signals (or multi-bit values) and this was my 'parameter'.
function my_function_``LOCAL_PARAM``; \
input [LOCAL_PARAM:0] data, my_bit; \
begin \
my_function_``LOCAL_PARAM`` = data[my_bit]; \
end \
endfunction \
my_function_10 (data_ten, my_bit); // Really my_bit is size $clog of LOCAL_PARAM.
Like Serge's answer, this works with Verilog (2001). Also, you can use tasks and then the entire module net is available. The macro call is equivalent the module instantiation with a parameter. It is basically like the elaboration phase.
Probably the module solution has more valid syntax and constructs. However, a macro of a function can achieve a similar result for simulation and could be suitable for some synthesis cases.

Giving inputs to error checking module from PRBS generator in verilog

I have written codes for pattern generator module and error checker module in verilog.
Pattern generator module generates PRBS-7.
The error checker module takes sequences of two 8 bit sequences and tells me the BER( I have verified that through testbench).
But i am facing trouble in giving inputs to error checker module from pattern generator module. How to do that ?
PRBS Generator
Error checking Module
You have to make a test-bench that contains both modules and connect them up.
To generate artificial errors you have to change one or more bits in the connection between the generator and the checker:
wire [7:0] prbs_out,checker_in;
reg [7:0] make_error;
assign checker_in = prbs_out ^ make_error;
As long as make_error is all zeros the bits pass unchanged. If you have a test loop you can occasionally make an error using the $random function:
... // Your major test loop
// 1 in 16 times there is an error
if (($random & 32'h0F)==0)
make_error = 8'h01;
make_error = 8'h00;
Once that is working you then can start playing with the error vector:
// On average 1 in 16 times there is an error
if (($random & 32'h0F)==0)
make_error = $random & 32'h00FF;
make_error = 8'h00;
Note that the above introduces more then one error bit which may pass undetected in some cases.

Verilog bit shift by constant, how is it implemented?

I have a line of code like
parameter [8:0] param1=8'd05, param2 = 8'd20;
A <= cond ? (1 << param1) : (1 << param2);
Will the compiler recognize 1 << param is a constant and replace that expression with a constant or will it try to implement some sort of bit shifter?
Parameters are evaluated at compile time and must be constants.
From IEEE Std 1364-2001:
3.11 Parameters Verilog HDL parameters do not belong to either the variable or the net group. Parameters are not variables, they are
So it is really up to the Synthesis tool how it will decide to implement a shift by that constant, but any reasonable implementation will simply select the correct wires out of the vector.
In addition, since your examples are constants shifted by a constant, the whole expression reduces to a constant and the code will be equivalent to:
A <= cond ? 32'h20 : 32'h100000;

Why is "gen_srl16" used in a standard "SRL16E" instantiation?

I've got this code snip. It's a standard instantiation, but why is gen_srl16 used? I always thought SRL16E srl16e (... should be enough.
genvar i;
for (i=0;i<WIDTH;i=i+1)
begin :
SRL16E srl16e(
.CE(write),.CLK(clk),.D(datain[i])); // CE -clock enable
In this situation gen_srl16 is just a name of a generate for-loop. It has nothing to do with submodule instantiation.
Following Verilog spec (IEEE Std 1800-2012, ch. 27.4):
Generate blocks in loop generate constructs can be named or unnamed (...) If the generate block is named, it is a declaration of an array of generate block instances. The index values in this array are the values assumed by the genvar during elaboration. This can be a sparse array because the genvar values do not have to form a contiguous range of integers. The array is considered to be declared even if the loop generate scheme resulted in no instances of the generate block.

Verilog net to reg assignment

I have an input port from_LS(511:0). This is declared as wire in my module. I am assigning this to a set of 32 registers ilb(0:31), each of which are 1 nits long. I was trying to use the for loop to do this.
integer i;
genvar j;
count1 = 0;
a=(hmic_ctrl[1]) + (hmic_ctrl[2]*2) + (hmic_ctrl[3]*4);
//assigning data from LS to ilb
for (i=0;i<=31;i=i+1)
ilb[i]=from_LS[511-(16*i) : 511-(16*(i-1))];
ilb[0]= from_LS[511:496];
ilb[1]= from_LS[495:480];
ilb[2]= from_LS[479:464];
ilb[3]= from_LS[463:448];
ilb[4]= from_LS[447:432];
ilb[5]= from_LS[431:416];
ilb[6]= from_LS[415:400];
ilb[7]= from_LS[399:384];
ilb[8]= from_LS[383:368];
ilb[9]= from_LS[367:352];
ilb[10]= from_LS[351:336];
ilb[11]= from_LS[335:320];
ilb[12]= from_LS[319:304];
ilb[13]= from_LS[303:288];
ilb[14]= from_LS[287:272];
ilb[15]= from_LS[271:256];
ilb[16]= from_LS[255:240];
ilb[17]= from_LS[239:224];
ilb[18]= from_LS[223:208];
ilb[19]= from_LS[207:192];
ilb[20]= from_LS[191:176];
ilb[21]= from_LS[175:160];
ilb[22]= from_LS[159:144];
ilb[23]= from_LS[143:128];
ilb[24]= from_LS[127:112];
ilb[25]= from_LS[111:96];
ilb[26]= from_LS[95:80];
ilb[27]= from_LS[79:64];
ilb[28]= from_LS[63:48];
ilb[29]= from_LS[47:32];
ilb[30]= from_LS[31:16];
ilb[31]= from_LS[15:0];
I was getting the error that I should not use a variable index. The error is :
# ** Error: C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.0/examples/COMP ARC/inst_line_buf.v(55): Range must be bounded by constant expressions.
So i wrote down the following:
ilb[0]= from_LS[511:496];
ilb[1]= from_LS[495:480];
ilb[2]= from_LS[479:464];
ilb[31]= from_LS[15:0];
But i guess there must be a better way to do this. Could anyone tell me how?
The orginal verilog doesnt allow this kind of expression as it wanted to assure that the width is always right (it is, but in earlier times compilers werent as good :-).
Verilog 2001 offers some solution with +: you can specify the width
e.g. from_LS[ 511-(16*i) +:16 ] in your loop.
EDIT: Another solution would be to put another loop inside, which copies 16 bits bit by bit.
You should include more code (at least up to the always block containing that loop for the sensitivity list) and the exact error you're getting.
Does it work if you change integer i to genvar i and wrap the for in generate and endgenerate?
