Detecting the start and end of dialog sections in prose - nlp

I have looked through a lot of the open source NLP tools (OpenNLP primarily) and I do not see anything which automates the task of detecting the start and end of dialog.
The sentence detection tools find the boundaries of the full sentence. The tokenizers accurately tokenize the punctuation, but still don't detect start and end. I've read many scholarly articles (such as) where dialog detection is assumed. But I don't see any tools which automate this as general purpose dialog detection.
For instance, text like this:
"I am happy," she said.
Should have "I am happy," defined as dialog. Text like this:
"This is a really long piece of dialog spoken by a character.
"That spans across multiple paragraphs."
Should have the whole thing identified as dialog (even though the end of the first paragraph is missing the closing quotation mark). Also there are weirder ways of specifying dialog. Such as with dashes:
They were walking when Joe spoke up.
--I really like walking.
Plus, often internal dialog will be denoted with italics, such as:
Joe walked down the street. *I really hope I don't get hit by a bus.*
Is there an NLP tool that can detect dialog sections like this? Or a way to do this with OpenNLP that I just missed?

I'm not aware of any tool that does this, out of the box, domain-independent. Probably for specific domains you could either train something. In a call transcript for example, it's quite likely that you have an A-B-A-B (etc.) structure, where two people take turns in talking. But when more people are involved in a dialog, things get a lot more complicated. Also, whether you can do this with orthographic features (like single/double quotes) or not, also depends on whether the people who constructed your text/corpus bothered to do this in a neat and consistent way or not.
I recently stumbled upon a tool that does discourse parsing:
This provides you with something called a rhetorical structure tree, which is a representation of the input document that clarifies which sentence has which relation to another sentence. I haven't tried it for dialogs and have no idea about performance there. But it is/relies on a somewhat more semantically aware way of cutting up texts in pieces. Maybe that could help you. The tool is not as user-friendly as the corenlp/opennlp bunch though, and it requires (at least it did for me) quite some fiddling around to get up and running.
Anyway; probably (way) too much information, short answer; as far as I know, there is no easy to implement and use tool for this.

After some searching, it looks like the Stanford NLP tools have a "QuoteAnnotator" that is exactly what I am looking for.


How does someone even begin to code something like this? What are the ideas/thoughts behind this?

I recently came across this website on and it totally blew my mind. How does someone begin to program something like that smokey/fluid effect? Another thing that I can't even begin to conceptualize is a visualizer for a music program.
I only have two years of programming experience on my back but I believe I can see (well, at least I think I can) the vague ideas behind code that goes into various programs and what those programs require. However, programs that create abstract visual renderings (for lack of better words), such as the site I linked to or visualizers, completely baffle me when I try to think of how something like that is done.
For an answer, I'm looking for a pretty high level definition of the program, but low enough that it includes coding concepts and ideas that I can further research.
Because this question isn't exactly as 'concrete' as some of the other questions on this site, an appropriate answer might include:
Thought process of the coder (what you imagine is happening in abstract visual code/high level definition of the code)
Source code
Links to content that explains topics similar to this
However, these are just guidelines to the type of answer I'm looking for. Just keep in mind, I am not interested in that site alone, but more of the coding ideas and concepts behind the abstract visual programs. I hope I made sense of what I am confused/interested in. I will gladly clarify if anyone has questions on what I am asking. Thank you in advance for your replies!
Edit: To further define the ideas that I am interested in, here is an article on an interesting visual rendering:
For the example, I would start like that:
Create some JavaScript function that makes characters follow the mouse. It could be for example a simple shape like that at first:
Once this is working, make it leave a trail and keep a reference to each characters that's been added to the screen (will be needed later)
Now make each generated character semi-random and use the previously mentioned reference to constantly update the characters on screen. The further away a character is from the mouse, the smaller it should look. i.e. characters near the mouse could be "big" like AMHIJKL, etc. characters further away could be smaller like -~=, etc. and ., etc. for the most further away.
This should already make a nice animation. After that, I think there's some function that makes everything move in a kind of wave. It seems to be based on the velocity of the mouse. Maybe there's some research paper on how to generate such an effect.
That is one amazing background.
How to start? Go to the web page and hit Ctrl+U. It's Javascript, so the source is right there. From that... study. The guy's code looks pretty clear, but of course what he's DOING is complicated so it will take some time. Time well spent, I'd think.
Higher-level things like what the guy was thinking... you'll know that after studying the code.

NLP with greatly constrained input and abilities

I don't have time to read or digest long intricate discussions on theoretical concepts around NLP (or go get my PHD). That said, I have read a few and it's a damn interesting field. The problem is I need real world solutions, for real world products, in real world time frames.
The problem I'm having is right now I'm not sure what the right questions are to ask to get started implementing. I believe this is mostly related to vocabulary. I'll read somewhere, a blog post, a forum post, a whitepaper, and it says, I'm doing flooping with the blargy blarg method, and I go google flooping and blargy blarg, and I get references to more obscurity. It seemingly never ends.
So, my question is multiphased.
First, more generally, how do I become passingly educated on this quickly? Just in time educated. I only need to know what I need to know to take the next step. I've spent 20 years writing code. Explain quick. I'll get it. (I mean provide a reference to something that explains quickly of course).
I'm happy to read the right book, but I don't want to read a book where I read the chapter introduction that explains what floopy floop is and then skip over the rest of the chapter with examples of floopy flooping (because now I get what it is). I also don't want to read a book that goes into too much detail with theoretical underpinnings or history. For example, the Jurafsky book seems like way more than I need: But I will read it if this is the right book to read. (It's also dang expensive!)
I need the root node of the expedited learning tree here, if you will. Point me in the right direction and I'll be quite grateful. I'm expecting quite a lot of firehose drinking - I just need the right firehose.
Second, what I need to do is take a single sentence, with a very reduced vocabulary, and get a grammar tree (sorry if this is the wrong terminology) that I can do something with.
I know I could easily write this command line input style in c in a more conventional manner, but I need it to be way better than that. But I don't need a chatterbot either.
What I'm doing needs to live in a constrained environment. I can't use Python (unfortunately). I can't ship with gigabytes of corpuses. I need any libraries I use to be in c/c++. If I have to write this myself, I will. Hopefully, it will be achievable considering the reduced problem set. Maybe, probably, that's just naive. If so, let me know. :-)
Parsing is a fairly hard problem. Learning to write a good parser from scratch is on the order of a masters degree.
If you wanted to build a tagger or a classifier, there are relatively straightforward algorithms that you can learn without a complete grip on all the math. Parsing for trees is another story.
To get some idea, have a look here. There's a relatively state-of-the-art parser system here, and relevant links to the data resources. If you want to build a parser for a language that doesn't have a Penn TreeBank, for example, you have a rather large data problem to solve.
It might also help if you told us what real-world problem you want to solve. There are a lot of very useful NLP things that can be done without a parser.
I've been struggling to formulate a useful response to your, ahem, existential situation here.
You'd like to extract information from free-form input typed by people, a-la Zork.
You'd heard that there's this field, NLP, in which people have had some success in 'Natural Language Processing.' You're hoping to be able to find implementations or algorithms accessible to a competent professional program without a gigantic self-education problem.
Here's a biased historical explanation of the problem. Once upon a time, there was a field called AI. As part of AI, smart people set out to try to solve the problem of understanding natural language.
The most important early discovery was this that was a very, very, very, hard problem. What happened next was the natural thing. People set out to split the big, impossible, problem into smaller, less impossible problems. Several levels of splitting ensued.
Now, many years later, some of those smaller problems have really well-understood solutions. Some of them even have open source implementations that are relatively easy for anyone to deploy. See Weka or Apache Mahout for an example. Unfortunately for you, these subproblems are not what you are looking for.
The original, really big, 'AI' problem is far from solved, and the problem you want to tackle is fairly far up the food chain.
As I understand the state of the field, the best way to tackle the problem you have set yourself does not involve parse trees. The most successful systems that have done this have used relatively simple template patterns to identify things they are interested in. Think 'regular expressions'. Think, sadly, 'hacks.' Google 'Eliza.' A major reason for this is that humans, invited to type at a system, do not type in full, grammatical sentences. They leave things out, mistype other things, and generally make it as hard as possible.
I'm sorry to be so discouraging, and I'd be very happy to read someone else's answer giving you a less pessimistic reading. On the other hand, I'd also encourage you to find an online copy of the paper entitled 'Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity.'
The Jurafsky & Martin book is the right book to read, or atleast have. It has a good index and a good bibliography and explains most of the concepts you need to know. There might also be a softcover version available which is considerably cheaper.
What you are seeking to do is often referred to as Natural Language Understanding, and solutions can run the gamut from simple pattern matching to methods that include statistical based parsing.
I guess it is important to identify how much flexibility you want to give the user in your dialogue interface. If you want to allow an open-ended, unrestricted natural language, then you will definitely need to start with Jurafsky and Martin. In particular I would read the chapters on parsing, semantics, and dialogue systems.
If the syntax and vocabulary is fairly restricted for your interface, I would suggest treating this problem more like computer language parsing. To do this I would read up on Lex and Yacc (or the GNU variants Flex and Bison) to get a feel for how you can lexicalize input and then place it into some sort of hierarchical structure. Either way, I suggest you read the wikipedia entries on Earley and CYK parsers (I would link to them, but the spam prevention won't allow me to post more than one link). It should shed some light on the basics of natural language parsing.
With either approach, there is a possibility that you will need to craft your own grammar.
A simple more, semantic looking grammar might look something like this:
Sentence := CommandSentence
CommandSentence := Command DT Object PP DT Location
CommandSentence := Command DT Object PP Receiver
Command := give
Command := place
DT := a
DT := an
DT := the
Object := pencil
Object := sword
PP := on
PP := in
Location := cave
Location := table
Receiver := Bob
Receiver := Sally
A a parse for a command like "Place the sword in the cave" would have a simple parse like this:
((Command (place))
(DT (the))
(Object (sword))
(PP (in))
(DT (the))
(Location (Cave))
You might also just try playing with a readily available parser like the Collins Parser to see if you can extract useful information from its output.
Good luck!

For what reasons do some programmers vehemently hate languages where whitespace matters (e.g. Python)? [closed]

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C++ is my first language, and as such I'm used to whitespace being ignored. However, I've been toying around with Python, and I don't find it too hard to get used to the whitespace rules. It seems, however, that a lot of programmers on the Internet can't get past the whitespace rules. From what I've seen, peoples' C++ programs tend to be formatted very consistently with respect to whitespace (or else it's pretty hard to read), so why do some people have such a problem with whitespace-based languages like Python?
It violates the Principle of Least Astonishment, because we have it ingrained in ourselves (whether for good or bad) that whitespace Does Not Matter in a programming language. Whitespace is one of those issues that has been left up to personal style.
I still have bad memories back from being a student of learning the hard way that 8 spaces is not equivalent to a tab in a Makefile... Ah, the sleep I lost...
The only valid reason I have come across is that refactoring using cut-and-paste (not copy) without refactoring tools (or syntax-aware cut-andpaste), can end up changing semantics if an easy mistake is made.
There are several different types of whitespace (spaces, tabs, weird unicode characters, carriage returns, line breaks, etc.), they aren't necessarily visually distinct, and languages and editors may treat them capriciously. This isn't an argument against well-designed whitespace semantics, but many people are against all forms of it simply because of the possibility of poor design.
People hate it because it violates common sense. Not a single one of the replies I have read here decided that it was ok to simply forgo periods and other punctuations. In fact the grammar has been very good. If the nonsense about indentation actually carrying the meaning were true we would all just forget about using punctuations entirely.
No one learned that newlines terminate a sentence in a horizontal language like English, instead we learned to infer when a sentence ended regardless of whether or not the punctuation was present or not.
The same is true for programming languages, especially for those of us who started out with a programming language that did use explicit block termination. You learn to infer where a block starts and stops over time, it does not mean that the spacing did that for you, the semantics of the language itself did.
Most literate people would have no problem understanding posts without punctuations. Having to rely on what is a representation of the absence of a character is not a good idea. Do any of you count from zero when you make your to-do list?
Alright, this is a very narrow perspective, but I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere: keeping track of white space is a hassle if you are trying to autogenerate a script.
When I first encountered Python, I don't remember the details, but I had developed a Windows tool with a GUI that allowed novice users to configure several settings, and then press OK. The output of the tool was a script, which the user could copy to a Unix machine, and then execute it there to do something or other that was too complicated or tedious for them to do manually. Since nobody maintained the generated scripts, there was no reason they needed to look nice. So, keeping track of indentation seemed like an unnecessary burden from that perspective.
For most purposes, though, I find that Python is much easier than any other language.
Perhaps your C++ background (and thus who your peers are) is clouding your perception of this (ie selective sampling) but in my experience the reaction to Python's "white space is intent" meme is anywhere from ambivalent to they absolutely love it. The reason a lot of people love it is that it forces people to format their code.
I can't say I've ever met anyone who "hates" it because hating it is much like hating the idea of well-formatted code.
Edit: let me put this in some perspective.
In the Java world there are two main methods of packaging and deploying Web apps: Ant and Maven.
Ant is basically an XML-based Make facility that has tasks for the common things you do. It's a blank slate, which is powerful, but it also means you have to write a lot of common things yourself and every installation is free to do things slightly differently. All of this is well-intentioned but can make it hard to figure out someone's Ant scripts.
Maven is far more fully features. It has archetypes, which are basically project types. Depending on which archetype(s) you use, you won't have to write any tasks to start, stop, clean, build, etc but you will have a mandated directory structure, which is quite deep.
The advantage of that is if you've seen one Maven Web app you've seen them all. You know the commands. You know the structure. That's extremely useful.
But you have people who absolutely hate Maven and I think it comes down to this: they don't like giving up control, even when it's ultimately in their interest to do so. Also, you'll find a certain brand of person who thinks that their use case is a justifiable exception. You see this personality trait a lot. For example, I think an old Joel post mentioned a story where someone wanted to use "enter" to go from the username to password form fields even though the convention was that enter executed the default action (usually "OK") so they had to write a custom dialog class for Windows for this.
Basically some people just don't like being told what to do and others are completely obstinate in their belief that they're right even when all evidence points to the contrary.
This probably explains why some supposedly hate Python's white space: they don't like being told how to format their code. They like the freedom of C/C++.
Because change is scary. And maybe, among certain developers, there are some faint memories of languages with capricious rules about whitespacing that were hard to remember and arbitrary, meant more for compiler convenience than expressiveness.
Most likely, not giving whitespace-significance a fair shake before dismissing it is the real reason. Ask someone to fix a bug in a reasonably complex but well-written Python program, then ask them to go fix a bug in a 20 year old system in C, VB or Cobol and ask them which they prefer.
As for me, I have as much trouble with whitespace in Python or Boo as I have with parentheses in Lisp. Which is to say, none.
They will have to get used to it. Initially I had a problem my self trying to read some examples but after using language for some time I started liking it.
I believe it is a habit that people has to overcome.
Some have developed habits (for example: deeply nested loops, unnecessarily large functions) that they perceive would be hard to support in a whitespace sensitive language.
Some have developed an aesthetic dislike for hanging indents.
Because they are used to languages like C and JavaScript where they can align items as they please.
When it comes to Python, you have to indent code based on its context:
def Print():
In C, you could do:
void Print()
The only complaints I (also of C++ background) have heard about Python are from people who don't like using the "Replace Tabs with Space" option in their IDE.

What is a good example to show to a non-programmer to explain what programming "looks like"? [closed]

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A friend of mine asked me the other day if I'm just looking at lists of numbers when I'm programming, or how it works. I tried to explain that it's generally more like math formulae, with the odd english word tossed in, and that it's generally mostly readable. But that's a very vague explanation, and it doesn't really explain much to a non-programmer.
But it got me to thinking about what would make a good example. Not because I want to teach her programming or anything, but simply to give her an idea of what program code "looks like".
And that got me to wonder about what would actually work as a good example. And that's turning out to be surprisingly difficult.
My first thought was obviously a simple "Hello World" program. But it really doesn't show anything useful. It doesn't really show how we use functions, or variables, or control flow structures like if or while to make a program that actually does something. There's no logic to it. The program doesn't react to anything.
So perhaps something like computing prime numbers would be a better example. But then again, that might be too theoretical and impractical... (What good is that? What does it have to do with writing "real" programs?) And again, there's no significant control flow logic in it. It's just a straight sequence of maths.
And also, which language should be used?
Ideally, I don't think it has to be a very "clean" language. But rather, it should probably make the structure clear. If it does that, then a certain amount of noise and clutter might be fine. Perhaps something like C++ would actually be a better example than Python for that reason. The explicit curly braces and type specifiers are obvious "hooks" to help explain how the program is structured, or to highlight that it's not just simple statements that can almost be read out as english.
But with C++ we also get into some downright weird syntax. Why is std::cout << x used to print out x? Why not a "normal" function call syntax? And printf isn't much better, with its arcane format string, and lack of extensibility (do I want to complicate the program by using char* for strings? Or do I use std::string and settle for calling the seemingly unnecessary s.c_str() to get a string that can be printed with printf?
Perhaps a higher level language would be better after all. But which one? And why?
I know there are plenty of similar questions here about which language/example program to use to teach programming. But I think the requirements here are different. When teaching programming, we want simplicity more than anything. We want to avoid anything that hasn't been taught yet. We want to make sure that the student can understand everything on the screen.
I'm not interested in simplicity per se. But rather in giving an "outsider" an idea of "what a program looks like". And programs aren't simple. But they do generally exhibit a certain structure and method to the madness. What language/program would best highlight that?
Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Some of you have had a somewhat different angle on it than I'd intended.
Perhaps an example is in order. I can't fly an airplane, but I've got a basic understanding of what the cockpit looks like, and what a pilot "does" while flying.
And I'm not a trained carpenter, but I know a saw or a hammer when I see one.
But when you see anything to do with programming in movies, for example, it's usually just screens filled with garbage (as in the green text in the Matrix). It doesn't look like something a normal human being can actually do. There's nothing recognizable in it. Someone who isn't a programmer simply thinks it's black magic.
I don't want to teach her to fly, or to program software.
But I'd like to give her a basic frame of reference. Just an idea of "ah, so that's what you're working with. So it's not just random symbols and numbers on the screen". Even just showing a simple if-statement would be a revelation compared to the Matrix-style random symbols and numbers.
Some of you have suggested explaining an algorithm, or using pseudocode, but that's what I want to avoid. I'd like something that simply shows what actual code looks like, in the same way that you don't have to be a carpenter to look at a saw and get a basic idea of what it is and how it works.
When I was a kid, we once went on vacation in Italy. On the way down, the pilot let me into the cockpit of the plane. Of course, I didn't learn how to fly the plane. But I did get a peek into the pilot's world. I got an idea of how they make the plane go, what the pilot actually does.
That's really all I want to do. My friend has no interest in learning programming, and I don't want to force her to understand source code. But she was curious about what kind of tools or entities I work with. Is it Matrix-style symbols scrolling across the screen? Pure mathematics? English in prose form?
All I'm interested in conveying is that very high-level understanding of "What does it look like when I work".
10 PRINT "Sara is the best"
20 GOTO 10
Update: when I was 12, my cousin (he was 14) brought Turbo Pascal 7.0 and installed it in my computer.
He programmed a tic tac toe game from scratch (in BGI mode, for those who know).
I watched/observed step by step how a program evolves until it becomes a complete application.
Until then, I knew only how to print strings in BASIC :-B
You can do a similar thing. Pair programming. Well, actually your friend will be an observer but she'll get an idea ;)
Why not consider a language that doesn't exist (or does, if you so believe) and use Pseudo Code? I think, depending upon what you want to achieve - I'd consider the example of task familiar to the person, but carved up into a pseudo code example.
I generally find the idea of "cooking" or "recipes" to be a great fit when explaining things to non-programmers.
I ask the person to imagine they had a recipe that was fairly complex - e.g. a curry & rice dish. I then suggest that they should try and write it down for someone who has absolutely no idea what they are doing, so that they can cook it.
There is a very definite few stages involved:
Gather the ingredients and tools for the job.
Prepare the ingredients. This is complex. e.g.
get 3 Small Red Peppers.
for each red pepper you have, chop it into chunks about 1cm square.
place the red pepper chunks into a bowl for later.
Seperately to this, call the prepare rice function and have this working asynchronously in the background while you continue on with the cooking.
I'm sure you can see where this is going... ;)
There are a lot of similarities with Cooking and Programming (as there are with many things, but more people have an understanding of cooking than of building a house).
There stages / similarities (as I see it) are:
Gathering: (declaration of what is required to achieve the goal and getting them together).
Preperation: Chopping the ingredients or readying the data connection objects etc for first use.
Asynchronous: The ability to have one thing going while another thing going.
Functions: The rice making, the chicken cooking and the curry cooking all require separate processes and only at the end can you have the makeCurry(chickenMeat, rice) function.
Testing: Ensure that as you are going along, you aren't missing any bits and that everything is going smoothly - e.g. ensuring chicken is cooked before you move to the next stage.
Garbage: Once you've done, you must ensure that you tidy up. ;)
Principals of Best Practice: There are efficient ways of doing things that like cooking, beginning programmers have to learn in addition to the code - sometimes it can be hard to get your head around. e.g. D.R.Y, how to chop efficiently with a knife & don't eat raw chicken ;)
Basically, I think for teaching programming as a general topic - I wouldn't necessarily teach from a language unless you had a compelling reason to do so. Instead, teach initially from the abstract until they understand at least the fundamentals of how things might fall together. Then they may find it easier when sat in front of a monitor and keyboard.
I think there may not be one "right answer" for this one. But I think maybe a few really good ideas you could maybe take bits from all of.
I would explain that programming is giving detailed instructions so the computer can make complex tasks.
How to make two cups of coffee?
Fill the kettle
Boil water
Coffee in cup
Pour on water
Add sugar
Add milk
Do 3 to 6 again
To answer your question directly - what programming “looks like”, I'd show them a print out of a large application. Toy apps or cute things like qsort in haskell really give the wrong idea.
It looks a bit like this. Sometimes.
Maybe everyone is concentrating too much on the code rather than tools. Possibly it's best to show her a project in an IDE, and how it includes various source files and maybe some diagrammatic things like a database schema or a visual user interface designer too. Visual Studio, Eclipse or Xcode are quite far away from most people's mental image of rapidly scrolling glowing green symbols on a black background.
I think you should download some big win32 application, written in AT&T assembly language, and show it to her in notepad, and tell her, "As you can see, it takes a superhuman like myself to program."
Code something that has any comprehensible value to a non-programmer. If I'd demonstrate Quicksort to my mother, it wouldn't be of any use.
Ask the person about his interests. If he/she's into stock exchange for example, hack together a script that reads some stock statistics from a appropriate web page and compiles them into an excel sheet (use csv, to avoid heavy brain-damage ^^) or maybe into a nice graph.
If the person uses Twitter, code something that counts the followers of his followers or something like that.
These tasks are simple enough to be done in a very short time and they already utilize a lot of the basic tools that we programmers use, like loops, libraries (for all the http stuff involved), maybe recursion.
After you're finished or while you're coding (even better), you can explain how your program does its magic.
Just keep it simple and talk in human language. If you show them megabytes of code and talk about things like prototypal inheritance, you just intimidate them and they will lose interest immediately.
To give my wife an idea of what I do to bring in a paycheck (It's real work! I promise! we don't just browse the web all day!) I sat down with her one evening with Python and showed her a couple of the basic concepts: calling a function (print), assigning and reading a variable, and how an if statement works. Since she's a teacher, I likened the concept of conditionals to working with preschoolers :)
IF you hit Jonny THEN you're in time out OTHERWISE you can have a snack.
After reviewing a couple of the very high level concepts, I then showed her the code to a simple number guessing game and let her play it while looking though the code.
# Guessing Game
import random
print("Guess a number between 1 and 100: ")
target = random.randint(1, 100)
guess = 0
guess_count = 1
while guess != target:
guess_count += 1
guess = int(input())
if guess == target:
if guess < target:
if guess > target:
print("Congratulations! You guessed the number in " + str(guess_count) + " guesses!")
Aside from the somewhat abstract concept of "import", this is a very straightforward example that is easy to follow and "connect" to what's happening on the screen, not to mention it actually does something interesting and interactive. I think my wife walked away from the experience a little less mystified by the whole concept without really needing to know much in the way of code.
I think the key is being able to have someone see the code AND it's end result side by side.
There was a CLI graphics package called LOGO, and best known for Turtle Graphics, used to draw shapes on screen using commands like LT 90, RT 105 etc. See if you can find that, it would be a nice experience to try and draw something of medium complexity.
LOGO - Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented programming language.
REPEAT 360 [FD 1 RT 1] -- draws a circle, etc.
See more at logothings or Wikipedia which also has links to modern logo interpreters.
The computer programmer writes programs.
While not programming, the computer programmer annoys attractive women in his workplace.
When my 5 y.o. daughter asked me the question I made her "develop" the program for a little arrow "robot" that will get him into the upper-left-corner of the board using flowchart-like pieces of paper signifying moves, turns and conditions. I think it applies to grown-ups as well.
I do not claim the invention of this answer, though.
About your edit: I'm afraid, programmers have even less idea of the idea others have about programming. ;-) People think that programming is a matrix-like green video card corruption about as much as they think that spies are all equipped with James Bond's hi tech toys. And any professional in any field is normally irritated when watching the movie concerning his job. Because the movie maker has no idea! Do we know how to properly depict programming in the movie on the other hand? ;-)
I've found that the best approach to "teach someone what programming is without teaching them programming" is actually to just drop anything related to a specific programming language.
Instead (assuming they're actually interested), I would talk them through implementing a function in a program, like a simple bank loan application (most people have had to deal with loans at some stage, if they're above a certain age), and then poking holes in all the assumptions.
Like, what should happen if the user types in a negative loan amount? What if the user cannot afford the loan? How would the loan application know that? How would the loan application know which bank account to check and which payment history to check (ie. who is the user actually)? What if the user tries to type in his name in the loan amount field? What if the user tries to take the loan over 75 years? Should we limit the choices to a list of available lengths?
And then in the end: Programming is taking all of those rules, and writing them in a language that the computer understands, so that it follows those rules to the letter. At this point, if it is felt necessary, I would pull out some simple code so that the overall language can be looked at, and then perhaps written out one of the rules in that language.
Bonus points if you can get your friend to then react with: But what if we forgot something? Well, then we have bugs, and now you know why no software program is bugfree too :)
Definitively something either with graphics, or windows, in a higher level language.
Why? A non-programmer is usually a non-matematician too, that's why he won't get the beauty of sorting. However showing something drawn on a screen ("look, a window!", "look, so little typing and we have a 3D box rotating!") can work wonders ;).
What does it look like when you work?
It looks like typing.
Seriously though, programming is kind of like if Legos were text, and to build a big Lego house, you had to type a lot of text in, just right, hooking up the right pegs with the right holes. So that is how I generally describe it.
It's really hard to understand what programming is like just from a source code example, because it is so abstract.
There is nothing wrong with starting on hello world, as long as you can show what the computer actually does with it. You can then introduce one construct at a time. That's what programming is like- Making incremental changes, and seeing the results.
So you have a hello world program. Now change it to
string Name = getLine();
printf("Hello, %s", name);
then the if construct
printf("Do you like cake?");
string answer = getLine();
if(answer == "yes") {
printf("Yeay! I like cake too!");
} else if(answer == "no") {
printf("Filthy cake hating pig!");
then demonstrate that the last program fails when it recieves an answer other than either "yes" or "no", and how you would go about fixing it....
and so on. I don't think you need to go into deep concepts like recursion, or even functions really.
It doesn't really matter what programming you use for this, as long as you're able to show, on a computer, the result of these different programs. (though these psuedocode examples are probably pretty close to being valid python)
Robotics is great for explaining programming, I think, because even simple, contrived examples are practical. The robotics equivalent of Hello World or printing a list of numbers might be having the robot move in a line or spin in a circle. It's easy for a non-programmer to understand that for a robot to do ANYTHING useful it must first move and position itself. This lets you explain simple program structure and flow control.
You want the robot to move forward, but only while there is nothing blocking its path. Then you want it to turn and move again. That's a simple routine using basic flow control, and the functions that you're calling are pretty easy to understand (if your platform has decent abstractions anyway).
Graphics might also work. Anything that has immediate results. jQuery even, because everyone is familiar with rotating pictures and web animations. Even contrived examples like pushing elements around in the DOM has an easy to see effect, and most people will understand what and why the statements in the program do.
Things like Robocode and LOGO are probably really good for this.
wait for 6/8;
play F (5), sustain it for 1/4 and a half;
play E flat (5), sustain it for 1/8;
play D flat (5), sustain it for 1/8 and a half;
play F (4), sustain it for 1/16;
// ...
Perhaps a metaphor could be that of a composer writing a musical score. The job of a composer is the intellectual activity of creating music. With a score, the composer is telling the pianist what to play, and he does it by means of precise instructions (notes, pauses and so on). If the "instructions" are not precise enough, the pianist will play something different.
The job of a software developer is the intellectual activity of solving problems (problems that have to do with automated processing of data). With source code, the developer is telling the computer what to do, and he does it by means of precise instructions. If the instructions are not precise enough, the computer will do something different and will not solve the problem correctly.
I would just write something in pseudocode that demonstrates how to use a computer to solve an everyday problem. Perhaps determining which store is cheaper to buy a particular grocery list from or some such.
Why not just show the timelapse video A Day in the Life of a Scrum Team?
A programmer writes instructions for the computer to perform.
Running the program results in the computer actually following those instructions.
An example is a cook will follow a recipe in order to bake a loaf of bread. (even if it's in their head)... that's programming. Unlike my wife, the computer follows the recipe exactly every time. My wife, does it in her head and it turns out different but delicious every time ;-)
If you want to go ahead and teach this in more detail then pseudo-code is easy to understand.
IF today's date is the 1st of may then
print to screen "Happy Birthday"
print to screen "It's not your birthday yet"
The beauty of psuedo code is nearly anyone can understand it and this is the point of it.
Want to show her what programming looks like? Just pop a terminal and
find /
Surprised this is still open, and surprised no one has already given this answer. (I think. I might have accidentally skipped one of the 40 questions that no one is going to read anyway.)
Your answer is in your question
When I was a kid, we once went on vacation in Italy. On the way down,
the pilot let me into the cockpit of the plane. Of course, I didn't
learn how to fly the plane. But I did get a peek into the pilot's
world. I got an idea of how they make the plane go, what the pilot
actually does.
That's really all I want to do.
That's all you have to do. Pick a short exercise out of a tutorial. A moderately longer GUI one could also be beneficial due to the added visuals. (Games might be pushing the length a bit.) And let her watch you code. That's it. It's the same as your pilot example.
Also there are a number of online REPLs that will make watching you code even more immediate.
I say show him bubble sort.
It's an easy, understandable trick, converted to a formal language.
That's what our job is about. Expressing our ideas in a strict, formal language, such that even a machine can understand. A little similar to designing procedures for organizational design.
Code up something quick that reads stock quotes and writes them to an excel spreadsheet. This is easy enough to do with a few minutes and impresses non technical types very quickly as they see the practical value of it.
My usual choice is to retrieve a set of customer records from a database. Using C# and LINQ in Visual Studio, it takes maybe 10 minutes at most to build a web page and dump out the "Northwind" database customers into a grid. The nice thing is that a "list of customers" is something that almost anybody can understand.
Totally depends on the level of her interest (or your level of interest in her). Most people ask that question as idle conversation, and don't really want to know.
Programming is more than algorithms (like "How to make a cup of coffee), it's also fundamentally rooted in mathematics. Most people will be quickly tripped up by the subtle use of mathematical terms (what's a "function"?).
In order to really teach programming, it may help to think back to your own first programming experiences, your first programming teacher, your first programming language. How did you learn? when you were learning, what skills did you already have fresh in your mind (i.e., calculus)? What motivated you to want to understand what a variable is or why there are three different kinds of loops?
Language-wise: Use something like python. Really high level, non-curly-bracket probably better.
Alice which was developed at Carnegie Mellon.
Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less frustrating first programming experience.
In pseudo-code:
function dealWithPerson(person){
person.tell("You shall receive no cookies!");
This demonstrates the concept of functions, object-orientation and strings, in a C-like syntax(when I say C-like syntax I refer to the weird characters).
It also shows how code can be reused.
Note that although it is pseudo-code, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some language that accepted this syntax(perhaps JavaScript allows this?).
You could also adapt this example to have loops.
Hope this helps show that person how a program looks like(since it is a realistic syntax and it is relatively easy to understand).
I have been teaching programming for many years and found out that the number of ways you need to explain things is equal to the number of students you have. But one method that works most of the time is as follows:
Present a flow chart that shown the flow of logic of a simple application
Write the instructions in full human language (e.g. English)
Abbreviate each instruction to the short-hand used in the programming language
Choose a less cryptic language like Basic or Pascal for teaching purposes
All code is simply shorthand for natural language. Written in full English most programs seem trivial.
As for a good algorithm, that is another story. It is sad to see many Computer Science courses no longer teach algorithms or brush over it.

How do people choose product names?

I flatter myself that I'm a good programmer, and can get away with graphic design. But something I'm incapable of doing is coming up with good names - and it seems neither are the people I work with. We're now in the slightly ludicrous situation that the product we've been working on for a couple of years is being installed to customers, is well received and is making money - but doesn't yet have a name.
We're too small a company to have anything like a proper marketing division to do this thing. So how have people tended to choose names, logos and branding?
When it's for something that "matters", I plop down the $50 and have the folks at help out. That also results in a name that's available as a .com.
For guidelines, here's an extract from my own guide on naming open source projects:
If the name you're thinking of is directly pulled from a scifi or fantasy source, don't bother. These sources are WAY overrepresented as naming sources in software. Not only are your chances of coming up with something original pretty small, most of the names of characters and places in scifi are trademarked and you run the risk of being sued.
If the name you're thinking of comes straight from Greek, Roman or Norse mythology, try again. We've got more than enough mail related software called variations of "Mercury".
Run your proposed name through Google. The fewer results you get the better. If you get down to no results, you're there.
Don't try to get a unique name by just slightly misspelling something. Calling your new Windows filesystem program Phat32 is just going to end up with users getting frustrated looking at the results of "fat32" in a search engine.
If your name couldn't be said on TV in the 50s or 60s, you're probably on the wrong track. This is particularly true if you would like anyone to use your product in a work environment. No one is going to recommend a product to their co-workers if they can get sued for sexual harassment just for uttering its name.
If your product name can't be pronounced at all, you'll get no word of mouth benefit at all. Similarly, if no one knows how to pronounce it, they will not be very likely to try to say it out loud to ask questions about it, etc. How do YOU say MySQL? PostgreSQL? GNU? Almost all spoken languages on Earth are based on consonant/vowel syllables of some sort. Alternating between consonants and vowels is a pretty good way to ensure that someone can pronounce it.
The shorter the better.
See if the .com domain is available. If it's not, it's a pretty good indicator that someone has already thought of it and is using it or closer to using it than you are. Do this even if you don't intend to use the domain.
Don't build inherent limitations on your product into the name. Calling your product LinProduct or WinProduct precludes you from ever releasing any sort of cross-platform edition.
Don't use your own name for open source products. If the project lives on beyond your involvement, the project will either have to be renamed or your name may be used in ways you didn't intend.
for a product, first read Positioning, the Battle for Your Mind and think really hard about what mental position you want to occupy
then find a word or two that conveys that position, and make up an acronym for it
for a (self-serving) example: my most recent product is a fine-grained application monitor for .NET applications. I want to convey the feeling of peace that you have when you know that your apps are behaving because they are continuously monitored, so 'no news' really is 'good news'. I chose CALM after a lot of false starts, and decided that it stood for Common Application Lightweight Monitor - which just also happens to be a very technically accurate description of the basic implementation
also, you might be amazed at how much 'better' users perceive an application to be when it has a name and a logo attached to it.
You should try BustaName. It basically combines words to create available domain names. You are able to choose similar words for the words that you previously entered.
Also try these links out:
Naming a company
77 ways to come up with an idea
Igor Naming Guide (PDF)
Names -- you can try yourselves or ask friends/customers about what they are thinking about when listen/use your product (I don't know correct English word for that -- if two things have something in common they are associated?).
Or, depends on what kind of product is it, ask someone with unlimited imagination -- kids are very good at it.
Logos and branding -- you need professionals.
And of course you need layer :).
I second the recommendation of the Igor naming guide. Stay away from meaningless strings of alternating vowels and consonants: altana, obito, temora, even if it seems easy and the domains are readily available. Pick something with soul and meaning. Best example: "Plan B" (also known as the morning-after pill).
