Question: what is the best, efficient and future proof way to
rehydrate an aggregate from a repository? What are the pro's and con's of the provided ways and are my perceptions correct?
Let's say we have an Aggregate Root with private setters but public getters for accessing state
Behaviour is done through methods on the aggregate root.
A repository is instructed to load an aggregate.
At the moment I see a couple of possible ways to achieve this:
set the state through reflection (manual or automatic eg.
make constructors that accept properties so state is set
load the aggregate with a state object
1) Jimmy Bogard alludes that his tool Automapper isn't meant for two-way mapping. But some people argue that we have to be pragmatic, use tools in a way it helps you.
For me, I don't like a full rehydration through reflection. Maybe Automapper ceise to exist or aggregate roots are bent in such a way the mapping can be done (see some comments of Vaughn on his article).
2) creating constructors for rehydration, with a couple of parameters so the state of the aggregate is rehydrated in a correct way.
These couple of parameters can expand (= new constructors) or the definition can change. I like this approach, except the part of having a bunch of parameters.
3) the state is a property of the aggregate root. The state is encapsulated in a new object and this object is build by the repository and is then given to the aggregate root for proper init.
Some people argue that building this state object is more work (new class, exposure of state properties on entity and aggregate root to enforce business rules), but it provides a clean way to initiliaze the state.
Say that we need event sourcing, does the loading of a state resemble in loading events? And does the state object provide a way of handling events? Is it more future proof?
I would argue that trying to future-proof too much represents a trap that many people fall into that adds undue complexity to a codebase. There is a fine balancing act between sound architectural decisions and over-architecting a solution to problem that is not guaranteed to exist.
That being said, I fully agree with what Jimmy says, in regards to AutoMapper not being intended for two-way mapping. Your domain represents the "truth" in your application, and should not be directly mutable. I have worked on projects with two-way mappings, and while they do work, there is a tendency to start treating the domain objects as nothing more than DTOs. It becomes painful when you start having read-only properties, having to reflect to do your setting - tooling or not. From a DDD perspective, we should not be allowing for outside influences to simply say what a property value should be, because it will lead to an anemic domain model over time, most likely.
Internal states do work well, but they are at the cost of additional overhead and complexity. There is a legitimate trade-off, as you mention, in that you are adding a fair amount of work. However, you can use that opportunity to allow the aggregate to validate the state against the self-contained business rules within the aggregate, prior to allowing the state to be set. That addresses the largest concern that I have with two-way mapping. You can at least enforce that a state object contains valid data and then only construct the aggregate if it is valid. It is more testable, as well. The largest problem that I have seen with this approach is that the skill level of your team will have a direct bearing on the success of this being utilized correctly. It could be argued that the complexity does not add enough value to implement domain-wide, as you will likely have aggregates that have different levels of churn. A couple of projects that I have been involved in have used this approach, and I found little advantage over straight constructor usage.
Normally, I use constructors for rehydration in most cases. It walks the line between not being overly-complex, plus it leaves responsibility for the aggregate to allow or disallow the construction of the object - again, allowing for the domain to be in control of whether the hydration attempt would result in a valid object. A good compromise to constructor bloat is the use a mutable DTO as a parameter for the constructor, essentially acting as a data structure to maintain a consistent constructor signature over time. In that essence, it is also somewhat future-proof. It takes the most attractive perk of the state object approach, which is the clean signatures, but removes the additional layer of an internal abstraction.
You mention event sourcing as a possibility down the road. State loading is not very similar to what you would be doing, at all (in my opinion). With a state object, you are snapshotting the state of the aggregate at a given point in time. With event sourcing, you will be replaying events, each of which represents the data required to mutate the state, as opposed to the state, itself. As such, your constructor will likely be a collection of events, representing a chain of deltas to mutate the state repeatedly, until it reaches the current state. When you want to hydrate your aggregate, you will supply it with the events that are related to that aggregate, and it will replay them to get to the current state. This is one of the true strengths of event sourcing, as well. You are forcing the hydration of your domain objects to go through the business logic required to create them, each time. Given a list of events, the aggregate will enforce that each state change is valid by applying the event in a consistent fashion, whether the event is being applied in real-time, or replayed to get to the current state.
Back to the future-proof aspect, as it relates to event sourcing, there is a conscious effort required when events require change. Since you have to replay an event to get to the current state, you will very likely have to deprecate events and bring up new events to transition to as your business logic changes. You may (read as "likely will") find yourself versioning events. Not only does your aggregate need to understand current state change requirements, but it also needs to understand previous state change requirements. So, if you change an event handler, you will have to ensure that it will be valid for existing events, as well. When you are adding additional data to an event, it is usually not too involved. But when you start removing data from an event signature, you instantly make that event at risk for being incompatible with earlier structures. Likewise, even changing the names of the data structures inside of an event can cause backwards compatibility issues. If you start event sourcing, you do not need to worry as much about future-proofing as you do backwards compatibility. Event sourcing is great, but be prepared for additional complexity.
I have flicked through few popular Event Sourcing frameworks written in a variety of different common languages. I have got the impression all of them affect the domain models to a really high degree. As far as I understand ES is just an infrastructure concern - a way of persisting aggregate state. Of course, it facilitates message driven inter-context integration but in core domain's point of view is negligible. I consider commands and events to be part of the domain itself so it looks perfectly fine that aggregate creates events (but not publishes them) or handles commands.
The problem is that all of DDD building blocks tend to be polluted by ES framework. Events must inherit from some base class. Aggregates at least are supposed to implement foreign interfaces. I wonder if domain models should be even aware of using ES approach within an application. In my opinion, even necessity of providing apply() methods indicates that other layer shapes our domain.
How you approach this issue in your projects?
My answer applies only when CQRS is involved (write and read models are split and they communicate using domain events).
As far as I understand ES is just an infrastructure concern - a way of persisting aggregate state
Event sourcing is indeed an infrastructure concern, a kind of repository but event-based Aggregates are not. I consider them to be an architectural style, different from the classical style.
So, the fact that an Aggregate, in reaction to an command, generates zero or more domain events that are applied onto itself in order to build its internal (private) state used to decide what events to generate in the future is just a different mode of thinking and designing an Aggregate. This is a perfect valid style, along with classical style (the one not using events but only objects) or functional programming style.
Event sourcing just means that every time a command reaches an Aggregate, its entire internal state is rebuild instead of being loaded from a flat persistence. Of course there are other huge advantages (!) but they do not affect the design of an Aggregate.
... but not publishes them ...
I like the frameworks that permit us to just return (or better yield - Aggregate's command methods are just generators!) the events.
Events must inherit from some base class
It's sad that some frameworks require that but this is not necessarily. In general, a framework needs one mean of detecting an event class. However, they can be implemented to detect an event by other means instead of using marker interfaces. For example, the client (as in YOU) could provide a filter method that rejects non-event classes.
However, there is one thing that I couldn't avoid in my framework (yes, I know, I'm guilty, I have one): the Command interface with only one method: getAggregateId.
Aggregates at least are supposed to implement foreign interfaces.
Again, like with events, this is not a necessity. A framework could be given a custom client event-applier-on-aggregates function or a convention can be used (i.e. all event-applier methods have the form applyEventClassNameOrType.
I wonder if domain models should be even aware of using ES approach within an application
Of ES not, but event-based YES, so the apply method must still exists.
As far as I understand ES is just an infrastructure concern - a way of persisting aggregate state.
No, events are really core to the domain model.
Technically, you could store diffs in a domain agnostic way. For example, you could look at an aggregate and say "here is the representation before the change, here is the representation after, we'll compute the difference and store that.
The difference between patches and events is the fact that you switch from a domain agnostic spelling to a domain specific spelling. Doing that is normally going to require being intimate with the domain model itself.
The problem is that all of DDD building blocks tend to be polluted by ES framework.
Yup, there's a lot of crap framework in the examples you find in the wild. Sturgeon's Law at work.
Thinking about the domain model from a functional perspective can help a lot. At it's core, the most general form of the model is a function that accepts current state as an input, and returns a list of events as the output.
List<Event> change(State current)
From there, if you want to save current state, you just wrap this function in something that knows how to do the fold
State current = ...
List<Event> events = change(current)
State updated = State.fold(current, events)
Similarly, you can get current state by folding over the previous history
List<Event> savedHistory = ...
State current = State.reduce(savedHistory)
List<Event> events = change(current)
State updated = State.fold(current, events)
Another way of saying the same thing; the "events" are already there in your (not event sourced) domain model -- they are just implicit. If there is business value in tracking those events, then you should replace the implementation of your domain model with one that makes those events explicit. Then you can decide which persisted representation to use independent of the domain model.
Core of my problem is that domain Event inherits from framework Event and aggregate implements some foreign interface (from framework). How to avoid this?
There are a couple of possibilities.
1) Roll your own: take a close look at the framework -- what is it really buying you? If your answer is "not much", then maybe you can do without it.
From what I've seen, the "win" of these frameworks tends to be in taking a heterogeneous collection of events and managing the routing for you. That's not nothing -- but it's a bit magic, and you might be happier having that code explicit, rather than relying on implicit framework magic
2) Suck it up: if the framework is unobtrusive, then it may be more practical to accept the tradeoffs that it imposes and live with them. To some degree, event frameworks are like object relational mappers or databases; sure, in theory you should be able to change them out freely. In practice? how often do you derive benefit from the investment in that flexibility
3) Interfaces: if you squint a little bit, you can see that your domain behaviors don't usually depend on in memory representations, but instead on the algebra of the domain itself.
For example, in the domain model, we deposit Money into an Account updating its Balance. We don't typically care whether those are integers, or longs, or floats, or JSON documents. We can satisfy the model with any implementation that satisfies the constraints of the algebra.
So you can use the framework to provide the implementation (which also happens to have all the hooks the framework needs); the behavior just interacts with the interface it defined itself.
In a strongly typed implementation, this can get really twisty. In Java, for instance, if you want the strong type checks you need to be comfortable with the magic of generics and type erasure.
The real answer to this is that DDD is overrated. It is not true that you have to have one model to rule them all. You may have different views on the state of your world, depending on your current needs. One part of the application has one view, another part - completely different view.
To put it another way, your model is not "what is", but "what happened so far". The actual data model of your application is the event stream itself. Everything else you derive from there.
In CQRS + ES and DDD, is it a good thing to have small read model in aggregate to get data from other aggregate or bounded context?
For example, in order validation (In Order aggregate), there is a business rules which validate order only if customer is not flagged. The flag information is put in read model (specific to the aggregate) via synchronous domain events.
What do you think about this ?
is it a good thing to have small read model in aggregate to get data from other aggregate or bounded context?
It's not ideal. Aggregates, due to their nature, are not good at enforcing consistency that involves state outside of themselves.
What this usually means is that the business is going to need some way to respond when two aggregates produce an unacceptable state.
You also have the option of checking for the flag before you run the placeOrder command on the aggregate. That check for the flag could be done in the command handler, or in the client -- basically, you have was of "validating" that the command should succeed before passing it to the aggregate.
That said, if it were critical to try to consult the read model while processing the command, a way to do it would be to use a "domain service"; you pass a service provider to the aggregate as part of the command, and let the interface abstract away the fact that running the query requires looking outside of the aggregate.
That gives you some of the decoupling you need to keep the aggregate testable.
It's doable, but not in the form of a read model, rather a Value Object in the Aggregate (since we're on the Write side).
If you already have a CustomerId in Order, you just have to compose a VO with it and a Flagged member.
Of course, this remains prone to all the problems of cross-aggregate communication since the data originates from Customer. Order has to be kept in sync with the flagged status of its Customer, which can require quite a bit of work.
In any case, you should probably first determine with your domain expert whether immediate consistency is an absolute requirement (in which case you have to somehow wrap Customer + Order in a transaction) or if you can afford a small delay in Flagged freshness when enforcing that invariant.
If the latter, you can choose between duplicating Flagged in the Order aggregate or the first option given by #VoiceOfUnreason - the main difference being probably that if the data is in the aggregate, you'll get it for free at the Domain level should you need it in multiple occasions, instead of duplicating the check in multiple use cases/command handlers at the application level.
I am just getting my feet wet with my first Domain-driven Design project. The project's domain model involves a bounded context that deals with collision detection of moving geometries located in a three-dimensional scene.
A central part of the business logic would be the collision detection algorithm aka the CollisionDetector. The algorithm must be configured with some parameters that influence its behaviour and performance. So it has some state attached making me think of it as an entity or rather an aggregate in the first place. Note that there is no requirement to persist this entity to the DB - all its parameter values are transient. Also note that there is only a single CollisionDetector instance present in the domain, so implementing an in-memory repository giving access to that single aggregate seems a bit overdone to me.
Summing things up we have a stateful, transient entity with a singleton nature.
So here is my question: While "normal" aggregates in DDD should always be accessed via repositories, how should I deal with such a unique entity instance?
Is it advisable to use (evil) Singleton pattern here?
Should I rather register that entity with my IOC?
Should I implement an in-memory repository to just hold that single instance?
Is it even reasonable to model it as an entity at all? (It doesn't need identity for it's unique.)
Should I refactor to make it a (stateful!) domain service instead?
Is it maybe a design smell for the domain model to have several aggregates of this type?
I've heard about Sagas. Could they be the solution to my problem?
Please let me now if you need more context to help me with this issue.
P.S. And excuse my broken english. I'm not a native speaker.
I feel I should give some further detail on CollisionDetector class and the state attached to it.
Maybe calling it transient was misleading. My intention was to point out that CollisionDetector will never be persisted to a storage. Its entire life is spent in active memory. Creation, modification and deletion are all part of its life cycle, persistence is not.
Another important quality of CollisionDetector is what I refer to as its singleton nature meaning that CollisionDetector is instanciated only once (but not necessarily using the GoF Singleton pattern). I am not sure whether the concept of identity is applicable to a singleton instance (at least there is no need for identification as there is just one), which is the only thing that keeps me from making CollisionDetector an entity/aggregate.
So let me shed some light on CollisionDetector's state as requested by #plalx, #guillaume31 and #arootbeer.
As mentioned already, there is a simple set of scalar parameter values used to tweak the algorithm to be either more accurate or faster. These parameters can be adjusted by the user at any time to fit his needs.
The CollisionDetector keeps track of the geometries and their pose inside the scene. This is achieved via Domain Events: When one of the geometries changes its pose an event handler will automatically trigger a collision test. Likewise newly detected collisions are published by the CollisionDetector via Domain Events as well. Note that not all geometries are considered to be collision candidates, the user may exclude some of them from the test. Hence the CollisionDetector holds a blacklist of geometry ids (beeing part of its state).
In order to detect collisions in realtime, the algorithm requires a preprocessing which is done in a separate initialization routine of CollisionDetector. Whenever a geometry is added to or removed from the scene, the preprocessing becomes stale and needs to be refreshed. The CollisionDetector is aware of that i.e. it knows whether a re-initialization is required or not.
Hope this helps!
Rethinking my question I must admit that it's merely academic. A pragmatic solution could be to make CollisionDetector an aggregate and just register it with the IoC container. What do you think?
The algorithm must be configured with some parameters that influence its behaviour and performance. So it has some state attached making me think of it as an entity or rather an aggregate in the first place. (emphasis mine)
I don't consider the configuration of the CollisionDetector to be its state. It is only configuration and cannot change once the CollisionDetector is instantiated, so it is something much simpler than mutable state that you typically find in entities.
As a consequence, I clearly consider the CollisionDetector a domain service. This means you should handle it as follows:
Register the CollisionDetector service in IoC. The configuration of the CollisionDetector is probably considered domain logic, so it could make sense to instantiate the CollisionDetector in a CollisionDetectorFactory. If that's the approach you take, register the factory in IoC instead. In any case, make sure the clients of the CollisionDetector don't have to know about its configuration.
By the way, don't use singletons (i.e. the GoF singleton pattern) when you work with IoC. You can always register a service as single instance, which has the same effect as the singleton pattern, but avoids its problems.
We all heard that injecting repository into aggregate is a bad idea, but almost no one tells why.
I will try to write here all disadvantages of doing this, so we can measure rightness of this statement.
First thing that comes into my head is Single Responsibility Principle.
It's true that by injecting repository into AR we are violating SRP, because retrieving and persisting of aggregate is not responsibility of aggregate itself. But it says only about "aggregate itself", not about other aggregates. So does it apply for retrieving from repository aggregates referenced by id? And what about storing them?
I used to think that aggregate shouldn't even know that there is some sort of persistence in system, because it doesn't have to exist. Aggregates can be created just for one procedure call and then get rid of.
Now when I think of it, it's not right, because aggregate root is an entity, and entity has sense only if it has some unique identity. So why would we need unique identity if not for persisting? Even if it's just a persistence in a memory. Maybe for comparing, but in my opinion it's not a main reason behind the identity.
Ok, let's assume that we retrieve and store OTHER aggregates from inside of our aggregate using injected repositories. What are other consequences beside SRP violation?
For sure there is a problem with having no control over persisting of aggregates and retrieving is some kind of lazy loading, which is bad for the same reason (no control).
Because of no control we can come into situation when we persist the same aggregate few times, where it could be persisted only once, or the same aggregate is loaded one hundred times where it could be loaded once, hence performance is worse. Also there might be problem with stale data.
These reasons practically disqualifies ability to inject repository into aggregate.
Here comes my main question - why can we inject repositories into domain service then?
Not the same reasons applies here? It's just like moving logic out of aggregate into separate function and pretend it to be something different.
To be honest, when I stared to write this SO question, I had no good answer for that. But after hours of investigating this problem and writing of this question I came to solution. Rubber duck debugging.
I'll post this question anyway for others having the same problems. Of course with my answer below.
Here are the places where I'd recommend to fetch aggregates (i.e. call Repository.Get...()), in preference order :
Application Service
Domain Service
We don't want Aggregates to fetch other Aggregates most of the time, because this blurs the lines, giving them orchestration powers which normally belong to the Application layer. You also raise the risk of the Aggregate trespassing its jurisdiction by modifying other Aggregates, which can result in contention and performance problems, not to mention that transactions become more difficult to analyze and the code base to reason about.
Domain Services are IMO a good place to fetch Aggregates when determining which aggregates to modify is domain logic per se. In your game example (which might not be the ideal context for DDD by the way), which units are affected by another unit's attack might be considered domain logic, thus you may not want to place it at the Application Service level. This rarely happens in my experience though.
Finally, Application Services are the default place where I call Repository.Get(...) for uniformity's sake and because this is the natural place to get a hold of the actors of the use case (usually only one Aggregate per transaction) and orchestrate calls to them.
That doesn't mean Aggregates should never be injected Repositories, there are exceptions, but other alternatives are almost always better.
So as I wrote in a question, I've found my answer already in the process of writing that question.
The best way to show this is by example:
When we have a simple (superficially) behavior like unit attacking other unit, we can write something like that.
Problem is that, to attack an unit, we have to calculate damage and to do that we need another aggregates, like weapon and armor, which are referenced by id inside of unit. Since we cannot inject repository inside of aggregate, then we have to move that attack_unit logic into domain service, because we can inject repository there. Now where is the difference between injecting it into domain service, and not into unit aggregate.
Answer is - there is no difference. All consequences I described in question won't bite us. In both cases we will load both units once, attacking unit weapon once and armor of unit being attacked once. Also there won't be stale data, even if we mutate weapon object during process and store it, because that weapon is retrieved and stored in one place.
Problem shows up in different example.
Lets create an use case where unit can attack all other units in game in one process.
Problem lies in how we implement it. If we will use already defined unit.attack_unit and we will call it on all units in game (iterating over them), then weapon that is used to compute damage will be retrieved from unit aggregate, number of times equal to count of units in game! But it could be retrieved only once!
It doesn't matter if unit.attack_unit will be method of unit aggregate, or if it will be domain service unit_attack_unit. It will be still the same, weapon will be loaded too many times. To fix that we simply have to change implementation and with that probably interface too.
Now at least we have an answer to question "does moving logic from aggregate method to domain service (because we want to access repository there) fixes problem?". No, it does not change a thing.
Injecting repositories into domain service can be as dangerous as injecting it into aggregate if used wrong.
This answers my SO question, but we still don't have solution to real problem.
What can we do if we have two use cases: one where unit attacks one other unit, and second where unit attacks all other units, without duplicating domain logic.
One way is to put all needed aggregates as parameters to our aggregate method.
unit.attack_unit(unit, weapon, armor)
But what if we will need like five or more aggregates there? It's not a good way. Also application logic will have to know that all these aggregates are needed for an attack, which is knowledge leak. When attack_unit implementation will change we would also might to update interface of that method. What is the purpose of encapsulation then?
So, if we can't access repository to get needed aggregate, how can we smuggle it then?
We can get rid of idea with referencing aggregates by ids, or pass all needed aggregates from application layer (which means knowledge leak).
Or maybe reason of these problems is bad modelling?
Attacking of other unit is indeed an unit responsibility, but is damage calculation its responsibility? Of course not.
Maybe we need another object, like value object MeleeAttack(weapon, armor), yet when we add more properties that can change result of an attack, like enchantments on unit, it gets more complicated.
Also I think that we are now creating objects based on performance, not our on domain.
So from domain driven design, we get performance driven design. Is that what we want? I don't think so.
"So why would we need unique identity if not for persisting?" - think of an account scenario, where several John Smiths exist in your system. Imagine John Smith and John Smith Jr (who didn't enter the Jr in signup) both live at the same address. How do you tell them apart? Imagine I'm trying to write a recommendation engine based upon their past purchases . . . .
Identity is a quality of equality in DDD. If you don't have an identity unique from your fields, then you're a ValueObject.
What are consequences of using repository inside of aggregate vs inside of domain service?
There's a reasonably strong argument that you shouldn't do either.
Riddle: when does an aggregate need to see the state of another aggregate?
The responsibility of an aggregate is to control change. Any command that would change the state of the domain model is dispatched to the aggregate root responsible for the integrity of the state in question. By definition, all of the state required to ensure that the command is currently permitted is contained within the aggregate boundary.
So there is never any need to peek at the data outside of the aggregate when making a change to the model.
In which case, you don't ever need to load another aggregate, which makes the "where" question moot.
Two clarifications:
Queries will often combine the state of multiple aggregates, and will often need to follow a reference from one aggregate to another. The principle above is satisfied because queries treat the domain model as read-only. You need the state to answer the query, but you don't need the invariant enforcement because you aren't changing anything.
Another case is when you need state from another aggregate to process a command properly, but small latency in the data is an acceptable risk to the data. In that case, you query the "other" aggregate to get state. If you were to run that query within the domain model itself, the right way to do so would be via a domain service.
In most cases, though, you'll be equally well served to run the query when generating the command (ie, in the client), or when handling the command (in the application, outside the domain). It would be very unusual for a business to consider domain service latency to be acceptable but client latency to be unacceptable.
(Disconnected clients are one case where that can be especially problematic; when the command is generated and then queued for a long period of time before being dispatched to the server).
Eric Evans talks a lot about evolving models in DDD so refactorings seem to be essential to DDD. When one has a relational persisted state of the world you can handle model changes by migrations that change the database schema.
How can I cope with model changes when using event sourcing? If there are incompatible changes to an aggregate that would prevent replay of events is there some sort of best practice? Or is it a just-don't?
If there are incompatible changes to an aggregate that would prevent replay of events
You have essentially two options in this scenario:
Patch the older events in such a way that they are made compatible and events can be replayed from the beginning. The benefit here is that you don't lose the history but the downside is that you have to expend some effort to patch the old events.
Take a snapshot/memento of the aggregate at the point of the schema change and "re-base" the event stream from this point onward. The benefit here is that you don't have to spend any effort (with event sourcing you most likely have a snapshot mechanism in place). The downside being that you lose the ability to replay events from before the snapshot.
As a general rule of thumb I'd say default to the second option unless you know for sure that you need to be able to go back and edit history before the schema change.
I have not much expierence myself. But I saw a concept called Upcasting
Originally a concept of object-oriented programming, where: "a subclass gets cast to it's superclass automatically when needed", the concept of upcasting can also be applied to event sourcing. To upcast an event means to transform it from its original structure to its new structure. Unlike OOP upcasting, event upcasting cannot be done in full automation because the structure of the new event is unknown to the old event. Manually written Upcasters have to be provided to specify how to upcast the old structure to the new structure.
You can refer to Axon's doc for more detail
Events are just DTOs. It doesn't matter how the model changes as long as you still have one object, if the event itself doesn't change. If you need to change the event, you can 'upgrade' it with the required properties. The Apply method will know what to do with it. I can't come up with something specific without knowing details.
If the model changes so much that basically now you have 2 Aggregate Roots(AR) instead of a previous one, this means you have new different aggregates which won't be using the old events. Basically you start from the old AR, create the new ones and generate the corresponding events which will be specific to those ARs. So you don't really have a compatibility problem in this case.
Working with events is not as straightforward as 'classic' OOP and RDBMS schema, but they are more flexible if you think in business terms and treat your objects as domain concepts. Changing the model means the business concept definition or usage has changed as well, so now you're dealing with a different (new as far as the persistence is concerned) concept.